Marxist Pelosi Fixing Law to Eliminate God from Oath in House. Vote!

Should Pelosi eliminate "so help me God" from oaths in committees?

  • No

    Votes: 40 58.8%
  • Yes

    Votes: 25 36.8%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 4.4%

  • Total voters
I wonder if the Right would be ok with people ending their oath with “so help me Trump”.?

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what wimps! what cowards! where i come from, Pelosi's what we call a LYING SNAKE!

I doubt there's any such thing as a "we" wherever it is you come from.
how can i recover after you zinged me like that??? the horror!

Your post doesn't address the topic at all. Trolls gotta assume the position.
actually it does. just because you don't like my opinion, doesnt make it invalid.
" help me, god." should be replaced by, " help me, Zeus".

Wrong millennium. :offtopic:

Wrong millennium, same idea.

The whole purpose of inventing a "God" or a "Zeus" or a (plug in deity of choice here) is a psychological hammer to browbeat people into submission -- submission to whoever owns the deity. "Do as we say or the boogieman will get you". Child stuff.

You're supposed to go whoo--whoo
at the intimidation and fall in line with the deity-owner's desires, and if you don't the mythological creature no one has ever seen will uh, will uh...... send you to hell or some shit, yeah that's the ticket.

Really isn't hard to see through all the holes in that design.

Anyway the point remains, this government ---- which is not a theocracy ---- is not affiliated with "God" any more than it is with "Zeus".
what wimps! what cowards! where i come from, Pelosi's what we call a LYING SNAKE!

I doubt there's any such thing as a "we" wherever it is you come from.
how can i recover after you zinged me like that??? the horror!

Your post doesn't address the topic at all. Trolls gotta assume the position.
actually it does. just because you don't like my opinion, doesnt make it invalid.

You didn't even state an opinion.
what wimps! what cowards! where i come from, Pelosi's what we call a LYING SNAKE!

I doubt there's any such thing as a "we" wherever it is you come from.
how can i recover after you zinged me like that??? the horror!

Your post doesn't address the topic at all. Trolls gotta assume the position.
actually it does. just because you don't like my opinion, doesnt make it invalid.

You didn't even state an opinion.
you must be real fun at parties *eyeroll*
This speech was delivered by Barack Obama in 2006, attacking Christianity using Old Testament (Old Covenant) particulars, and a specious reference to Christ's Sermon on the Mount:

Didn't watch. Irrelevant.

Because it destroys your contention that the commie leftists don't hold Christianity in such contempt?

"Contempt" is also irrelevant. "Contempt" is a value judgment, referring in this case to an entity that is simply NOT PRESENT.

Once AGAIN for the dimbulbs, we are not a theocracy. Never have been. Ergo there is no call for a "god" or "goddess" in the government. PERIOD.

This government is comprised of "We the People". It is NOT comprised of "We the People plus these imaginary friends". That simply is not going to happen.

Nobody ever claimed that the US was a Theocracy, Progressives thrive on illogical extremes.

And yet there are those who wish to FORCE people in government to swear oaths by their god......that is the behavior of a theocrat.

The irony is, if such an oath is administered/constructed by an official who themselves already took such an oath to, say, uphold the Constitution of a government which is expressly separate from religion, that oath administrator is by that act working against that Constitution ----- so apparently "God" isn't helping.
I voted "undecided" as it is much ado about nothing.

Oh? Nancy Pelosi screwing with the First Amendment is nothing? hmmmm

what the fuck does this have to do with the First Amendment?

Nobody is stopping you from believing whatever you wish to believe. This removes meaningless words from the end of an oath.

A phrase that ironically enough goes against the teachings of the bible itself.

James 5:12...But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.

Matt 5:34-35...But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King
You forgot one. It's in the twentieth chapter of Exodus and says something like "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain." Pelosi wants to get rid of God off the face of the earth starting with Congress. And she's a vain woman who has no compunctions about giving her extended family and donors free rides at the expense of the United States Air Force who are solely funded by Joe Taxpayer. I betcha Queen Marie Antoinette wasn't worth $200 million, but she sure wore fancy clothes when she was being marched out to the Guillotine. The French know how to get entitled spendthrifts out of power. :iyfyus.jpg:

:lol: you can't "get rid of god off the face of the earth" by simply not having it in an oath to an office in a governent which, for the 1756th time, is not a theocracy. All that does is eliiminate a meaningless phrase from an oath which is supposedly taken seriously. It simply has no function. What does it expect to happen --- that the oather needs help from God to execute the responsibilities they signed up for? That they can't do it themselves? Kind of a contradiction for a religious culture that claims it believes in free will, is it not? Or is it a crutch to lean on when the subject fails to execute that office, then they can blame "God" for not helping? Makes no sense at all. They might as well ask "so help me the Goodyear Blimp" or "so help me a twelve-millimeter wrench socket", except that those things can be shown to exist.

And again, the Constitutional oath to the highest office in the land asks for no such "help" either.

At some point people have to start taking their own responsibilities on their own backs and quit blaming some mythological wispy semi-gaseously anthropomorphized concept. At some point --- we gotta grow up.

Most Congress sessions are started with a prayer, so yes to the bolded.
Here's ^^ a guy actually putting his name on a post saying "because we've always done it this way" as if it's a reasoning.

Hard to believe, Harry.
I doubt there's any such thing as a "we" wherever it is you come from.
how can i recover after you zinged me like that??? the horror!

Your post doesn't address the topic at all. Trolls gotta assume the position.
actually it does. just because you don't like my opinion, doesnt make it invalid.

You didn't even state an opinion.
you must be real fun at parties *eyeroll*

Shush. The adults are talking. Go play with your dolls.
Didn't watch. Irrelevant.

Because it destroys your contention that the commie leftists don't hold Christianity in such contempt?

"Contempt" is also irrelevant. "Contempt" is a value judgment, referring in this case to an entity that is simply NOT PRESENT.

Once AGAIN for the dimbulbs, we are not a theocracy. Never have been. Ergo there is no call for a "god" or "goddess" in the government. PERIOD.

This government is comprised of "We the People". It is NOT comprised of "We the People plus these imaginary friends". That simply is not going to happen.

Nobody ever claimed that the US was a Theocracy, Progressives thrive on illogical extremes.
And yet there are those who wish to FORCE people in government to swear oaths by their god......that is the behavior of a theocrat.
If you want to swear to God.....swear to God
If you want to swear on the Constitution.......just as good

Those entering an obligation to serve "God", should contract with "God".
Those entering an obligation to serve "the Constitution", should contract with "the Constitution".
Just as those entering an obligation to serve the Milwaukee Brewers, should contact with the Milwaukee Brewers.

Ain't rocket surgery.

