Marsha Blackburn: "Save the Incandescent Lightbulb!"

For the same reason why catalytic converters are required on cars. I guess you missed that point, eh?

B'loney. Incandescent bulbs don't hurt anyone.

But this exercise is a good example of how you Proggies only feel comfortable in packs and groupthink.
They dont wastefully use a limited common commodity?

Why is it any of your business? If someone is willing to pay for their own electricity, what skin is it off your pointy nose?

Do you REALLY want to live in a society where everyone else gets a veto on your personal consumption?

Do you truly fee that it is not silly to spend more on electricity than it absolutely necessary? You would prefer to send that money to your electricity provider, money you would otherwise save for your own purposes? What person in their right mind thinks that is the rational thing to do?

What I think is TRULY SILLY is for anyone else to concern themselves with how I spend MY OWN MONEY.

Your choice of light bulb is so far down on my list of things I care to think about that it ranks only slightly higher than wanting to see you pick you nose an eat it.

True, but then, I have to breath the extra pollution that your light bulbs ultimately produce. And I don't believe that you have the right to impose on my lungs.
For the same reason why catalytic converters are required on cars. I guess you missed that point, eh?

B'loney. Incandescent bulbs don't hurt anyone.

But this exercise is a good example of how you Proggies only feel comfortable in packs and groupthink.

Which do you think generates more pollution and greenhouse gases, and has a higher lifetime total cost: A standard 60 watt incandescent light bulb, or a 20 what LED that has the output of a 60 watt light bulb and last longer? Think long and hard before you answer.

You use more energy than either light bulb choice. So how can you stand to even exist?

And you have data to support your claim, right? No? Oh dear. What now?

I know that a human being requires far more energy to exist than is used for the total energy equation of an incandescent light bulb.

So why are you allowing yourself to exist if you think that the purpose of existence is to use as little energy as possible?

So you've decided that instead of making reasonable arguments, you will go the personal attack route? Looks like you've lost the argument.
B'loney. Incandescent bulbs don't hurt anyone.

But this exercise is a good example of how you Proggies only feel comfortable in packs and groupthink.
They dont wastefully use a limited common commodity?

Why is it any of your business? If someone is willing to pay for their own electricity, what skin is it off your pointy nose?

Do you REALLY want to live in a society where everyone else gets a veto on your personal consumption?

Do you truly fee that it is not silly to spend more on electricity than it absolutely necessary? You would prefer to send that money to your electricity provider, money you would otherwise save for your own purposes? What person in their right mind thinks that is the rational thing to do?

What I think is TRULY SILLY is for anyone else to concern themselves with how I spend MY OWN MONEY.

Your choice of light bulb is so far down on my list of things I care to think about that it ranks only slightly higher than wanting to see you pick you nose an eat it.

True, but then, I have to breath the extra pollution that your light bulbs ultimately produce. And I don't believe that you have the right to impose on my lungs.

My use of incandescent bulbs (likely hundreds if not thousands of miles away from you) is far less harmful to you than your EPIC STUPIDITY is to the rational members of this board.
They dont wastefully use a limited common commodity?

Why is it any of your business? If someone is willing to pay for their own electricity, what skin is it off your pointy nose?

Do you REALLY want to live in a society where everyone else gets a veto on your personal consumption?

Do you truly fee that it is not silly to spend more on electricity than it absolutely necessary? You would prefer to send that money to your electricity provider, money you would otherwise save for your own purposes? What person in their right mind thinks that is the rational thing to do?

What I think is TRULY SILLY is for anyone else to concern themselves with how I spend MY OWN MONEY.

Your choice of light bulb is so far down on my list of things I care to think about that it ranks only slightly higher than wanting to see you pick you nose an eat it.

True, but then, I have to breath the extra pollution that your light bulbs ultimately produce. And I don't believe that you have the right to impose on my lungs.

My use of incandescent bulbs (likely hundreds if not thousands of miles away from you) is far less harmful to you than your EPIC STUPIDITY is to the rational members of this board.

