Marxist Pelosi Fixing Law to Eliminate God from Oath in House. Vote!

Should Pelosi eliminate "so help me God" from oaths in committees?

  • No

    Votes: 40 58.8%
  • Yes

    Votes: 25 36.8%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 4.4%

  • Total voters
I really don't think she cares much for the opinions of the right, except to eliminate all she can off the face of the earth that reminds people God is watching us, and may not be so distant as Bette Middler thinks.

It's an attack on Religious Freedom especially. If that were the case on trying to remove God starting with being under oath. Then Pelosi should tell her twitter backtracking Muslim congresswoman to remove her hijab then.

I am sure that her hijab ruins your day (somehow). Tell you what. I will support her removing it, if everyone else removes the crosses that they wear around their necks.
Muslims use hijabs to hide their weaponry when they think they aren't getting enough respect, and they have this propensity of hatred for anyone being caught born Jewish or from enemies at any time in history of the Third Reich (Nazi Germany under Adolph Hitler), whose parent was stuck there in WWII, etc. They can hide deadly chemicals, viruses, or bacteria to poison food or utensil handles with a recycled perfume bottle.

A Christian wearing a cross has pledged a life of forgiveness of their detractors, even if it means humiliation followed by death. Why should we take a chance on a person who acts as hateful as Maxine Watters does and regularly has commissioned her followers to track and follow Maxine's declared enemies in President Trump's staff, cabinet, not to mention what these little apparatchiks tell their children to do to their children at schools they attend? I heard this woman screaming hatred on the internet based on false allegations her party regularly smarms the internet with either in person or through media collaborators. You think I trust a screaming maniac who got elected to Congress to be sane in her commission of items in which duty calls her to behave in the traditional respectful manner instead of being the screaming, raving maniac I saw of her a few days ago? Sorry, fella, I reserve the right to have chills running up and down my spine when I see a hijab with her wearing one. Incidentally, the article of clothing is supposed to represent submission and humility, not irreverent hissing and self-importance.

So, we have a congresswoman who is going to smuggle weaponry into Congress under her hijab?:iyfyus.jpg:

Way to deflect.

If Jesus were to return today, Catholic School girls would all be wearing little silver lethal injection tables around their necks in the future.
A "Christian nation" would have universal healthcare and no death penalty...

And not murdering innocent babies....right?

Who does that? Oh wait, are you talking about abortion? You know, they terminated unwanted pregnancies in Jesus's time too. Weird that its never mentioned in the bible.

We do that. We kill innocent babies.

Jesus came and fulfilled the old testament. Its mentioned in the bible.

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward" Psalm 127:3.

The fruit of the womb after it has ripened and been born. The Bible is mostly mum on abortion...unless it’s describing how to perform one. (Numbers 5 11 22)

There is no mention of abortion in numbers. That's the book the atheists like to go to though .

There is no explicit mention of abortion at all. There is mention of punishment if someone forces a woman to miscarry...death if the woman dies, a fine if she doesn’t. Weird huh?
Keep your fairy tales out of my government.

Atheism isn't protected by the First Amendment, Dude or dudette. The Bill of Rights was written to protect Christian Pilgrims from the persecution their beliefs received before getting kicked out of screwed up Europe and its artsy fartsy Monarchs who hated the poor and negated them to be labeled peons, riff-raff, pisanos, etc.

But not to worry. Nobody will bother you if you leave our laws and protections alone.

"The Bill of Rights was written to protect Christian Pilgrims"......:71: The Pilgrims, over a hundred years before, had been assimilated by the Puritans of the Massachusetts Bay Colony who were some of the nastiest theocrats in history....killing or banishing anyone who didn't agree with their form of religion...forcing people to go to church for hours at a time...making the celebration of Christmas and Easter ILLEGAL, punishable by fine or worse.

The Bill of Rights was written because the Founders remembered just what a disaster THAT was.
This speech was delivered by Barack Obama in 2006, attacking Christianity using Old Testament (Old Covenant) particulars, and a specious reference to Christ's Sermon on the Mount:

Didn't watch. Irrelevant.

Because it destroys your contention that the commie leftists don't hold Christianity in such contempt?

"Contempt" is also irrelevant. "Contempt" is a value judgment, referring in this case to an entity that is simply NOT PRESENT.

Once AGAIN for the dimbulbs, we are not a theocracy. Never have been. Ergo there is no call for a "god" or "goddess" in the government. PERIOD.

Our rights come from our Creator, not a benevolent "gubermint" that believes that they can grant "privileges" as if they were some kind of "parental team". PERIOD.

