Marsha Blackburn: "Save the Incandescent Lightbulb!"

Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?

so because it would save we the people money if they don't BAN these light bulbs, and FORCE us to buy $8 dollar ones instead..... that's good for a laugh to you? why is that, because they are REPUBLICAN
I bet you rolled on the floor over the democrats like Harry Reed wailing over some FOOTBALL teams name. And that would save us FROM NOTHING. Partisans just don't think or care
How does a bulb with a shorter life and higher energy consumption save you money?

Why is it any of your business?
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?

so because it would save we the people money if they don't BAN these light bulbs, and FORCE us to buy $8 dollar ones instead..... that's good for a laugh to you? why is that, because they are REPUBLICAN
I bet you rolled on the floor over the democrats like Harry Reed wailing over some FOOTBALL teams name. And that would save us FROM NOTHING. Partisans just don't think or care
How does a bulb with a shorter life and higher energy consumption save you money?

Why is it any of your business?
tragedy of the commons.
which bulbs are those? LEDs? high-efficiency halogens?
or are you worried about the CFL, the ones that save much more than a penny a month, are recyclable, and only contain about 5mg of Hg?

You're so full of shit, Comrade.

LED is significantly more efficient than CFL, is not hazardous, lasts 20 to 30 times longer (officially 6 to 8, but CFL lies*) and are now about $10 a bulb, so cheaper to deploy.

Standard Disclaimer: I said CFL lies. The claims that a CFL will last 10,000 hours is a lie - sort of. If you turn on a CFL and leave it on, you will indeed get about 10,000 hours out of it. But CFL is florescent, and like ALL florescent uses a ballast. You can turn the bulb on about 400 times before the ballast fails, In normal use, 800 to 1000 hours is all you get from a CFL - which is actually LESS than incandescent.

Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?

so because it would save we the people money if they don't BAN these light bulbs, and FORCE us to buy $8 dollar ones instead..... that's good for a laugh to you? why is that, because they are REPUBLICAN
I bet you rolled on the floor over the democrats like Harry Reed wailing over some FOOTBALL teams name. And that would save us FROM NOTHING. Partisans just don't think or care
How does a bulb with a shorter life and higher energy consumption save you money?

Why is it any of your business?
tragedy of the commons.

That is Horse Pucky.

The real tragedy is your complete and utter lack of knowledge regarding private property and income, market forces, and individual liberty.
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?

so because it would save we the people money if they don't BAN these light bulbs, and FORCE us to buy $8 dollar ones instead..... that's good for a laugh to you? why is that, because they are REPUBLICAN
I bet you rolled on the floor over the democrats like Harry Reed wailing over some FOOTBALL teams name. And that would save us FROM NOTHING. Partisans just don't think or care
How does a bulb with a shorter life and higher energy consumption save you money?

Why is it any of your business?
tragedy of the commons.

That is Horse Pucky.

The real tragedy is your complete and utter lack of knowledge regarding private property and income, market forces, and individual liberty.
Just because you dont understand it doesnt mean it's wrong.
so because it would save we the people money if they don't BAN these light bulbs, and FORCE us to buy $8 dollar ones instead..... that's good for a laugh to you? why is that, because they are REPUBLICAN
I bet you rolled on the floor over the democrats like Harry Reed wailing over some FOOTBALL teams name. And that would save us FROM NOTHING. Partisans just don't think or care
How does a bulb with a shorter life and higher energy consumption save you money?

Why is it any of your business?
tragedy of the commons.

That is Horse Pucky.

The real tragedy is your complete and utter lack of knowledge regarding private property and income, market forces, and individual liberty.
Just because you dont understand it doesnt mean it's wrong.

Oh, I understand. You're a collectivist stooge.

So, let's play your game:

- How big is your house?
- What kind of car do you drive?
- Do you eat meat?
- Do you have any recreational vehicles?
How does a bulb with a shorter life and higher energy consumption save you money?

Why is it any of your business?
tragedy of the commons.

That is Horse Pucky.

The real tragedy is your complete and utter lack of knowledge regarding private property and income, market forces, and individual liberty.
Just because you dont understand it doesnt mean it's wrong.

Oh, I understand. You're a collectivist stooge.

So, let's play your game:

- How big is your house?
- What kind of car do you drive?
- Do you eat meat?
- Do you have any recreational vehicles?
My house with required energy efficient insulation? My vehicles with fuel economy and emission standards?

And whether or not I'm a " collectivist " has nothing to do with the application of the tragedy of the commons towards incandescent light bulbs. You clearly dont understand the concept.
See, that's why no one takes you seriously. You say stupid stuff.

If it is so stupid, why haven't you rebutted it? All you could manage was an ad hominem? Yeah, most republicunts tend to have that problem. I hate that for you.
There is no need to rebut stupidity like "you republicunts have never cared about the environment before". It's stupid out of the gate. If you can't figure out why, you're part of the problem.

