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Marxist, Communism, Socialism and Capitalism

Socialist society will not let you be lost, will not leave you in trouble and will give you the opportunity to show everything that your nature and your abilities put in you... But it will not tolerate dependency and exploitation of the likes of you...
That's why the marketeers and bourgeois hate it so much...
Historical president show that any disagreement with the socialist society will see you and yours murdered for it.
Nazi and Fascist are just scary words that Socialists/Marxists call people that they don't like.
When you call the nazis the socialists they in fact were, they really get offended. For these demented contaminated souls, they equate "fascism" and NAZI with American WHITE CAPTIALISM. That's their link. That's how they sell it.

Ever wonder why they never ever ever bring up for instance the 6 million murdered in the killing fields by their hero pol pot? Well, he is a cultural marxist hero....that's why.

For instance, this is how me and you have been contaminated by education and the beloved entertainment industry.

We still today, even conservatives, blame Vietnam debacle on America GETTING INVOLVED. Well, we were barely 20 years removed from appeasing the national socialist workers party (nazi) advancement throughout Europe. That appeasement is what caused WWII.

So, the vietcong and commie were running roughshod over our allies and committing mass atrocities. They tried in Korea but we stopped them and to this day the left cry that was America being murderers and we should just allow the marxist regimes to advance.

Get that? That was the "crime." That America tried to prevent the spread of genocide being committed by the marxists and then it inevitably happened in the killing fields where 6 million Cambodians were slaughtered.

All to the quiet little delight of the left. Here, let me ask. Why don't they ever bring him up about the atrocities and why do American military history channels owned by NBC incessantly bring up hitler and why do they get so pissed when we point out that the nazis were socialists, all while all but omitting the atrocities of pol pot all while blaming America for Vietnam while never blaming the Vietcong?

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Socialist society will not let you be lost, will not leave you in trouble and will give you the opportunity to show everything that your nature and your abilities put in you...
Socialist society will be as full of morons and assholes as any other society.
Socialist society will be as full of morons and assholes as any other society.
In slave society there were also many morons and assholes, but you would prefer to live under capitalism, where there are also many morons and assholes. The same is true of capitalism and socialism.
I give Marxists high marks for rounding up and killing all the quisling who’d betray their country to bring about a Marxist government. They can’t be trusted and are too fucking stupid to be allowed to live
In slave society there were also many morons and assholes, but you would prefer to live under capitalism, where there are also many morons and assholes. The same is true of capitalism and socialism.
This country has over 60k NEGRO millionaires.

Here, let me ask you a question. It was actually this country that ended the slavery foisted upon it by the European countries via the African muslim countries. You aren't so ignorant as to think Europeans showed to the shores of Africa and simply kidnapped blacks with nets and dragged them to this hemisphere.....are you?

Wonder how many know cruelest slave trade in history was that of the Barbary Coast for over 300 years where about 1.5 million Europeans were enslaved by the Ottoman pirates.

Look up, what happened there. Like, what were those Europeans being enslaved to do? Start with that....

Ohhhhhh.......but doesn't count with the narrative of our divide and conquer demogoguery bullshit society we live in today.

Their reparation checks are still on the way...

My Lord...how pathetic do you demagoguery Muppets allow yourselves to get. Here is a small hint. Last republican mayor of Chicago was 1931.

In slave society there were also many morons and assholes, but you would prefer to live under capitalism, where there are also many morons and assholes. The same is true of capitalism and socialism.
I do not regard Corporate Consumerism as Capitalism and I used to work for IBM and dealt with morons and assholes there.

People arguing about antiquated economic ideas when technology has caused evolution into something else is one of the effects of morons.

Russian economists should have been pointing out in the 1950s that American economists could not do algebra because they were ignoring the depreciation of durable consumer goods. So consumer slavery just continues turning the planet's natural resources into garbage.

The term e-waste did not even exist when I went to college for Electrical Engineering, but people were talking shit about Capitalism and Marxism and Socialism, etc., etc., etc......

Where is the mandatory accounting/finance in the schools?
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When you call the nazis the socialists they in fact were, they really get offended. For these demented contaminated souls, they equate "fascism" and NAZI with American WHITE CAPTIALISM. That's their link. That's how they sell it.

Ever wonder why they never ever ever bring up for instance the 6 million murdered in the killing fields by their hero pol pot? Well, he is a cultural marxist hero....that's why.

