Martial Law...Would you support Trump taking such measure?

I'm not surprised by much, but the amount of right wingers who aren't repulsed by this idea is a little concerning.


Because universal law is supreme

And the highest logical thinkers understands this

And that's the men who are the ones with the higher logic and they agree with trump on who the enemy is

And trump has the military who also agrees with trump that the deep state and democrats being the enemy

A martial law will not last long the men will lock up the traitors

And trump will make logic tests for voting

you got a link???
Haha..I love all the tough guy NO’s with no reason behind it.
Fucking hilarious....Republican pussies act like they have a plan to take to the streets with their guns one day...That one day never comes...they sit and watch the Left bully their redneck asses. Same ole shit.
I gave you my reasoning. Just because an idiot doesn't understand is on him
I can't fix idiot.

Because it would be a slippery slope after that......conservatives aren't going to own the White House forever.
Next time it could be for taking your guns....or elections.

Our guns are protected by the high court will ever decide that gun ownership is an insurrection.

The Republican Party won’t win elections if a few more wetbacks invade.
You better make a decision quickly...maybe it’s time to pander to Mexico and open our border to them...that’s the only way the GOP has a chance going forward. Mexicrats have played GOP’ers like a fiddle for far too long....Some serious shit has to go down.
WTF? If you have martial law, you can do whatever you want....even take away YOUR guns.
Don't be so naive, dude.

Your reason is one silly in sounded like you posted it while clutching your AR-15 from the fetal position.
The courts must authorize the use of martial law, no high court would allow your guns to be taken as there is no insurrection related to your guns.
Further, I own a lot of guns and I’d turn every last one in to Father Govenment if it meant the eradication of 30 million wetbacks.
Good grief, I've come to the conclusion after reading your posts that this has everything to do with racism.
And, nothing more, you are a garden variety ignorant fuck, 'loser., glad you finally noticed.
You’re starting to sound just like all the wetback loving retarded filth on the Left…it’s just a matter of time before they fully own yout pathetic asses. I’m not surprised...Fuck, you nutless old fucks couldn’t even keep God cool in this nation.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
your premise is not just false but crazy talk,,,
since when has trump pushed fed law as per the constitution???

most of what hes done is in violation of the constitution

Do you have examples?
sure do

Doubtful, or you would simply have listed them.

you mean like
gun control
labor dept
the border
the fact that these still exist and trump trying to prop them up or fix them is pure progressive and not in the constitution,,,

I do not know if you're saying that Trump's anti-gun stance is unconstitutional, but if so, I can agree with what you've said.

The Constitution does not allow the federal government to be involved in anything on your list.
Haha..I love all the tough guy NO’s with no reason behind it.
Fucking hilarious....Republican pussies act like they have a plan to take to the streets with their guns one day...That one day never comes...they sit and watch the Left bully their redneck asses. Same ole shit.
I gave you my reasoning. Just because an idiot doesn't understand is on him
I can't fix idiot.

Because it would be a slippery slope after that......conservatives aren't going to own the White House forever.
Next time it could be for taking your guns....or elections.

Our guns are protected by the high court will ever decide that gun ownership is an insurrection.

The Republican Party won’t win elections if a few more wetbacks invade.
You better make a decision quickly...maybe it’s time to pander to Mexico and open our border to them...that’s the only way the GOP has a chance going forward. Mexicrats have played GOP’ers like a fiddle for far too long....Some serious shit has to go down.
WTF? If you have martial law, you can do whatever you want....even take away YOUR guns.
Don't be so naive, dude.

Your reason is one silly in sounded like you posted it while clutching your AR-15 from the fetal position.
The courts must authorize the use of martial law, no high court would allow your guns to be taken as there is no insurrection related to your guns.
Further, I own a lot of guns and I’d turn every last one in to Father Govenment if it meant the eradication of 30 million wetbacks.
Good grief, I've come to the conclusion after reading your posts that this has everything to do with racism.
And, nothing more, you are a garden variety ignorant fuck, 'loser., glad you finally noticed.
You’re starting to sound just like all the wetback loving retarded filth on the Left…it’s just a matter of time before they fully own yout pathetic asses. I’m not surprised...Fuck, you nutless old fucks couldn’t even keep God cool in this nation.
Cuckology is a self defeating ideology. If they won’t fight for their own blood above all; it will simply be washed down the drain by those who will. Governments, religions, ideologies they all come and go. Only the blood remains. Or doesn’t...
What "damage" have "The Hispanics" done?

