Martin Luther King: Never Forget Everything Hitler did was Legal

Gotta love it.

King was much more radical and socialist than Obama.

And it was a tea party type that shot him.
Gotta love it.

King was much more radical and socialist than Obama.

And it was a tea party type that shot him.

Gotta love know, Martin Luther King was a Republican

While they hounded him as a commnist while he was alive
Gotta love it.

King was much more radical and socialist than Obama.

And it was a tea party type that shot him.

Gotta love know, Martin Luther King was a Republican

While they hounded him as a commnist while he was alive

And it was his father that was a Republican. As in Martin Luther King Sr.

Not Martin Luther King Jr. Who voted for Democrats.

The only reason his father was a Republican, by the way, was because of Lincoln.

In the words of Martin Luther King:
First I rejected their materialistic interpretation of history. Communism, avowedly secularistic and materialistic, has no place for God. This I could never accept, for as a Christian I believe that there is a creative personal power in this universe who is the ground and essence of all reality“—”a power that cannot be explained in materialistic terms. History is ultimately guided by spirit, not matter.

Second, I strongly disagreed with communism’s ethical relativism. Since for the Communist there is no divine government, no absolute moral order, there are no fixed, immutable principles; consequently almost anything-force, violence, murder, lying-is a justifiable means to the “millennial” end. This type of relativism was abhorrent to me. Constructive ends can never give absolute moral justification to destructive means, because in the final analysis the end is preexistent in the mean.

Third, I opposed communism’s political totalitarianism. In communism the individual ends up in subjection to the state. True, the Marxist would argue that the state is an “interim” reality which is to be eliminated when the classless society emerges; but the state i s the end while it lasts, and man only a means to that end.

And if any man’s so-called rights or liberties stand in the way of that end, they are simply swept aside.
His liberties of expression, his freedom to vote, his freedom to listen to what news he likes or to choose his books are all restricted. Man becomes hardly more, in communism, than a depersonalized cog in the turning wheel of the state. This deprecation of individual freedom was objectionable to me. I am convinced now, as I was then, that man is an end because he is a child of God.

Man is not made for the state; the state is made for man. To deprive man of freedom is to relegate him to the status of a thing, rather than elevate him to the status of a person. Man must never be treated as a means to the end of the state, but always as an end within himself.

--Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Chapter Six, entitled "My Pilgrimage to Nonviolence"; in his book Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story; September 1st, 1958

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MLK gladly accepted the Margaret Sanger award in 1966.

The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.

So, 2A needs to tell us which of these is the case.

1. MLK was part of the plot to commit genocide on blacks.
2. MLK was a dupe of that evil jewish white woman.
3. Conservatives have been lying their asses off about Planned Parenthood again.

I think I'll go with "3", along with all the honest people.
3. Conservatives have been lying their asses off about Planned Parenthood again.

I think I'll go with "3", along with all the honest people.

Are you claiming that Marget Sanger didn't write about the Negro Project?

Was MLK aware of this?

Here is what Alveda King has remakred on her facebook, openly condemning Sanger:
"Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race." - Margaret Sanger, Eugenicist and founder of PlannedParenthood. abortion

Were over 13,000,000 blacks aborted during MLK's time?

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Gotta love it.

King was much more radical and socialist than Obama.

And it was a tea party type that shot him.

Gotta love know, Martin Luther King was a Republican

While they hounded him as a commnist while he was alive

And it was his father that was a Republican. As in Martin Luther King Sr.

Not Martin Luther King Jr. Who voted for Democrats.

The only reason his father was a Republican, by the way, was because of Lincoln.


That's a pretty good reason.

"Martin Luther King was a Republican. The original March on Washington was organized mostly by black Republicans. The Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1960, 1964 and 1965 were passed mostly by Republicans. And it is Republicans who have remained true through the years to Dr. King's call to judge men by the content of their character.

Read more: Blog: Martin Luther King Was Republican
"I believe Dr. King was a Republican," Fletcher Thompson, who represented the Atlanta area in Congress from 1966-72, told Newsmax. "Most of the blacks in the late 1950s and at least up to 1960 were Republican. Our party was sympathetic to them and the Democrats were the ones enforcing 'Jim Crow' laws and segregation."

Thompson, who never personally met King, recalled how C.A. Scott, publisher of the Atlanta World -- the only newspaper in Georgia owned by blacks -- and a close associate of King's, "was a Republican and 'The World' always endorsed me when I ran for Congress."

With the 1960 presidential campaign approaching, New York Times political reporter Tom Wicker noted that "the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. had volunteered to lead a voter registration drive among blacks, which King though would produce many new Republican voters."

As to King's favorite candidate, "It is open secret among many Negroes that the Rev. Martin Luther King, if he were to speak out on the subject, would probably indicate a preference for [Republican Richard] Nixon over [Democratic nominee John] Kennedy," The Reporter magazine noted in October 1960."

Read Latest Breaking News from Registration Unknown, Martin Luther King Was Likely Republican
That makes great sense, loon. I think you should keep that as a siggy.
Why do so many of you CONSTANTLY talk about dead people? We've all heard the stories & learned the lessons by now.

For the love of god please join the rest of us in the year 2013.
Why do so many of you CONSTANTLY talk about dead people? We've all heard the stories & learned the lessons by now.

For the love of god please join the rest of us in the year 2013.

To know where one is going? One must know where one has's called history...being repeated all the time...but then for some? History for them begins from the day they were born...NONE of this has ever happened before.:eusa_whistle:
Why do so many of you CONSTANTLY talk about dead people? We've all heard the stories & learned the lessons by now.

For the love of god please join the rest of us in the year 2013.

To know where one is going? One must know where one has's called history...being repeated all the time...but then for some? History for them begins from the day they were born...NONE of this has ever happened before.:eusa_whistle:

I just think it's EXTREMELY STUPID. We talk about the SAME people with the SAME results over & over & over.

It's the world's most broken record at this point.
Why do so many of you CONSTANTLY talk about dead people? We've all heard the stories & learned the lessons by now.

For the love of god please join the rest of us in the year 2013.

To know where one is going? One must know where one has's called history...being repeated all the time...but then for some? History for them begins from the day they were born...NONE of this has ever happened before.:eusa_whistle:

I just think it's EXTREMELY STUPID. We talk about the SAME people with the SAME results over & over & over.

It's the world's most broken record at this point.
True. Some people refuse to learn from history...naturally it would be frustrating.
You stupid bastard, the comment MLK made was not a comment agreeing with Hitler. IT WAS JUST THE OPPOSITE.

Yes, we know.

So what's your point?

Did you also know that MLK had the Deacons for Defense and Justice march alongside his rallies with shotguns? Did you know that MLK was mostly a Libertarian?

How was he "mostly a Libertarian" in your opinion?

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