Well, dude. We don't see the Democrats trying to dismantle the EPA, do we?
You're really trying to prove your statement with that? You're not making your statement sound any less stupid. You might as well be saying that those advocating for decent treatment of prisoners are trying to eliminate prisons in this country. IOW, rank stupidity.

I think you are just upset because of the colorful metaphor I used to describe that other party. The fact is that despite the fact that Nixon created the EPA, you republicunts have been trying to dismantle it ever since. So the argument for the environment being presented by republicunts wrt to light bulbs just doesn't wash.
So, you're doubling down on stupidity. Why am I not surprised? You ARE part of the problem.
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?

This is an out of date debate. LED bulbs rock. They're initially pricey (though the price is plummeting)....but last about a generation, consume far less energy and are instantly on. You can even get them in different colors. Or if you're willing to spend more, in customizable colors.

I love them.
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?

This is an out of date debate. LED bulbs rock. They're initially pricey (though the price is plummeting)....but last about a generation, consume far less energy and are instantly on. You can even get them in different colors. Or if you're willing to spend more, in customizable colors.

I love them.
You light your fireplace with LED lights? I'm talking about ambience and effect.
LED's are efficient as light but for effect and glow it takes an actual element of physical fire which is exactly what incandescents produce. Whether you like or recognize that or not would be your prerogative or your business but the issue is fascists dictating the obsolescence of choice. That is a very dangerous thing.
People who take their freedom for granted and don't see this need to wake up.
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?

This is an out of date debate. LED bulbs rock. They're initially pricey (though the price is plummeting)....but last about a generation, consume far less energy and are instantly on. You can even get them in different colors. Or if you're willing to spend more, in customizable colors.

I love them.
You light your fireplace with LED lights? I'm talking about ambience and effect.
LED's are efficient as light but for effect and glow it takes an actual element of physical fire which is exactly what incandescents produce. Whether you like or recognize that or not would be your prerogative or your business but the issue is fascists dictating the obsolescence of choice. That is a very dangerous thing.
People who take their freedom for granted and don't see this need to wake up.

You light your fireplace with incandescent bulbs?
The claims that a CFL will last 10,000 hours is a lie - sort of. If you turn on a CFL and leave it on, you will indeed get about 10,000 hours out of it. But CFL is florescent, and like ALL florescent uses a ballast. You can turn the bulb on about 400 times before the ballast fails, In normal use, 800 to 1000 hours is all you get from a CFL - which is actually LESS than incandescent.
I'd like to see a link too. Sounds like BS to me. Any ballast that fails after 400 turn ons wouldn't last more than a few months under normal usage, i.e. the light turned off and on several times a day.
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?

This is an out of date debate. LED bulbs rock. They're initially pricey (though the price is plummeting)....but last about a generation, consume far less energy and are instantly on. You can even get them in different colors. Or if you're willing to spend more, in customizable colors.

I love them.
You light your fireplace with LED lights? I'm talking about ambience and effect.
LED's are efficient as light but for effect and glow it takes an actual element of physical fire which is exactly what incandescents produce. Whether you like or recognize that or not would be your prerogative or your business but the issue is fascists dictating the obsolescence of choice. That is a very dangerous thing.
People who take their freedom for granted and don't see this need to wake up.

You light your fireplace with incandescent bulbs?
I just explained the physics to you in simple, easy-to-understand specifics and you ask a question like that?
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?

This is an out of date debate. LED bulbs rock. They're initially pricey (though the price is plummeting)....but last about a generation, consume far less energy and are instantly on. You can even get them in different colors. Or if you're willing to spend more, in customizable colors.

I love them.
You light your fireplace with LED lights? I'm talking about ambience and effect.
LED's are efficient as light but for effect and glow it takes an actual element of physical fire which is exactly what incandescents produce. Whether you like or recognize that or not would be your prerogative or your business but the issue is fascists dictating the obsolescence of choice. That is a very dangerous thing.
People who take their freedom for granted and don't see this need to wake up.

You light your fireplace with incandescent bulbs?
Do you like post-20th-Century popular music and its offshoots?
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?

This is an out of date debate. LED bulbs rock. They're initially pricey (though the price is plummeting)....but last about a generation, consume far less energy and are instantly on. You can even get them in different colors. Or if you're willing to spend more, in customizable colors.

I love them.
You light your fireplace with LED lights? I'm talking about ambience and effect.
LED's are efficient as light but for effect and glow it takes an actual element of physical fire which is exactly what incandescents produce. Whether you like or recognize that or not would be your prerogative or your business but the issue is fascists dictating the obsolescence of choice. That is a very dangerous thing.
People who take their freedom for granted and don't see this need to wake up.

You light your fireplace with incandescent bulbs?
I just explained the physics to you in simple, easy-to-understand specifics and you ask a question like that?

