Marxist/Communist/Fascist/Liberal/Progressive all starts with Socialism(A history lesson)

To you liberals it is hard to see that your whole liberal upbringing has been 1 big lie. That your hero you voted for not once but twice has pulled the wool over your eyes. Just remember some of those lies he told you about.
If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
Your insurance will go down by $2,500.
Hope and Change.
Lowering the oceans and Heal the planet.
Al Qaeda is on the run(ambassador Stevens was killed by Al Qaeda).
What happened in Fort Hood was "Workplace Violence".
There are many more to list, but when you ask a liberal about these lies, they give you this look.
Fascism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
One common definition of fascism focuses on three concepts: the fascist negations of anti-liberalism, anti-communism and anti-conservatism; nationalist authoritarian goals of creating a regulated economic structure to transform social relations within a modern, self-determined culture; and a political aesthetic of romantic symbolism, mass mobilization, a positive view of violence, and promotion of masculinity, youth and charismatic leadership
A liberal Republican(RINO) is distictly diffferent from a liberal Democrat, but the common core of both is liberalism(control of the masses through the government). But they are more similiar than different.

First things first -- Don't EVER use Wiki for anything more complicated than a cornbread recipe.

That article couldn't be more wrong if it tried -- Which I suspect the authors did

Second, if you really are curious about past, present and future political movements, start at the beginning of the Modern Era and go from there.

Study the French Revolution. That's where all this nonsense started.

Here's a good start -- The Great French Revolution 1789 1793 The Anarchist Library

Once you finish that, if you need some help going further, let me know.

Here's your second reading -- Hal Draper The Two Souls of Socialism 1966

Those two should keep you occupied for a LONG time

Third, and most important, admit to yourself that you don't know shit because (and I mean this nicely) you don't.

If you don't want to go through all this bullshit (I wouldn't blame you for declining) I can certainly understand that decision. Just understand that most of what you here and read about past and present political philosophies from our esteemed educational system and Academia in general is just simply bullshit condensed into bite-sized bullshit tablets easy to swallow for the unwashed masses and mostly stoopid
The french revolution? Seriously? You think that is where all 'this nonsense' started? You don't even define 'nonsense', so it is hard to take you seriously. ..and posting long, rambling propaganda treatises is a lame way to 'debate'. If you have a point, make it. If you want to back it up with a quote or source, fine, but merely ridiculing another who posts something specific & thoughtful is not a rebuttal.

What makes your 'bullshit tablets' easier to swallow than the OPs? No, eye rolling is for teenagers, not thoughtful debaters. Prove with logic & facts your premises, & make a real rebuttal.

Fascism, like communism & other forms of socialism REQUIRE a large, central, powerful state. They are merely flavors of totalitarianism, & have little to nothing in common with limited govt, American constitutionalism, which is a system of self rule, rotating CITIZEN representatives, & individual liberty. That is in sharp contrast to the ruling elite of socialism, where the 'enlightened' & wise leaders hand down mandates for the good of the unwashed masses. It is no different, functionally, than a monarchy, or a military dictatorship, which is what the french found out, after a period of anarchy.
Ever read what Marx said about the size of government under communism?
This shit again? The greatest thinkers in human history spent centuries originating and refining political philosophy just for a bunch of dumbasses with unlimited access to the bulk of their writings to disregard it and announce that there are only two kinds of politics, conservatism and every bad thing that has ever happened in the history of human governance all bundled together and called "the left".
Bullying - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power.
You keep hearing from the liberals about the "ANTI BULLYING LAWS" that they want to enforce in the public schools, to protect the little flowers of the LBGTQ groups. Yet every day these bullies of the left FORCE upon We the People their immoral ways, and if we talk back, they call us names, try to intimidate us, or even worse dominate US. They use the IRA, NSA, and sometimes the police to get US in line. Next time a liberal gets in your face, let them know you wont cower down to their bully ways. Time to fight back from liberalism's bully.
Communism, Fascism, Marxists, Progressive, LIberal, Socialist - It all starts with taking one persons stuff and giving it to another, even if they dont deserve it. The Pilgrim s Failed Socialist Experiment Liberty Under Fire
Few realize that New England’s first form of government under the Pilgrims was communalism (socialism) where “each produced according to his ability and each received according to his needs,” more than two centuries before Karl Marx first penned the above script. The result of “share the wealth” then and now was, and always will be, shared poverty.
When you take from a producer and give it to one who isnt, you eventually get resentment from the producer to stop "PRODUCING". We see it today after 6 1/2 years of a SOCIALIST dictator who has fundamentally transformed America. Just to give you a reminder, the 1st two years of Obamanomics, had Obama, Harry Reid, & Nancy Pelosi, all Liberals, and did the lives of America prosper? No but we got a big boondoggle of a healthcare failure, that has made life more unbearable. But that is liberalism, to make everyone equal, equally poor and equally miserable, unless you are Barack Obama, Al Gore, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi or other liberal elites who live in mansions, drive in limos, or fly in private jets. The goosestepping, kool aid drinking, mindnumbed, useful idiots are being mass produced by the public education system and if We the People dont start doing something about this, America will not be able to recover. When that happens, millions of people will die, like all socialist countries as Germany 6 million, USSR 11 million, and China 20+ million.
Most far left liberals blame conservatives for the actions of SOCIALIST who go after people of color, like the KKK, yet these degenerates are not conservative but FASCISTS(EXTREME FAR RIGHT SOCIALISTS). I am going to provide a history of the SOCIALIST movement and how it keeps morphing into different names. Both parties have socialism in it, progessive/liberal republicans(RINOs) and progressive/marxist/liberal/communist/fascist democrats.