Can't remember anybody signing a contract with the Boston Bruins with a clause saying "so help me jar of Hellman's Mayonnaise".
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I voted "undecided" as it is much ado about nothing.

Oh? Nancy Pelosi screwing with the First Amendment is nothing? hmmmm

what the fuck does this have to do with the First Amendment?

Nobody is stopping you from believing whatever you wish to believe. This removes meaningless words from the end of an oath.

A phrase that ironically enough goes against the teachings of the bible itself.

James 5:12...But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.

Matt 5:34-35...But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King
You forgot one. It's in the twentieth chapter of Exodus and says something like "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain." Pelosi wants to get rid of God off the face of the earth starting with Congress. And she's a vain woman who has no compunctions about giving her extended family and donors free rides at the expense of the United States Air Force who are solely funded by Joe Taxpayer. I betcha Queen Marie Antoinette wasn't worth $200 million, but she sure wore fancy clothes when she was being marched out to the Guillotine. The French know how to get entitled spendthrifts out of power. :iyfyus.jpg:

:lol: you can't "get rid of god off the face of the earth" by simply not having it in an oath to an office in a governent which, for the 1756th time, is not a theocracy. All that does is eliiminate a meaningless phrase from an oath which is supposedly taken seriously. It simply has no function. What does it expect to happen --- that the oather needs help from God to execute the responsibilities they signed up for? That they can't do it themselves? Kind of a contradiction for a religious culture that claims it believes in free will, is it not? Or is it a crutch to lean on when the subject fails to execute that office, then they can blame "God" for not helping? Makes no sense at all. They might as well ask "so help me the Goodyear Blimp" or "so help me a twelve-millimeter wrench socket", except that those things can be shown to exist.

And again, the Constitutional oath to the highest office in the land asks for no such "help" either.

At some point people have to start taking their own responsibilities on their own backs and quit blaming some mythological wispy semi-gaseously anthropomorphized concept. At some point --- we gotta grow up.
You underestimate me, sir. I have dealt with my fears and made a decision. I ruled in favor of the collective wisdom of my far more experienced grandparents who gave their all to supporting those who lost the most in war fought for other people's freedom from scorch-the-earth monarchs and their ambitious successors such as Hitler and his Mufti Pal who wanted to murder each and every man, woman, and child of people whose worst "crimes" were self-discipline and thrift that enabled to help whoever they chose. And while the world's attention zeroed in on Hitler, unscrutinized bullies in other parts of the world hastened to commit egregious genocides in their own real estate areas that did not come to the attention of the world until Hitler left the stage that enabled all this mass murdering. My mother well understood this principle, and when and if my brother or I made the egregious error of criticizing a group of people we formerly were at war with, she chastised us. Her gentle words were "The war is over, and victory was decided in our favor. Do not make it worse for the defeated or they will reconnoiter and make you pay a price for your ill will." That's exactly what the Bible teaches--revenge is Heaven's job. Getting along with each other is ours, and if we don't, we have to pay a price for our own arrogance. I choose to fear offending God's word, and trust me, the Bible is a vast book of human experience that I draw on whether people here hate me for it or not, or draw in an unthought principle in one situation that is irrelevant in another. I learned how to cut through the crap, nothing more. For example, the business of not bearing false witness works in a non-wartime capacity. In war, all else has broken down, and telling the truth to someone who would murder all persons you care about requires an understanding of relevance that could lead to a nation's demise. You have to trust God to help you out when you are under fire. If you don't, someone cruel will eat your and your battalion's collective livers, burp, and forget you and millions like you they would scorch the earth under if you let them. I choose to practice mercy when I am not at war. I am at war with people in America who sanctify murdering 58 million future citizens by turning the female population of this nation from learning to support a mate for life to collecting chopped off foreskins and more. Some things just aren't fitting in our society. The wisdom of my elders was to teach very strongly that someone needs to keep the home fires burning. That's part of my decision. I consider abortion self-murder that is beneath the pale. It takes self-hatred to wipe out one's own family's dna, especially when it is a precious one. That's what the feminine movement has drawn itself toward, and I don't like the drift. The one good thing God gives them, they despise, and anyone who asks them to stop and think hard about something the immediately register as their personal enemy worthy of having the earth beneath them scorched so severely they will cease to exist. That is the essence of human lunacy, imho. We aren't like other animals. And if we do not clean up our act, nature will grant her blessings of the earth onto another form of life that will hitlerize human life. I will fight for human life because our future depends upon what we decide to do to end this horrific practice that makes serial killers out of women. I believe that will destroy the DNA that thousands of years of human wisdom has bestowed. Brainwashing women to cut off the future is just a bad idea, all the way around. And teaching women to go chockehold somebody who doesn't ring their bells is another bad idea we actually had a representative in Congress try to proliferate what kind of power over the masses? Produce people that are so hateful that verbal assault becomes a weapon of choice against every little thing? That's just a plain bad gene to foist on future generations, and I hope that is quelled at the source. DNA is a powerful thing. Underestimate DNA and you will have a future that will decimate the entire human race in a short amount of time..
I voted "undecided" as it is much ado about nothing.

Oh? Nancy Pelosi screwing with the First Amendment is nothing? hmmmm

what the fuck does this have to do with the First Amendment?

Nobody is stopping you from believing whatever you wish to believe. This removes meaningless words from the end of an oath.

A phrase that ironically enough goes against the teachings of the bible itself.

James 5:12...But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.

Matt 5:34-35...But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King
You forgot one. It's in the twentieth chapter of Exodus and says something like "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain." Pelosi wants to get rid of God off the face of the earth starting with Congress. And she's a vain woman who has no compunctions about giving her extended family and donors free rides at the expense of the United States Air Force who are solely funded by Joe Taxpayer. I betcha Queen Marie Antoinette wasn't worth $200 million, but she sure wore fancy clothes when she was being marched out to the Guillotine. The French know how to get entitled spendthrifts out of power. :iyfyus.jpg:

:lol: you can't "get rid of god off the face of the earth" by simply not having it in an oath to an office in a governent which, for the 1756th time, is not a theocracy. All that does is eliiminate a meaningless phrase from an oath which is supposedly taken seriously. It simply has no function. What does it expect to happen --- that the oather needs help from God to execute the responsibilities they signed up for? That they can't do it themselves? Kind of a contradiction for a religious culture that claims it believes in free will, is it not? Or is it a crutch to lean on when the subject fails to execute that office, then they can blame "God" for not helping? Makes no sense at all. They might as well ask "so help me the Goodyear Blimp" or "so help me a twelve-millimeter wrench socket", except that those things can be shown to exist.

And again, the Constitutional oath to the highest office in the land asks for no such "help" either.