How would you know? For all you know, I'm your next door neighbor. The fact is that incandescent bulbs are far more polluting and wasteful of energy by orders of magnitude than any other residential light bulb. Wasting energy and polluting the air is not a right. It isn't even a privilege. They've been mostly banned now, so get used to it.
I've been stocking up on the old incandescent bulbs whenever I can; solely because these new ones cost way too damn much. $15 for a LED indoor floodlamp? I don't think so, folks. No way in hell I'm paying that sort of money for a lightbulb that I bought for $1.85 a year ago (different fixture).

Job Lot has them for about $2.
CFL's last 8,000 - 15,000 hours. Incandescent's last 750 - 1,000 hours.

So what? With the stock I've been building up I hopefully won't have to buy another light bulb for 4-5 years. At that point I'll have to see what's available on the market. Until then I'll keep stockpiling the incandescent bulbs when I can find them.

Will you put them next to your horde of manual typewriters, disco 8-tracks, and Beta VCR's?
I say we arrest the people who sell 7 year CFLs. Because they cost three times as much as an incandescent bulb and last half as long. You are lucky if they last 7 months, never mind 7 years.

You have wiring problems or you are lying. Which is it?
which bulbs are those? LEDs? high-efficiency halogens?
or are you worried about the CFL, the ones that save much more than a penny a month, are recyclable, and only contain about 5mg of Hg?

You're so full of shit, Comrade.

LED is significantly more efficient than CFL, is not hazardous, lasts 20 to 30 times longer (officially 6 to 8, but CFL lies*) and are now about $10 a bulb, so cheaper to deploy.

Standard Disclaimer: I said CFL lies. The claims that a CFL will last 10,000 hours is a lie - sort of. If you turn on a CFL and leave it on, you will indeed get about 10,000 hours out of it. But CFL is florescent, and like ALL florescent uses a ballast. You can turn the bulb on about 400 times before the ballast fails, In normal use, 800 to 1000 hours is all you get from a CFL - which is actually LESS than incandescent.

Bullshit. I have been using CFL's for a long time (basically, since they came out)...and in ten plus years, I replaced TWO. One of those had been on 8-14 hours a day, 365 days a year for NINE YEARS, which is more than 3000 on-off cycles. (I had been replacing regular bulbs-actually, long-life bulbs-every 6-8 months.) I had to replace another one idea how old it was, though from its appearance, it was 5+ years old.
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Do you live in a cave? The feds have had a rolling ban of Incandescent bulbs going on for the past few years. They started on the 100 and 75 watt ones, and then hit the 60 and 40 watts last year.
Do you live in a cave? Only traditional inefficient incandescent bulbs have been banned, new high efficiency incandescent bulbs as well as rough service incandescent bulbs are available in all wattages.

The Right are the most ignorant boobs on the Earth!

buy 100w incandescent bulb - Google Search

New "high efficiency" halogens cost 4-5x as much as regular bulbs, and often more than CFL's. Rough Service bulbs give off less light for the same power use. (I use them in my drop lights.)
Do you live in a cave? The feds have had a rolling ban of Incandescent bulbs going on for the past few years. They started on the 100 and 75 watt ones, and then hit the 60 and 40 watts last year.
Do you live in a cave? Only traditional inefficient incandescent bulbs have been banned, new high efficiency incandescent bulbs as well as rough service incandescent bulbs are available in all wattages.

The Right are the most ignorant boobs on the Earth!

buy 100w incandescent bulb - Google Search
This is NOT an issue of right or left moron. Safety and the toxic brain child of backward thinking politics as a whole. The "ignorant boobs" as you put it are the idiots willing to save today and pass the costs and dangers on to another generation tomorrow.
What exactly is the danger in a more efficient incandescent bulb?