They've taken away all those great jobs: lettuce pickers, hotel room cleaners, bus boys, landscapers, that Real Americans would be lining up to do if only the Mexicans didn't get to them first.

Real Americans would do them - if POS progressives hadn't made it more attractive to sit on their fat asses and get wealth transfers
The problem is too many people who are not working aren't missing any meals.

Prove it. There are thousands of Americans who can do these jobs.They are not lining up.Maybe you should interview some folks in West Virginia. More importantly, do you want human beings to live like this?

I offer gigs all the time that pay from $20 an hour upward to $40 an hour. The only "Americans" who come to me wanting work is Bubba and his 6 mph gas hog wanting to charge a surgeon's wages for a skill set taught to an uneducated Mexican in under 6 months.

When people tell me to prove it (that Americans don't want to work) I tell them come on down. Work with me for a week. I will show you the sorriest, laziest, worthless, dumbest mother fuckers on the face of this earth and all of them born in the USA.

I know guys in their 50 s who have never held a job for six continuous months... and they are no anomaly. I'd bet that over half the guys on the Net bitching about the situation are here rather than looking for a job.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Declaring "martial law" is unconstitutional when the courts are still functioning.

Not that Trump or his ignorant, reprehensible supporters care about the Constitution, of co.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Fuck no. For Christ’s sake WTF!???

Why not?
1. There is no emergency that would require such an extreme action as martial law.
2. I wouldn't trust Trump to run a one man picnic, let alone run the USA by decree. This is a republic, not a kingdom.
Hypothetically, would you trust Hillary to declare martial law? Under what circumstances would you consider her justified in doing so?
I wouldn’t trust any President to make such a declaration without congressional approval. I certainly wouldn’t trust any President doing so just because some racists are having the vapors over brown people.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Declaring "martial law" is unconstitutional when the courts are still functioning.

Not that Trump or his ignorant, reprehensible supporters care about the Constitution, of co.

since when has a demo or repube ever cared about the constitution???
What "damage" have "The Hispanics" done?

They've taken away all those great jobs: lettuce pickers, hotel room cleaners, bus boys, landscapers, that Real Americans would be lining up to do if only the Mexicans didn't get to them first.

Real Americans would do them - if POS progressives hadn't made it more attractive to sit on their fat asses and get wealth transfers
The problem is too many people who are not working aren't missing any meals.

Prove it. There are thousands of Americans who can do these jobs.They are not lining up.Maybe you should interview some folks in West Virginia. More importantly, do you want human beings to live like this?

I offer gigs all the time that pay from $20 an hour upward to $40 an hour. The only "Americans" who come to me wanting work is Bubba and his 6 mph gas hog wanting to charge a surgeon's wages for a skill set taught to an uneducated Mexican in under 6 months.

When people tell me to prove it (that Americans don't want to work) I tell them come on down. Work with me for a week. I will show you the sorriest, laziest, worthless, dumbest mother fuckers on the face of this earth and all of them born in the USA.

I know guys in their 50 s who have never held a job for six continuous months... and they are no anomaly. I'd bet that over half the guys on the Net bitching about the situation are here rather than looking for a job.

Do you have an opinion as to how bubba affords
Gas for his 6 mph (sp) gas hog without a job?
When have we have ever lost control and needed to restore order? What "Americans" are you talking about"? There are over 320+ million of us here. Both sexes, all races, all religions, all genders, all ethnicities, all sexual orientations.

Wake up, buttercup. Your people are all over social media threatening riots if Trump is re-elected. Having nothing else, this is what they've resorted to.

Who threatened riots, miss bleached-bloundie with a bibble? Just because you love some sex pig and I don't

bloundie--what is that?

bibble--what is that?

I love it when you all draw cartoon characters about me, it's ever entertaining. Keep goin
Don't you know, you bleached blondie type with bibbles that you can screw any man you please? Why do you think that the rest of us should be involved in your sordid lifestyles? Spread your legs for anyone you want, according to your "bible."

Are you currently drunk or on drugs?

