Martin Luther King: Never Forget Everything Hitler did was Legal

No. You made sure the point has been quite clearly stated:

Obama = Hitler because MLK said so.

I'm sure MLK would agree Obama = Hitler...


Seriously? You are smarter than this. Read what I actually write and not what you want to see.

You said "our curent government". You said "Hitler", who was the head of his government. The head of our CURRENT government is Obama.

Obama = Hitler because MLK said so.

I'm sure MLK would agree Obama = Hitler...


Actually, you are infering that Obama = Hitler. Just because both are doing evil things that are "legal" doesn't mean they are equal.

But clearly you think they are.
Your argument would make perfect sense IF 2nd Amendment were a member of the left. However, he is not a member of the left and he has shown himself to be a member of the right over and over. It would be illogical to expect 2nd Amendment to post something that is condemning the right for establishing unjust laws.

I was unaware that being a member of the right or left somehow invalidated the truth that just because something is legal doesn't mean that it's morally right.

You can stand by your post if you want all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he wasn't arguing that Hitler was correct. Quite the opposite.
I never said Hitler was correct. What I did imply was that 2nd Amendment was trying to tie MLK to Hitler by posting a fragment of a letter that King wrote. Further, it appears to me that 2nd Amendment was trying to condemn King for using the Hitler quote while NOT REALIZING that King was referring to the racist governments of the South. King was not agreeing with Hitler, he was condemning what Hitler (and by extension the southern states) did.

You really aren't good at reading people, are you?
Conservatives, like you, in both parties in the South. were segregationists, lynchers, and held up both Ike's and LBJ's programs.

You can't hide, son, from your neo-McCarthyism. You and Koshergrl and the rest are out there for all to see.

Your problem, kid.

And yet it was a progressive Woodrow Wilson, not a conservative who resegregated the nation.
Someone needs to open a new can of evil people that the deranged can make ridiculous comparisons to Obama,

if only to relieve the tedium.

Obama and his supporters are the new can of evil people. Same evil different name.
I was unaware that being a member of the right or left somehow invalidated the truth that just because something is legal doesn't mean that it's morally right.

You can stand by your post if you want all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he wasn't arguing that Hitler was correct. Quite the opposite.
I never said Hitler was correct. What I did imply was that 2nd Amendment was trying to tie MLK to Hitler by posting a fragment of a letter that King wrote. Further, it appears to me that 2nd Amendment was trying to condemn King for using the Hitler quote while NOT REALIZING that King was referring to the racist governments of the South. King was not agreeing with Hitler, he was condemning what Hitler (and by extension the southern states) did.

You really aren't good at reading people, are you?
Actually I am quite good at "reading people." For example, I see you for the parrot and phoney that you are. If you cannot see that King is condemning the South for making it legal to arrest and beat black demonstrators by referring to Hitler's making it legal to arrest and kill Jews you must be either blind or brain washed.
Take a close look at the picture. You will notice that King has been 'legally' arrested and is wearing his arrest number for the mug shot.
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A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

One of the greatest casualties of the war in Vietnam is the Great Society... shot down on the battlefield of Vietnam.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

MLK on the Republican Nomination of Barry Goldwater | The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change

Yep, MLK Jr. would have a home in today's republican/conservative/tea party movement no doubt! That "democratic Socialism" and "Spread the wealth" would have been a big hit! :lol:
Conservatives, like you, in both parties in the South. were segregationists, lynchers, and held up both Ike's and LBJ's programs.

You can't hide, son, from your neo-McCarthyism. You and Koshergrl and the rest are out there for all to see.

Your problem, kid.

And yet it was a progressive Woodrow Wilson, not a conservative who resegregated the nation.

And a lefty in Truman who began the integration. Frank was talking about the fifties and sixties, Avatar, and the conservatives were blocking it. The conservatives started the Civil War. The conservatives sided with the British in our War of Independence.
Conservatives, like you, in both parties in the South. were segregationists, lynchers, and held up both Ike's and LBJ's programs.

You can't hide, son, from your neo-McCarthyism. You and Koshergrl and the rest are out there for all to see.

Your problem, kid.

And yet it was a progressive Woodrow Wilson, not a conservative who resegregated the nation.

And a lefty in Truman who began the integration. Frank was talking about the fifties and sixties, Avatar, and the conservatives were blocking it. The conservatives started the Civil War. The conservatives sided with the British in our War of Independence.

