Marxist/Communist/Fascist/Liberal/Progressive all starts with Socialism(A history lesson)

There are many more examples of the liberal/progressive/marxist/communist/fascist movement, but what i have posted is some of the main points that just doesnt make it in the history books anymore. Since Woodrow Wilson, progressive democrat was educated from the IVY league school, he knew that history needed to be altered and propaganda could be used against the masses to control them. Joseph Gobbels used the same techniques, developed by Wilson's Propaganda minister. Edward Bernays. Social Engineering The Origin Justification And Control Of Propaganda The Oil in Your Lamp
So, if you will give me a few minutes, I will show you one of the biggest ‘open’ secrets in our society today: the wide-spread and coordinated use of government-directed propaganda for the intentional purpose of shaping and directing public opinion!
Even today you see Obama, Cass Sunstien and Al Sharlaton using propaganda to bend the people in a certain way and some cities are paying the ultimate price for it. Progressive movement is to control the masses, whether it takes a nudge, a poke, a shove, a slap, a punch, or eventually a gun, the masses will bend to the progressive eventually, or die fighting against it.
Communist, Fascist, Socialist, Capitalism are political/economic terms we use to describe people or policies we like or don't like. The terms as used generally have no validity. One of the amazing things is that we went all through the cold war and our educational systems offered little or no real study of the various systems. I suspect it is was such a hot topic that schools wanted no part of it. Can we even begin to imagine the public's reaction if a local high school gave a course in communism?
Another interesting Article about the Progressive Movement, is the Rules for Radicals. Saul Alinsky s Rules for Radicals
Hillary, Obama and the Cult of Alinsky: "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism, Alinsky taught. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within. Alinsky viewed revolution as a slow, patient process. The trick was to penetrate existing institutions such as churches, unions and political parties.... Many leftists view Hillary as a sell-out because she claims to hold moderate views on some issues. However, Hillary is simply following Alinsky’s counsel to do and say whatever it takes to gain power.
And the dedication....
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to

the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom —
So you see, the progressive/liberal movement has an agenda. Why else is such immoral actions from the LEFT constantly PUSHED in our face, trying to get US to accept that behavior? Starts with a nudge, then a poke..... "Lucifer" is laughing at the liberals.

There are 2 books that are followed
The Bible(God)
Rules for Radicals(Lucifer)

Which book do you follow?
Hitler was a National Socialist, Mussolini was a Fascist.

From the outside looking in, they may seem similar but there are distinct differences.

Actually, the so called differences are just cosmetic, and that fools many liberals....the ones who just aren't lying about the issue......fascists, socialists, nazis....are all the same thing...socialists....just slightly different cosmetic differences and a few variances in relation to the strength of the leader of the socialists in the country....but they are all socialism....left wing, and anti capitalist.....
The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Road to Serfdom is a book written by the Austrian-born economist and philosopher Friedrich von Hayek (1899–1992) between 1940–1943, in which he "warned of the danger of tyranny that inevitably results from government control of economic decision-making through central planning."[1] He further argues that the abandonment of individualism and classical liberalism inevitably leads to a loss of freedom, the creation of an oppressive society, the tyranny of a dictator, and the serfdom of the individual.
Today with Barack Hussein Obama in office, with the power of his pen and phone, he and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have taken away many rights that were give to us by God. When the government completely controls all the rights given to you by the government, then that government can take those rights away also. God given rights can only be suppressed by a suppressive government. The right to choose, whether you wanted healthcare or not, you no longer have that choice. Buy it or get punished.
The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Road to Serfdom is a book written by the Austrian-born economist and philosopher Friedrich von Hayek (1899–1992) between 1940–1943, in which he "warned of the danger of tyranny that inevitably results from government control of economic decision-making through central planning."[1] He further argues that the abandonment of individualism and classical liberalism inevitably leads to a loss of freedom, the creation of an oppressive society, the tyranny of a dictator, and the serfdom of the individual.
Today with Barack Hussein Obama in office, with the power of his pen and phone, he and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have taken away many rights that were give to us by God. When the government completely controls all the rights given to you by the government, then that government can take those rights away also. God given rights can only be suppressed by a suppressive government. The right to choose, whether you wanted healthcare or not, you no longer have that choice. Buy it or get punished.
Your rights do not come from God, or gods in your case.
The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Road to Serfdom is a book written by the Austrian-born economist and philosopher Friedrich von Hayek (1899–1992) between 1940–1943, in which he "warned of the danger of tyranny that inevitably results from government control of economic decision-making through central planning."[1] He further argues that the abandonment of individualism and classical liberalism inevitably leads to a loss of freedom, the creation of an oppressive society, the tyranny of a dictator, and the serfdom of the individual.
Today with Barack Hussein Obama in office, with the power of his pen and phone, he and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have taken away many rights that were give to us by God. When the government completely controls all the rights given to you by the government, then that government can take those rights away also. God given rights can only be suppressed by a suppressive government. The right to choose, whether you wanted healthcare or not, you no longer have that choice. Buy it or get punished.
Your rights do not come from God, or gods in your case.

