Marxist Pelosi Fixing Law to Eliminate God from Oath in House. Vote!

Should Pelosi eliminate "so help me God" from oaths in committees?

  • No

    Votes: 40 58.8%
  • Yes

    Votes: 25 36.8%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 4.4%

  • Total voters
Isn't there a way citizens can issue a petition to remove a really, really bad person from the House? Nancy Pelosi likely knows everything Hillary -"I lost everything off my Computer"-Clinton knows, including the information on rivals that were found in her area of the White House while she was living there.

Maybe that would wipe that smirk off her face if we petitioned to remove her evil influence from leadership. Because right now, she's leading our nation straight down..
Duh. It's called 'an election'.

How'd that work for ya last November?
Think I'll take my chances with the Ninth Amendment, O angry, hostile one.
Have any of you Lefties visited the MLK memorial in Washington DC? If you do, you will see scripture, after scripture, after scripture chiseled out in stone all around the memorial.

How can we let this stand with a separation of church and state?

The memorial must be torn down!!!!!!!!!!
Because.....he was a minister and a private citizen....NOT the government. I swear, religion must blind people if they keep showing us they cannot see obvious differences.
Martin Luther King has had a lot more main drags named after him than you, Missy.
It is the majority religion that is for sure. But I do not think anyone could argue our government has ever acted in a Christian like manner.

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Best post evah!
Government isn't supposed to act in any religious manner. The problem I see is the left will attack Christianity, but then ignore muslims that try to influence our government.
You never read President Washington's state writings, letters, and presidential commentaries, did you. Well, I did. He mentioned the Lord Almighty in almost every single thing he ever put to the pen. You have ZERO idea.

He did indeed, he was also a Freemason though and they are antithetical to the Christian God. In fact after his election they performed the Freemason ritual of Apotheosis which means in their eyes he became a god.
He was not only a mason, he was a grand master and used masonic ceremony in laying the cornerstone of the Capitol building. There's a reason the Washington Monument is a masonic symbol obelisk. And let's not even get into how Washington has been portrayed as god-like in much of the governmental art in D.C. since then.
Have any of you Lefties visited the MLK memorial in Washington DC? If you do, you will see scripture, after scripture, after scripture chiseled out in stone all around the memorial.

How can we let this stand with a separation of church and state?

The memorial must be torn down!!!!!!!!!!
Hardly does the statue represent the state..

Not the point, the point is that it's on Gov property and precedent (though incorrect) says it shouldn't be there.
There are numerous Christian symbols on Gov property. You better start in Washington DC.
Such as?
Have any of you Lefties visited the MLK memorial in Washington DC? If you do, you will see scripture, after scripture, after scripture chiseled out in stone all around the memorial.

How can we let this stand with a separation of church and state?

The memorial must be torn down!!!!!!!!!!
Hardly does the statue represent the state..

Not the point, the point is that it's on Gov property and precedent (though incorrect) says it shouldn't be there.
There are numerous Christian symbols on Gov property. You better start in Washington DC.

That's the point, the hypocrisy of the Left's outrage.
Oh? We started this thread ranting about what Speaker Pelosi has done? DARED to not make it mandatory to say God in a government oath?
Who does that? Oh wait, are you talking about abortion? You know, they terminated unwanted pregnancies in Jesus's time too. Weird that its never mentioned in the bible.

We do that. We kill innocent babies.

Jesus came and fulfilled the old testament. Its mentioned in the bible.

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward" Psalm 127:3.

The fruit of the womb after it has ripened and been born. The Bible is mostly mum on abortion...unless it’s describing how to perform one. (Numbers 5 11 22)

There is no mention of abortion in numbers. That's the book the atheists like to go to though .

There is no explicit mention of abortion at all. There is mention of punishment if someone forces a woman to miscarry...death if the woman dies, a fine if she doesn’t. Weird huh?

Are you truly this stupid?

