Marsha Blackburn: "Save the Incandescent Lightbulb!"

You need to follow a gov't hazmat protocol if you drop a fluorescent bulb and break it. You don't with incandescents. Cfl bulbs are shit, the light they give off is extremely glaring and painful to those with light sensitivity, they hum constantly, they are not dimmable. If they are so great people would have been buying them up and the incandescent bulbs would have gone by the wayside. Gov't (this mandate started under Bush btw) needn't have done a damn thing.

Funny how this works.

You see...if the bulbs were better the market would have selected the incandescents for extinction.

Pricing would have had to be competitive to gain market share. But when the government wipes out your competition....what does that do to your pricing ?

Now, this assumes that people buy just on price/value (which isn't always going to be the some cases, the bulb might hardly every get turned on so an incandescent might last ten years...why pay for the longer lasting bulb ?). But that isn't he case. Some people don't like the light they put off.

So the government has effectively limited choice again, all in the name of something that someone thought was a good idea.


The government also limits the choice of having sex with 12 year olds.

Are you outraged?

If 50% of the country wanted might happen.

What is the age limit and why is it there ?

Maybe we should raise it (if most of the country thinks we should).

You can have sex with a consenting 18 year old.

But that same 18 year old is forbidden to legally drink.

Do you have a book on worthless deflections ?

But are you outraged that you can't have sex with a 12 year old, you know, the question you deflected?

Absolutely not.

You are not outraged that you can't have sex with a 12 year old? Oh my.

If you really found that to be a legitimate question then I worry about your place in society.

And I suspect it would be an interesting world if you "could" (as per the law). Interesting in the sense that while I doubt I'd go after the 13 year old who tried (if it were my daughter) with a shotgun......but you can bet I would an adult.

But since this seems to be of interest to you and NYC......I'll keep that in mind.[/QUOTE]
I know who signed it and am no Bush 2 fan. It was short sighted and stupid.

On the theory that it takes one to know one, if anyone knows short sighted and stupid, it would be you.

We switched all of our lights over to CFL light bulbs and our electricity useage dropped by 1/3. We also used our A./C a lot less in the summer because the bulbs gave off less heat. Last, but certainly not least, when we moved out of the house five years later, many of the CFL bulbs we left behind, were the first and only ones we have ever put in the fixtures. They had never burned out. Everyone I know who uses CFL's has had a similar experience.

Where we live now, the electricity is very expensive. We'd be crazy not to use the least amount of electricity possible so of course we have CFL's in every fixture possible. We also use the washer, dryer and dishwasher at off-peak hours, turn off lights when we leave a room, and avoid using the A/C if possible.
If you want to play host to a deadly toxin in your home that is your choice. Some of us prefer NOT to. And should NOT be mandated to do so.

By LED lights. They are safe.
Do you live in a cave? The feds have had a rolling ban of Incandescent bulbs going on for the past few years. They started on the 100 and 75 watt ones, and then hit the 60 and 40 watts last year.
Do you live in a cave? Only traditional inefficient incandescent bulbs have been banned, new high efficiency incandescent bulbs as well as rough service incandescent bulbs are available in all wattages.

The Right are the most ignorant boobs on the Earth!

buy 100w incandescent bulb - Google Search
Do you live in a cave? The feds have had a rolling ban of Incandescent bulbs going on for the past few years. They started on the 100 and 75 watt ones, and then hit the 60 and 40 watts last year.
Do you live in a cave? Only traditional inefficient incandescent bulbs have been banned, new high efficiency incandescent bulbs as well as rough service incandescent bulbs are available in all wattages.

The Right are the most ignorant boobs on the Earth!

buy 100w incandescent bulb - Google Search
This is NOT an issue of right or left moron. Safety and the toxic brain child of backward thinking politics as a whole. The "ignorant boobs" as you put it are the idiots willing to save today and pass the costs and dangers on to another generation tomorrow.

Anybody with half a brain KNOWS the new bulbs contain Mercury. So while saving energy they are toxic for land fills and life as we know it.

We did NOT have that problem with the old bulbs. So you are saving a penny a month and killing the planet. That makes YOU the fool.