At some point people have to start taking their own responsibilities on their own backs and quit blaming some mythological wispy semi-gaseously anthropomorphized concept. At some point --- we gotta grow up.
You underestimate me, sir. I have dealt with my fears and made a decision. I ruled in favor of the collective wisdom of my far more experienced grandparents who gave their all to supporting those who lost the most in war fought for other people's freedom from scorch-the-earth monarchs and their ambitious successors such as Hitler and his Mufti Pal who wanted to murder each and every man, woman, and child of people whose worst "crimes" were self-discipline and thrift that enabled to help whoever they chose. And while the world's attention zeroed in on Hitler, unscrutinized bullies in other parts of the world hastened to commit egregious genocides in their own real estate areas that did not come to the attention of the world until Hitler left the stage that enabled all this mass murdering. My mother well understood this principle, and when and if my brother or I made the egregious error of criticizing a group of people we formerly were at war with, she chastised us. Her gentle words were "The war is over, and victory was decided in our favor. Do not make it worse for the defeated or they will reconnoiter and make you pay a price for your ill will." That's exactly what the Bible teaches--revenge is Heaven's job. Getting along with each other is ours, and if we don't, we have to pay a price for our own arrogance. I choose to fear offending God's word, and trust me, the Bible is a vast book of human experience that I draw on whether people here hate me for it or not, or draw in an unthought principle in one situation that is irrelevant in another. I learned how to cut through the crap, nothing more. For example, the business of not bearing false witness works in a non-wartime capacity. In war, all else has broken down, and telling the truth to someone who would murder all persons you care about requires an understanding of relevance that could lead to a nation's demise. You have to trust God to help you out when you are under fire. If you don't, someone cruel will eat your and your battalion's collective livers, burp, and forget you and millions like you they would scorch the earth under if you let them. I choose to practice mercy when I am not at war. I am at war with people in America who sanctify murdering 58 million future citizens by turning the female population of this nation from learning to support a mate for life to collecting chopped off foreskins and more. Some things just aren't fitting in our society. The wisdom of my elders was to teach very strongly that someone needs to keep the home fires burning. That's part of my decision. I consider abortion self-murder that is beneath the pale. It takes self-hatred to wipe out one's own family's dna, especially when it is a precious one. That's what the feminine movement has drawn itself toward, and I don't like the drift. The one good thing God gives them, they despise, and anyone who asks them to stop and think hard about something the immediately register as their personal enemy worthy of having the earth beneath them scorched so severely they will cease to exist. That is the essence of human lunacy, imho. We aren't like other animals. And if we do not clean up our act, nature will grant her blessings of the earth onto another form of life that will hitlerize human life. I will fight for human life because our future depends upon what we decide to do to end this horrific practice that makes serial killers out of women. I believe that will destroy the DNA that thousands of years of human wisdom has bestowed. Brainwashing women to cut off the future is just a bad idea, all the way around. And teaching women to go chockehold somebody who doesn't ring their bells is another bad idea we actually had a representative in Congress try to proliferate what kind of power over the masses? Produce people that are so hateful that verbal assault becomes a weapon of choice against every little thing? That's just a plain bad gene to foist on future generations, and I hope that is quelled at the source. DNA is a powerful thing. Underestimate DNA and you will have a future that will decimate the entire human race in a short amount of time..


Two words: "paragraph breaks".

I'll wait for the edit. :D
Oh? Nancy Pelosi screwing with the First Amendment is nothing? hmmmm

what the fuck does this have to do with the First Amendment?

Nobody is stopping you from believing whatever you wish to believe. This removes meaningless words from the end of an oath.

A phrase that ironically enough goes against the teachings of the bible itself.

James 5:12...But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.

Matt 5:34-35...But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King
You forgot one. It's in the twentieth chapter of Exodus and says something like "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain." Pelosi wants to get rid of God off the face of the earth starting with Congress. And she's a vain woman who has no compunctions about giving her extended family and donors free rides at the expense of the United States Air Force who are solely funded by Joe Taxpayer. I betcha Queen Marie Antoinette wasn't worth $200 million, but she sure wore fancy clothes when she was being marched out to the Guillotine. The French know how to get entitled spendthrifts out of power. :iyfyus.jpg:

:lol: you can't "get rid of god off the face of the earth" by simply not having it in an oath to an office in a governent which, for the 1756th time, is not a theocracy. All that does is eliiminate a meaningless phrase from an oath which is supposedly taken seriously. It simply has no function. What does it expect to happen --- that the oather needs help from God to execute the responsibilities they signed up for? That they can't do it themselves? Kind of a contradiction for a religious culture that claims it believes in free will, is it not? Or is it a crutch to lean on when the subject fails to execute that office, then they can blame "God" for not helping? Makes no sense at all. They might as well ask "so help me the Goodyear Blimp" or "so help me a twelve-millimeter wrench socket", except that those things can be shown to exist.

And again, the Constitutional oath to the highest office in the land asks for no such "help" either.

At some point people have to start taking their own responsibilities on their own backs and quit blaming some mythological wispy semi-gaseously anthropomorphized concept. At some point --- we gotta grow up.
You underestimate me, sir. I have dealt with my fears and made a decision. I ruled in favor of the collective wisdom of my far more experienced grandparents who gave their all to supporting those who lost the most in war fought for other people's freedom from scorch-the-earth monarchs and their ambitious successors such as Hitler and his Mufti Pal who wanted to murder each and every man, woman, and child of people whose worst "crimes" were self-discipline and thrift that enabled to help whoever they chose. And while the world's attention zeroed in on Hitler, unscrutinized bullies in other parts of the world hastened to commit egregious genocides in their own real estate areas that did not come to the attention of the world until Hitler left the stage that enabled all this mass murdering. My mother well understood this principle, and when and if my brother or I made the egregious error of criticizing a group of people we formerly were at war with, she chastised us. Her gentle words were "The war is over, and victory was decided in our favor. Do not make it worse for the defeated or they will reconnoiter and make you pay a price for your ill will." That's exactly what the Bible teaches--revenge is Heaven's job. Getting along with each other is ours, and if we don't, we have to pay a price for our own arrogance. I choose to fear offending God's word, and trust me, the Bible is a vast book of human experience that I draw on whether people here hate me for it or not, or draw in an unthought principle in one situation that is irrelevant in another. I learned how to cut through the crap, nothing more. For example, the business of not bearing false witness works in a non-wartime capacity. In war, all else has broken down, and telling the truth to someone who would murder all persons you care about requires an understanding of relevance that could lead to a nation's demise. You have to trust God to help you out when you are under fire. If you don't, someone cruel will eat your and your battalion's collective livers, burp, and forget you and millions like you they would scorch the earth under if you let them. I choose to practice mercy when I am not at war. I am at war with people in America who sanctify murdering 58 million future citizens by turning the female population of this nation from learning to support a mate for life to collecting chopped off foreskins and more. Some things just aren't fitting in our society. The wisdom of my elders was to teach very strongly that someone needs to keep the home fires burning. That's part of my decision. I consider abortion self-murder that is beneath the pale. It takes self-hatred to wipe out one's own family's dna, especially when it is a precious one. That's what the feminine movement has drawn itself toward, and I don't like the drift. The one good thing God gives them, they despise, and anyone who asks them to stop and think hard about something the immediately register as their personal enemy worthy of having the earth beneath them scorched so severely they will cease to exist. That is the essence of human lunacy, imho. We aren't like other animals. And if we do not clean up our act, nature will grant her blessings of the earth onto another form of life that will hitlerize human life. I will fight for human life because our future depends upon what we decide to do to end this horrific practice that makes serial killers out of women. I believe that will destroy the DNA that thousands of years of human wisdom has bestowed. Brainwashing women to cut off the future is just a bad idea, all the way around. And teaching women to go chockehold somebody who doesn't ring their bells is another bad idea we actually had a representative in Congress try to proliferate what kind of power over the masses? Produce people that are so hateful that verbal assault becomes a weapon of choice against every little thing? That's just a plain bad gene to foist on future generations, and I hope that is quelled at the source. DNA is a powerful thing. Underestimate DNA and you will have a future that will decimate the entire human race in a short amount of time..