In so far as? What, precisely, do you take issue with, the bible?
Best post evah!
Government isn't supposed to act in any religious manner. The problem I see is the left will attack Christianity, but then ignore muslims that try to influence our government.
You never read President Washington's state writings, letters, and presidential commentaries, did you. Well, I did. He mentioned the Lord Almighty in almost every single thing he ever put to the pen. You have ZERO idea.

He did indeed, he was also a Freemason though and they are antithetical to the Christian God. In fact after his election they performed the Freemason ritual of Apotheosis which means in their eyes he became a god.
He was not only a mason, he was a grand master and used masonic ceremony in laying the cornerstone of the Capitol building. There's a reason the Washington Monument is a masonic symbol obelisk. And let's not even get into how Washington has been portrayed as god-like in much of the governmental art in D.C. since then.

Tell me something I don't know. The Obelisk is representative of more than that and if you'll notice it's almost always in front of a dome. Perhaps you knw why that is?
I really don't think she cares much for the opinions of the right, except to eliminate all she can off the face of the earth that reminds people God is watching us, and may not be so distant as Bette Middler thinks.

It's an attack on Religious Freedom especially. If that were the case on trying to remove God starting with being under oath. Then Pelosi should tell her twitter backtracking Muslim congresswoman to remove her hijab then.

I am sure that her hijab ruins your day (somehow). Tell you what. I will support her removing it, if everyone else removes the crosses that they wear around their necks.

The misogyny is strong with you for any person that believes there is a God. Sad!

My god can beat up your god with one hand tied behind his back!

My god is irony. It never disappoints.
Irony is a goddess....and she is well worshiped in this thread.
We do that. We kill innocent babies.

Jesus came and fulfilled the old testament. Its mentioned in the bible.

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward" Psalm 127:3.

The fruit of the womb after it has ripened and been born. The Bible is mostly mum on abortion...unless it’s describing how to perform one. (Numbers 5 11 22)

There is no mention of abortion in numbers. That's the book the atheists like to go to though .

There is no explicit mention of abortion at all. There is mention of punishment if someone forces a woman to miscarry...death if the woman dies, a fine if she doesn’t. Weird huh?

Are you truly this stupid?

In so far as? What, precisely, do you take issue with, the bible?

Not at all, I take issue with an unscholarly approach to "interpreting" it. Folks like you (unbelievers) want to pick and choose what you like and what you don't like. Take this instance, because you don't see the word "abortion" you think it allows you to disallow everything else it says. "Thou shalt not kill" etc. Intellectual children parse words and deflect.
Best post evah!
Government isn't supposed to act in any religious manner. The problem I see is the left will attack Christianity, but then ignore muslims that try to influence our government.
You never read President Washington's state writings, letters, and presidential commentaries, did you. Well, I did. He mentioned the Lord Almighty in almost every single thing he ever put to the pen. You have ZERO idea.

He did indeed, he was also a Freemason though and they are antithetical to the Christian God. In fact after his election they performed the Freemason ritual of Apotheosis which means in their eyes he became a god.
He was not only a mason, he was a grand master and used masonic ceremony in laying the cornerstone of the Capitol building. There's a reason the Washington Monument is a masonic symbol obelisk. And let's not even get into how Washington has been portrayed as god-like in much of the governmental art in D.C. since then.
Masons are a Christian organization. They advance the cause of Childrens' hospitals.
Didn't watch. Irrelevant.

Because it destroys your contention that the commie leftists don't hold Christianity in such contempt?

"Contempt" is also irrelevant. "Contempt" is a value judgment, referring in this case to an entity that is simply NOT PRESENT.

Once AGAIN for the dimbulbs, we are not a theocracy. Never have been. Ergo there is no call for a "god" or "goddess" in the government. PERIOD.

This government is comprised of "We the People". It is NOT comprised of "We the People plus these imaginary friends". That simply is not going to happen.

Nobody ever claimed that the US was a Theocracy, Progressives thrive on illogical extremes.
And yet there are those who wish to FORCE people in government to swear oaths by their god......that is the behavior of a theocrat.

