Marxist Pelosi Fixing Law to Eliminate God from Oath in House. Vote!

Should Pelosi eliminate "so help me God" from oaths in committees?

  • No

    Votes: 40 58.8%
  • Yes

    Votes: 25 36.8%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 4.4%

  • Total voters
OP did. When he referred to "God" as "HIM".

Another commie attempt to bore readers to death with a mindless diversion....take your BP medicine old have to be close to a vapor-lock.

Here's ^^ a wag that tries to brush away a pointed religion question he can't answer, calling it a "diversion" ----- by using a diversion to "commie". :rofl:

Can NOT make this place up.
Our communist democrats are no longer hiding their long-held beliefs or intentions. It seems Trump hasn't driven them mad at all; they've been mad since the Clinton (rapist/traitor) years. A House committee just tried to omit the "so help you God" part of an oath to tell the truth before them. Why? Because like Marx repeatedly said, a people who know of a Superior Being won't fall prey to their schemes to turn us into their slaves. The public outrage forced the committee to put the end of the oath back in, but they'll keep trying. Is Satan real? you bet he is. Does Evil appear and walk amongst us periodically with a new face and new lies? Of course...and here's the latest political manifestation:


Christians should be supporting this 100%. Jesus Himself tells them not to make paths on the Lord or anything else. “Let your yes be yes and your no be no”.

But most Christians do not read their bible so they do not know about these things.

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And maybe the Civil War will help.

Why not....400,000 Union soldiers died freeing the slaves...when will blacks appreciate that and stop asking for "reparations"? We are standing on our heads and if you don't think we are standing on the cliff of a communist takeover, take a look at your demoncrat declared candidates for president. Just because they are attractive women wearing pearls instead of bearded Bolshevic bastards with evil grins does't make them any less dangerous....especially the satanic ones like the witch from the Bronx.
Beautiful. Just beautiful. Calling her Satan now?
You folks are unbelievable.
Can't they just swear on the souls of their murdered babies? I mean it's all sort of foolish. After the War of Northern Aggression, they made us deny our heritage. And CONVENIENTLY the potus doesn't have to mention "God."
When in doubt, throw in the ol' abortion argument, eh?

And maybe the Civil War will help.


Dear OldLady
the problem isn't abortion per se but
the discrimination in pushing abortion rights while negating gun rights.
wanting to regulate guns but deregulate drugs which cause deadly addictions
and drug-related crimes. including with gangs that profit off drug addictions left unaddressed
because the biased leftwing demonizes Christian prayer that has been used to cure addictions and save lives.

It's the Discrimination by Creed that is the problem.
The left pushes Right to Health Care to violate free choice with regulations and penalties
but refuses regulations and penalties pushed by the Right to Life.

If the Left were CONSISTENT with free choice
there wouldn't be this problem. But to push only
the regulations that support leftwing beliefs while
demonizing the right for doing the same, that's
what's causing the Civil War. It's over political beliefs
and not treating these equally under Constitutional laws.

Oh Jehova loving Christ on a stick, look what I've done now. It's worse than a burnt roux
I appreciate the Mods leaving this OP in Politics instead of moving it despite Pogo's attempted thread-jacking and repeated insults Believers must take from the Foresaken.
"Him" is ALWAYS relative. No "him" can exist without a "her" to make him a "him".

If there's no "her" then "him" has no function and amounts to an "it".

Flail around white-knighting for an OP who can't handle the question all you like but it stands untouched.

Still ranting eh, old man? You couldn't care less if she's the devil-incarnated as long as she gets you a communist state in America....any means to an end....just like Lenin said.

"She"? "She" who? You never even answered the question.

Kinda slow arenchya?

"arenchya" Is this the muslim country them Demorat Traitor Islamist women representatives come from?
I appreciate the Mods leaving this OP in Politics instead of moving it despite Pogo's attempted thread-jacking and repeated insults Believers must take from the Foresaken.

It is the 3rd thread on the exact same topic...did you not like the other two?

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"Him" is ALWAYS relative. No "him" can exist without a "her" to make him a "him".

If there's no "her" then "him" has no function and amounts to an "it".

Flail around white-knighting for an OP who can't handle the question all you like but it stands untouched.

Still ranting eh, old man? You couldn't care less if she's the devil-incarnated as long as she gets you a communist state in America....any means to an end....just like Lenin said.

"She"? "She" who? You never even answered the question.

Kinda slow arenchya?

"arenchya" Is this the muslim country them Demorat Traitor Islamist women representatives come from?

It's out there by Chechnya.
I appreciate the Mods leaving this OP in Politics instead of moving it despite Pogo's attempted thread-jacking and repeated insults Believers must take from the Foresaken.

It is the 3rd thread on the exact same topic...did you not like the other two?

You know the old saying, "If at first you don't succeed, run the same shit out on the field expecting different results".

I kinda paraphrased it.
And maybe the Civil War will help.

Why not....400,000 Union soldiers died freeing the slaves...when will blacks appreciate that and stop asking for "reparations"? We are standing on our heads and if you don't think we are standing on the cliff of a communist takeover, take a look at your demoncrat declared candidates for president. Just because they are attractive women wearing pearls instead of bearded Bolshevic bastards with evil grins does't make them any less dangerous....especially the satanic ones like the witch from the Bronx.
Look, I get the conservatives' argument against big government. However, turning these folks into the boogeyman is not going to get you anywhere. You should try at least try understanding the other side of the fence, even if you don't agree with it. Your arguments would take you farther.
Right. Saying "so help me god" makes it super special hard for people to break their oaths or lie.

