Marxist Pelosi Fixing Law to Eliminate God from Oath in House. Vote!

Should Pelosi eliminate "so help me God" from oaths in committees?

  • No

    Votes: 40 58.8%
  • Yes

    Votes: 25 36.8%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 4.4%

  • Total voters
Pelosi to strike "so help me God" from oath taken in front of key House Committee

Liz Cheney said that the Democrat Party has become the Party of Karl Marx.

What do you think of this latest assault on American values by Nancy Pelosi?

The next step is throwing Christians to the Lions. Enough!

OK, I'm a radical believer in God. What's your take on this latest assault on tradition.. I mean, play??

Please vote. And keep the lockstep ninnyhammering to a minimum, please.

Beautress, as I said earlier, our local court got rid of the "So help me God" part of the oath and placing our hand on the Bible years ago. It honestly hasn't hurt anything. When you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth....and the Judge is giving you that look, you still feel it. You are still swearing. Not everyone believes in our "God" or our "Bible." There are others. Relying on a Christian vow for all is not really being inclusive or fair to all, is it? I certainly don't think of our area as being "progressive" in ANY sense, but if our Judges could see the need to eliminate the specific religion from the court swearing in, I sure don't think it's going to hurt anything for Congress to do it. People don't get much more conservative than up here.

Those little losses add up. Now we have Wiccan and Satanic memorials and statues competing with Christian/Jewish ones. We have this obscene abortion expansion as just another example. And of course the education system is progressive socialist.
Once again......this is considerably more than just a freeze-frame from a video....look at the eyes and see if the hair on your neck doesn't stand up......there is something very primal about pure evil and here it is:

And maybe the Civil War will help.

Why not....400,000 Union soldiers died freeing the slaves...when will blacks appreciate that and stop asking for "reparations"? We are standing on our heads and if you don't think we are standing on the cliff of a communist takeover, take a look at your demoncrat declared candidates for president. Just because they are attractive women wearing pearls instead of bearded Bolshevic bastards with evil grins does't make them any less dangerous....especially the satanic ones like the witch from the Bronx.
How many blacks are asking for "reparations"? 10? 100? 1000? How many? Can you name them?
How many blacks are asking for "reparations"? 10? 100? 1000? How many? Can you name them?

Good, I'll quote you that it's just a stupid request that will never be considered and that's the end of it...thanks for the (rare) sane contribution to the end of a lunatic idea.
Wow! Look at the commie cowards flock to a righteous statement of fact....."this can't be allowed...must DESTROY before it takes root....KILL IT....KILL THE MESSENGER!" :50:
Destroy it? Taking away the MANDATORY requirement to say "so help me god" is destroying it? Wimpy god you got there. Wimpy faith too.

You missed the point by a country mile....write less, read OP is being attacked with a ferocity rarely seen here....seems the hornet's nest is full of something other than hornets and I have attacked your QUEEN.
Oh....I see. You're the victim here.
How many blacks are asking for "reparations"? 10? 100? 1000? How many? Can you name them?

Good, I'll quote you that it's just a stupid request that will never be considered and that's the end of it...thanks for the (rare) sane contribution to the end of a lunatic idea.
ummm, you brought it up.

Come on AOC is just your garden variety near socialist. Trust me, Wall St will never let her gave real power. And even FDR who DID understand money and who confiscated banks, spun them off to people who wanted to buy them.
How many blacks are asking for "reparations"? 10? 100? 1000? How many? Can you name them?

Good, I'll quote you that it's just a stupid request that will never be considered and that's the end of it...thanks for the (rare) sane contribution to the end of a lunatic idea.
So you whine about blacks demanding reparations but you can't give us any examples of blacks demanding reparations. Ooooookaaaaaay....:20:
Once again......this is considerably more than just a freeze-frame from a video....look at the eyes and see if the hair on your neck doesn't stand up......there is something very primal about pure evil and here it is:


Damn boy, you have the hots for her, don’t you!

Sent from my iPhone using
How many blacks are asking for "reparations"? 10? 100? 1000? How many? Can you name them?

Good, I'll quote you that it's just a stupid request that will never be considered and that's the end of it...thanks for the (rare) sane contribution to the end of a lunatic idea.
So you whine about blacks demanding reparations but you can't give us any examples of blacks demanding reparations. Ooooookaaaaaay....:20:

Why Sheila Jackson Lee of course.
I appreciate the Mods leaving this OP in Politics instead of moving it despite Pogo's attempted thread-jacking and repeated insults Believers must take from the Foresaken.

Only abject losers whine and stomp their feet about "what forum" their thread is in.


By the way Dippy ------ you done got merged.
How many blacks are asking for "reparations"? 10? 100? 1000? How many? Can you name them?

Good, I'll quote you that it's just a stupid request that will never be considered and that's the end of it...thanks for the (rare) sane contribution to the end of a lunatic idea.
So you whine about blacks demanding reparations but you can't give us any examples of blacks demanding reparations. Ooooookaaaaaay....:20:

Why Sheila Jackson Lee of course.
Link her demand. And if you do, I will give you 1....let's see it tho.
Once again......this is considerably more than just a freeze-frame from a video....look at the eyes and see if the hair on your neck doesn't stand up......there is something very primal about pure evil and here it is:



What a life you must not have.
How many blacks are asking for "reparations"? 10? 100? 1000? How many? Can you name them?

Good, I'll quote you that it's just a stupid request that will never be considered and that's the end of it...thanks for the (rare) sane contribution to the end of a lunatic idea.
So you whine about blacks demanding reparations but you can't give us any examples of blacks demanding reparations. Ooooookaaaaaay....:20:

Why Sheila Jackson Lee of course.
Link her demand. And if you do, I will give you 1....let's see it tho.

No need, I'm not your teacher and I don't any affirmation from you. It's out there if you want to know.
But she's just a goofy failed tip-stealing waitress, who ain't from the Bronx, who got mysterious campaign money from who knows who to knock off one of Pelousy's favorite worker-bees and that's all there is to it, right? Cross her and see what happens to those Bambi eyes:
Once again......this is considerably more than just a freeze-frame from a video....look at the eyes and see if the hair on your neck doesn't stand up......there is something very primal about pure evil and here it is:



What a life you must not have.
Apparently...good submission conservative republican women are not supposed to laugh with abandon.
How many blacks are asking for "reparations"? 10? 100? 1000? How many? Can you name them?

Good, I'll quote you that it's just a stupid request that will never be considered and that's the end of it...thanks for the (rare) sane contribution to the end of a lunatic idea.
So you whine about blacks demanding reparations but you can't give us any examples of blacks demanding reparations. Ooooookaaaaaay....:20:

Why Sheila Jackson Lee of course.
Link her demand. And if you do, I will give you 1....let's see it tho.

No need, I'm not your teacher and I don't any affirmation from you. It's out there if you want to know.

You are however the ass-serter. Just a couple of posts above.

That comes with a free burden of proof. Standard equipment. So if it's "out there" --- and I have no doubt it is, if not in the sense you mean ---- then it's your job to document it.

Who gave you that job? YOU DID.

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