Yawn. Male Cow Poop.
So you don't want to FORCE people in government to swear an oath "to God"? Yes or No?
The fruit of the womb after it has ripened and been born. The Bible is mostly mum on abortion...unless it’s describing how to perform one. (Numbers 5 11 22)

There is no mention of abortion in numbers. That's the book the atheists like to go to though .

There is no explicit mention of abortion at all. There is mention of punishment if someone forces a woman to miscarry...death if the woman dies, a fine if she doesn’t. Weird huh?

Are you truly this stupid?

In so far as? What, precisely, do you take issue with, the bible?

Not at all, I take issue with an unscholarly approach to "interpreting" it. Folks like you (unbelievers) want to pick and choose what you like and what you don't like. Take this instance, because you don't see the word "abortion" you think it allows you to disallow everything else it says. "Thou shalt not kill" etc. Intellectual children parse words and deflect.

So, I'm interpreting the bible differently than you so i must be wrong?

The bible is very clear that if you strike a woman and she miscarries but does not die, a fine will be paid...but if the woman dies, "an eye for an eye" comes in to play. So biblically, the born human is "worth" more than the miscarried fetus.
Do any of you really think God is going to continue to bless a nation who...

Half their population boo when asked if they want him as part of their platform for their party?

Are cheering laws allowing not justthe murder of unborn children but the woman carrying that child celebrating the death?

A nation that can’t even figure out who is a man or a woman?

A nation who praises and worships government above all else. And even uses his word as justification as if they are equals?

I don’t think we have much to worry about God wise. He’s not going to be here for us as a nation.
Do you really think a god is that involved in the kind of pettiness you espouse? Pretty lame god if so.

None of that is "petty".
It most certainly would be to some omnipotent god.
Best post evah!
Government isn't supposed to act in any religious manner. The problem I see is the left will attack Christianity, but then ignore muslims that try to influence our government.
You never read President Washington's state writings, letters, and presidential commentaries, did you. Well, I did. He mentioned the Lord Almighty in almost every single thing he ever put to the pen. You have ZERO idea.

He did indeed, he was also a Freemason though and they are antithetical to the Christian God. In fact after his election they performed the Freemason ritual of Apotheosis which means in their eyes he became a god.
He was not only a mason, he was a grand master and used masonic ceremony in laying the cornerstone of the Capitol building. There's a reason the Washington Monument is a masonic symbol obelisk. And let's not even get into how Washington has been portrayed as god-like in much of the governmental art in D.C. since then.
Masons are a Christian organization. They advance the cause of Childrens' hospitals.

No, no, they are not a Christian Org.
You forgot one. It's in the twentieth chapter of Exodus and says something like "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain." Pelosi wants to get rid of God off the face of the earth starting with Congress. And she's a vain woman who has no compunctions about giving her extended family and donors free rides at the expense of the United States Air Force who are solely funded by Joe Taxpayer. I betcha Queen Marie Antoinette wasn't worth $200 million, but she sure wore fancy clothes when she was being marched out to the Guillotine. The French know how to get entitled spendthrifts out of power. :iyfyus.jpg:

And adding “so help me God”, is taking the Lords name in vain as you are told not to do such things.

Little known fact...saying “so help me God” has never stopped anyone from lying.

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I understand your point and agree with you. However, what Pelosi is doing is censorship of the word "God". The Democrats took out the mention of God in their convention in 2012. That's the point, the mention of the word "God".
Then they should not serve in a Christian nation that serves God. That's what the founders were getting at. They were fed up with pandering, low-life Monarchs who abused their women and called them bad words.
The United States is not a christian nation nor do we serve your god. We are a secular nation where the majority of citizens are christian in some way and the government serves the People.....not some god.
Your disrespect for the religion of 75% of American citizens is duly noted.
So what? What are you going to do about me stating that the government serves the People...not some god?
Because it destroys your contention that the commie leftists don't hold Christianity in such contempt?