Fabian Society - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Fabian Society is a British socialist organisation whose purpose is to advance the principles of socialism via gradualist and reformist means.
george bernard shaw fabian socialist - Bing Videos
Fabian Socialist George Bernard Shaw Praises Mussolini ...
Mussolini was a FASCIST. Eugenics was praised by the Fabians. Hitler exercised eugenics. Hitler was a FASCIST.

Hitler opposed artificial birth control, just like the Catholic Church.
Hitler were protestant what I know.

Austria are today 3-6% protestants.

Germany were strong with Hitler.

Crony capitalism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Crony capitalism is a term describing an economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between business people and government officials.
Barack Hussein Obama, with his GREEN ENERGY , and the bailout of GM & Chrysler, threw billions of dollars of our tax money and we still got a bankrupt "Detroit" and Solyndra. Talk about FASCISM. William Jefferson Clinton, whored out his wife to corporations and enemy countries, so he and his foundation could make $150million dollars. There is one thing dumber than a box of rocks, it is you liberals who think the Democrats are for the little people. Such stupid people who vote Democrat.

Conservatives believe Medicaid is unconstitutional. Medicaid, the program that mostly helps poor children and poor senior citizens.

You might want an America where the poor go without healthcare, but you're not going to get it. We will vote you down like dogs.
Or Nationalsocialism weres Hitler ideologi who then become Nazism the second name of six in Nationalists. Racists weres from 1800 in Europe and Etnopluralism are from 1200-1700 in England till exampel before they get British Empire.
Crony capitalism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Crony capitalism is a term describing an economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between business people and government officials.
Barack Hussein Obama, with his GREEN ENERGY , and the bailout of GM & Chrysler, threw billions of dollars of our tax money and we still got a bankrupt "Detroit" and Solyndra. Talk about FASCISM. William Jefferson Clinton, whored out his wife to corporations and enemy countries, so he and his foundation could make $150million dollars. There is one thing dumber than a box of rocks, it is you liberals who think the Democrats are for the little people. Such stupid people who vote Democrat.

Conservatives believe Medicaid is unconstitutional. Medicaid, the program that mostly helps poor children and poor senior citizens.

You might want an America where the poor go without healthcare, but you're not going to get it. We will vote you down like dogs.
When there is no more money because America goes bankrupt like Detroit, do you think those poor people are going to get services? Liberals are the dumbest people on the planet. But you probably already knew that.
Most far left liberals blame conservatives for the actions of SOCIALIST who go after people of color, like the KKK, yet these degenerates are not conservative but FASCISTS(EXTREME FAR RIGHT SOCIALISTS). I am going to provide a history of the SOCIALIST movement and how it keeps morphing into different names. Both parties have socialism in it, progessive/liberal republicans(RINOs) and progressive/marxist/liberal/communist/fascist democrats.

Fabian Society - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Fabian Society is a British socialist organisation whose purpose is to advance the principles of socialism via gradualist and reformist means.
george bernard shaw fabian socialist - Bing Videos
Fabian Socialist George Bernard Shaw Praises Mussolini ...
Mussolini was a FASCIST. Eugenics was praised by the Fabians. Hitler exercised eugenics. Hitler was a FASCIST.
Dictators alway rise out of the ashes of socialism, nothing will bring down an economy like socialism...
thought this needs to awaken again, as the commies of the left are trying to stop capitalism from flourishing again.

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