Or both
Good question. I think she must be high pretty much all the time she's posting on the forum. Given her hatred from men and disdain for women who like men, she's probably one of those butt-ugly dykes.
Because it violates the concept of "Checks and Balances" between branches of government instituted by the Founding Fathers.

An obstructive Congress, or chamber thereof, working against a sitting President, does not pass the sniff-test for Martial Law.

Now, if you wish to declare Martial Law along the entire Southern Border, extending for a mile or two beyond, that's fine.

But if you wish to declare Martial Law nationwide, outside any such State of Emergency zone, then, I oppose such measures.

And, as icing on the cake, nobody trusts a Robber Baron autocrat like Trump to honor the Constitution except when forced to.
I agree about martial law on the border. We need to provide additional support to our Border Patrol personnel given the sheer numbers of invaders crossing there. As far as an obstructive Congress, this bunch currently perching on the benches in Congress could compete with a sniff-test for a open pit latrine.
For now, let’s go with one so you can stay focused.
My right to sovereignty.....Your turn

I said be specific. How has your right to sovereignty been taken away? Specifically.

"Sovereign citizen ideology" is still considered violent right-wing extremist by the Feds. And you know who they are. FBI, DHS, NSA, Border Patrol, and so on and so forth.

To think those very officers hired to defend the Constitution could fight so viciously against it to deprive us of life, liberty, and property, and in the end betray us to our enemies without mercy.

I don't want to have to be walking past this guy, he looks like he just had to shoot somebody anyway.
Given the polarization and division currently existent in the US, he might just shoot some old white guy who he thinks is anti-BLM.

He was shooting blacks, Derp! Old white guys don't riot.
But they do drive on public roads.
Last edited:
Haha..I love all the tough guy NO’s with no reason behind it.
Fucking hilarious....Republican pussies act like they have a plan to take to the streets with their guns one day...That one day never comes...they sit and watch the Left bully their redneck asses. Same ole shit.
I gave you my reasoning. Just because an idiot doesn't understand is on him
I can't fix idiot.

Because it would be a slippery slope after that......conservatives aren't going to own the White House forever.
Next time it could be for taking your guns....or elections.

Our guns are protected by the high court will ever decide that gun ownership is an insurrection.

The Republican Party won’t win elections if a few more wetbacks invade.
You better make a decision quickly...maybe it’s time to pander to Mexico and open our border to them...that’s the only way the GOP has a chance going forward. Mexicrats have played GOP’ers like a fiddle for far too long....Some serious shit has to go down.
WTF? If you have martial law, you can do whatever you want....even take away YOUR guns.
Don't be so naive, dude.

Your reason is one silly in sounded like you posted it while clutching your AR-15 from the fetal position.
The courts must authorize the use of martial law, no high court would allow your guns to be taken as there is no insurrection related to your guns.
Further, I own a lot of guns and I’d turn every last one in to Father Govenment if it meant the eradication of 30 million wetbacks.
Good grief, I've come to the conclusion after reading your posts that this has everything to do with racism.
And, nothing more, you are a garden variety ignorant fuck, 'loser., glad you finally noticed.
You’re starting to sound just like all the wetback loving retarded filth on the Left…it’s just a matter of time before they fully own yout pathetic asses. I’m not surprised...Fuck, you nutless old fucks couldn’t even keep God cool in this nation.
Wasn't hard to see that you're an ignorant fuck. Glad to see your admission.
There is a difference between legal immigration and your "wetback" slur. You are too ignorant to know the difference.
You know nothing about God, so why even show more of your ignorance?
Who threatened riots, miss bleached-bloundie with a bibble? Just because you love some sex pig and I don't

bloundie--what is that?

bibble--what is that?

I love it when you all draw cartoon characters about me, it's ever entertaining. Keep goin
Don't you know, you bleached blondie type with bibbles that you can screw any man you please? Why do you think that the rest of us should be involved in your sordid lifestyles? Spread your legs for anyone you want, according to your "bible."

Are you currently drunk or on drugs?

Or both

You are the one who is a member of a cult in which the males have repeatedly asserted that they rule by the fact that they have a penis.
Harvard Poll--HARVARD. 8/10 Americans want secure borders.

Exactly. The Hispanics have done enough damage to our country, it's time to deport them.

What "damage" have "The Hispanics" done?