The founding fathers recognized God........

No Twinkles, our rights come from the Constitution. As regards our country that IS the Creator.

It's clear you've never studied anything like "history". The Liberals who founded this country and wrote its Constitution were specifically distancing themselves (us) from the up-to-then way of doing things, that a King and a Church called all the shots. They did away with all that in favour of a system where government governs via the consent OF the governed, which is why the whole shebang starts with the words "We the People". AGAIN, not "We the People plus a King", not "We the People plus a church" --- just "We the People", full stop.

Actually, Pogo, you are wrong with your first sentence. We are born with our rights...they are inherent. Constitutions and governments are responsible for protecting those rights. Sadly, most governments in the history of such spent their efforts taking away those rights....example being to FORCE people to worship the government's choice of deity.
This should let the people know how much hate Pelosi has towards Religious Freedom.
I really don't think she cares much for the opinions of the right, except to eliminate all she can off the face of the earth that reminds people God is watching us, and may not be so distant as Bette Middler thinks.

It's an attack on Religious Freedom especially. If that were the case on trying to remove God starting with being under oath. Then Pelosi should tell her twitter backtracking Muslim congresswoman to remove her hijab then.

I am sure that her hijab ruins your day (somehow). Tell you what. I will support her removing it, if everyone else removes the crosses that they wear around their necks.
Muslims use hijabs to hide their weaponry when they think they aren't getting enough respect, and they have this propensity of hatred for anyone being caught born Jewish or from enemies at any time in history of the Third Reich (Nazi Germany under Adolph Hitler), whose parent was stuck there in WWII, etc. They can hide deadly chemicals, viruses, or bacteria to poison food or utensil handles with a recycled perfume bottle.

A Christian wearing a cross has pledged a life of forgiveness of their detractors, even if it means humiliation followed by death. Why should we take a chance on a person who acts as hateful as Maxine Watters does and regularly has commissioned her followers to track and follow Maxine's declared enemies in President Trump's staff, cabinet, not to mention what these little apparatchiks tell their children to do to their children at schools they attend? I heard this woman screaming hatred on the internet based on false allegations her party regularly smarms the internet with either in person or through media collaborators. You think I trust a screaming maniac who got elected to Congress to be sane in her commission of items in which duty calls her to behave in the traditional respectful manner instead of being the screaming, raving maniac I saw of her a few days ago? Sorry, fella, I reserve the right to have chills running up and down my spine when I see a hijab with her wearing one. Incidentally, the article of clothing is supposed to represent submission and humility, not irreverent hissing and self-importance.

A Hijab Bazooka?
And not murdering innocent babies....right?

Who does that? Oh wait, are you talking about abortion? You know, they terminated unwanted pregnancies in Jesus's time too. Weird that its never mentioned in the bible.

We do that. We kill innocent babies.

Jesus came and fulfilled the old testament. Its mentioned in the bible.

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward" Psalm 127:3.

The fruit of the womb after it has ripened and been born. The Bible is mostly mum on abortion...unless it’s describing how to perform one. (Numbers 5 11 22)

There is no mention of abortion in numbers. That's the book the atheists like to go to though .

There is no explicit mention of abortion at all. There is mention of punishment if someone forces a woman to miscarry...death if the woman dies, a fine if she doesn’t. Weird huh?

Are you truly this stupid?
Do any of you really think God is going to continue to bless a nation who...

Half their population boo when asked if they want him as part of their platform for their party?

Are cheering laws allowing not justthe murder of unborn children but the woman carrying that child celebrating the death?

A nation that can’t even figure out who is a man or a woman?

A nation who praises and worships government above all else. And even uses his word as justification as if they are equals?

I don’t think we have much to worry about God wise. He’s not going to be here for us as a nation.
Do you really think a god is that involved in the kind of pettiness you espouse? Pretty lame god if so.
This speech was delivered by Barack Obama in 2006, attacking Christianity using Old Testament (Old Covenant) particulars, and a specious reference to Christ's Sermon on the Mount:

Didn't watch. Irrelevant.

Because it destroys your contention that the commie leftists don't hold Christianity in such contempt?

"Contempt" is also irrelevant. "Contempt" is a value judgment, referring in this case to an entity that is simply NOT PRESENT.

Once AGAIN for the dimbulbs, we are not a theocracy. Never have been. Ergo there is no call for a "god" or "goddess" in the government. PERIOD.

This government is comprised of "We the People". It is NOT comprised of "We the People plus these imaginary friends". That simply is not going to happen.