Only the one that have mercury are the fluorescent ones, and despite the fact that their output is much higher than standard fluorescent bulbs, they use far less mercury, and last far longer. So the amount of mercury going into the environment is far less from these bulks than what we have been using for 75 years. But then, you republicunts have never cared about the environment before, so why now?

^Plus. There are recycle stations. And the people too stupid to know how to find them were accounted for in statistics. (that's you OP ;) )
You expect me to drive across town or maybe the county to get rid of a light bulb? Take your time with that question.

Most cities have hazardous waste pick up times. Considering how much you save in energy, I think you can spend a few minutes dropping them off on your way to the spa.

The EPA apparently believes my time is worth $0.12/hr.

That's well below minimum wage. You're being exploited!
Only the one that have mercury are the fluorescent ones, and despite the fact that their output is much higher than standard fluorescent bulbs, they use far less mercury, and last far longer. So the amount of mercury going into the environment is far less from these bulks than what we have been using for 75 years. But then, you republicunts have never cared about the environment before, so why now?

^Plus. There are recycle stations. And the people too stupid to know how to find them were accounted for in statistics. (that's you OP ;) )
You expect me to drive across town or maybe the county to get rid of a light bulb? Take your time with that question.

Most cities have hazardous waste pick up times. Considering how much you save in energy, I think you can spend a few minutes dropping them off on your way to the spa.

The EPA apparently believes my time is worth $0.12/hr.

That's well below minimum wage. You're being exploited!
The sheer economics are stupid. I am paying 100% more for a product that one day will cost 1000% more to clean up. That's absurd.
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?
You exposed your own ignorance and lack of taste. Incandescent bulbs produce a ambient warmth that is not replicated by LED or fluorescent.
It's bad enough that we have fascists dictating taste but ignorant fascists to boot. Even Hitler at least had an eye for art. AGW fascists are just plain stupid.

You heat your home with light bulbs? What are you? A day old chicken?
Are you that ignorantly tasteless? Gruber was right about you.
^Plus. There are recycle stations. And the people too stupid to know how to find them were accounted for in statistics. (that's you OP ;) )
You expect me to drive across town or maybe the county to get rid of a light bulb? Take your time with that question.

Most cities have hazardous waste pick up times. Considering how much you save in energy, I think you can spend a few minutes dropping them off on your way to the spa.

The EPA apparently believes my time is worth $0.12/hr.

That's well below minimum wage. You're being exploited!
The sheer economics are stupid. I am paying 100% more for a product that one day will cost 1000% more to clean up. That's absurd.

By LED. There is nothing to clean up.
You expect me to drive across town or maybe the county to get rid of a light bulb? Take your time with that question.

Most cities have hazardous waste pick up times. Considering how much you save in energy, I think you can spend a few minutes dropping them off on your way to the spa.

The EPA apparently believes my time is worth $0.12/hr.

That's well below minimum wage. You're being exploited!
The sheer economics are stupid. I am paying 100% more for a product that one day will cost 1000% more to clean up. That's absurd.

By LED. There is nothing to clean up.

Yeah, if you don't mind paying $20 for a light bulb.
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?
You exposed your own ignorance and lack of taste. Incandescent bulbs produce a ambient warmth that is not replicated by LED or fluorescent.
It's bad enough that we have fascists dictating taste but ignorant fascists to boot. Even Hitler at least had an eye for art. AGW fascists are just plain stupid.

It's clear they can't participate in a legitimate discussion so you see responses like there are on this thread.
Gruber depends on them.
Most cities have hazardous waste pick up times. Considering how much you save in energy, I think you can spend a few minutes dropping them off on your way to the spa.

The EPA apparently believes my time is worth $0.12/hr.

That's well below minimum wage. You're being exploited!
The sheer economics are stupid. I am paying 100% more for a product that one day will cost 1000% more to clean up. That's absurd.

By LED. There is nothing to clean up.

Yeah, if you don't mind paying $20 for a light bulb.

For one that last 10 years? It is that or pay $20 for 8 light incandescent bulbs that will last four years and run up the electrical bill four fold. My vote is on the former.
Do you live in a cave? The feds have had a rolling ban of Incandescent bulbs going on for the past few years. They started on the 100 and 75 watt ones, and then hit the 60 and 40 watts last year.
Do you live in a cave? Only traditional inefficient incandescent bulbs have been banned, new high efficiency incandescent bulbs as well as rough service incandescent bulbs are available in all wattages.

