Martin Luther King was not the only black leader

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You reported my post and it even defended MLK.
You just didnt like me calling out your racist murder supporting ilk.
My point is the likes of Taz, bgrouse, SobieskiSavedEurope, abu afak or dfens have said vile shit about black people.

You want to help racism ? Well here's what you have to do and it's hard.

1) Admit it:

Admit that you are racist and admit that it's the truth and the people who benefit from that society are white people like you.

2) Humility

There has to be humility on the part of white people. They have a lot to answer for. Racism won’t go away as long as they are too afraid to just sit down, be honest, and look at why it’s still a problem and actually help find a solution.

No I don’t mean find a solution as in tell black people what to think or think that being nice to a black waitress gets you a medal. I mean genuinely sitting down, looking at themselves and realizing that there’s a whole world out there beyond themselves and their culture and they don’t have the right to pretend the entire universe was reserved for only them.


As long as you and other whites just view the situation as a case of angry black people instead of viewing things from a perspective that does not favour the privilege you (deep in side) are too scared to lose, you won’t have that “Kumbaya” you keep asking for.

3) Educate yourself

Read up on racism on your own, in books and on the Internet.

4) Broaden your experience:

But only after the first three steps. Go alone to events and places where most people are not white – not as a tourist but to break out of your limited white-bread world.

5) Take action

When someone says something racist, point it out, even if it is your friend or your mother. Coming from you as a white person it will have a much bigger effect .

Now are you prepared to do all that ?

Because if you're not then why are you sending me personal messages ?
You reported my post and it even defended MLK.
You just didnt like me calling out your racist murder supporting ilk.
My point is the likes of Taz, bgrouse, SobieskiSavedEurope, abu afak or dfens have said vile shit about black people.

You want to help racism ? Well here's what you have to do and it's hard.

1) Admit it:

Admit that you are racist and admit that it's the truth and the people who benefit from that society are white people like you.

2) Humility

There has to be humility on the part of white people. They have a lot to answer for. Racism won’t go away as long as they are too afraid to just sit down, be honest, and look at why it’s still a problem and actually help find a solution.

No I don’t mean find a solution as in tell black people what to think or think that being nice to a black waitress gets you a medal. I mean genuinely sitting down, looking at themselves and realizing that there’s a whole world out there beyond themselves and their culture and they don’t have the right to pretend the entire universe was reserved for only them.


As long as you and other whites just view the situation as a case of angry black people instead of viewing things from a perspective that does not favour the privilege you (deep in side) are too scared to lose, you won’t have that “Kumbaya” you keep asking for.

3) Educate yourself

Read up on racism on your own, in books and on the Internet.

4) Broaden your experience:

But only after the first three steps. Go alone to events and places where most people are not white – not as a tourist but to break out of your limited white-bread world.

5) Take action

When someone says something racist, point it out, even if it is your friend or your mother. Coming from you as a white person it will have a much bigger effect .

Now are you prepared to do all that ?

Because if you're not then why are you sending me personal messages ?
IM2 better report this retarded shit for being off topic
You reported my post and it even defended MLK.
You just didnt like me calling out your racist murder supporting ilk.
My point is the likes of Taz, bgrouse, SobieskiSavedEurope, abu afak or dfens have said vile shit about black people.

You want to help racism ? Well here's what you have to do and it's hard.

1) Admit it:

Admit that you are racist and admit that it's the truth and the people who benefit from that society are white people like you.

2) Humility

There has to be humility on the part of white people. They have a lot to answer for. Racism won’t go away as long as they are too afraid to just sit down, be honest, and look at why it’s still a problem and actually help find a solution.

No I don’t mean find a solution as in tell black people what to think or think that being nice to a black waitress gets you a medal. I mean genuinely sitting down, looking at themselves and realizing that there’s a whole world out there beyond themselves and their culture and they don’t have the right to pretend the entire universe was reserved for only them.


As long as you and other whites just view the situation as a case of angry black people instead of viewing things from a perspective that does not favour the privilege you (deep in side) are too scared to lose, you won’t have that “Kumbaya” you keep asking for.

3) Educate yourself

Read up on racism on your own, in books and on the Internet.