For instance, this is how me and you have been contaminated by education and the beloved entertainment industry.

We still today, even conservatives, blame Vietnam debacle on America GETTING INVOLVED. Well, we were barely 20 years removed from appeasing the national socialist workers party (nazi) advancement throughout Europe. That appeasement is what caused WWII.

So, the vietcong and commie were running roughshod over our allies and committing mass atrocities. They tried in Korea but we stopped them and to this day the left cry that was America being murderers and we should just allow the marxist regimes to advance.

Get that? That was the "crime." That America tried to prevent the spread of genocide being committed by the marxists and then it inevitably happened in the killing fields where 6 million Cambodians were slaughtered.

All to the quiet little delight of the left. Here, let me ask. Why don't they ever bring him up about the atrocities and why do American military history channels owned by NBC incessantly bring up hitler and why do they get so pissed when we point out that the nazis were socialists, all while all but omitting the atrocities of pol pot all while blaming America for Vietnam while never blaming the Vietcong?

This is why the Left hated Reagan, Thatcher, Pope JPII and Lech Walesa. Those four were responsible in the demise of the former USSR, Eastern Bloc, and the Iron Curtain.
What a bunch of hogwash. The nazis went after communists about as hard as they did Jews.
That doesn't negate the fact that the Nazi's were a Socialist political party. The trouble was, at the head of the party was a egotistical, crazy and monstrous entity called Hitler. He believed that Aryans were superior to all other peoples and could win any war the party waged his army against. He saw the Russians as inferior Socialists that needed to be conquered.
When you call the nazis the socialists they in fact were, they really get offended. For these demented contaminated souls, they equate "fascism" and NAZI with American WHITE CAPTIALISM. That's their link. That's how they sell it.

Ever wonder why they never ever ever bring up for instance the 6 million murdered in the killing fields by their hero pol pot? Well, he is a cultural marxist hero....that's why.

For instance, this is how me and you have been contaminated by education and the beloved entertainment industry.

We still today, even conservatives, blame Vietnam debacle on America GETTING INVOLVED. Well, we were barely 20 years removed from appeasing the national socialist workers party (nazi) advancement throughout Europe. That appeasement is what caused WWII.

So, the vietcong and commie were running roughshod over our allies and committing mass atrocities. They tried in Korea but we stopped them and to this day the left cry that was America being murderers and we should just allow the marxist regimes to advance.

Get that? That was the "crime." That America tried to prevent the spread of genocide being committed by the marxists and then it inevitably happened in the killing fields where 6 million Cambodians were slaughtered.

All to the quiet little delight of the left. Here, let me ask. Why don't they ever bring him up about the atrocities and why do American military history channels owned by NBC incessantly bring up hitler and why do they get so pissed when we point out that the nazis were socialists, all while all but omitting the atrocities of pol pot all while blaming America for Vietnam while never blaming the Vietcong?

The get so pissed when we point out that the Nazi Party was a Socialist Party, because they go to the dictionaries and see at the end of the description of the Nazi Party, was that it was described as "right-wing." What they fail to know is that the description listing the Socialist Nazi Party, as "right-wing," was coined by a British Socialist Professor who upon learning of the horrors committed by the Nazis and not wanting such monstrous actions being associated with socialism, added the words, "right-wing," to deflect such barbarism away from a socialist government. He submitted his description to his fellow socialist professors who agreed with the deflection and all voted to accept his description of the Nazi Party as correct and submitted it to dictionary editors for approval and entry, which was done and that is how the Nazi Party came to be known as "right-wing," not that it ever really was.
Here, let me ask you a question. It was actually this country that ended the slavery foisted upon it
Was it "foisted", when slave labor became profitable in the processing of cotton, thanks to the capitalist economy, which used the invention of cotton processing machines to continue slavery? No one then "foisted" slavery on the United States, on the contrary, Britain banned slavery and even tried to block the slave ships that transported slaves to the free and democratic United States for 70 more years.
And as for the U.S. "ending" slavery, name me another country in the history of mankind, where nearly half the country rose up in arms to defend slavery. Some ending! At least in Russia, serfdom for peasants ended about the same years without war, by order of the tsar.
Was it "foisted", when slave labor became profitable in the processing of cotton, thanks to the capitalist economy, which used the invention of cotton processing machines to continue slavery? No one then "foisted" slavery on the United States, on the contrary, Britain banned slavery and even tried to block the slave ships that transported slaves to the free and democratic United States for 70 more years.
And as for the U.S. "ending" slavery, name me another country in the history of mankind, where nearly half the country rose up in arms to defend slavery. Some ending! At least in Russia, serfdom for peasants ended about the same years without war, by order of the tsar.
Don't see any of you do gooder socialists saying anything about all of the benefits that slave labor is bringing you right now today. Want to research the cobalt mining practices that digging up the minerals for your precious batteries that run the phone you're typing away on? How about the fact that negro multi millioaire commie kaepernick receiving $50 million dollars to represent Nike who's labor practices with their factories in that wonderful commie paradise Vietnam? Want to talk about that going today?

