Marxist Pelosi Fixing Law to Eliminate God from Oath in House. Vote!

Should Pelosi eliminate "so help me God" from oaths in committees?

  • No

    Votes: 40 58.8%
  • Yes

    Votes: 25 36.8%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 4.4%

  • Total voters
Do any of you really think God is going to continue to bless a nation who...

Half their population boo when asked if they want him as part of their platform for their party?

Are cheering laws allowing not justthe murder of unborn children but the woman carrying that child celebrating the death?

A nation that can’t even figure out who is a man or a woman?

A nation who praises and worships government above all else. And even uses his word as justification as if they are equals?

I don’t think we have much to worry about God wise. He’s not going to be here for us as a nation.
Do you really think a god is that involved in the kind of pettiness you espouse? Pretty lame god if so.
If you consider the murder of children during their birth as trivial you are one fucked up person.
Pelosi to strike "so help me God" from oath taken in front of key House Committee

Liz Cheney said that the Democrat Party has become the Party of Karl Marx.

What do you think of this latest assault on American values by Nancy Pelosi?

The next step is throwing Christians to the Lions. Enough!

OK, I'm a radical believer in God. What's your take on this latest assault on tradition.. I mean, play??

Please vote. And keep the lockstep ninnyhammering to a minimum, please.

Sneaking religion into government isn't "American values". It's actually anti-American values.

Where in the Constitution doesn’t say separation of church and state? You stupid ass motherfucker are saying there is no separation of church and state? Because, if you know which one will win......(hint: it won't be religion)

Na, Just show us where it says separation of church and state in the constitution
Do any of you really think God is going to continue to bless a nation who...

Half their population boo when asked if they want him as part of their platform for their party?

Are cheering laws allowing not justthe murder of unborn children but the woman carrying that child celebrating the death?

A nation that can’t even figure out who is a man or a woman?

A nation who praises and worships government above all else. And even uses his word as justification as if they are equals?

I don’t think we have much to worry about God wise. He’s not going to be here for us as a nation.
Do you really think a god is that involved in the kind of pettiness you espouse? Pretty lame god if so.
If you consider the murder of children during their birth as trivial you are one fucked up person.

Agreed. God should be arrested for what he did during Passover.
Isn't there a way citizens can issue a petition to remove a really, really bad person from the House? Nancy Pelosi likely knows everything Hillary -"I lost everything off my Computer"-Clinton knows, including the information on rivals that were found in her area of the White House while she was living there.

Maybe that would wipe that smirk off her face if we petitioned to remove her evil influence from leadership. Because right now, she's leading our nation straight down..
Yes, the petition is known as an “election.” I’ve been told they have consequences.
Pants on fire, as usual, Faun the pawn. :rolleyes:

There is a way citizens can pass a law if Congress is too craven, I just can't remember the name of it, and you want to ignore it if you had the legal cajones to admit it.

Dumbfuck, you were talking about unseating Pelosi as House Speaker. An election is the only way citizens, as in non-House members, can accomplish that. And there is no law that can be crafted by such citizens to unseat Pelosi. You’re out of your friggin’ mind.

Yes, the petition is known as an “election.” I’ve been told they have consequences.
Pants on fire, as usual, Faun the pawn. :rolleyes:

There is a way citizens can pass a law if Congress is too craven, I just can't remember the name of it, and you want to ignore it if you had the legal cajones to admit it.
better remember it.
Yeah, well I know some of these fleabag lawyers around here know it, I just never went higher than Constitution 101, and that was more years old than most of our USMB posters are. <giggle>
you are calling another poster a liar, and have nothing to back that up.

That may not mean what you think, dear. But pathetic? Fauns were very naughty creatures you know.

As for the part about citizens being able to insist on being heard on an issue by organizing a national campaign, that may have been because I was listening to some radical professor deliver his speech on why if all else failed for people they could find a way to do that. It might be the stuff of the Ninth Amendment which the founders, who often disagreed on one thing and another, built in a way for people to be heard when the powers that be aren't paying us any attention. All I could find on that is that people trying to use the 9th Amendment may have a difficult time convincing the powers that be that we can do it, and we have 3 powers that be-both houses of Congress, the Supremes, and the Executive branch, not to mention the fourth column that is 95% dead set against conservatives, and especially Christian conservatives. What can I say, Ms. Eder, except it ain't over till it's over.
”Fauns were very naughty creatures you know.”

You do know fauns we’re not real, don’tcha? How can a mythological creature be naughty?
The US absolutely IS a Christian nation. To deny that is being disingenuous.