Mostly, the higher cost! Again: they cost 4-5x as much as regular bulbs, and usually MORE than a CFL.
Do you live in a cave? The feds have had a rolling ban of Incandescent bulbs going on for the past few years. They started on the 100 and 75 watt ones, and then hit the 60 and 40 watts last year.
Do you live in a cave? Only traditional inefficient incandescent bulbs have been banned, new high efficiency incandescent bulbs as well as rough service incandescent bulbs are available in all wattages.

The Right are the most ignorant boobs on the Earth!

buy 100w incandescent bulb - Google Search

They aren't the same. They don't have the quality of light that the old ones did - and they are far more expensive. The latter is precisely why regulations were put in place to benefit the companies that make light bulbs. Old incandescent bulbs were a cheap commodity, and are now replaced by more expensive specialty bulbs. Once the new ones become commoditized, the regs will change to get rid of them and require consumers to purchase a more expensive solution.

This is exactly how the Prog-Big Government-Crony system works.

The HE incandescents have a much whiter light...that has been true of halogen lights as long as I can remember.
Do you live in a cave? The feds have had a rolling ban of Incandescent bulbs going on for the past few years. They started on the 100 and 75 watt ones, and then hit the 60 and 40 watts last year.
Do you live in a cave? Only traditional inefficient incandescent bulbs have been banned, new high efficiency incandescent bulbs as well as rough service incandescent bulbs are available in all wattages.

The Right are the most ignorant boobs on the Earth!

buy 100w incandescent bulb - Google Search

They aren't the same. They don't have the quality of light that the old ones did - and they are far more expensive. The latter is precisely why regulations were put in place to benefit the companies that make light bulbs. Old incandescent bulbs were a cheap commodity, and are now replaced by more expensive specialty bulbs. Once the new ones become commoditized, the regs will change to get rid of them and require consumers to purchase a more expensive solution.

This is exactly how the Prog-Big Government-Crony system works.
The new incandescent bulbs have the exact same quality and variety of light, only they last much longer and use less energy making them far less expensive to use over their lifetime.

100 Watt Light Bulb - 10 000 Hour - 130 Volt

An excellent all-purpose bulb, this 100 watt standard shape light bulb is a low-priced option for home and business lighting. The PLT 81550 bulb is equipped with a heavy-duty 130 volt filament, allowing it to last longer when operated at 120 volts. With an amazing 10,000 hour life, this bulb will outlast almost all bulbs of its kind.
1 - 23
$0.87 ea

24 +
$0.70 ea

Looks like a traffic signal bulb...which means it will run BLAZING hot. It will give a light that it either a sickly yellow or harsh and glary. (Or both.) Most likely, it cannot be used in base-up configuration.
I tried to find out how much the first incandescent bulbs cost, but couldn't. I did find that the filament, made of cotton, lasted 14.5 hours.
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?

Most incandescent light bulbs will disappear, but its under a law that Bush, Jr. signed.

Of course, there's nothing to stop you from making your own incadescent bulbs for your own use. It never ceases to amaze me how much the so called "self sufficient" folks whine and complain when a product will no longer be available for them to purchase ready made. Truly self sufficient people can make everything they need with their hands.

Does it hurt to be this much of an ignoranus?
Will you put them next to your horde of manual typewriters, disco 8-tracks, and Beta VCR's?

I love old manual typewriters. I prefer the manual or electric typewriters to a computer keyboard and probably always will. I still do most of my writing on an electric typewriter.

I don't listen to much music or watch many movies so the BlueRay/mp3 technologies really mean nothing to me.
They dont wastefully use a limited common commodity?

Why is it any of your business? If someone is willing to pay for their own electricity, what skin is it off your pointy nose?

Do you REALLY want to live in a society where everyone else gets a veto on your personal consumption?

Do you truly fee that it is not silly to spend more on electricity than it absolutely necessary? You would prefer to send that money to your electricity provider, money you would otherwise save for your own purposes? What person in their right mind thinks that is the rational thing to do?

What I think is TRULY SILLY is for anyone else to concern themselves with how I spend MY OWN MONEY.