Two words: "paragraph breaks".

I'll wait for the edit. :D
If you think I'm bad, you should try to cypher George Washington's recitations extraordinaire. And aren't you the one who told another poster the adults were speaking, my fine and ferocious friend? ~ahem~ Have a cuppa coffee, it's a little early. :)
what the fuck does this have to do with the First Amendment?

Nobody is stopping you from believing whatever you wish to believe. This removes meaningless words from the end of an oath.

A phrase that ironically enough goes against the teachings of the bible itself.

James 5:12...But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.

Matt 5:34-35...But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King
You forgot one. It's in the twentieth chapter of Exodus and says something like "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain." Pelosi wants to get rid of God off the face of the earth starting with Congress. And she's a vain woman who has no compunctions about giving her extended family and donors free rides at the expense of the United States Air Force who are solely funded by Joe Taxpayer. I betcha Queen Marie Antoinette wasn't worth $200 million, but she sure wore fancy clothes when she was being marched out to the Guillotine. The French know how to get entitled spendthrifts out of power. :iyfyus.jpg:

:lol: you can't "get rid of god off the face of the earth" by simply not having it in an oath to an office in a governent which, for the 1756th time, is not a theocracy. All that does is eliiminate a meaningless phrase from an oath which is supposedly taken seriously. It simply has no function. What does it expect to happen --- that the oather needs help from God to execute the responsibilities they signed up for? That they can't do it themselves? Kind of a contradiction for a religious culture that claims it believes in free will, is it not? Or is it a crutch to lean on when the subject fails to execute that office, then they can blame "God" for not helping? Makes no sense at all. They might as well ask "so help me the Goodyear Blimp" or "so help me a twelve-millimeter wrench socket", except that those things can be shown to exist.

And again, the Constitutional oath to the highest office in the land asks for no such "help" either.

At some point people have to start taking their own responsibilities on their own backs and quit blaming some mythological wispy semi-gaseously anthropomorphized concept. At some point --- we gotta grow up.
You underestimate me, sir. I have dealt with my fears and made a decision. I ruled in favor of the collective wisdom of my far more experienced grandparents who gave their all to supporting those who lost the most in war fought for other people's freedom from scorch-the-earth monarchs and their ambitious successors such as Hitler and his Mufti Pal who wanted to murder each and every man, woman, and child of people whose worst "crimes" were self-discipline and thrift that enabled to help whoever they chose. And while the world's attention zeroed in on Hitler, unscrutinized bullies in other parts of the world hastened to commit egregious genocides in their own real estate areas that did not come to the attention of the world until Hitler left the stage that enabled all this mass murdering. My mother well understood this principle, and when and if my brother or I made the egregious error of criticizing a group of people we formerly were at war with, she chastised us. Her gentle words were "The war is over, and victory was decided in our favor. Do not make it worse for the defeated or they will reconnoiter and make you pay a price for your ill will." That's exactly what the Bible teaches--revenge is Heaven's job. Getting along with each other is ours, and if we don't, we have to pay a price for our own arrogance. I choose to fear offending God's word, and trust me, the Bible is a vast book of human experience that I draw on whether people here hate me for it or not, or draw in an unthought principle in one situation that is irrelevant in another. I learned how to cut through the crap, nothing more. For example, the business of not bearing false witness works in a non-wartime capacity. In war, all else has broken down, and telling the truth to someone who would murder all persons you care about requires an understanding of relevance that could lead to a nation's demise. You have to trust God to help you out when you are under fire. If you don't, someone cruel will eat your and your battalion's collective livers, burp, and forget you and millions like you they would scorch the earth under if you let them. I choose to practice mercy when I am not at war. I am at war with people in America who sanctify murdering 58 million future citizens by turning the female population of this nation from learning to support a mate for life to collecting chopped off foreskins and more. Some things just aren't fitting in our society. The wisdom of my elders was to teach very strongly that someone needs to keep the home fires burning. That's part of my decision. I consider abortion self-murder that is beneath the pale. It takes self-hatred to wipe out one's own family's dna, especially when it is a precious one. That's what the feminine movement has drawn itself toward, and I don't like the drift. The one good thing God gives them, they despise, and anyone who asks them to stop and think hard about something the immediately register as their personal enemy worthy of having the earth beneath them scorched so severely they will cease to exist. That is the essence of human lunacy, imho. We aren't like other animals. And if we do not clean up our act, nature will grant her blessings of the earth onto another form of life that will hitlerize human life. I will fight for human life because our future depends upon what we decide to do to end this horrific practice that makes serial killers out of women. I believe that will destroy the DNA that thousands of years of human wisdom has bestowed. Brainwashing women to cut off the future is just a bad idea, all the way around. And teaching women to go chockehold somebody who doesn't ring their bells is another bad idea we actually had a representative in Congress try to proliferate what kind of power over the masses? Produce people that are so hateful that verbal assault becomes a weapon of choice against every little thing? That's just a plain bad gene to foist on future generations, and I hope that is quelled at the source. DNA is a powerful thing. Underestimate DNA and you will have a future that will decimate the entire human race in a short amount of time..


Two words: "paragraph breaks".