So maybe you can help me with're an admitted lesbian and it occurs to me that most, if not all lesbians, are atheists. I have to think you refuse to believe in a Hereafter because you know what you got coming for how you lived your lives.....
"it occurs to me that most, if not lesbians, are atheists".......where did you get that piece of information. Because everyone lesbian I know isn't, including myself. And there many religions and sects out there that have totally different ideas of what a "hereafter" consists of.

Dear bodecea
do you believe that faith in Christ explains
how Christians and Constitutionalists EMBODY and invoke authority of law
by enforcing and committing to living by these laws directly ourselves?

Would you agree the majority of
NONTHEISTS and SECULAR feminists, humanists, atheists, liberals etc
do not believe in invoking and embodying Authority of Law directly
as Christians and Constitutionalists believe in?

So this explains why the liberally minded secularists focus
on the letter of the law and fail to embody and grasp the
same Spirit of the laws as Christians and Constitutionalists
do who believe the laws exist by nature ie God given
and that we the people INVOKE these by committing
to embody and live by them (where the people
become the church body or the govt and govern ourselves
through the authority of law. so govt reflects our will,
and not the other way around to dictate to the people)
Why should anyone use christianity to define our secular laws? In many ways they are not compatible. In fact, the NT of christianity is more compatable with a socialist form of government and as I understand it, early christian communities (until the Romans got ahold of it) were more like communes....socialist communes.
As if using that quote about a god makes a difference to christians.
Blow your holier than thou sh*t out your ass and stop swallowing tRump jizm.

Our communist democrats are no longer hiding their long-held beliefs or intentions. It seems Trump hasn't driven them mad at all; they've been mad since the Clinton (rapist/traitor) years. A House committee just tried to omit the "so help you God" part of an oath to tell the truth before them. Why? Because like Marx repeatedly said, a people who know of a Superior Being won't fall prey to their schemes to turn us into their slaves. The public outrage forced the committee to put the end of the oath back in, but they'll keep trying. Is Satan real? you bet he is. Does Evil appear and walk amongst us periodically with a new face and new lies? Of course...and here's the latest political manifestation:

Pelosi to strike "so help me God" from oath taken in front of key House Committee

Liz Cheney said that the Democrat Party has become the Party of Karl Marx.

What do you think of this latest assault on American values by Nancy Pelosi?

The next step is throwing Christians to the Lions. Enough!

OK, I'm a radical believer in God. What's your take on this latest assault on tradition.. I mean, play??

Please vote. And keep the lockstep ninnyhammering to a minimum, please.

Beautress, as I said earlier, our local court got rid of the "So help me God" part of the oath and placing our hand on the Bible years ago. It honestly hasn't hurt anything. When you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth....and the Judge is giving you that look, you still feel it. You are still swearing. Not everyone believes in our "God" or our "Bible." There are others. Relying on a Christian vow for all is not really being inclusive or fair to all, is it? I certainly don't think of our area as being "progressive" in ANY sense, but if our Judges could see the need to eliminate the specific religion from the court swearing in, I sure don't think it's going to hurt anything for Congress to do it. People don't get much more conservative than up here.
I appreciate the Mods leaving this OP in Politics instead of moving it despite Pogo's attempted thread-jacking and repeated insults Believers must take from the Foresaken.
As long as they leave the Kamala Harris got to the top on her back thread in Politics, they've got no logical right to move anything downstairs.
Pelosi to strike "so help me God" from oath taken in front of key House Committee

Liz Cheney said that the Democrat Party has become the Party of Karl Marx.

What do you think of this latest assault on American values by Nancy Pelosi?

The next step is throwing Christians to the Lions. Enough!

OK, I'm a radical believer in God. What's your take on this latest assault on tradition.. I mean, play??

Please vote. And keep the lockstep ninnyhammering to a minimum, please.

Beautress, as I said earlier, our local court got rid of the "So help me God" part of the oath and placing our hand on the Bible years ago. It honestly hasn't hurt anything. When you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth....and the Judge is giving you that look, you still feel it. You are still swearing.

It should be readily obvious that, in this case of the courtroom, if the oather does perjure him/herself anyway, it is the Law that will make them answer for that perjury ----- not "God". And when the Law makes that accusation it won't do so with "Insh'Allah" or whatever that English phrase is; it will simply cite itself. That's all it has to do.
It is the 3rd thread on the exact same topic...did you not like the other two?

I can tell how many threads there are on a subject, no matter how different a take they are, are very important to, I don't give a flying fuck as long as they are worth reading...I ain't anal-retentive like that.
Wow! Look at the commie cowards flock to a righteous statement of fact....."this can't be allowed...must DESTROY before it takes root....KILL IT....KILL THE MESSENGER!" :50:
Destroy it? Taking away the MANDATORY requirement to say "so help me god" is destroying it? Wimpy god you got there. Wimpy faith too.

You missed the point by a country mile....write less, read OP is being attacked with a ferocity rarely seen here....seems the hornet's nest is full of something other than hornets and I have attacked your QUEEN.

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