Your choice of light bulb is so far down on my list of things I care to think about that it ranks only slightly higher than wanting to see you pick you nose an eat it.

True, but then, I have to breath the extra pollution that your light bulbs ultimately produce. And I don't believe that you have the right to impose on my lungs.

My use of incandescent bulbs (likely hundreds if not thousands of miles away from you) is far less harmful to you than your EPIC STUPIDITY is to the rational members of this board.
so ad homs is all you got for the Politics sub-forum? :eusa_eh: :eusa_doh: You know better than that hun or you should know better than that.
Do you live in a cave? The feds have had a rolling ban of Incandescent bulbs going on for the past few years. They started on the 100 and 75 watt ones, and then hit the 60 and 40 watts last year.
Do you live in a cave? Only traditional inefficient incandescent bulbs have been banned, new high efficiency incandescent bulbs as well as rough service incandescent bulbs are available in all wattages.

The Right are the most ignorant boobs on the Earth!

buy 100w incandescent bulb - Google Search

New "high efficiency" halogens cost 4-5x as much as regular bulbs, and often more than CFL's. Rough Service bulbs give off less light for the same power use. (I use them in my drop lights.)
They are not halogens.
Do you live in a cave? The feds have had a rolling ban of Incandescent bulbs going on for the past few years. They started on the 100 and 75 watt ones, and then hit the 60 and 40 watts last year.
Do you live in a cave? Only traditional inefficient incandescent bulbs have been banned, new high efficiency incandescent bulbs as well as rough service incandescent bulbs are available in all wattages.

The Right are the most ignorant boobs on the Earth!

buy 100w incandescent bulb - Google Search
This is NOT an issue of right or left moron. Safety and the toxic brain child of backward thinking politics as a whole. The "ignorant boobs" as you put it are the idiots willing to save today and pass the costs and dangers on to another generation tomorrow.
What exactly is the danger in a more efficient incandescent bulb?

Mostly, the higher cost! Again: they cost 4-5x as much as regular bulbs, and usually MORE than a CFL.
They are more efficient and last longer so are less expensive to use.
Do you live in a cave? The feds have had a rolling ban of Incandescent bulbs going on for the past few years. They started on the 100 and 75 watt ones, and then hit the 60 and 40 watts last year.
Do you live in a cave? Only traditional inefficient incandescent bulbs have been banned, new high efficiency incandescent bulbs as well as rough service incandescent bulbs are available in all wattages.

The Right are the most ignorant boobs on the Earth!

buy 100w incandescent bulb - Google Search

They aren't the same. They don't have the quality of light that the old ones did - and they are far more expensive. The latter is precisely why regulations were put in place to benefit the companies that make light bulbs. Old incandescent bulbs were a cheap commodity, and are now replaced by more expensive specialty bulbs. Once the new ones become commoditized, the regs will change to get rid of them and require consumers to purchase a more expensive solution.

This is exactly how the Prog-Big Government-Crony system works.
The new incandescent bulbs have the exact same quality and variety of light, only they last much longer and use less energy making them far less expensive to use over their lifetime.

100 Watt Light Bulb - 10 000 Hour - 130 Volt

An excellent all-purpose bulb, this 100 watt standard shape light bulb is a low-priced option for home and business lighting. The PLT 81550 bulb is equipped with a heavy-duty 130 volt filament, allowing it to last longer when operated at 120 volts. With an amazing 10,000 hour life, this bulb will outlast almost all bulbs of its kind.
1 - 23
$0.87 ea

24 +
$0.70 ea

Looks like a traffic signal bulb...which means it will run BLAZING hot. It will give a light that it either a sickly yellow or harsh and glary. (Or both.) Most likely, it cannot be used in base-up configuration.
They come in soft white.

buy 100w incandescent bulb soft white - Google Search

The HE incandescents have a much whiter light...that has been true of halogen lights as long as I can remember.

They are not halogens.

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