I'll wait for the edit. :D
If you think I'm bad, you should try to cypher George Washington's recitations extraordinaire. And aren't you the one who told another poster the adults were speaking, my fine and ferocious friend? ~ahem~ Have a cuppa coffee, it's a little early. :)

Yeah I have seen some of Washington's work. It's not his strong suit. But that's prolly from smoking all that hemp. :eusa_shifty:

Actually I've had my world-renowned French pressé French roast already. That's why my posts are so brilliant. Thangyew. :thanks:

And yes I did tell the troll to stand down and leave it to the adults. Again, you're welcome. :D
Say, as long as I'm doing what I usually do, posting questions that have no answer, how's 'bout this one....

Other than the fact that they're in two different languages what's the difference between "so help me God" and "insh'Allah"?
I voted "undecided" as it is much ado about nothing.

Oh? Nancy Pelosi screwing with the First Amendment is nothing? hmmmm

what the fuck does this have to do with the First Amendment?

Nobody is stopping you from believing whatever you wish to believe. This removes meaningless words from the end of an oath.

A phrase that ironically enough goes against the teachings of the bible itself.

James 5:12...But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.

Matt 5:34-35...But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King
You forgot one. It's in the twentieth chapter of Exodus and says something like "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain." Pelosi wants to get rid of God off the face of the earth starting with Congress. And she's a vain woman who has no compunctions about giving her extended family and donors free rides at the expense of the United States Air Force who are solely funded by Joe Taxpayer. I betcha Queen Marie Antoinette wasn't worth $200 million, but she sure wore fancy clothes when she was being marched out to the Guillotine. The French know how to get entitled spendthrifts out of power. :iyfyus.jpg:

:lol: you can't "get rid of god off the face of the earth" by simply not having it in an oath to an office in a governent which, for the 1756th time, is not a theocracy. All that does is eliiminate a meaningless phrase from an oath which is supposedly taken seriously. It simply has no function. What does it expect to happen --- that the oather needs help from God to execute the responsibilities they signed up for? That they can't do it themselves? Kind of a contradiction for a religious culture that claims it believes in free will, is it not? Or is it a crutch to lean on when the subject fails to execute that office, then they can blame "God" for not helping? Makes no sense at all. They might as well ask "so help me the Goodyear Blimp" or "so help me a twelve-millimeter wrench socket", except that those things can be shown to exist.

And again, the Constitutional oath to the highest office in the land asks for no such "help" either.

At some point people have to start taking their own responsibilities on their own backs and quit blaming some mythological wispy semi-gaseously anthropomorphized concept. At some point --- we gotta grow up.
You underestimate me, sir. I have dealt with my fears and made a decision. I ruled in favor of the collective wisdom of my far more experienced grandparents who gave their all to supporting those who lost the most in war fought for other people's freedom from scorch-the-earth monarchs and their ambitious successors such as Hitler and his Mufti Pal who wanted to murder each and every man, woman, and child of people whose worst "crimes" were self-discipline and thrift that enabled to help whoever they chose. And while the world's attention zeroed in on Hitler, unscrutinized bullies in other parts of the world hastened to commit egregious genocides in their own real estate areas that did not come to the attention of the world until Hitler left the stage that enabled all this mass murdering. My mother well understood this principle, and when and if my brother or I made the egregious error of criticizing a group of people we formerly were at war with, she chastised us. Her gentle words were "The war is over, and victory was decided in our favor. Do not make it worse for the defeated or they will reconnoiter and make you pay a price for your ill will." That's exactly what the Bible teaches--revenge is Heaven's job. Getting along with each other is ours, and if we don't, we have to pay a price for our own arrogance. I choose to fear offending God's word, and trust me, the Bible is a vast book of human experience that I draw on whether people here hate me for it or not, or draw in an unthought principle in one situation that is irrelevant in another. I learned how to cut through the crap, nothing more. For example, the business of not bearing false witness works in a non-wartime capacity. In war, all else has broken down, and telling the truth to someone who would murder all persons you care about requires an understanding of relevance that could lead to a nation's demise. You have to trust God to help you out when you are under fire. If you don't, someone cruel will eat your and your battalion's collective livers, burp, and forget you and millions like you they would scorch the earth under if you let them. I choose to practice mercy when I am not at war. I am at war with people in America who sanctify murdering 58 million future citizens by turning the female population of this nation from learning to support a mate for life to collecting chopped off foreskins and more. Some things just aren't fitting in our society. The wisdom of my elders was to teach very strongly that someone needs to keep the home fires burning. That's part of my decision. I consider abortion self-murder that is beneath the pale. It takes self-hatred to wipe out one's own family's dna, especially when it is a precious one. That's what the feminine movement has drawn itself toward, and I don't like the drift. The one good thing God gives them, they despise, and anyone who asks them to stop and think hard about something the immediately register as their personal enemy worthy of having the earth beneath them scorched so severely they will cease to exist. That is the essence of human lunacy, imho. We aren't like other animals. And if we do not clean up our act, nature will grant her blessings of the earth onto another form of life that will hitlerize human life. I will fight for human life because our future depends upon what we decide to do to end this horrific practice that makes serial killers out of women. I believe that will destroy the DNA that thousands of years of human wisdom has bestowed. Brainwashing women to cut off the future is just a bad idea, all the way around. And teaching women to go chockehold somebody who doesn't ring their bells is another bad idea we actually had a representative in Congress try to proliferate what kind of power over the masses? Produce people that are so hateful that verbal assault becomes a weapon of choice against every little thing? That's just a plain bad gene to foist on future generations, and I hope that is quelled at the source. DNA is a powerful thing. Underestimate DNA and you will have a future that will decimate the entire human race in a short amount of time..
Have you ever heard of a wonderful invention called "the paragraph"?
You forgot one. It's in the twentieth chapter of Exodus and says something like "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain." Pelosi wants to get rid of God off the face of the earth starting with Congress. And she's a vain woman who has no compunctions about giving her extended family and donors free rides at the expense of the United States Air Force who are solely funded by Joe Taxpayer. I betcha Queen Marie Antoinette wasn't worth $200 million, but she sure wore fancy clothes when she was being marched out to the Guillotine. The French know how to get entitled spendthrifts out of power. :iyfyus.jpg:

:lol: you can't "get rid of god off the face of the earth" by simply not having it in an oath to an office in a governent which, for the 1756th time, is not a theocracy. All that does is eliiminate a meaningless phrase from an oath which is supposedly taken seriously. It simply has no function. What does it expect to happen --- that the oather needs help from God to execute the responsibilities they signed up for? That they can't do it themselves? Kind of a contradiction for a religious culture that claims it believes in free will, is it not? Or is it a crutch to lean on when the subject fails to execute that office, then they can blame "God" for not helping? Makes no sense at all. They might as well ask "so help me the Goodyear Blimp" or "so help me a twelve-millimeter wrench socket", except that those things can be shown to exist.