Then YOU are done for. The people who lived in the USSR had no rights by God, and the communists there killed or shipped to a gulag people who tried to practice their religion. Nice of you to go offline right after you post your response as typical of a liberal to run away from a debate.
There are many more examples of the liberal/progressive/marxist/communist/fascist movement, but what i have posted is some of the main points that just doesnt make it in the history books anymore. Since Woodrow Wilson, progressive democrat was educated from the IVY league school, he knew that history needed to be altered and propaganda could be used against the masses to control them. Joseph Gobbels used the same techniques, developed by Wilson's Propaganda minister. Edward Bernays. Social Engineering The Origin Justification And Control Of Propaganda The Oil in Your Lamp
So, if you will give me a few minutes, I will show you one of the biggest ‘open’ secrets in our society today: the wide-spread and coordinated use of government-directed propaganda for the intentional purpose of shaping and directing public opinion!
Even today you see Obama, Cass Sunstien and Al Sharlaton using propaganda to bend the people in a certain way and some cities are paying the ultimate price for it. Progressive movement is to control the masses, whether it takes a nudge, a poke, a shove, a slap, a punch, or eventually a gun, the masses will bend to the progressive eventually, or die fighting against it.
Agree. There is no place for socialism in a "free" society. Socialism, to me, means a society governed by a few elitists who are immune to their own rules & regulations. Kind of like Obamacare. Good for the masses, but not for Congress & their staff. Since the beginning of the progressive movement here in America, our constitutional freedoms have been chipping away. Need evidence? I recall in the 80's the photograph of the crucifix placed in a glass of urine. As offensive as it was to many who held religious beliefs, no one issued death threats over this. Fast forward to today's harsh criticism of Pamela Geller & the Fatwa against her announced on Faux news.
In the 1890's communism was becoming a threat to European nations. Bismarck in Germany wondered how to take the lure from communism; his answer was to socialize Germany's medical care.
There are many more examples of the liberal/progressive/marxist/communist/fascist movement, but what i have posted is some of the main points that just doesnt make it in the history books anymore. Since Woodrow Wilson, progressive democrat was educated from the IVY league school, he knew that history needed to be altered and propaganda could be used against the masses to control them. Joseph Gobbels used the same techniques, developed by Wilson's Propaganda minister. Edward Bernays. Social Engineering The Origin Justification And Control Of Propaganda The Oil in Your Lamp
So, if you will give me a few minutes, I will show you one of the biggest ‘open’ secrets in our society today: the wide-spread and coordinated use of government-directed propaganda for the intentional purpose of shaping and directing public opinion!
Even today you see Obama, Cass Sunstien and Al Sharlaton using propaganda to bend the people in a certain way and some cities are paying the ultimate price for it. Progressive movement is to control the masses, whether it takes a nudge, a poke, a shove, a slap, a punch, or eventually a gun, the masses will bend to the progressive eventually, or die fighting against it.
Agree. There is no place for socialism in a "free" society. Socialism, to me, means a society governed by a few elitists who are immune to their own rules & regulations. Kind of like Obamacare. Good for the masses, but not for Congress & their staff. Since the beginning of the progressive movement here in America, our constitutional freedoms have been chipping away. Need evidence? I recall in the 80's the photograph of the crucifix placed in a glass of urine. As offensive as it was to many who held religious beliefs, no one issued death threats over this. Fast forward to today's harsh criticism of Pamela Geller & the Fatwa against her announced on Faux news.

Social Security is socialism. Check the record. Republicans were screaming that word loud and clear when FDR brought it into being. What has a republican ever done for anyone but the very wealthy and large corporations? Nothing, nada, zero. How many freedom loving republicans would like to make social security and medicare go away so they could take their old folks in and pay for their upkeep and medical bills?
There are many more examples of the liberal/progressive/marxist/communist/fascist movement, but what i have posted is some of the main points that just doesnt make it in the history books anymore. Since Woodrow Wilson, progressive democrat was educated from the IVY league school, he knew that history needed to be altered and propaganda could be used against the masses to control them. Joseph Gobbels used the same techniques, developed by Wilson's Propaganda minister. Edward Bernays. Social Engineering The Origin Justification And Control Of Propaganda The Oil in Your Lamp
So, if you will give me a few minutes, I will show you one of the biggest ‘open’ secrets in our society today: the wide-spread and coordinated use of government-directed propaganda for the intentional purpose of shaping and directing public opinion!
Even today you see Obama, Cass Sunstien and Al Sharlaton using propaganda to bend the people in a certain way and some cities are paying the ultimate price for it. Progressive movement is to control the masses, whether it takes a nudge, a poke, a shove, a slap, a punch, or eventually a gun, the masses will bend to the progressive eventually, or die fighting against it.
Agree. There is no place for socialism in a "free" society. Socialism, to me, means a society governed by a few elitists who are immune to their own rules & regulations. Kind of like Obamacare. Good for the masses, but not for Congress & their staff. Since the beginning of the progressive movement here in America, our constitutional freedoms have been chipping away. Need evidence? I recall in the 80's the photograph of the crucifix placed in a glass of urine. As offensive as it was to many who held religious beliefs, no one issued death threats over this. Fast forward to today's harsh criticism of Pamela Geller & the Fatwa against her announced on Faux news.