4) Broaden your experience:

But only after the first three steps. Go alone to events and places where most people are not white – not as a tourist but to break out of your limited white-bread world.

5) Take action

When someone says something racist, point it out, even if it is your friend or your mother. Coming from you as a white person it will have a much bigger effect .

Now are you prepared to do all that ?

Because if you're not then why are you sending me personal messages ?
IM2 better report this retarded shit for being off topic

There is nothing retarded about this post and everything he saying is what King stood for. So it is on topic exactly.
You reported my post and it even defended MLK.
You just didnt like me calling out your racist murder supporting ilk.
My point is the likes of Taz, bgrouse, SobieskiSavedEurope, abu afak or dfens have said vile shit about black people.

You want to help racism ? Well here's what you have to do and it's hard.

1) Admit it:

Admit that you are racist and admit that it's the truth and the people who benefit from that society are white people like you.

2) Humility

There has to be humility on the part of white people. They have a lot to answer for. Racism won’t go away as long as they are too afraid to just sit down, be honest, and look at why it’s still a problem and actually help find a solution.

No I don’t mean find a solution as in tell black people what to think or think that being nice to a black waitress gets you a medal. I mean genuinely sitting down, looking at themselves and realizing that there’s a whole world out there beyond themselves and their culture and they don’t have the right to pretend the entire universe was reserved for only them.


As long as you and other whites just view the situation as a case of angry black people instead of viewing things from a perspective that does not favour the privilege you (deep in side) are too scared to lose, you won’t have that “Kumbaya” you keep asking for.

3) Educate yourself

Read up on racism on your own, in books and on the Internet.

4) Broaden your experience:

But only after the first three steps. Go alone to events and places where most people are not white – not as a tourist but to break out of your limited white-bread world.

5) Take action

When someone says something racist, point it out, even if it is your friend or your mother. Coming from you as a white person it will have a much bigger effect .

Now are you prepared to do all that ?

Because if you're not then why are you sending me personal messages ?
IM2 better report this retarded shit for being off topic

There is nothing retarded about this post and everything he saying is what King stood for. So it is on topic exactly.
You are such a fucking joke lol
My post you reported was actually ABOUT MLK and this was about somethign else.
You are a liar, inconsistent AND a racist. But at least you dont support murder like Paul. At least from what i have seen. :)
It wouldn't bother me if black people never spoke to me again.
I don't measure my self worth by who speaks to me or what people say about me.
Whites whole self worth is measured against black people.

If there were no black people around, white people would have no one to blame but themselves for the crime. No one to blame but themselves when you didn’t get the jobs you wanted. No one to blame but themselves when your lives turned out to be less than you’d expected.

You need black people (especially in a inferior role) as a way to build yourselves up and provide a sense of self-worth you otherwise lack.

I watched a programme a few years back were they asked white and black people what they like about being black or white

For black people the answers always have to do with the pride they feel, coming from families who have struggled against the odds, fought injustice, persevered, and maintained dignity in the face of great obstacles.

In other words, to be black has internal meaning

But for whites ? If they can come up with anything, it was something about how nice it is not to have to worry about being racially profiled by police, or how nice it is not to be presumed less competent by employers, or discriminated against when applying for a job, or looking for a home.

So for you white people, your self-definition is wrapped up entirely in terms of what and who u aren’t. What it means to be white is merely to not be black.

MLK Jr was a great, great leader, with many imperfections. He was not the only great black leader, but he was the most important of the fifties and sixties.
It wouldn't bother me if black people never spoke to me again.
I don't measure my self worth by who speaks to me or what people say about me.
Whites whole self worth is measured against black people.

If there were no black people around, white people would have no one to blame but themselves for the crime. No one to blame but themselves when you didn’t get the jobs you wanted. No one to blame but themselves when your lives turned out to be less than you’d expected.

You need black people (especially in a inferior role) as a way to build yourselves up and provide a sense of self-worth you otherwise lack.

I watched a programme a few years back were they asked white and black people what they like about being black or white

For black people the answers always have to do with the pride they feel, coming from families who have struggled against the odds, fought injustice, persevered, and maintained dignity in the face of great obstacles.

