Martial Law...Would you support Trump taking such measure?

Wake up, buttercup. Your people are all over social media threatening riots if Trump is re-elected. Having nothing else, this is what they've resorted to.

Who threatened riots, miss bleached-bloundie with a bibble? Just because you love some sex pig and I don't

bloundie--what is that?

bibble--what is that?

I love it when you all draw cartoon characters about me, it's ever entertaining. Keep goin
Don't you know, you bleached blondie type with bibbles that you can screw any man you please? Why do you think that the rest of us should be involved in your sordid lifestyles? Spread your legs for anyone you want, according to your "bible."

Are you currently drunk or on drugs?

Or both

You are the one who is a member of a cult in which the males have repeatedly asserted that they rule by the fact that they have a penis.
Harvard Poll--HARVARD. 8/10 Americans want secure borders.

Exactly. The Hispanics have done enough damage to our country, it's time to deport them.

What "damage" have "The Hispanics" done?

I sense some penis envy. :abgg2q.jpg:

Now get in the kitchen and go make me a sammich!
I’ll school you yet again....illegal wetbacks = litters of barely legal wetbacks. Do you get it now or do you need further explanation?

What's it like 6:20 AM on the West Coast and already you're spewing your racist shit.

Without question, you are easily this board's biggest asshole.
I’ll school you yet again....illegal wetbacks = litters of barely legal wetbacks. Do you get it now or do you need further explanation?

What's it like 6:20 AM on the West Coast and already you're spewing your racist shit.

You truly are this board's biggest asshole.

Thank you...I take great pride in exposing the truth and in enlightening ignorant fools.
It’s not racist to hate wetbacks....wouldn’t you hate a group of folks that break in your home, steal your shit and refuse to leave when asked?
I’ll school you yet again....illegal wetbacks = litters of barely legal wetbacks. Do you get it now or do you need further explanation?

What's it like 6:20 AM on the West Coast and already you're spewing your racist shit.

You truly are this board's biggest asshole.

Thank you...I take great pride in exposing the truth and in enlightening ignorant fools.
It’s not racist to hate wetbacks....wouldn’t you hate a group of folks that break in your home, steal your shit and refuse to leave when asked?

but no one broke into your home,,,
I’ll school you yet again....illegal wetbacks = litters of barely legal wetbacks. Do you get it now or do you need further explanation?

What's it like 6:20 AM on the West Coast and already you're spewing your racist shit.

You truly are this board's biggest asshole.

Thank you...I take great pride in exposing the truth and in enlightening ignorant fools.
It’s not racist to hate wetbacks....wouldn’t you hate a group of folks that break in your home, steal your shit and refuse to leave when asked?

but no one broke into your home,,,

This nation is my home.
See how us Patriots view shit?
What part of that disgusting shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking over real Americans?
I’ll school you yet again....illegal wetbacks = litters of barely legal wetbacks. Do you get it now or do you need further explanation?

What's it like 6:20 AM on the West Coast and already you're spewing your racist shit.

You truly are this board's biggest asshole.

Thank you...I take great pride in exposing the truth and in enlightening ignorant fools.
It’s not racist to hate wetbacks....wouldn’t you hate a group of folks that break in your home, steal your shit and refuse to leave when asked?

but no one broke into your home,,,

This nation is my home.

This is the conceit of nationalists that makes them essentially socialists. They think they are the government, and that they own everything.
I’ll school you yet again....illegal wetbacks = litters of barely legal wetbacks. Do you get it now or do you need further explanation?

What's it like 6:20 AM on the West Coast and already you're spewing your racist shit.

You truly are this board's biggest asshole.

Thank you...I take great pride in exposing the truth and in enlightening ignorant fools.
It’s not racist to hate wetbacks....wouldn’t you hate a group of folks that break in your home, steal your shit and refuse to leave when asked?

but no one broke into your home,,,

This nation is my home.
See how us Patriots view shit?
What part of that disgusting shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking over real Americans?
sorry but this nation is our home,,,and you repubes and your democrat friends have been lying and fucking things up for far to long,,,

and to hear you complain about a problem you caused is more than any sane man can take,,,
I’ll school you yet again....illegal wetbacks = litters of barely legal wetbacks. Do you get it now or do you need further explanation?