Social Security is socialism. Check the record. Republicans were screaming that word loud and clear when FDR brought it into being. What has a republican ever done for anyone but the very wealthy and large corporations? Nothing, nada, zero. How many freedom loving republicans would like to make social security and medicare go away so they could take their old folks in and pay for their upkeep and medical bills?

And social security and medicare are socialism. God bless socialists like FDR and LBJ I say.
You political science failures need only learn one thing, liberty dies only when people allow themselves to be ruled by fear. The only real "enemy within" is the cowardice that resides in your heart.
Look, modern day liberals are lying lowlife scum that's all you really need to know.
Communist, Fascist, Socialist, Capitalism are political/economic terms we use to describe people or policies we like or don't like. The terms as used generally have no validity. One of the amazing things is that we went all through the cold war and our educational systems offered little or no real study of the various systems. I suspect it is was such a hot topic that schools wanted no part of it. Can we even begin to imagine the public's reaction if a local high school gave a course in communism?

There is no value in any distinction between the various facets of Left-think... As they remain relevant only to the Relativism that is LEFT-think.

As I've noted many times... What you're discussing is nothing short of the addled reasoning that manifests EVIL!

Doubt that and I would challenge the reader to consider every Leftist experiment and show where it resulted in anything except chaos, calamity and / or catastrophe.
Communist, Fascist, Socialist, Capitalism are political/economic terms we use to describe people or policies we like or don't like. The terms as used generally have no validity. One of the amazing things is that we went all through the cold war and our educational systems offered little or no real study of the various systems. I suspect it is was such a hot topic that schools wanted no part of it. Can we even begin to imagine the public's reaction if a local high school gave a course in communism?

There is no value in any distinction between the various facets of Left-think... As they remain relevant only to the Relativism that is LEFT-think.

As I've noted many times... What you're discussing is nothing short of the addled reasoning that manifests EVIL!

Doubt that and I would challenge the reader to consider every Leftist experiment and show where it resulted in anything except chaos, calamity and / or catastrophe.
Was the USA a liberal experiment?
There are many more examples of the liberal/progressive/marxist/communist/fascist movement, but what i have posted is some of the main points that just doesnt make it in the history books anymore. Since Woodrow Wilson, progressive democrat was educated from the IVY league school, he knew that history needed to be altered and propaganda could be used against the masses to control them. Joseph Gobbels used the same techniques, developed by Wilson's Propaganda minister. Edward Bernays. Social Engineering The Origin Justification And Control Of Propaganda The Oil in Your Lamp
So, if you will give me a few minutes, I will show you one of the biggest ‘open’ secrets in our society today: the wide-spread and coordinated use of government-directed propaganda for the intentional purpose of shaping and directing public opinion!
Even today you see Obama, Cass Sunstien and Al Sharlaton using propaganda to bend the people in a certain way and some cities are paying the ultimate price for it. Progressive movement is to control the masses, whether it takes a nudge, a poke, a shove, a slap, a punch, or eventually a gun, the masses will bend to the progressive eventually, or die fighting against it.
Agree. There is no place for socialism in a "free" society. Socialism, to me, means a society governed by a few elitists who are immune to their own rules & regulations. Kind of like Obamacare. Good for the masses, but not for Congress & their staff. Since the beginning of the progressive movement here in America, our constitutional freedoms have been chipping away. Need evidence? I recall in the 80's the photograph of the crucifix placed in a glass of urine. As offensive as it was to many who held religious beliefs, no one issued death threats over this. Fast forward to today's harsh criticism of Pamela Geller & the Fatwa against her announced on Faux news.

Social Security is socialism. Check the record. Republicans were screaming that word loud and clear when FDR brought it into being. What has a republican ever done for anyone but the very wealthy and large corporations? Nothing, nada, zero. How many freedom loving republicans would like to make social security and medicare go away so they could take their old folks in and pay for their upkeep and medical bills?

That's because SS is socialism, created to appear not to BE such.

"You will know it by its fruit"

So, since SS is not a soundly managed, sustainable policy and given that such had been consistently misused and abused by the same cult that saddled such upon is, which is now strangling the U.S. economic engine... Tethered intrinsically to ever growing government, which promotes dependence upon government, we can rest assured that SS is a classic demonstration of THE CATASTROPHIC CONSEQUENCES OF LEFT-THINK.

Think about it... The same policy goals claimed by the proponents of SS could have simply required formal retirement plans... Wherein a small percentage of the individuals income was set aside in investments in everything from simple savings accounts to long term equity investments such as mutual funds... Wholly untethered from government.

The results would be individuals of modest incomes retiring with principles that would provide monthly payouts averaging $5000 instead of the paltry $1200 the average SS recipient enjoys.

What's more the markets would be flush with sound US dollars... Instead of the plastic banana cyber cash the Fed is floating the markets with today.

The Left did not create SS and Medicare to help the poor... SS was created to bankrupt the United States.

And that is what they have done.

It's not even a remotely debatable point.
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