Nobody ever claimed that the US was a Theocracy, Progressives thrive on illogical extremes.

And yet there are those who wish to FORCE people in government to swear oaths by their god......that is the behavior of a theocrat.
I voted NO

PeLousy can not and will not eliminate

GOD from the house vote

she is another piece of Satanist her sister Hillary Clinton

both will burn in Hell!

She has a majority, The DNC announced a few campaigns back they were going atheist

Oh did they. Link?

What does a political party have to do with religion anyway? How could one "go atheist" or "go theist" or "go Buddhist" or whatever? How is it related?
Haven't found it yet. I watched it, but can't remember the year. I did find this article on a similar vein, Pogo, but I will continue looking for what I witnessed on tv that evening of the Democrat Primary, way back when. Thank you for your patience.


Excerpt (more at link above)
It all began on June 25th, 1962. The United States Supreme Court decided in Engel v. Vitale that a prayer approved by the New York Board of Regents for use in schools violated the First Amendment by constituting an establishment of religion.

The following year, in Abington School District v. Schempp, the Court found Bible readings in public schools also in violation of the First Amendment. (Reliion and Politics

These two landmark Supreme Court decisions started the war against the Christian religion in the US, because these laws effectively removed all mention of the Christian God from public schools.


During Podesta’s tenure as chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, his emails were hacked and released to the press. The hacked emails provided evidence of animosity toward Republican Catholics by Hillary’s top campaign staffers.

In an email from John Halpin, Center for American Progress fellow, to Clinton aide Jennifer Palmieri, Halpin noted several prominent conservatives were Catholics and accused them of “an amazing bastardization of the [Catholic] faith.”

Palmieri’s response was that wealthy people find conservatism more acceptable from Catholics than from Evangelicals.

Halpin said, “They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy.”​

Oh, Becki...... :itsok:

I'm afraid upholding the Constitutional prohibition on religion in government does not constitute a "war on Christianity" ---- unless you were first expecting "Christianity" to be in charge of the government.

And that's exactly what the Founders who wrote that Constitution were trying to distance themselves from ---- a world where the Clergy and the Aristocracy ran everything.
Pogo, I'm afraid you would be very shocked if you ever read all of President George Washington's letters, speeches, everything. He never failed to mention America's debt to the Lord Jesus Christ, God the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and the works.

The reason Christian Pilgrims came here to found a nation independent of Religious persecution of the patronizing class of Royals in every major European country had nothing but hatred and vengeful behaviors leveled against Christian people.

In Rome, Christians were beheaded, thrown to dogs, then to lions, and the remains were decimated unscrupulously.

This went on for over 300 years.

When Constantine became the Roman Emperor, he replaced idol worship with Christianity and did away with all persecution of Christ's believers. Before Rome fell, only one of Constantine's successors brought back persecution to Christians.

America's founders were of Pilgrim stock. They fled Europe, hoping for peace in a new land.

The reason the founders who presented a Declaration of Independence from the Monarch of England were almost all Pilgrim/Christian believers. They were keenly aware that persecution from anywhere needed to be addressed by the people on this continent, and Charles wanted tax money from the people here, but he refused to allow a single colonial citizen into his court, much to the American's perception of misery, so they rebelled and threw off Monarchy for once and for all and began determining their own destiny, now free of Euro-English persecution and patronization, not to mention unfair taxation.

Those of us who were educated in traditional Churches from Colonial time know the score. If we allow people to remove our beliefs from the country our forbears fought so hard against persecutors for, there are no guarantees for our safety.

Noticed any persecutions in the Middle East lately? It's on hold, just like here.

We cannot let our own lawmakers undo what it took us 200 years to establish safety measures for our kind. Our huge mistake was taking elementary and higher learning out of the church. Our beliefs and defensive measures have been pilloried by those who truly hate fundamentalist Christians for their great enthusiasm. That isn't right.

If you take out our protections first by removing God from oaths, then by a little more, and then by a little more, and then by yet more, you get the refusal of a few people hating on Christians to remove prayer from schools, and now God from the House of Representatives, but only because Democrats want this really, really bad to take away all references to God whose word is supportive of life and not abortion, which is what a certain type of lifestyle is most comfortable with but devastates Christian families whose youth have been entrusted to all kinds of people so harsh on Christianity because they rejected it in their household when growing up.

Please do not expect Christians to lay back for the removal of our security to be able to worship God as we see fit.