What's it like 6:20 AM on the West Coast and already you're spewing your racist shit.

You truly are this board's biggest asshole.

Thank you...I take great pride in exposing the truth and in enlightening ignorant fools.
It’s not racist to hate wetbacks....wouldn’t you hate a group of folks that break in your home, steal your shit and refuse to leave when asked?

but no one broke into your home,,,

This nation is my home.

This is the conceit of nationalists that makes them essentially socialists. They think they are the government, and that they own everything.

you commie leftist think the same thing,,,
rocks and glass houses
I’ll school you yet again....illegal wetbacks = litters of barely legal wetbacks. Do you get it now or do you need further explanation?

What's it like 6:20 AM on the West Coast and already you're spewing your racist shit.

You truly are this board's biggest asshole.

Thank you...I take great pride in exposing the truth and in enlightening ignorant fools.
It’s not racist to hate wetbacks....wouldn’t you hate a group of folks that break in your home, steal your shit and refuse to leave when asked?

but no one broke into your home,,,

This nation is my home.

This is the conceit of nationalists that makes them essentially socialists. They think they are the government, and that they own everything.

the leftist think the same way,,,

the KOOL-AID causes blindness for both sides,,,
stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo

As long as these commie-lites were legally elected the call for martial law pretty much mimics the mind thought of the snowflakes on the other side that can't come to terms with Trump's election.
I’ll school you yet again....illegal wetbacks = litters of barely legal wetbacks. Do you get it now or do you need further explanation?

What's it like 6:20 AM on the West Coast and already you're spewing your racist shit.

You truly are this board's biggest asshole.

Thank you...I take great pride in exposing the truth and in enlightening ignorant fools.
It’s not racist to hate wetbacks....wouldn’t you hate a group of folks that break in your home, steal your shit and refuse to leave when asked?

but no one broke into your home,,,

This nation is my home.

This is the conceit of nationalists that makes them essentially socialists. They think they are the government, and that they own everything. might want to do some studying bud.
“Conceit of nationalist”....WTF is that...something you just fabricated?
This just in...good, real Americans are proud patriotic Americans...YEP, they are that scary word...NATIONALISTS.
There’s a pesky old document you hate titled We The it, we kinda do own everything including our government. Sucks huh?
What's it like 6:20 AM on the West Coast and already you're spewing your racist shit.

You truly are this board's biggest asshole.

Thank you...I take great pride in exposing the truth and in enlightening ignorant fools.
It’s not racist to hate wetbacks....wouldn’t you hate a group of folks that break in your home, steal your shit and refuse to leave when asked?

but no one broke into your home,,,

This nation is my home.

This is the conceit of nationalists that makes them essentially socialists. They think they are the government, and that they own everything. might want to do some studying bud.
“Conceit of nationalist”....WTF is that...something you just fabricated?
This just in...good, real Americans are proud patriotic Americans...YEP, they are that scary word...NATIONALISTS.
There’s a pesky old document you hate titled We The it, we kinda do own everything including our government. Sucks huh?

who is included in that WE you speak of???

you republicans have been helping the dems allow illegals in this country for decades and now you complain???

your a hypocrite,,,
There’s a pesky old document you hate titled We The it, we kinda do own everything including our government. Sucks huh?

Only if you have a deed, comrade. Our Constitution doesn't establish socialism. Property enforced, it protects us from piss-stains who want to use the government to commandeer private property.
Thank you...I take great pride in exposing the truth and in enlightening ignorant fools.
It’s not racist to hate wetbacks....wouldn’t you hate a group of folks that break in your home, steal your shit and refuse to leave when asked?

but no one broke into your home,,,

This nation is my home.