While negro athletes cry racism in this country while wearing those very sneakers manufactured by slave labor while being paid $150 million dollars?

Oh, you want to talk about the industry that ended in this country by this country 158 years ago that was started by the Trans Sahara slave trade in Africa? Only that but you certainly won't address the Native American Tribes that fought for the confederacy and owned slaves will you?


Just sit there thinking you oh so righteous by repeating what your globalist overlords tell you to repeat like the pathetic yapping globalist muppet you are.
Oh, you want to talk about the industry that ended in this country by this country 158 years ago that was started by the Trans Sahara slave trade in Africa?
I'm sorry, but those "It wasn't us, we were forced", "we were ordered" excuses we've all heard from german nazis at trials. No one forced American capitalists to use slave labor. No African slave owners could have forced them to use slaves. They wanted it themselves. Because it benefited them. Capitalism.

"...Capital eschews no profit, or very small profit, just as Nature was formerly said to abhor a vacuum. With adequate profit, capital is very bold. A certain 10 per cent. will ensure its employment anywhere; 20 per cent. certain will produce eagerness; 50 per cent., positive audacity; 100 per cent. will make it ready to trample on all human laws; 300 per cent., and there is not a crime at which it will scruple, nor a risk it will not run, even to the chance of its owner being hanged. If turbulence and strife will bring a profit, it will freely encourage both. Smuggling and the slave-trade have amply proved all that is here stated…"(c) Thomas Joseph Dunning
Nothing underlines the success of cultural Marxism in America than the complete failure of our public education system to teach the repeated failures and deadly consequences of socialism and communism throughout history.
Was it "foisted", when slave labor became profitable in the processing of cotton, thanks to the capitalist economy, which used the invention of cotton processing machines to continue slavery? No one then "foisted" slavery on the United States, on the contrary, Britain banned slavery and even tried to block the slave ships that transported slaves to the free and democratic United States for 70 more years.
And as for the U.S. "ending" slavery, name me another country in the history of mankind, where nearly half the country rose up in arms to defend slavery. Some ending! At least in Russia, serfdom for peasants ended about the same years without war, by order of the tsar.
We have to recognize that England ended slavery in the year 1833 and it took the US another thirty years to officially end it on paper and two years more of war to officially end it through a massively violent war.
We must also recognize that slavery existed millennia prior to 1833 and continued to exist until Mauritania ended it "on paper" officially in 1981. We must also recognize the following, throughout the history of slavery, it was never restricted to enslaving one race, but all and the nations that maintained slavery the longest were the Islamic nations, as the Quran promoted it.
Socialism comines economic power with state power, and I think that's a mistake. It's essentially the same dynamic as theocracy - combining religious with state power. It took us several hundred years to get past theocracy. We'll probably continue slogging through doomed attempts at socialism for the foreseeable future. Eventually we'll get over it.
We are definitely faced with the threat of Marxism today.
What they young don't understand is that old-style Monarchies (Autocracies), Military Juntas, Single-Party Dictatorships and Communism (Marxism) all have one major evil flaw. One group or individual makes the decision for its people. When there is no competition/choice, what always and I emphasize, always follows is: a government that is authoritarian, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and quickly becomes outright murderous to its own citizens and does so in large numbers.

Same Germans now as they were then. The left in this country....

Socialism comines economic power with state power, and I think that's a mistake.
Socialism is first and foremost a prohibition of private ownership of the means of production. Are those in the U.S. you call communists going to do this? If not, they are not communists. They are organizations that capitalists use to maintain their power.

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