In other words, to be black has internal meaning

But for whites ? If they can come up with anything, it was something about how nice it is not to have to worry about being racially profiled by police, or how nice it is not to be presumed less competent by employers, or discriminated against when applying for a job, or looking for a home.

So for you white people, your self-definition is wrapped up entirely in terms of what and who u aren’t. What it means to be white is merely to not be black.


Who produced that program? Spike Lee?
You are such a fucking joke lol
My post you reported was actually ABOUT MLK and this was about somethign else.
You are a liar, inconsistent AND a racist. But at least you dont support murder like Paul. At least from what i have seen. :)
Where have I supported the murder of white people ?
Inevitably in any conversation about race there is always one white person who wants to bring up how Martin Luther King would npt like how a particular black person is saying things. They seem to believe that King was running around preaching a colorblind message whereby no one sees color or racism. That King was a happy non angry black man who spent all his speeches asking why can't we all get along. But what that INDIVIDUAL white person never wants to say is King was killed by a white man. So let us discuss King.

And other black leaders because Kings message was not the only one nor has it been the only one. So let us start off with the interview many white INDIVIDUALS seem to miss. The interview where he came to the realization that his dream had become a night mare. At that point todays white INDIVIDUAL needs to understand that all the don't be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character shit was gone.

Dream to a Nightmare" MLK full interview with Sander Vancour


Sounds fine to me. That's the diff between MLK and the radicalized brainwashed self-appointed spokepeople that come on this forum and say similar things. But WITHOUT the confrontational racist tone and deflecting to a mountain of "proof" for the equality or superiority of their race. If you INSIST on being a cloned group rather than individuals -- I suggest you find a dozen more like MLK and let THEM speak for "your people"...
Inevitably in any conversation about race there is always one white person who wants to bring up how Martin Luther King would npt like how a particular black person is saying things. They seem to believe that King was running around preaching a colorblind message whereby no one sees color or racism. That King was a happy non angry black man who spent all his speeches asking why can't we all get along. But what that INDIVIDUAL white person never wants to say is King was killed by a white man. So let us discuss King.

And other black leaders because Kings message was not the only one nor has it been the only one. So let us start off with the interview many white INDIVIDUALS seem to miss. The interview where he came to the realization that his dream had become a night mare. At that point todays white INDIVIDUAL needs to understand that all the don't be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character shit was gone.

Dream to a Nightmare" MLK full interview with Sander Vancour

We all know about Sharpton.
MLK Jr was a very imperfect man, like all of us, who was willing and did give his life for the good, unlike most of us.

While I agree, he was murdered for expressing his belief in racial equality for black people. Thee was none of this colorblind stuff some want to make up about him.

What? You think the phrase "color blind society" is embarrassing and makes him a sell-out? How do get a colorblind society without adequate integration? He wasn't anti-assimilation. That's what you must be insecure about.
White people identities rest on the idea of racism as about good or bad people and if they're good people they can’t be racist.

White fragility is rooted in this good/bad binary.

There's another one of those "YOU PEOPLE" statements that just kill dialogues. MOST white people dont identify "as a group".. Hard as you try to make it SEEM that for your convenience, it just doesn't happen. We have no particular affinity to a WHITE group identity. EXCEPT that makes it easier to identify the REAL RACISTS in our group who DO cherish a white identity. Pretty smart plan huh?

Because on the white side, only RACISTS give a rat about a racial group identity...

I can understand why it's simpler for you to rant on about white people in general because radical blacks are ALL ABOUT group identity. But the majority and folks like me make decisions on Good/Bad people based on INDIVIDUAL experiences and FAMILIARITY of association.

Familiarity of association is the VACCINE for racism. And as long as one side chooses to shelter as a segregated group and not take ADVANTAGE of Civil Rightts progress, you're gonna have racists on BOTH SIDES making stereotypes about GROUP behavior that are not true and are the very basis for racism..
You reported my post and it even defended MLK.
You just didnt like me calling out your racist murder supporting ilk.
My point is the likes of Taz, bgrouse, SobieskiSavedEurope, abu afak or dfens have said vile shit about black people.