"Almighty GOD; we make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection, that thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United States of America at large. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of The Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech thee, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen"

^Who prayed that, then? Damn sure wasn't Tashib Mohammed.

That is a very nice man’s words that the country as a whole never lived up to.

Was the slavery of the time a Christ like action?

Was our treatment of the local people as we moved westward a Christ like action?

Do you even know what it means to be Christ like?

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I do, and I'm not a Communist trying to turn America away from God like you. :1peleas:

"27. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."

30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man." "

Which one of these 3 are you and Pelosi not doing, hmm?

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

You do a greater disservice to the Bible than I ever could by claiming this nation behaves in a Christ like manner.

If you knew anything about the Bible or Jesus you would know that he would be disgusted at the idea of a “Christian” nation. Christianity is supposed to be about a personal relationship with Jesus.

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This nation was founded by Christians for Christians, flustered Gator, you've already outright lied about it. You wanna keep digging? Be my guest. :dig:

Religion and the Federal Government, Part 2 - Religion and the Founding of the American Republic | Exhibitions (Library of Congress) was founded by Men of the Enlightenment who wanted a new nation that was free of the shackles of religion being all wrapped up in government like in Europe. Plus they'd seen the horror of the Puritan theocracy.

You forgot the "Christian Men of the Enlightenment" part. That's right. They didn't want any one Church and government being intertwined like it was in England.

What You Need to Know about the Anglican Church
You forgot one. It's in the twentieth chapter of Exodus and says something like "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain." Pelosi wants to get rid of God off the face of the earth starting with Congress. And she's a vain woman who has no compunctions about giving her extended family and donors free rides at the expense of the United States Air Force who are solely funded by Joe Taxpayer. I betcha Queen Marie Antoinette wasn't worth $200 million, but she sure wore fancy clothes when she was being marched out to the Guillotine. The French know how to get entitled spendthrifts out of power. :iyfyus.jpg:

And adding “so help me God”, is taking the Lords name in vain as you are told not to do such things.

Little known fact...saying “so help me God” has never stopped anyone from lying.

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I understand your point and agree with you. However, what Pelosi is doing is censorship of the word "God". The Democrats took out the mention of God in their convention in 2012. That's the point, the mention of the word "God".
Then they should not serve in a Christian nation that serves God. That's what the founders were getting at. They were fed up with pandering, low-life Monarchs who abused their women and called them bad words.
The United States is not a christian nation nor do we serve your god. We are a secular nation where the majority of citizens are christian in some way and the government serves the People.....not some god.
Your disrespect for the religion of 75% of American citizens is duly noted.

Me too! Me Too!!!!
Isn't there a way citizens can issue a petition to remove a really, really bad person from the House? Nancy Pelosi likely knows everything Hillary -"I lost everything off my Computer"-Clinton knows, including the information on rivals that were found in her area of the White House while she was living there.

Maybe that would wipe that smirk off her face if we petitioned to remove her evil influence from leadership. Because right now, she's leading our nation straight down..
Yes, the petition is known as an “election.” I’ve been told they have consequences.
Pants on fire, as usual, Faun the pawn. :rolleyes:

There is a way citizens can pass a law if Congress is too craven, I just can't remember the name of it, and you want to ignore it if you had the legal cajones to admit it.

Dumbfuck, you were talking about unseating Pelosi as House Speaker. An election is the only way citizens, as in non-House members, can accomplish that. And there is no law that can be crafted by such citizens to unseat Pelosi. You’re out of your friggin’ mind.


It's possible if done by a Convention of the States. It may come down to that, because between the 27th amendment and that "corporate personhood" crap, the citizens are not being represented by their Reps and Senators, and that's total bullshit.
Isn't there a way citizens can issue a petition to remove a really, really bad person from the House? Nancy Pelosi likely knows everything Hillary -"I lost everything off my Computer"-Clinton knows, including the information on rivals that were found in her area of the White House while she was living there.

Maybe that would wipe that smirk off her face if we petitioned to remove her evil influence from leadership. Because right now, she's leading our nation straight down..
Yes, the petition is known as an “election.” I’ve been told they have consequences.
Pants on fire, as usual, Faun the pawn. :rolleyes:

There is a way citizens can pass a law if Congress is too craven, I just can't remember the name of it, and you want to ignore it if you had the legal cajones to admit it.

Dumbfuck, you were talking about unseating Pelosi as House Speaker. An election is the only way citizens, as in non-House members, can accomplish that. And there is no law that can be crafted by such citizens to unseat Pelosi. You’re out of your friggin’ mind.