I light my fireplace with fire. I don't use incandescent bulbs. Perhaps thats why I haven't run into any of the issues you have.
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?

This is an out of date debate. LED bulbs rock. They're initially pricey (though the price is plummeting)....but last about a generation, consume far less energy and are instantly on. You can even get them in different colors. Or if you're willing to spend more, in customizable colors.

I love them.
You light your fireplace with LED lights? I'm talking about ambience and effect.
LED's are efficient as light but for effect and glow it takes an actual element of physical fire which is exactly what incandescents produce. Whether you like or recognize that or not would be your prerogative or your business but the issue is fascists dictating the obsolescence of choice. That is a very dangerous thing.
People who take their freedom for granted and don't see this need to wake up.

You light your fireplace with incandescent bulbs?
Do you like post-20th-Century popular music and its offshoots?

Depends on the music. My tastes tend to be pretty eclectic. Why?
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?

This is an out of date debate. LED bulbs rock. They're initially pricey (though the price is plummeting)....but last about a generation, consume far less energy and are instantly on. You can even get them in different colors. Or if you're willing to spend more, in customizable colors.

I love them.
You light your fireplace with LED lights? I'm talking about ambience and effect.
LED's are efficient as light but for effect and glow it takes an actual element of physical fire which is exactly what incandescents produce. Whether you like or recognize that or not would be your prerogative or your business but the issue is fascists dictating the obsolescence of choice. That is a very dangerous thing.
People who take their freedom for granted and don't see this need to wake up.

You light your fireplace with incandescent bulbs?
I just explained the physics to you in simple, easy-to-understand specifics and you ask a question like that?

I light my fireplace with fire. I don't use incandescent bulbs. Perhaps thats why I haven't run into any of the issues you have.
Incandescents produce the same physical effect as fire. You can't replicate that effect with LED's or fluorescents any more than you can do the same for your fireplace fire.
Should we outlaw actual fire in fireplaces because of AGW concerns?
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?

This is an out of date debate. LED bulbs rock. They're initially pricey (though the price is plummeting)....but last about a generation, consume far less energy and are instantly on. You can even get them in different colors. Or if you're willing to spend more, in customizable colors.

I love them.
You light your fireplace with LED lights? I'm talking about ambience and effect.
LED's are efficient as light but for effect and glow it takes an actual element of physical fire which is exactly what incandescents produce. Whether you like or recognize that or not would be your prerogative or your business but the issue is fascists dictating the obsolescence of choice. That is a very dangerous thing.
People who take their freedom for granted and don't see this need to wake up.

You light your fireplace with incandescent bulbs?
Do you like post-20th-Century popular music and its offshoots?

Depends on the music. My tastes tend to be pretty eclectic. Why?
Do you not acknowledge the impact American music has had on worldwide music since early in the past century?
This is an out of date debate. LED bulbs rock. They're initially pricey (though the price is plummeting)....but last about a generation, consume far less energy and are instantly on. You can even get them in different colors. Or if you're willing to spend more, in customizable colors.

I love them.
You light your fireplace with LED lights? I'm talking about ambience and effect.
LED's are efficient as light but for effect and glow it takes an actual element of physical fire which is exactly what incandescents produce. Whether you like or recognize that or not would be your prerogative or your business but the issue is fascists dictating the obsolescence of choice. That is a very dangerous thing.
People who take their freedom for granted and don't see this need to wake up.

You light your fireplace with incandescent bulbs?
Do you like post-20th-Century popular music and its offshoots?

Depends on the music. My tastes tend to be pretty eclectic. Why?
Do you not acknowledge the impact American music has had on worldwide music since early in the past century?

If you have a point to make, can you just make it?
This is an out of date debate. LED bulbs rock. They're initially pricey (though the price is plummeting)....but last about a generation, consume far less energy and are instantly on. You can even get them in different colors. Or if you're willing to spend more, in customizable colors.

I love them.
You light your fireplace with LED lights? I'm talking about ambience and effect.
LED's are efficient as light but for effect and glow it takes an actual element of physical fire which is exactly what incandescents produce. Whether you like or recognize that or not would be your prerogative or your business but the issue is fascists dictating the obsolescence of choice. That is a very dangerous thing.
People who take their freedom for granted and don't see this need to wake up.

You light your fireplace with incandescent bulbs?
I just explained the physics to you in simple, easy-to-understand specifics and you ask a question like that?

I light my fireplace with fire. I don't use incandescent bulbs. Perhaps thats why I haven't run into any of the issues you have.
Incandescents produce the same physical effect as fire. You can't replicate that effect with LED's or fluorescents any more than you can do the same for your fireplace fire.
Should we outlaw actual fire in fireplaces because of AGW concerns?

Incandescents don't flicker. Fire does. As for the quality of light, LEDs are utterly malluable. You can get them at pretty much any Kelvin you want.

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