And again, the Constitutional oath to the highest office in the land asks for no such "help" either.

At some point people have to start taking their own responsibilities on their own backs and quit blaming some mythological wispy semi-gaseously anthropomorphized concept. At some point --- we gotta grow up.
You underestimate me, sir. I have dealt with my fears and made a decision. I ruled in favor of the collective wisdom of my far more experienced grandparents who gave their all to supporting those who lost the most in war fought for other people's freedom from scorch-the-earth monarchs and their ambitious successors such as Hitler and his Mufti Pal who wanted to murder each and every man, woman, and child of people whose worst "crimes" were self-discipline and thrift that enabled to help whoever they chose. And while the world's attention zeroed in on Hitler, unscrutinized bullies in other parts of the world hastened to commit egregious genocides in their own real estate areas that did not come to the attention of the world until Hitler left the stage that enabled all this mass murdering. My mother well understood this principle, and when and if my brother or I made the egregious error of criticizing a group of people we formerly were at war with, she chastised us. Her gentle words were "The war is over, and victory was decided in our favor. Do not make it worse for the defeated or they will reconnoiter and make you pay a price for your ill will." That's exactly what the Bible teaches--revenge is Heaven's job. Getting along with each other is ours, and if we don't, we have to pay a price for our own arrogance. I choose to fear offending God's word, and trust me, the Bible is a vast book of human experience that I draw on whether people here hate me for it or not, or draw in an unthought principle in one situation that is irrelevant in another. I learned how to cut through the crap, nothing more. For example, the business of not bearing false witness works in a non-wartime capacity. In war, all else has broken down, and telling the truth to someone who would murder all persons you care about requires an understanding of relevance that could lead to a nation's demise. You have to trust God to help you out when you are under fire. If you don't, someone cruel will eat your and your battalion's collective livers, burp, and forget you and millions like you they would scorch the earth under if you let them. I choose to practice mercy when I am not at war. I am at war with people in America who sanctify murdering 58 million future citizens by turning the female population of this nation from learning to support a mate for life to collecting chopped off foreskins and more. Some things just aren't fitting in our society. The wisdom of my elders was to teach very strongly that someone needs to keep the home fires burning. That's part of my decision. I consider abortion self-murder that is beneath the pale. It takes self-hatred to wipe out one's own family's dna, especially when it is a precious one. That's what the feminine movement has drawn itself toward, and I don't like the drift. The one good thing God gives them, they despise, and anyone who asks them to stop and think hard about something the immediately register as their personal enemy worthy of having the earth beneath them scorched so severely they will cease to exist. That is the essence of human lunacy, imho. We aren't like other animals. And if we do not clean up our act, nature will grant her blessings of the earth onto another form of life that will hitlerize human life. I will fight for human life because our future depends upon what we decide to do to end this horrific practice that makes serial killers out of women. I believe that will destroy the DNA that thousands of years of human wisdom has bestowed. Brainwashing women to cut off the future is just a bad idea, all the way around. And teaching women to go chockehold somebody who doesn't ring their bells is another bad idea we actually had a representative in Congress try to proliferate what kind of power over the masses? Produce people that are so hateful that verbal assault becomes a weapon of choice against every little thing? That's just a plain bad gene to foist on future generations, and I hope that is quelled at the source. DNA is a powerful thing. Underestimate DNA and you will have a future that will decimate the entire human race in a short amount of time..


Two words: "paragraph breaks".

I'll wait for the edit. :D
If you think I'm bad, you should try to cypher George Washington's recitations extraordinaire. And aren't you the one who told another poster the adults were speaking, my fine and ferocious friend? ~ahem~ Have a cuppa coffee, it's a little early. :)

Yeah I have seen some of Washington's work. It's not his strong suit. But that's prolly from smoking all that hemp. :eusa_shifty:

Actually I've had my world-renowned French pressé French roast already. That's why my posts are so brilliant. Thangyew. :thanks:

And yes I did tell the troll to stand down and leave it to the adults. Again, you're welcome. :D
lol French roast, hm. My addiction comes from the nation state of Belgium. I fell victim to hazelnut java-java-java-java-java… to quote Brandon Fraser's joking around in his role, George of the Jungle The way he said it. lol. I'll have to try some of that French stuff one of these days. Maybe that will help dissolve what looks like a runon sentence to others.... <giggle>

French roast, hm? mutter, mutter, mutter, mutter...
:lol: you can't "get rid of god off the face of the earth" by simply not having it in an oath to an office in a governent which, for the 1756th time, is not a theocracy. All that does is eliiminate a meaningless phrase from an oath which is supposedly taken seriously. It simply has no function. What does it expect to happen --- that the oather needs help from God to execute the responsibilities they signed up for? That they can't do it themselves? Kind of a contradiction for a religious culture that claims it believes in free will, is it not? Or is it a crutch to lean on when the subject fails to execute that office, then they can blame "God" for not helping? Makes no sense at all. They might as well ask "so help me the Goodyear Blimp" or "so help me a twelve-millimeter wrench socket", except that those things can be shown to exist.

And again, the Constitutional oath to the highest office in the land asks for no such "help" either.

At some point people have to start taking their own responsibilities on their own backs and quit blaming some mythological wispy semi-gaseously anthropomorphized concept. At some point --- we gotta grow up.
You underestimate me, sir. I have dealt with my fears and made a decision. I ruled in favor of the collective wisdom of my far more experienced grandparents who gave their all to supporting those who lost the most in war fought for other people's freedom from scorch-the-earth monarchs and their ambitious successors such as Hitler and his Mufti Pal who wanted to murder each and every man, woman, and child of people whose worst "crimes" were self-discipline and thrift that enabled to help whoever they chose. And while the world's attention zeroed in on Hitler, unscrutinized bullies in other parts of the world hastened to commit egregious genocides in their own real estate areas that did not come to the attention of the world until Hitler left the stage that enabled all this mass murdering. My mother well understood this principle, and when and if my brother or I made the egregious error of criticizing a group of people we formerly were at war with, she chastised us. Her gentle words were "The war is over, and victory was decided in our favor. Do not make it worse for the defeated or they will reconnoiter and make you pay a price for your ill will." That's exactly what the Bible teaches--revenge is Heaven's job. Getting along with each other is ours, and if we don't, we have to pay a price for our own arrogance. I choose to fear offending God's word, and trust me, the Bible is a vast book of human experience that I draw on whether people here hate me for it or not, or draw in an unthought principle in one situation that is irrelevant in another. I learned how to cut through the crap, nothing more. For example, the business of not bearing false witness works in a non-wartime capacity. In war, all else has broken down, and telling the truth to someone who would murder all persons you care about requires an understanding of relevance that could lead to a nation's demise. You have to trust God to help you out when you are under fire. If you don't, someone cruel will eat your and your battalion's collective livers, burp, and forget you and millions like you they would scorch the earth under if you let them. I choose to practice mercy when I am not at war. I am at war with people in America who sanctify murdering 58 million future citizens by turning the female population of this nation from learning to support a mate for life to collecting chopped off foreskins and more. Some things just aren't fitting in our society. The wisdom of my elders was to teach very strongly that someone needs to keep the home fires burning. That's part of my decision. I consider abortion self-murder that is beneath the pale. It takes self-hatred to wipe out one's own family's dna, especially when it is a precious one. That's what the feminine movement has drawn itself toward, and I don't like the drift. The one good thing God gives them, they despise, and anyone who asks them to stop and think hard about something the immediately register as their personal enemy worthy of having the earth beneath them scorched so severely they will cease to exist. That is the essence of human lunacy, imho. We aren't like other animals. And if we do not clean up our act, nature will grant her blessings of the earth onto another form of life that will hitlerize human life. I will fight for human life because our future depends upon what we decide to do to end this horrific practice that makes serial killers out of women. I believe that will destroy the DNA that thousands of years of human wisdom has bestowed. Brainwashing women to cut off the future is just a bad idea, all the way around. And teaching women to go chockehold somebody who doesn't ring their bells is another bad idea we actually had a representative in Congress try to proliferate what kind of power over the masses? Produce people that are so hateful that verbal assault becomes a weapon of choice against every little thing? That's just a plain bad gene to foist on future generations, and I hope that is quelled at the source. DNA is a powerful thing. Underestimate DNA and you will have a future that will decimate the entire human race in a short amount of time..


