Martin Luther King: Never Forget Everything Hitler did was Legal

Oh, I get it. MLK said something that proves Obama = Hitler!

I'm sure MLK would agree Obama = Hitler...


That's not the point. The point isn't to prove that Obama = Hitler. The point is that not everything that is "legal" is morally good.

It's very true.

No. You made sure the point has been quite clearly stated:

The point was obviously, that just because governments and "leaders" do something that is legal doesn't mean it's morally right.

Much like our current government. Which is doing many things which could arguably be called legal, which are completely immoral.

Obama = Hitler because MLK said so.

I'm sure MLK would agree Obama = Hitler...


Seriously? You are smarter than this. Read what I actually write and not what you want to see.
Those are his precise words in his famous Letter.

A picture speaks a thousand words:

You stupid bastard, the comment MLK made was not a comment agreeing with Hitler. IT WAS JUST THE OPPOSITE. MLK was condemning the racist governments in the south who passed laws making it legal to arrest people like King for trying to obtain civil rights.
In other words, King was legally under arrest because the racists in the south had made it legal to arrest blacks protesting for their civil rights.
Here is a thought, maybe you should read and understand what you plan on posting BEFORE you post it and make a fool of yourself. You have to be one of the dumbest people on this board.

In the future, I highly recommend you understand what someone is saying before you call them stupid and demonstrate you have no clue what they are saying. Because it's obvious to someone even as foolish as me that the OP didn't bring up the quote because he thought MLK Jr was agreeing with Hitler. The point was obviously, that just because governments and "leaders" do something that is legal doesn't mean it's morally right.

Much like our current government. Which is doing many things which could arguably be called legal, which are completely immoral.
Your argument would make perfect sense IF 2nd Amendment were a member of the left. However, he is not a member of the left and he has shown himself to be a member of the right over and over. It would be illogical to expect 2nd Amendment to post something that is condemning the right for establishing unjust laws.

You stupid bastard, the comment MLK made was not a comment agreeing with Hitler. IT WAS JUST THE OPPOSITE. MLK was condemning the racist governments in the south who passed laws making it legal to arrest people like King for trying to obtain civil rights.
In other words, King was legally under arrest because the racists in the south had made it legal to arrest blacks protesting for their civil rights.
Here is a thought, maybe you should read and understand what you plan on posting BEFORE you post it and make a fool of yourself. You have to be one of the dumbest people on this board.

In the future, I highly recommend you understand what someone is saying before you call them stupid and demonstrate you have no clue what they are saying. Because it's obvious to someone even as foolish as me that the OP didn't bring up the quote because he thought MLK Jr was agreeing with Hitler. The point was obviously, that just because governments and "leaders" do something that is legal doesn't mean it's morally right.

Much like our current government. Which is doing many things which could arguably be called legal, which are completely immoral.
Your argument would make perfect sense IF 2nd Amendment were a member of the left. However, he is not a member of the left and he has shown himself to be a member of the right over and over. It would be illogical to expect 2nd Amendment to post something that is condemning the right for establishing unjust laws.


I was unaware that being a member of the right or left somehow invalidated the truth that just because something is legal doesn't mean that it's morally right.

You can stand by your post if you want all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he wasn't arguing that Hitler was correct. Quite the opposite.
Until he declared himself omnipotent, after that certainly NOT. Only brainwashed hater dupes believe Obama has done anything illegal. The courts, THE LAW, CONGRESS, and police beg to differ, MORONS.

Actually, according to the left's logic, Obama is guilty of sedition because he has provided waivers and delayed the implimentation of Federal Law, AKA Obamacare to certain groups and businesses.

And of course nothing he's done is illegal. Can you really believe Pubs would do nothing but brainwash a few fools...LOL
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If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin.
Of course everything Hitler did was illegal when he took total power, and his followers were always doing illegal stuff from the beginning- so since he was in charge....a RW nightmare. MLK was making a point...
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Those are his precise words in his famous Letter.

A picture speaks a thousand words:

I think Dr. King (whom I once met when I was a lad) might have been implying that a tyrannical dictatorial mad man needn't break the law to achieve his radical, totalitarian agenda goals.

Through the skillful use of propaganda and charisma and manipulation of the people.

In that regard, Hitler and Obama are similarly effective.

King was saying that the far right in America would do what Hitler did while hiding behind the law, also. Quite wise.
That's not the point. The point isn't to prove that Obama = Hitler. The point is that not everything that is "legal" is morally good.

It's very true.

No. You made sure the point has been quite clearly stated:

The point was obviously, that just because governments and "leaders" do something that is legal doesn't mean it's morally right.

Much like our current government. Which is doing many things which could arguably be called legal, which are completely immoral.

Obama = Hitler because MLK said so.

I'm sure MLK would agree Obama = Hitler...


Seriously? You are smarter than this. Read what I actually write and not what you want to see.

You said "our curent government". You said "Hitler", who was the head of his government. The head of our CURRENT government is Obama.

Obama = Hitler because MLK said so.

I'm sure MLK would agree Obama = Hitler...


I am going to get us out of these wars.
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In the future, I highly recommend you understand what someone is saying before you call them stupid and demonstrate you have no clue what they are saying. Because it's obvious to someone even as foolish as me that the OP didn't bring up the quote because he thought MLK Jr was agreeing with Hitler. The point was obviously, that just because governments and "leaders" do something that is legal doesn't mean it's morally right.