"Contempt" is also irrelevant. "Contempt" is a value judgment, referring in this case to an entity that is simply NOT PRESENT.

Once AGAIN for the dimbulbs, we are not a theocracy. Never have been. Ergo there is no call for a "god" or "goddess" in the government. PERIOD.

This government is comprised of "We the People". It is NOT comprised of "We the People plus these imaginary friends". That simply is not going to happen.

Nobody ever claimed that the US was a Theocracy, Progressives thrive on illogical extremes.
And yet there are those who wish to FORCE people in government to swear oaths by their god......that is the behavior of a theocrat.

Yawn. Male Cow Poop.
So you don't want to FORCE people in government to swear an oath "to God"? Yes or No?
Read my posts. I don't think you've had the time. Your answer might be in there somewhere…..

I understand your point and agree with you. However, what Pelosi is doing is censorship of the word "God". The Democrats took out the mention of God in their convention in 2012. That's the point, the mention of the word "God".
Then they should not serve in a Christian nation that serves God. That's what the founders were getting at. They were fed up with pandering, low-life Monarchs who abused their women and called them bad words.

We are not and have never been a Christian nation and have never served God. We have individuals that are Christian but our country and government has never done the work of god.

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Quote: "We are not and have never been a Christian nation and have never served God."

You're gravely mistaken. All Colonial children who could walk, walked to their local House of God (church) to receive an education in reading, writing, arithmetic, and they used a Bible when the church people were too poor to buy little reader books, although some would copy and write them down if they had pen, ink, and paper, that is.

The children were also taught religion at home. 99% of those who signed the Declaration of Independence were Christians. One of them was a Presbyterian minister, I believe John Flynn may have been his name. The British went after all of their families and property first, if they could get at them. Someone wrote a book about that that was popular before the Democras went on this atheistic binge of their Pelosian leaders.
Yeah....they were FORCED to. People were fined if they didn't go to church. In Puritan Massachusetts, worse could happen.

This is what you admire?
Things change. Now your team is forcing our children to learn atheism, which is why many are now choosing home schooling and not public schools that dispense information on masturbation, safe sex, homosexual sex, and giving America back to races other than the American Indians who are shivering it out on hostile northern American plains instead of their seaside homes now going for $5 million per tiny seafront.

Proud of your recruits? How you gonna feed them when you've forced them to take charity all their lives?
Tell me. How does one "learn atheism"? As for home schooling, that is everyone's right. If that's what you want, go for it.
Have any of you Lefties visited the MLK memorial in Washington DC? If you do, you will see scripture, after scripture, after scripture chiseled out in stone all around the memorial.

How can we let this stand with a separation of church and state?

The memorial must be torn down!!!!!!!!!!
Because.....he was a minister and a private citizen....NOT the government. I swear, religion must blind people if they keep showing us they cannot see obvious differences.
Martin Luther King has had a lot more main drags named after him than you, Missy.
"Contempt" is also irrelevant. "Contempt" is a value judgment, referring in this case to an entity that is simply NOT PRESENT.

Once AGAIN for the dimbulbs, we are not a theocracy. Never have been. Ergo there is no call for a "god" or "goddess" in the government. PERIOD.

This government is comprised of "We the People". It is NOT comprised of "We the People plus these imaginary friends". That simply is not going to happen.

Nobody ever claimed that the US was a Theocracy, Progressives thrive on illogical extremes.
And yet there are those who wish to FORCE people in government to swear oaths by their god......that is the behavior of a theocrat.

Yawn. Male Cow Poop.
So you don't want to FORCE people in government to swear an oath "to God"? Yes or No?
Read my posts. I don't think you've had the time. Your answer might be in there somewhere…..

You are extremely upset over them removing the requirement to swear to a god when taking the Oath of office. The only logical conclusion is that you want to force people to do so. If you have another explanation, by all means, provide it.

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