This is the conceit of nationalists that makes them essentially socialists. They think they are the government, and that they own everything. might want to do some studying bud.
“Conceit of nationalist”....WTF is that...something you just fabricated?
This just in...good, real Americans are proud patriotic Americans...YEP, they are that scary word...NATIONALISTS.
There’s a pesky old document you hate titled We The it, we kinda do own everything including our government. Sucks huh?

who is included in that WE you speak of???

you republicans have been helping the dems allow illegals in this country for decades and now you complain???

your a hypocrite,,,

Did Americans lose their right to “complain” because they were generous and looked the other way for years?
Can you link us to that statute please?
What "damage" have "The Hispanics" done?

They've taken away all those great jobs: lettuce pickers, hotel room cleaners, bus boys, landscapers, that Real Americans would be lining up to do if only the Mexicans didn't get to them first.

Good God! The jobs that I have seen Hispanic (and very physically short folk) do. Clean restrooms, take out very heavy trash recepticles, go from floor to floor with a huge vacuum cleaner canister strapped to their backs to clean the carpets, landscape the grounds in the heat. Yeah, European-descended folks are just lining up to get these jobs.

Those nasty Hispanic folks, who send the money they earn back to support their families. Would donald trump, trump junior, ivanka, kushner work any of these jobs? The faux president's mother was a maid. Did she ever have to clean a toilet?
There’s a pesky old document you hate titled We The it, we kinda do own everything including our government. Sucks huh?

Only if you have a deed, comrade. Our Constitution doesn't establish socialism. Property enforced, it protects us from piss-stains who want to use the government to commandeer private property.

640 million acres of federal land still out there...Who do you think owns it?
What "damage" have "The Hispanics" done?

They've taken away all those great jobs: lettuce pickers, hotel room cleaners, bus boys, landscapers, that Real Americans would be lining up to do if only the Mexicans didn't get to them first.

Good God! The jobs that I have seen Hispanic (and very physically short folk) do. Clean restrooms, take out very heavy trash recepticles, go from floor to floor with a huge vacuum cleaner canister strapped to their backs to clean the carpets, landscape the grounds in the heat. Yeah, European-descended folks are just lining up to get these jobs.

Those nasty Hispanic folks, who send the money they earn back to support their families. Would donald trump, trump junior, ivanka, kushner work any of these jobs? The faux president's mother was a maid. Did she ever have to clean a toilet?

Haha..look bud, we totally get people LOVE your 21st century’ve made that crystal clear.
but no one broke into your home,,,

This nation is my home.

This is the conceit of nationalists that makes them essentially socialists. They think they are the government, and that they own everything. might want to do some studying bud.
“Conceit of nationalist”....WTF is that...something you just fabricated?
This just in...good, real Americans are proud patriotic Americans...YEP, they are that scary word...NATIONALISTS.
There’s a pesky old document you hate titled We The it, we kinda do own everything including our government. Sucks huh?

who is included in that WE you speak of???

you republicans have been helping the dems allow illegals in this country for decades and now you complain???

your a hypocrite,,,

Did Americans lose their right to “complain” because they were generous and looked the other way for years?
Can you link us to that statute please?
so when youre caught in your own hypocrisy you respond with stupidity,,,

its OK I didnt expect better,,,
This nation is my home.

This is the conceit of nationalists that makes them essentially socialists. They think they are the government, and that they own everything. might want to do some studying bud.
“Conceit of nationalist”....WTF is that...something you just fabricated?
This just in...good, real Americans are proud patriotic Americans...YEP, they are that scary word...NATIONALISTS.
There’s a pesky old document you hate titled We The it, we kinda do own everything including our government. Sucks huh?

who is included in that WE you speak of???

you republicans have been helping the dems allow illegals in this country for decades and now you complain???

your a hypocrite,,,

Did Americans lose their right to “complain” because they were generous and looked the other way for years?
Can you link us to that statute please?
so when youre caught in your own hypocrisy you respond with stupidity,,,

its OK I didnt expect better,,,

Is it stupid because it makes you look stupid?
One does not lose their right to give a shit because they didn’t really give a shit at some point. Thats simply ignorant foolish shit right there.

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