You want to help racism ? Well here's what you have to do and it's hard.

1) Admit it:

Admit that you are racist and admit that it's the truth and the people who benefit from that society are white people like you.

2) Humility

There has to be humility on the part of white people. They have a lot to answer for. Racism won’t go away as long as they are too afraid to just sit down, be honest, and look at why it’s still a problem and actually help find a solution.

No I don’t mean find a solution as in tell black people what to think or think that being nice to a black waitress gets you a medal. I mean genuinely sitting down, looking at themselves and realizing that there’s a whole world out there beyond themselves and their culture and they don’t have the right to pretend the entire universe was reserved for only them.


As long as you and other whites just view the situation as a case of angry black people instead of viewing things from a perspective that does not favour the privilege you (deep in side) are too scared to lose, you won’t have that “Kumbaya” you keep asking for.

3) Educate yourself

Read up on racism on your own, in books and on the Internet.

4) Broaden your experience:

But only after the first three steps. Go alone to events and places where most people are not white – not as a tourist but to break out of your limited white-bread world.

5) Take action

When someone says something racist, point it out, even if it is your friend or your mother. Coming from you as a white person it will have a much bigger effect .

Now are you prepared to do all that ?

Because if you're not then why are you sending me personal messages ?

You've touted before of Black racist opinions not harming anyone, you're not going to do a 180 and spin on that, now are you?
Inevitably in any conversation about race there is always one white person who wants to bring up how Martin Luther King would npt like how a particular black person is saying things. They seem to believe that King was running around preaching a colorblind message whereby no one sees color or racism. That King was a happy non angry black man who spent all his speeches asking why can't we all get along. But what that INDIVIDUAL white person never wants to say is King was killed by a white man. So let us discuss King.

And other black leaders because Kings message was not the only one nor has it been the only one. So let us start off with the interview many white INDIVIDUALS seem to miss. The interview where he came to the realization that his dream had become a night mare. At that point todays white INDIVIDUAL needs to understand that all the don't be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character shit was gone.

Dream to a Nightmare" MLK full interview with Sander Vancour


Sounds fine to me. That's the diff between MLK and the radicalized brainwashed self-appointed spokepeople that come on this forum and say similar things. But WITHOUT the confrontational racist tone and deflecting to a mountain of "proof" for the equality or superiority of their race. If you INSIST on being a cloned group rather than individuals -- I suggest you find a dozen more like MLK and let THEM speak for "your people"...

Look flacateen you whites are the ones with the confrontational attitude. You expect to be confrontational and everyone else must kiss your ass. Kings approach was confrontational. He got stabbed. He got beaten. He was put in jail. He ad his family was under constant treat of death and then he was murdered. What I suggest to you is that you shut up and stop trying to preach that lie of individualism because that's not what you really want. And I also suggest that you learn to listen to us, because at least we are nice enough to try telling you how blacks feel. Because you shut us up, then you get the blacks who are tired of talking and you get fucked up.

You pricks don't get to tell us how stupid we all are and how the white man saved us or how grateful we should be to whitey for our existence and expect that you aren't going to get some blacks who show you how your history is wrong, hw blacks have actually did things that whites knew nothing about or how blacks helped whitey get out of the dark ages, And if you think\ you get to do that, you are in need of a lobotomy.

You get to be an ignorant ass because you are a mod and no one will punish you . But you need help because you are a fucked up human being. You know nothing about King, and you don't get to tell us blacks who we need for leaders or how we will talk to you about your racism.
White people identities rest on the idea of racism as about good or bad people and if they're good people they can’t be racist.

White fragility is rooted in this good/bad binary.

There's another one of those "YOU PEOPLE" statements that just kill dialogues. MOST white people dont identify "as a group".. Hard as you try to make it SEEM that for your convenience, it just doesn't happen. We have no particular affinity to a WHITE group identity. EXCEPT that makes it easier to identify the REAL RACISTS in our group who DO cherish a white identity. Pretty smart plan huh?

Because on the white side, only RACISTS give a rat about a racial group identity...

I can understand why it's simpler for you to rant on about white people in general because radical blacks are ALL ABOUT group identity. But the majority and folks like me make decisions on Good/Bad people based on INDIVIDUAL experiences and FAMILIARITY of association.