It's possible if done by a Convention of the States. It may come down to that, because between the 27th amendment and that "corporate personhood" crap, the citizens are not being represented by their Reps and Senators, and that's total bullshit.
You rightwingnut freaks are beyond retarded. :cuckoo:

No, dumbfuck, a “Convention of the States” cannot unseat Pelosi.

Such a maneuver would entail amending the Constitution which declares how the House chooses their speaker. Even if you could pull off such an action, it wouldn’t affect Pelosi because she would be grandfathered in and would still be Speaker for the remainder of her term. It would only change the method for selecting a House Speaker for the future. Meaning Pelosi remains the House speaker, no matter how much you shake your cane at her.
Isn't there a way citizens can issue a petition to remove a really, really bad person from the House? Nancy Pelosi likely knows everything Hillary -"I lost everything off my Computer"-Clinton knows, including the information on rivals that were found in her area of the White House while she was living there.

Maybe that would wipe that smirk off her face if we petitioned to remove her evil influence from leadership. Because right now, she's leading our nation straight down..
Yes, the petition is known as an “election.” I’ve been told they have consequences.
Pants on fire, as usual, Faun the pawn. :rolleyes:

There is a way citizens can pass a law if Congress is too craven, I just can't remember the name of it, and you want to ignore it if you had the legal cajones to admit it.

Dumbfuck, you were talking about unseating Pelosi as House Speaker. An election is the only way citizens, as in non-House members, can accomplish that. And there is no law that can be crafted by such citizens to unseat Pelosi. You’re out of your friggin’ mind.


It's possible if done by a Convention of the States. It may come down to that, because between the 27th amendment and that "corporate personhood" crap, the citizens are not being represented by their Reps and Senators, and that's total bullshit.
You rightwingnut freaks are beyond retarded. :cuckoo:

No, dumbfuck, a “Convention of the States” cannot unseat Pelosi.

Such a maneuver would entail amending the Constitution which declares how the House chooses their speaker. Even if you could pull off such an action, it wouldn’t affect Pelosi because she would be grandfathered in and would still be Speaker for the remainder of her term. It would only change the method for selecting a House Speaker for the future. Meaning Pelosi remains the House speaker, no matter how much you shake your cane at her.

You fucking retarded partisan asshat, I never said it could directly. It could fix not being able to fire Congress people and them taking bribes was the gist of my post, you obtuse myopic shill fuck!

I take it you're advocating for taxation without representation then? Hmm?
Pelosi to strike "so help me God" from oath taken in front of key House Committee

Liz Cheney said that the Democrat Party has become the Party of Karl Marx.

What do you think of this latest assault on American values by Nancy Pelosi?

The next step is throwing Christians to the Lions. Enough!

OK, I'm a radical believer in God. What's your take on this latest assault on tradition.. I mean, play??

Please vote. And keep the lockstep ninnyhammering to a minimum, please.

Sneaking religion into government isn't "American values". It's actually anti-American values.

Where in the Constitution doesn’t say separation of church and state? You stupid ass motherfucker are saying there is no separation of church and state? Because, if you know which one will win......(hint: it won't be religion)

Na, Just show us where it says separation of church and state in the constitution

It is in the Bible also..
Pelosi to strike "so help me God" from oath taken in front of key House Committee

Liz Cheney said that the Democrat Party has become the Party of Karl Marx.

What do you think of this latest assault on American values by Nancy Pelosi?

The next step is throwing Christians to the Lions. Enough!

OK, I'm a radical believer in God. What's your take on this latest assault on tradition.. I mean, play??

Please vote. And keep the lockstep ninnyhammering to a minimum, please.

Sneaking religion into government isn't "American values". It's actually anti-American values.

Where in the Constitution doesn’t say separation of church and state? You stupid ass motherfucker are saying there is no separation of church and state? Because, if you know which one will win......(hint: it won't be religion)

Na, Just show us where it says separation of church and state in the constitution

It is in the Bible also..

Sneaking religion into government isn't "American values". It's actually anti-American values.
Where in the Constitution doesn’t say separation of church and state? You stupid ass motherfucker are saying there is no separation of church and state? Because, if you know which one will win......(hint: it won't be religion)
Na, Just show us where it says separation of church and state in the constitution
It is in the Bible also..

Matthew 22:21 Jesus said "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's." Romans 13:1 "Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God and those which exist are established by God."
Do any of you really think God is going to continue to bless a nation who...

Half their population boo when asked if they want him as part of their platform for their party?