The Right are the most ignorant boobs on the Earth!

buy 100w incandescent bulb - Google Search
This is NOT an issue of right or left moron. Safety and the toxic brain child of backward thinking politics as a whole. The "ignorant boobs" as you put it are the idiots willing to save today and pass the costs and dangers on to another generation tomorrow.
What exactly is the danger in a more efficient incandescent bulb?

Admit it you were lied to yet again by your MessiahRushie and GOP hate radio and you were stupid enough to swallow their bullshit yet again. The Right never learns!

Dispelling Myths about the Federal Light Bulb Standard MEEA Unplugged

Myth #1: CFLs will be required by 2012 and incandescent will be banned

Under the new law, screw-based bulbs will be required to use less electricity (measured in watts) for the amount of light produced (measured in lumens). The table below, directly from EISA 2007 legislation, shows the new requirements that come into effect between 2012 and 2014. The table generally corresponds from top to bottom to 100, 75, 60, and 40 watt traditional incandescent bulbs.[iii]


While most of today’s CFLs already meet the 2012-2014 standards, so do a host of other traditional and emerging technologies. Incandescent bulbs that meet EISA 2012 requirements have already entered the marketplace; they are not being banned, but rather improved from an efficiency standpoint.
Cry about wanting energy independence, then cry about every effort to get there.

classic conservative derangement.

False dichotomy..... We are more than capable of being energy independent if we could get you whiny enviro-idiots out of the way. Why have my electric bills been higher all winter and will be higher this summer than last..... because the DEMOCRAT Governor of Massachusetts and the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C. closed down the last coal-fired generation plant in Massachusetts last fall and keep allowing enviro-morons to play the NIMBY card when it comes to bringing additional natural gas pipelines into the state to feed our NG fired power plants.
Only the one that have mercury are the fluorescent ones, and despite the fact that their output is much higher than standard fluorescent bulbs, they use far less mercury, and last far longer. So the amount of mercury going into the environment is far less from these bulks than what we have been using for 75 years. But then, you republicunts have never cared about the environment before, so why now?

^Plus. There are recycle stations. And the people too stupid to know how to find them were accounted for in statistics. (that's you OP ;) )

Why do we need recycle stations for light bulbs?

Before the changeover, there were recycle stations where you could drop off your fluorescent bulbs. How is today any different? I really think the problem here is you people somehow believe you have a God-given right to waste finite energy resources. You don't.

I have the God given right to use as much energy that I'm willing to pay for.

No, actually, you do not. And neither do I.

Lonestar_logic said:
You say energy is finite? Prove it!

OMG. Really? I suppose you think it grows on trees, eh?

So you make a claim that you cannot prove. That's typical of a liberal.

Oh and yes, I have every right in the world to use all the power I choose to pay for and to use it in any way I see fit.
Do you live in a cave? The feds have had a rolling ban of Incandescent bulbs going on for the past few years. They started on the 100 and 75 watt ones, and then hit the 60 and 40 watts last year.
Do you live in a cave? Only traditional inefficient incandescent bulbs have been banned, new high efficiency incandescent bulbs as well as rough service incandescent bulbs are available in all wattages.

The Right are the most ignorant boobs on the Earth!

buy 100w incandescent bulb - Google Search

They aren't the same. They don't have the quality of light that the old ones did - and they are far more expensive. The latter is precisely why regulations were put in place to benefit the companies that make light bulbs. Old incandescent bulbs were a cheap commodity, and are now replaced by more expensive specialty bulbs. Once the new ones become commoditized, the regs will change to get rid of them and require consumers to purchase a more expensive solution.

This is exactly how the Prog-Big Government-Crony system works.
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?
Anybody with half a brain KNOWS the new bulbs contain Mercury. So while saving energy they are toxic for land fills and life as we know it.

We did NOT have that problem with the old bulbs. So you are saving a penny a month and killing the planet. That makes YOU the fool.