Familiarity of association is the VACCINE for racism. And as long as one side chooses to shelter as a segregated group and not take ADVANTAGE of Civil Rightts progress, you're gonna have racists on BOTH SIDES making stereotypes about GROUP behavior that are not true and are the very basis for racism..

White people do identify themselves as a group. Who in the hell do you think you are talking to? We see all of these threads by whites signifying group superiority you don't say anything about. In fact you aS an INDIVIDUAL have gone along with many of the same beliefs.

Time for the lies to end. INDIVIIDUALS like you want everyone else to suffer from the same psychosis and amnesia you suffer from. Essen is right in what he says and he was spot on when he mentioned white fragility. You are an INDIVIDUAL with white fragility. You were too scared to read a paper on the failings of your belief which was based on sound science and countless research and studies done by scholars in various forms of behavior. What you keep repeating is a load of crap. And that's just the truth no matter what you say. You wouldn't know a radical black if one walked up to you wearing a sign saying I am a radical black. You are here trying tp pull this I only see individual bullshit because we are here and we are holding white INDIVIDUALS accountable.. So instead of listening you want to try discrediting everything we say because in your bird brain you want to associate what we say with lumping all whites together to give yourself an excuse when we are talking about whites as INDIVIDUALS. Because whites as INDIVIDUALS did these things. You as an INDIVIDUAL are full of crap.

Because I have not seen your punk ass one time enter into one of those white peoples racist threads preaching about seeing people as individuals. You are full of crap flacaltenn it's just that simple.

Last edited:
Inevitably in any conversation about race there is always one white person who wants to bring up how Martin Luther King would npt like how a particular black person is saying things. They seem to believe that King was running around preaching a colorblind message whereby no one sees color or racism. That King was a happy non angry black man who spent all his speeches asking why can't we all get along. But what that INDIVIDUAL white person never wants to say is King was killed by a white man. So let us discuss King.

And other black leaders because Kings message was not the only one nor has it been the only one. So let us start off with the interview many white INDIVIDUALS seem to miss. The interview where he came to the realization that his dream had become a night mare. At that point todays white INDIVIDUAL needs to understand that all the don't be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character shit was gone.

Dream to a Nightmare" MLK full interview with Sander Vancour

We all know about Sharpton.

Do you really?
You reported my post and it even defended MLK.
You just didnt like me calling out your racist murder supporting ilk.
My point is the likes of Taz, bgrouse, SobieskiSavedEurope, abu afak or dfens have said vile shit about black people.

You want to help racism ? Well here's what you have to do and it's hard.

1) Admit it:

Admit that you are racist and admit that it's the truth and the people who benefit from that society are white people like you.

2) Humility

There has to be humility on the part of white people. They have a lot to answer for. Racism won’t go away as long as they are too afraid to just sit down, be honest, and look at why it’s still a problem and actually help find a solution.

No I don’t mean find a solution as in tell black people what to think or think that being nice to a black waitress gets you a medal. I mean genuinely sitting down, looking at themselves and realizing that there’s a whole world out there beyond themselves and their culture and they don’t have the right to pretend the entire universe was reserved for only them.


As long as you and other whites just view the situation as a case of angry black people instead of viewing things from a perspective that does not favour the privilege you (deep in side) are too scared to lose, you won’t have that “Kumbaya” you keep asking for.

3) Educate yourself

Read up on racism on your own, in books and on the Internet.

4) Broaden your experience:

But only after the first three steps. Go alone to events and places where most people are not white – not as a tourist but to break out of your limited white-bread world.

5) Take action

When someone says something racist, point it out, even if it is your friend or your mother. Coming from you as a white person it will have a much bigger effect .

Now are you prepared to do all that ?

Because if you're not then why are you sending me personal messages ?

You've touted before of Black racist opinions not harming anyone, you're not going to do a 180 and spin on that, now are you?

Essen has spoken no black racist opinion.
Oh, hey, another hate whitey thread. Color me shocked.

Where is the hate whitey in this thread?

It's not here. But we sure see the usual trolling by whites.

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