I thought you were halfway intelligent person and acting like a clown..but the truth is you're a clown attempting to act like a intelligent person. Modern Conserves, as did classic liberals believe in individual liberty. Totality the opposite of what you liberal big government nutjobs believe. Big government enslaves people.
Seriously? You are smarter than this. Read what I actually write and not what you want to see.

You said "our curent government". You said "Hitler", who was the head of his government. The head of our CURRENT government is Obama.

Obama = Hitler because MLK said so.

I'm sure MLK would agree Obama = Hitler...


Actually, you are infering that Obama = Hitler. Just because both are doing evil things that are "legal" doesn't mean they are equal.

But clearly you think they are.
You plainly drew a line between Hitler and "our current government". Your backpedaling is failing.
If you cannot see that King is condemning the South for making it legal to arrest and beat black demonstrators by referring to Hitler's making it legal to arrest and kill Jews you must be either blind or brain washed.

No one is denying this.

Please find where we have denied this, or even hinted at disparaging the concept in any way.

If you cannot, and you post again with this stupid shit, I will report you for trolling.
You plainly drew a line between Hitler and "our current government". Your backpedaling is failing.

Hitler and the entire Nazi Socialist Party didn't come to power overnight. It took nearly a decade.

Are you suggesting we wait until it's too late?
If everything Hitler did was legal, then quite a few Nazis were wrongfully convicted at Nuremberg.

The quintessential Low Information Yahoo speaks again.

Everything Hitler did was the time he did it.

Which is what I'm continually telling you dolts who maintain that abortion isn't murder, and that we are obliged to follow every ridiculous law that is foisted on us...just because a law is passed that makes illegal behavior (particularly murder and other human rights offenses) LEGAL doesn't mean there won't eventually be a reckoning for it....and those who think to hide behind bad law that gives them a temporary *right* to commit human rights offenses are sadly mistaken.

As the Nazi doctors and nurses and various and assorted other criminals who lost their lives despite the fact they never broke a German law....discovered.

Those are his precise words in his famous Letter.

A picture speaks a thousand words:

I think Dr. King (whom I once met when I was a lad) might have been implying that a tyrannical dictatorial mad man needn't break the law to achieve his radical, totalitarian agenda goals.

Through the skillful use of propaganda and charisma and manipulation of the people.

In that regard, Hitler and Obama are similarly effective.

King was saying that the far right in America would do what Hitler did while hiding behind the law, also. Quite wise.

Just it's not far right that was in charge down south when MLK was arrested.
I think Dr. King (whom I once met when I was a lad) might have been implying that a tyrannical dictatorial mad man needn't break the law to achieve his radical, totalitarian agenda goals.

Through the skillful use of propaganda and charisma and manipulation of the people.

In that regard, Hitler and Obama are similarly effective.

King was saying that the far right in America would do what Hitler did while hiding behind the law, also. Quite wise.
I completely disagree with you, Jake.
What King was implying was that the racist states had done exactly the same thing that Hitler did. Hitler made it legal to arrest and punish the Jews. The southern states made it legal to arrest and punish blacks for marching for civil rights.

Please explain what party was in power in racist states that created those laws.
Ame®icano;9419002 said:
King was saying that the far right in America would do what Hitler did while hiding behind the law, also. Quite wise.
I completely disagree with you, Jake.
What King was implying was that the racist states had done exactly the same thing that Hitler did. Hitler made it legal to arrest and punish the Jews. The southern states made it legal to arrest and punish blacks for marching for civil rights.

Please explain what party was in power in racist states that created those laws.


The same Dems who are pushing hard for big abortion centers in every black neighborhood today.

The same Dems who today want to exploit refugee children and facilitate their initiation into the sex industry.

The same Dems who portrayed Condoleeza Rice as a mammy, and who call any black person who speaks out against progressive policies and/or abortion "stupid" "ignorant" and/or "Uncle Tom".
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"Democrats posted a doctored photograph of then Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele (now chairman of the RNC) when he was running for a Senate seat, depicting Steele as a "Simple Sambo" with a blackened minstrel-style face, nappy hair and big, think red lips. The cartoon caption read: “Simple Sambo wants to move to the big house”.

FOUSESQUAWK: September 2009

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