Only the one that have mercury are the fluorescent ones, and despite the fact that their output is much higher than standard fluorescent bulbs, they use far less mercury, and last far longer. So the amount of mercury going into the environment is far less from these bulks than what we have been using for 75 years. But then, you republicunts have never cared about the environment before, so why now?
Far less than the amount burning coal to power the far less efficient old bulbs would put into the atmosphere. Burning coal for generation is one of the primary sources of mercury in our atmosphere.
Do you live in a cave? The feds have had a rolling ban of Incandescent bulbs going on for the past few years. They started on the 100 and 75 watt ones, and then hit the 60 and 40 watts last year.
Do you live in a cave? Only traditional inefficient incandescent bulbs have been banned, new high efficiency incandescent bulbs as well as rough service incandescent bulbs are available in all wattages.

The Right are the most ignorant boobs on the Earth!

buy 100w incandescent bulb - Google Search

They aren't the same. They don't have the quality of light that the old ones did - and they are far more expensive. The latter is precisely why regulations were put in place to benefit the companies that make light bulbs. Old incandescent bulbs were a cheap commodity, and are now replaced by more expensive specialty bulbs. Once the new ones become commoditized, the regs will change to get rid of them and require consumers to purchase a more expensive solution.

This is exactly how the Prog-Big Government-Crony system works.
Are you really that stupid? Both the LED and the flourescents save a good deal of money when you figure in the energy use and longevity.
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?
Anybody with half a brain KNOWS the new bulbs contain Mercury. So while saving energy they are toxic for land fills and life as we know it.

We did NOT have that problem with the old bulbs. So you are saving a penny a month and killing the planet. That makes YOU the fool.

Only the one that have mercury are the fluorescent ones, and despite the fact that their output is much higher than standard fluorescent bulbs, they use far less mercury, and last far longer. So the amount of mercury going into the environment is far less from these bulks than what we have been using for 75 years. But then, you republicunts have never cared about the environment before, so why now?
See, that's why no one takes you seriously. You say stupid stuff.

If it is so stupid, why haven't you rebutted it? All you could manage was an ad hominem? Yeah, most republicunts tend to have that problem. I hate that for you.
There is no need to rebut stupidity like "you republicunts have never cared about the environment before". It's stupid out of the gate. If you can't figure out why, you're part of the problem.
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?
Anybody with half a brain KNOWS the new bulbs contain Mercury. So while saving energy they are toxic for land fills and life as we know it.

We did NOT have that problem with the old bulbs. So you are saving a penny a month and killing the planet. That makes YOU the fool.

Only the one that have mercury are the fluorescent ones, and despite the fact that their output is much higher than standard fluorescent bulbs, they use far less mercury, and last far longer. So the amount of mercury going into the environment is far less from these bulks than what we have been using for 75 years. But then, you republicunts have never cared about the environment before, so why now?
See, that's why no one takes you seriously. You say stupid stuff.

If it is so stupid, why haven't you rebutted it? All you could manage was an ad hominem? Yeah, most republicunts tend to have that problem. I hate that for you.
There is no need to rebut stupidity like "you republicunts have never cared about the environment before". It's stupid out of the gate. If you can't figure out why, you're part of the problem.

Well, dude. We don't see the Democrats trying to dismantle the EPA, do we?
Do you live in a cave? The feds have had a rolling ban of Incandescent bulbs going on for the past few years. They started on the 100 and 75 watt ones, and then hit the 60 and 40 watts last year.
Do you live in a cave? Only traditional inefficient incandescent bulbs have been banned, new high efficiency incandescent bulbs as well as rough service incandescent bulbs are available in all wattages.

The Right are the most ignorant boobs on the Earth!

buy 100w incandescent bulb - Google Search

They aren't the same. They don't have the quality of light that the old ones did - and they are far more expensive. The latter is precisely why regulations were put in place to benefit the companies that make light bulbs. Old incandescent bulbs were a cheap commodity, and are now replaced by more expensive specialty bulbs. Once the new ones become commoditized, the regs will change to get rid of them and require consumers to purchase a more expensive solution.

This is exactly how the Prog-Big Government-Crony system works.
Are you really that stupid? Both the LED and the flourescents save a good deal of money when you figure in the energy use and longevity.

You are a blithering moron. Flourescent lights are ugly. LED are marginally better, but still lack the aesthetics of classic incandescent. You may prefer them - and are free to do so. But don't force your taste on others.

Nobody should be forced to purchase products they don't want because government do gooders think they should.

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