Two words: "paragraph breaks".

I'll wait for the edit. :D
If you think I'm bad, you should try to cypher George Washington's recitations extraordinaire. And aren't you the one who told another poster the adults were speaking, my fine and ferocious friend? ~ahem~ Have a cuppa coffee, it's a little early. :)

Yeah I have seen some of Washington's work. It's not his strong suit. But that's prolly from smoking all that hemp. :eusa_shifty:

Actually I've had my world-renowned French pressé French roast already. That's why my posts are so brilliant. Thangyew. :thanks:

And yes I did tell the troll to stand down and leave it to the adults. Again, you're welcome. :D
lol French roast, hm. My addiction comes from the nation state of Belgium. I fell victim to hazelnut java-java-java-java-java… to quote Brandon Fraser's joking around in his role, George of the Jungle The way he said it. lol. I'll have to try some of that French stuff one of these days. Maybe that will help dissolve what looks like a runon sentence to others.... <giggle>

French roast, hm? mutter, mutter, mutter, mutter...

Mais oui, French Roast tous les jours. C'est extremement fort.

You stop on by and I'll make you some. Then we'll watch my birds. :)
Oh? Nancy Pelosi screwing with the First Amendment is nothing? hmmmm

what the fuck does this have to do with the First Amendment?

Nobody is stopping you from believing whatever you wish to believe. This removes meaningless words from the end of an oath.

A phrase that ironically enough goes against the teachings of the bible itself.

James 5:12...But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.

Matt 5:34-35...But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King
You forgot one. It's in the twentieth chapter of Exodus and says something like "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain." Pelosi wants to get rid of God off the face of the earth starting with Congress. And she's a vain woman who has no compunctions about giving her extended family and donors free rides at the expense of the United States Air Force who are solely funded by Joe Taxpayer. I betcha Queen Marie Antoinette wasn't worth $200 million, but she sure wore fancy clothes when she was being marched out to the Guillotine. The French know how to get entitled spendthrifts out of power. :iyfyus.jpg:

:lol: you can't "get rid of god off the face of the earth" by simply not having it in an oath to an office in a governent which, for the 1756th time, is not a theocracy. All that does is eliiminate a meaningless phrase from an oath which is supposedly taken seriously. It simply has no function. What does it expect to happen --- that the oather needs help from God to execute the responsibilities they signed up for? That they can't do it themselves? Kind of a contradiction for a religious culture that claims it believes in free will, is it not? Or is it a crutch to lean on when the subject fails to execute that office, then they can blame "God" for not helping? Makes no sense at all. They might as well ask "so help me the Goodyear Blimp" or "so help me a twelve-millimeter wrench socket", except that those things can be shown to exist.

And again, the Constitutional oath to the highest office in the land asks for no such "help" either.

At some point people have to start taking their own responsibilities on their own backs and quit blaming some mythological wispy semi-gaseously anthropomorphized concept. At some point --- we gotta grow up.
You underestimate me, sir. I have dealt with my fears and made a decision. I ruled in favor of the collective wisdom of my far more experienced grandparents who gave their all to supporting those who lost the most in war fought for other people's freedom from scorch-the-earth monarchs and their ambitious successors such as Hitler and his Mufti Pal who wanted to murder each and every man, woman, and child of people whose worst "crimes" were self-discipline and thrift that enabled to help whoever they chose. And while the world's attention zeroed in on Hitler, unscrutinized bullies in other parts of the world hastened to commit egregious genocides in their own real estate areas that did not come to the attention of the world until Hitler left the stage that enabled all this mass murdering. My mother well understood this principle, and when and if my brother or I made the egregious error of criticizing a group of people we formerly were at war with, she chastised us. Her gentle words were "The war is over, and victory was decided in our favor. Do not make it worse for the defeated or they will reconnoiter and make you pay a price for your ill will." That's exactly what the Bible teaches--revenge is Heaven's job. Getting along with each other is ours, and if we don't, we have to pay a price for our own arrogance. I choose to fear offending God's word, and trust me, the Bible is a vast book of human experience that I draw on whether people here hate me for it or not, or draw in an unthought principle in one situation that is irrelevant in another. I learned how to cut through the crap, nothing more. For example, the business of not bearing false witness works in a non-wartime capacity. In war, all else has broken down, and telling the truth to someone who would murder all persons you care about requires an understanding of relevance that could lead to a nation's demise. You have to trust God to help you out when you are under fire. If you don't, someone cruel will eat your and your battalion's collective livers, burp, and forget you and millions like you they would scorch the earth under if you let them. I choose to practice mercy when I am not at war. I am at war with people in America who sanctify murdering 58 million future citizens by turning the female population of this nation from learning to support a mate for life to collecting chopped off foreskins and more. Some things just aren't fitting in our society. The wisdom of my elders was to teach very strongly that someone needs to keep the home fires burning. That's part of my decision. I consider abortion self-murder that is beneath the pale. It takes self-hatred to wipe out one's own family's dna, especially when it is a precious one. That's what the feminine movement has drawn itself toward, and I don't like the drift. The one good thing God gives them, they despise, and anyone who asks them to stop and think hard about something the immediately register as their personal enemy worthy of having the earth beneath them scorched so severely they will cease to exist. That is the essence of human lunacy, imho. We aren't like other animals. And if we do not clean up our act, nature will grant her blessings of the earth onto another form of life that will hitlerize human life. I will fight for human life because our future depends upon what we decide to do to end this horrific practice that makes serial killers out of women. I believe that will destroy the DNA that thousands of years of human wisdom has bestowed. Brainwashing women to cut off the future is just a bad idea, all the way around. And teaching women to go chockehold somebody who doesn't ring their bells is another bad idea we actually had a representative in Congress try to proliferate what kind of power over the masses? Produce people that are so hateful that verbal assault becomes a weapon of choice against every little thing? That's just a plain bad gene to foist on future generations, and I hope that is quelled at the source. DNA is a powerful thing. Underestimate DNA and you will have a future that will decimate the entire human race in a short amount of time..
Have you ever heard of a wonderful invention called "the paragraph"?
Has it ever occurred to you that people patient enough to cypher my little convoluted musings actually don't need divisionary tricks to comprehend what they just read? One thing that I haven't mentioned to you, Ms. Bode, is inspite of mesel', I greatly regard your service to your country, but am regretful your aim this side of the battlefield is unfortunately directed at the wrong target sometimes. Please read a synopsis of Watson and Crick one more time if you can abide it. ;)
what the fuck does this have to do with the First Amendment?