Much like our current government. Which is doing many things which could arguably be called legal, which are completely immoral.
Your argument would make perfect sense IF 2nd Amendment were a member of the left. However, he is not a member of the left and he has shown himself to be a member of the right over and over. It would be illogical to expect 2nd Amendment to post something that is condemning the right for establishing unjust laws.

I was unaware that being a member of the right or left somehow invalidated the truth that just because something is legal doesn't mean that it's morally right.

You can stand by your post if you want all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he wasn't arguing that Hitler was correct. Quite the opposite.
I never said Hitler was correct. What I did imply was that 2nd Amendment was trying to tie MLK to Hitler by posting a fragment of a letter that King wrote. Further, it appears to me that 2nd Amendment was trying to condemn King for using the Hitler quote while NOT REALIZING that King was referring to the racist governments of the South. King was not agreeing with Hitler, he was condemning what Hitler (and by extension the southern states) did.
Those are his precise words in his famous Letter.

A picture speaks a thousand words:


I think Dr. King (whom I once met when I was a lad) might have been implying that a tyrannical dictatorial mad man needn't break the law to achieve his radical, totalitarian agenda goals.

Through the skillful use of propaganda and charisma and manipulation of the people.

In that regard, Hitler and Obama are similarly effective.

King was saying that the far right in America would do what Hitler did while hiding behind the law, also. Quite wise.
I completely disagree with you, Jake.
What King was implying was that the racist states had done exactly the same thing that Hitler did. Hitler made it legal to arrest and punish the Jews. The southern states made it legal to arrest and punish blacks for marching for civil rights.

I think Dr. King (whom I once met when I was a lad) might have been implying that a tyrannical dictatorial mad man needn't break the law to achieve his radical, totalitarian agenda goals.

Through the skillful use of propaganda and charisma and manipulation of the people.

In that regard, Hitler and Obama are similarly effective.

King was saying that the far right in America would do what Hitler did while hiding behind the law, also. Quite wise.
I completely disagree with you, Jake.
What King was implying was that the racist states had done exactly the same thing that Hitler did. Hitler made it legal to arrest and punish the Jews. The southern states made it legal to arrest and punish blacks for marching for civil rights.

The Southerners who made it legal were far right. In fact, some protested against civil rights by carrying signs with swastikas on them and complained against the Jews behind the movement.

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Of course everything Hitler did was illegal when he took total power, and his followers were always doing illegal stuff from the beginning- so since he was in charge....a RW nightmare. MLK was making a point...

I don't think it is possible for you to be any more clueless, or dishonest.

What a moron. It doesn't even deserve a response. But here:

MLK meant exactly what he said.

That Hitler's abuse of Jews and other undesirables was perfectly legal. He passed the laws that made it so.

And loons like the leftist death cultists on this site, then as now, believed that if something is LEGAL, then it's RIGHT and nothing can ever challenge the rightness of it.

They will dismiss human rights violations, and do, provided they are *legal*. They will attribute atrocities to "different cultural norms" and refuse to decry them.

They stand by while people are brutalized, demeaned, robbed, abused, and killed...and say "Pish posh, it's perfectly legal so go suck a goat".

That's the kind of people they are. Aren't they cute?
Incidentally, the people who were obeying the laws and just following orders were tried for war crimes, found guilty, and hanged, when they could be caught.
MLK meant exactly what he said.

That Hitler's abuse of Jews and other undesirables was perfectly legal. He passed the laws that made it so.

And loons like the leftist death cultists on this site, then as now, believed that if something is LEGAL, then it's RIGHT and nothing can ever challenge the rightness of it.

They will dismiss human rights violations, and do, provided they are *legal*. They will attribute atrocities to "different cultural norms" and refuse to decry them.

They stand by while people are brutalized, demeaned, robbed, abused, and killed...and say "Pish posh, it's perfectly legal so go suck a goat".

That's the kind of people they are. Aren't they cute? you have any examples?
King was saying that the far right in America would do what Hitler did while hiding behind the law, also. Quite wise.
I completely disagree with you, Jake.
What King was implying was that the racist states had done exactly the same thing that Hitler did. Hitler made it legal to arrest and punish the Jews. The southern states made it legal to arrest and punish blacks for marching for civil rights.

The Southerners who made it legal were far right. In fact, some protested against civil rights by carrying signs with swastikas on them and complained against the Jews behind the movement.

Thank you for the great picture, g5000. I am not going to do it because I must leave this delightful gathering soon, but I have no doubt that one could find a comprobable photo of Germans marching while carrying anti-Jewish signs.
Your argument would make perfect sense IF 2nd Amendment were a member of the left. However, he is not a member of the left and he has shown himself to be a member of the right over and over. It would be illogical to expect 2nd Amendment to post something that is condemning the right for establishing unjust laws.


I bet $100 that you support the War on Black People, sorry I mean the War on Drugs.

I bet $100 you support abortion and Planned Parenthood. | Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. 78% of their clinics are in minority communities. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America. Are we being targeted? Isn't that genocide? We are the only minority in America that is on the decline in population. If the current trend continues, by 2038 the black vote will be insignificant. Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?

I bet $100 that you're a false prophet to black people, that has done nothing but made them become serfs to the federal government, destroyed their education facilities, and promotes the annihilation of their bloodline via abortion.

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