I am horrified by this inching away at what we believe, and for what our fathers died for against those who persecuted the Pilgrims to get out of town in England, Holland, and Europe in the late 1500s and early 1600s. Like the destruction of Christian influence out of the Democrat Party's desire to live lives of horrific antichristianism, it will get worse and it will not get better.

We know as it is written that families will be divided as will nations as the world goes through the next phase after it gets rid of the annoyance antichristian people have against our Puritan beliefs written in the Bible, we want our country back.

I wasn't happy when Nancy Pelosi lorded her alleged greater importance than the rest of her Congressional Constituents, ignoring the SEnate entirely, and her feelings her power is superior to the President's that she intimated in her specious claim to power as Speaker of the HOuse, I'm thinking it's more than just President Trump she hates.

Apparently Pelosi hates all Protestants and does not want our legacy known to posterity. That has always been the trouble with Village control over other people--communism in fact--is that somebody has to die for spoiling this stranglehold that is so desirous in the breasts of socialists--they believe they are justified in murdering first the people in power and their families, and then strong leaders in the population who would interfere with their proliferation of all things against the Kingdom of God.

If you do not know this, and you are under the age of 30, you will see it happen if we do not stop this anti-Christ, anti-God and anti-founders of this nation, it will be taken as a favor by their wealthy friends who'd also like to take revenge on Christian America dating back to WWII when the muslim/Nazi coalition members were outsmjarted by Dwight Eisenhower. It ended the war in Europe, and the end of the war in Japan ended a few short months afterward.

Good night. I think some of the things that were said at that convention have been whitewashed out of the mainstream media. It shouldn't be this hard to find, but I just wanted to lay out the history of our religion for you, and because of my family, I cannot abandon our fellow Christians from the agreements we secured when we fought the Revolutionary War, and others as well, to get to this point of fairly socialist institutions are poised to strike down God using misinterpretations of the American laws put in place to protect Christians in particular. Most of us have no qualms with people of other backgrounds unless they go to the trouble of hijacking dozens of airplanes and driving them into the decimation of our Mation's closest-held belief that we ar epeople united to each other and doing whatever it takes to maintain our security so that we will not end up like the Jewish community in Germany when the brownshirts got tired of their wealth and influence.
Washington was a Anglican, I believe. He also held many slaves. Are you saying we all have to be Anglicans and own slaves because Washington did?
A "Christian nation" would have universal healthcare and no death penalty...

And not murdering innocent babies....right?

Who does that? Oh wait, are you talking about abortion? You know, they terminated unwanted pregnancies in Jesus's time too. Weird that its never mentioned in the bible.

We do that. We kill innocent babies.

Jesus came and fulfilled the old testament. Its mentioned in the bible.

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward" Psalm 127:3.

The fruit of the womb after it has ripened and been born. The Bible is mostly mum on abortion...unless it’s describing how to perform one. (Numbers 5 11 22)
No it isn't.

Psalms 139: 12even the darkness is not dark to You, but the night shines like the day, for darkness is as light to You. 13For You formed my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works, and I know this very well.…

Cross References
Job 10:11
You clothed me with skin and flesh, and knit me together with bones and sinews.

Psalm 119:73
Your hands have made me and fashioned me; give me understanding to learn Your commandments.

Ecclesiastes 11:5
As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the bones are formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.

Isaiah 44:24
Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer who formed you from the womb: "I am the LORD, who has made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who by Myself spread out the earth,

Translation from Psalms 139:
You knit me together
(Greek and Hebrew characters not accepted here)
Verb - Qal - Imperfect - second person masculine singular | first person common singular
Strong's Hebrew 5526: To entwine as a, screen, to fence in, cover over, protect

Anyone who does not know God is the protector of the unborn makes himself or herself unsafe by damaging a helpless person who cannot defend her or himself from your damaging kill/torture/bransucking device used in an abortion is in for a rude awakening when St. Peter is holding the poor little thing at the gates, and he might not be very friendly when he sees you don't give a damn about the only thing that child knew about other human beings was being hated and tortured by you or at your death wish or omission of acceptance of its responsibility, when you could have prevented all that suffering by merely welcoming the unborn onto this planet with love and stuff kids like from their parent, guardian, friend. While we're speaking of helpless people, have you called your elderly parent and thanked them for giving you life, home, a roof over your head, footed the bill for your education, anything? Or are they sitting in a room all by themselves, weeping over your hatred towards them for merely expecting that they expected you to at least call once in a while after you were given all they had to raise you up? Don't answer that out loud.​
This speech was delivered by Barack Obama in 2006, attacking Christianity using Old Testament (Old Covenant) particulars, and a specious reference to Christ's Sermon on the Mount:

Didn't watch. Irrelevant.