I sense some penis envy. :abgg2q.jpg:

Now get in the kitchen and go make me a sammich!
She doesn't have to envy anyone's penis, hers is bigger, and probably lurid purple...maybe battery-powered, too. And, it never demands a sammich.
Haha..I love all the tough guy NO’s with no reason behind it.
Fucking hilarious....Republican pussies act like they have a plan to take to the streets with their guns one day...That one day never comes...they sit and watch the Left bully their redneck asses. Same ole shit.
I gave you my reasoning. Just because an idiot doesn't understand is on him
I can't fix idiot.

Because it would be a slippery slope after that......conservatives aren't going to own the White House forever.
Next time it could be for taking your guns....or elections.

Our guns are protected by the high court will ever decide that gun ownership is an insurrection.

The Republican Party won’t win elections if a few more wetbacks invade.
You better make a decision quickly...maybe it’s time to pander to Mexico and open our border to them...that’s the only way the GOP has a chance going forward. Mexicrats have played GOP’ers like a fiddle for far too long....Some serious shit has to go down.
WTF? If you have martial law, you can do whatever you want....even take away YOUR guns.
Don't be so naive, dude.

Your reason is one silly in sounded like you posted it while clutching your AR-15 from the fetal position.
The courts must authorize the use of martial law, no high court would allow your guns to be taken as there is no insurrection related to your guns.
Further, I own a lot of guns and I’d turn every last one in to Father Govenment if it meant the eradication of 30 million wetbacks.
Good grief, I've come to the conclusion after reading your posts that this has everything to do with racism.
And, nothing more, you are a garden variety ignorant fuck, 'loser.

Yep, the hatred is strong in this one...… I understand why he'd have such a username. Seems fitting
Some crazy shit has to happen....There is no fucking way anybody sane can believe that we can eradicate 29 million illegal aliens any other way. You badass gun folk better just embrace the wetbacks and say fuck it....MOVE IN MEXICO!

There aren't 29 million illegal aliens in the USA, and they're not all hispanics. The entire west coast of the United States was explored and settled by Hispanics. They're one of the founding races of the nation - whites, blacks, hispanics and native Americans.

Lying Russian losers.
Haha..I see you failed US History...I’m guessing you did so because you’re a Canadian whacko.
This nation was FOUNDED by white folks....see the Declaration Of Independence.

The nation is ruled by white folks, but it was founded and built on the backs of blacks, whites, hispanics and Asians - the Chinese "guest workers" of the 1800's. All races worked to build the country, even though it was ruled by white men for nearly 150 years, before women fought for and won the right to vote.
Some crazy shit has to happen....There is no fucking way anybody sane can believe that we can eradicate 29 million illegal aliens any other way. You badass gun folk better just embrace the wetbacks and say fuck it....MOVE IN MEXICO!

There aren't 29 million illegal aliens in the USA, and they're not all hispanics. The entire west coast of the United States was explored and settled by Hispanics. They're one of the founding races of the nation - whites, blacks, hispanics and native Americans.

Lying Russian losers.
Haha..I see you failed US History...I’m guessing you did so because you’re a Canadian whacko.
This nation was FOUNDED by white folks....see the Declaration Of Independence.

The nation is ruled by white folks, but it was founded and built on the backs of blacks, whites, hispanics and Asians - the Chinese "guest workers" of the 1800's. All races worked to build the country, even though it was ruled by white men for nearly 150 years, before women fought for and won the right to vote.

Which unfortunately resulted in a hard left detrimental turn.
Some crazy shit has to happen....There is no fucking way anybody sane can believe that we can eradicate 29 million illegal aliens any other way. You badass gun folk better just embrace the wetbacks and say fuck it....MOVE IN MEXICO!

There aren't 29 million illegal aliens in the USA, and they're not all hispanics. The entire west coast of the United States was explored and settled by Hispanics. They're one of the founding races of the nation - whites, blacks, hispanics and native Americans.

Lying Russian losers.
Haha..I see you failed US History...I’m guessing you did so because you’re a Canadian whacko.
This nation was FOUNDED by white folks....see the Declaration Of Independence.

The nation is ruled by white folks, but it was founded and built on the backs of blacks, whites, hispanics and Asians - the Chinese "guest workers" of the 1800's. All races worked to build the country, even though it was ruled by white men for nearly 150 years, before women fought for and won the right to vote.
Just as well claim this country was built on the backs of cattle...

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