Are cheering laws allowing not justthe murder of unborn children but the woman carrying that child celebrating the death?

A nation that can’t even figure out who is a man or a woman?

A nation who praises and worships government above all else. And even uses his word as justification as if they are equals?

I don’t think we have much to worry about God wise. He’s not going to be here for us as a nation.
Do you really think a god is that involved in the kind of pettiness you espouse? Pretty lame god if so.
If you consider the murder of children during their birth as trivial you are one fucked up person.
IF you had bothered to read the NY law, you'd know that was only upon long consideration and danger to the woman........but that's perhaps not simplistic enough for conservative republicans to comprehend.
Pelosi to strike "so help me God" from oath taken in front of key House Committee

Liz Cheney said that the Democrat Party has become the Party of Karl Marx.

What do you think of this latest assault on American values by Nancy Pelosi?

The next step is throwing Christians to the Lions. Enough!

OK, I'm a radical believer in God. What's your take on this latest assault on tradition.. I mean, play??

Please vote. And keep the lockstep ninnyhammering to a minimum, please.

Sneaking religion into government isn't "American values". It's actually anti-American values.

Where in the Constitution doesn’t say separation of church and state? You stupid ass motherfucker are saying there is no separation of church and state? Because, if you know which one will win......(hint: it won't be religion)

Na, Just show us where it says separation of church and state in the constitution

So you support the eventual control of religion by the State....because that's what would happen if, as you say, there is no separation.
Yes, the petition is known as an “election.” I’ve been told they have consequences.
Pants on fire, as usual, Faun the pawn. :rolleyes:

There is a way citizens can pass a law if Congress is too craven, I just can't remember the name of it, and you want to ignore it if you had the legal cajones to admit it.

Dumbfuck, you were talking about unseating Pelosi as House Speaker. An election is the only way citizens, as in non-House members, can accomplish that. And there is no law that can be crafted by such citizens to unseat Pelosi. You’re out of your friggin’ mind.


It's possible if done by a Convention of the States. It may come down to that, because between the 27th amendment and that "corporate personhood" crap, the citizens are not being represented by their Reps and Senators, and that's total bullshit.
You rightwingnut freaks are beyond retarded. :cuckoo:

No, dumbfuck, a “Convention of the States” cannot unseat Pelosi.

Such a maneuver would entail amending the Constitution which declares how the House chooses their speaker. Even if you could pull off such an action, it wouldn’t affect Pelosi because she would be grandfathered in and would still be Speaker for the remainder of her term. It would only change the method for selecting a House Speaker for the future. Meaning Pelosi remains the House speaker, no matter how much you shake your cane at her.

You fucking retarded partisan asshat, I never said it could directly. It could fix not being able to fire Congress people and them taking bribes was the gist of my post, you obtuse myopic shill fuck!

I take it you're advocating for taxation without representation then? Hmm?

You flamer, I said non-House members could not unseat Pelosi as Speaker ... and your response to that was ...

"It's possible if done by a Convention of the States."

I point out you're a retard for claiming that -- and now here you are, denying you said what you said.

Do any of you really think God is going to continue to bless a nation who...

Half their population boo when asked if they want him as part of their platform for their party?

Are cheering laws allowing not justthe murder of unborn children but the woman carrying that child celebrating the death?

A nation that can’t even figure out who is a man or a woman?

A nation who praises and worships government above all else. And even uses his word as justification as if they are equals?

I don’t think we have much to worry about God wise. He’s not going to be here for us as a nation.
Do you really think a god is that involved in the kind of pettiness you espouse? Pretty lame god if so.
If you consider the murder of children during their birth as trivial you are one fucked up person.
IF you had bothered to read the NY law, you'd know that was only upon long consideration and danger to the woman........but that's perhaps not simplistic enough for conservative republicans to comprehend.
No. That’s not what it says. It makes a woman’s health nothing more than her last minute feelings.
Do any of you really think God is going to continue to bless a nation who...

Half their population boo when asked if they want him as part of their platform for their party?

Are cheering laws allowing not justthe murder of unborn children but the woman carrying that child celebrating the death?

A nation that can’t even figure out who is a man or a woman?

A nation who praises and worships government above all else. And even uses his word as justification as if they are equals?

I don’t think we have much to worry about God wise. He’s not going to be here for us as a nation.
Do you really think a god is that involved in the kind of pettiness you espouse? Pretty lame god if so.
If you consider the murder of children during their birth as trivial you are one fucked up person.

Agreed. God should be arrested for what he did during Passover.
You do know why Passover happened right? The Old Testament days were rough I’ll give you that.

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