Because it destroys your contention that the commie leftists don't hold Christianity in such contempt?

"Contempt" is also irrelevant. "Contempt" is a value judgment, referring in this case to an entity that is simply NOT PRESENT.

Once AGAIN for the dimbulbs, we are not a theocracy. Never have been. Ergo there is no call for a "god" or "goddess" in the government. PERIOD.

This government is comprised of "We the People". It is NOT comprised of "We the People plus these imaginary friends". That simply is not going to happen.

Nobody ever claimed that the US was a Theocracy, Progressives thrive on illogical extremes.

And yet there are those who wish to FORCE people in government to swear oaths by their god......that is the behavior of a theocrat.

Yawn. Male Cow Poop.
Do any of you really think God is going to continue to bless a nation who...

Half their population boo when asked if they want him as part of their platform for their party?

Are cheering laws allowing not justthe murder of unborn children but the woman carrying that child celebrating the death?

A nation that can’t even figure out who is a man or a woman?

A nation who praises and worships government above all else. And even uses his word as justification as if they are equals?

I don’t think we have much to worry about God wise. He’s not going to be here for us as a nation.
Do you really think a god is that involved in the kind of pettiness you espouse? Pretty lame god if so.

None of that is "petty".
A "Christian nation" would have universal healthcare and no death penalty...

And not murdering innocent babies....right?

Who does that? Oh wait, are you talking about abortion? You know, they terminated unwanted pregnancies in Jesus's time too. Weird that its never mentioned in the bible.

We do that. We kill innocent babies.

Jesus came and fulfilled the old testament. Its mentioned in the bible.

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward" Psalm 127:3.

The fruit of the womb after it has ripened and been born. The Bible is mostly mum on abortion...unless it’s describing how to perform one. (Numbers 5 11 22)
No it isn't.

Psalms 139: 12even the darkness is not dark to You, but the night shines like the day, for darkness is as light to You. 13For You formed my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works, and I know this very well.…

Cross References
Job 10:11
You clothed me with skin and flesh, and knit me together with bones and sinews.

Psalm 119:73
Your hands have made me and fashioned me; give me understanding to learn Your commandments.

Ecclesiastes 11:5
As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the bones are formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.

Isaiah 44:24
Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer who formed you from the womb: "I am the LORD, who has made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who by Myself spread out the earth,

Translation from Psalms 139:
You knit me together
(Greek and Hebrew characters not accepted here)
Verb - Qal - Imperfect - second person masculine singular | first person common singular
Strong's Hebrew 5526: To entwine as a, screen, to fence in, cover over, protect

Anyone who does not know God is the protector of the unborn makes himself or herself unsafe by damaging a helpless person who cannot defend her or himself from your damaging kill/torture/bransucking device used in an abortion is in for a rude awakening when St. Peter is holding the poor little thing at the gates, and he might not be very friendly when he sees you don't give a damn about the only thing that child knew about other human beings was being hated and tortured by you or at your death wish or omission of acceptance of its responsibility, when you could have prevented all that suffering by merely welcoming the unborn onto this planet with love and stuff kids like from their parent, guardian, friend. While we're speaking of helpless people, have you called your elderly parent and thanked them for giving you life, home, a roof over your head, footed the bill for your education, anything? Or are they sitting in a room all by themselves, weeping over your hatred towards them for merely expecting that they expected you to at least call once in a while after you were given all they had to raise you up? Don't answer that out loud.​

The country was much more in line with god's wishes before Roe Vs. Wade, when women had D&C's instead of abortions.
A "Christian nation" would have universal healthcare and no death penalty...

And not murdering innocent babies....right?

Who does that? Oh wait, are you talking about abortion? You know, they terminated unwanted pregnancies in Jesus's time too. Weird that its never mentioned in the bible.
Were you there when they went to St. Peter's gate hoping to get into heaven? Was he holding a dead or bloody baby in his arms and was he frowning about something?
Pelosi to strike "so help me God" from oath taken in front of key House Committee

Liz Cheney said that the Democrat Party has become the Party of Karl Marx.

What do you think of this latest assault on American values by Nancy Pelosi?

The next step is throwing Christians to the Lions. Enough!

OK, I'm a radical believer in God. What's your take on this latest assault on tradition.. I mean, play??

Please vote. And keep the lockstep ninnyhammering to a minimum, please.

So you want to force people to make an oath to your idea of a god? That makes you a theocrat.

Madam, it is unbecoming to your reputation to put words in someone else's mouth. This thread is not about me.

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