Nobody is stopping you from believing whatever you wish to believe. This removes meaningless words from the end of an oath.

A phrase that ironically enough goes against the teachings of the bible itself.

James 5:12...But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.

Matt 5:34-35...But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King
You forgot one. It's in the twentieth chapter of Exodus and says something like "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain." Pelosi wants to get rid of God off the face of the earth starting with Congress. And she's a vain woman who has no compunctions about giving her extended family and donors free rides at the expense of the United States Air Force who are solely funded by Joe Taxpayer. I betcha Queen Marie Antoinette wasn't worth $200 million, but she sure wore fancy clothes when she was being marched out to the Guillotine. The French know how to get entitled spendthrifts out of power. :iyfyus.jpg:

:lol: you can't "get rid of god off the face of the earth" by simply not having it in an oath to an office in a governent which, for the 1756th time, is not a theocracy. All that does is eliiminate a meaningless phrase from an oath which is supposedly taken seriously. It simply has no function. What does it expect to happen --- that the oather needs help from God to execute the responsibilities they signed up for? That they can't do it themselves? Kind of a contradiction for a religious culture that claims it believes in free will, is it not? Or is it a crutch to lean on when the subject fails to execute that office, then they can blame "God" for not helping? Makes no sense at all. They might as well ask "so help me the Goodyear Blimp" or "so help me a twelve-millimeter wrench socket", except that those things can be shown to exist.

And again, the Constitutional oath to the highest office in the land asks for no such "help" either.

At some point people have to start taking their own responsibilities on their own backs and quit blaming some mythological wispy semi-gaseously anthropomorphized concept. At some point --- we gotta grow up.
You underestimate me, sir. I have dealt with my fears and made a decision. I ruled in favor of the collective wisdom of my far more experienced grandparents who gave their all to supporting those who lost the most in war fought for other people's freedom from scorch-the-earth monarchs and their ambitious successors such as Hitler and his Mufti Pal who wanted to murder each and every man, woman, and child of people whose worst "crimes" were self-discipline and thrift that enabled to help whoever they chose. And while the world's attention zeroed in on Hitler, unscrutinized bullies in other parts of the world hastened to commit egregious genocides in their own real estate areas that did not come to the attention of the world until Hitler left the stage that enabled all this mass murdering. My mother well understood this principle, and when and if my brother or I made the egregious error of criticizing a group of people we formerly were at war with, she chastised us. Her gentle words were "The war is over, and victory was decided in our favor. Do not make it worse for the defeated or they will reconnoiter and make you pay a price for your ill will." That's exactly what the Bible teaches--revenge is Heaven's job. Getting along with each other is ours, and if we don't, we have to pay a price for our own arrogance. I choose to fear offending God's word, and trust me, the Bible is a vast book of human experience that I draw on whether people here hate me for it or not, or draw in an unthought principle in one situation that is irrelevant in another. I learned how to cut through the crap, nothing more. For example, the business of not bearing false witness works in a non-wartime capacity. In war, all else has broken down, and telling the truth to someone who would murder all persons you care about requires an understanding of relevance that could lead to a nation's demise. You have to trust God to help you out when you are under fire. If you don't, someone cruel will eat your and your battalion's collective livers, burp, and forget you and millions like you they would scorch the earth under if you let them. I choose to practice mercy when I am not at war. I am at war with people in America who sanctify murdering 58 million future citizens by turning the female population of this nation from learning to support a mate for life to collecting chopped off foreskins and more. Some things just aren't fitting in our society. The wisdom of my elders was to teach very strongly that someone needs to keep the home fires burning. That's part of my decision. I consider abortion self-murder that is beneath the pale. It takes self-hatred to wipe out one's own family's dna, especially when it is a precious one. That's what the feminine movement has drawn itself toward, and I don't like the drift. The one good thing God gives them, they despise, and anyone who asks them to stop and think hard about something the immediately register as their personal enemy worthy of having the earth beneath them scorched so severely they will cease to exist. That is the essence of human lunacy, imho. We aren't like other animals. And if we do not clean up our act, nature will grant her blessings of the earth onto another form of life that will hitlerize human life. I will fight for human life because our future depends upon what we decide to do to end this horrific practice that makes serial killers out of women. I believe that will destroy the DNA that thousands of years of human wisdom has bestowed. Brainwashing women to cut off the future is just a bad idea, all the way around. And teaching women to go chockehold somebody who doesn't ring their bells is another bad idea we actually had a representative in Congress try to proliferate what kind of power over the masses? Produce people that are so hateful that verbal assault becomes a weapon of choice against every little thing? That's just a plain bad gene to foist on future generations, and I hope that is quelled at the source. DNA is a powerful thing. Underestimate DNA and you will have a future that will decimate the entire human race in a short amount of time..
Have you ever heard of a wonderful invention called "the paragraph"?
Has it ever occurred to you that people patient enough to cypher my little convoluted musings actually don't need divisionary tricks to comprehend what they just read? One thing that I haven't mentioned to you, Ms. Bode, is inspite of mesel', I greatly regard your service to your country, but am regretful your aim this side of the battlefield is unfortunately directed at the wrong target sometimes. Please read a synopsis of Watson and Crick one more time if you can abide it. ;)
Paragraph breaks are now "diversionary tactics"? :71: You really aren't an American, are you? English isn't your first language, is it?

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