Marxist Pelosi Fixing Law to Eliminate God from Oath in House. Vote!

Should Pelosi eliminate "so help me God" from oaths in committees?

  • No

    Votes: 40 58.8%
  • Yes

    Votes: 25 36.8%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 4.4%

  • Total voters
What if I worship AOC's tits? Can I rest my hand on them before testifying?

Makes as much sense as anything else. :dunno:

As already pointed out in the first goddam thread on this, but let's just reiterate it all over again expecting different results ---- if you're entering an obligation with "God" then you should contract with "God"; if you're entering into an obligation with the Constitution then you should contract with the Constitution; if you're entering into an obligation with the Cleveland Browns you should contract with the Cleveland Browns. While of course looking for other options.
Wow! Look at the commie cowards flock to a righteous statement of fact....."this can't be allowed...must DESTROY before it takes root....KILL IT....KILL THE MESSENGER!" :50:
Destroy it? Taking away the MANDATORY requirement to say "so help me god" is destroying it? Wimpy god you got there. Wimpy faith too.

No, just asshole progressives trying to remove all things God from our culture.
From our culture? So....churches are going away? Religious holidays are going away? Your right to worship as you see fit is going away? Or is this just a mainstay of your play the persecuted?
Idc if they use that or not.
It doesnt mean shit to agnostics, atheists or non abrahamic religious people though.
Kinda defeats the whole point, imo.

The point is if you believe God is tracking what we say and do, and I do, then if you invoke his name to tell the truth and then lie, your religious denomination or lack of one is lied to HIM.


"HIM" huh?

Where exactly is "he", this "HIM"? Hm? Bring "HIM" out here, let "HIM" speak for "HIMself".

And how exactly does that subject "lie to 'HIM'" when they're not even talking to "HIM" in the first place? Hm?

And while we're at it ---- where the fuck is the "HER" that makes "HIM" a "HIM"? Hm? Can't have a male without a female.

Now God is a "female", that's some "god" you believe in. Let me guess, Shiva?

Hey, the poster invoked a "HIM". "HIM" is a relative term, relative to a female. Ergo there must be a female somewhere.

Tellya what, while I appreciate the cheerleading, I already have him trapped so let HIM answer about "HIM". Hm?

"Him" isn't "relative at all in any discussion concerning the Christian God.

"Him" is ALWAYS relative. No "him" can exist without a "her" to make him a "him".

If there's no "her" then "him" has no function and amounts to an "it".

Flail around white-knighting for an OP who can't handle the question all you like but it stands untouched.
Right. Saying "so help me god" makes it super special hard for people to break their oaths or lie.

So maybe you can help me with're an admitted lesbian and it occurs to me that most, if not all lesbians, are atheists. I have to think you refuse to believe in a Hereafter because you know what you got coming for how you lived your lives.....
I want to see her head revolve 360 degrees and for her to barf green bile. And some boils. Gotta have boils.

I guess the left has gotten a promotion from Hitler to Satan. Equally meaningless and pitiful.

If you're truly an "old lady" and still need a hollywood (homosexual deviants) version of what good and evil is, you're playing with fire. Going for laugh on a chat board is one thing but if you're really this messed up, you better get to a pastor.
Will, believe what you like; I'm not trying to disrespect that. I am disrespecting the fact that you are giving any political aspirant the level of importance that Satan should conjure in our hearts and minds. Satan is a really big deal. AOC is just a young politician with an opinion.

All this talk of "evil" lately and now calling political opponents Satan is not right, imo. It's kinda nutty and it's just a further turn of the screw, so to speak. Who wants us to be enemies because we are a Democrat or a Republican? Same language, same country, same President. Yet now half of us are Satan?

What is wrong with this picture?
"Him" is ALWAYS relative. No "him" can exist without a "her" to make him a "him".

If there's no "her" then "him" has no function and amounts to an "it".

Flail around white-knighting for an OP who can't handle the question all you like but it stands untouched.

Still ranting eh, old man? You couldn't care less if she's the devil-incarnated as long as she gets you a communist state in America....any means to an end....just like Lenin said.
Wow! Look at the commie cowards flock to a righteous statement of fact....."this can't be allowed...must DESTROY before it takes root....KILL IT....KILL THE MESSENGER!" :50:
Destroy it? Taking away the MANDATORY requirement to say "so help me god" is destroying it? Wimpy god you got there. Wimpy faith too.

No, just asshole progressives trying to remove all things God from our culture.

Ummmmm.... a government oath isn't "culture". Circle gets the square.
I want to see her head revolve 360 degrees and for her to barf green bile. And some boils. Gotta have boils.

I guess the left has gotten a promotion from Hitler to Satan. Equally meaningless and pitiful.

If you're truly an "old lady" and still need a hollywood (homosexual deviants) version of what good and evil is, you're playing with fire. Going for laugh on a chat board is one thing but if you're really this messed up, you better get to a pastor.
Will, believe what you like; I'm not trying to disrespect that. I am disrespecting the fact that you are giving any political aspirant the level of importance that Satan should conjure in our hearts and minds. Satan is a really big deal. AOC is just a young politician with an opinion.

All this talk of "evil" lately and now calling political opponents Satan is not right, imo. It's kinda nutty and it's just a further turn of the screw, so to speak. Who wants us to be enemies because we are a Democrat or a Republican? Same language, same country, same President. Yet now half of us are Satan?

What is wrong with this picture?

And the other half are deplorables?
Our communist democrats are no longer hiding their long-held beliefs or intentions. It seems Trump hasn't driven them mad at all; they've been mad since the Clinton (rapist/traitor) years. A House committee just tried to omit the "so help you God" part of an oath to tell the truth before them. Why? Because like Marx repeatedly said, a people who know of a Superior Being won't fall prey to their schemes to turn us into their slaves. The public outrage forced the committee to put the end of the oath back in, but they'll keep trying. Is Satan real? you bet he is. Does Evil appear and walk amongst us periodically with a new face and new lies? Of course...and here's the latest political manifestation:


Dear WillPower
I'd like to see all Govt and Party leaders
agree to uphold not only the Constitution and Bill of Rights
but the Code of Ethics for Govt Service

By putting loyalty to public law, duty and trust
ABOVE loyalty to persons or party,
nobody could justify discriminating against
people or policies of different parties or creeds.

Our laws and decisions/rulings made by Govt
would have to include and represent the beliefs
of all people of all parties equally, or else keep
those out of govt and exercise beliefs independently by groups.

I'd like to see all Leaders pledge to uphold
agreed Constitutional standards on principles
policy and process. And anything that involves
different beliefs is resolved by agreement or it's kept out of govt.
Now God is a "female", that's some "god" you believe in. Let me guess, Shiva?

Hey, the poster invoked a "HIM". "HIM" is a relative term, relative to a female. Ergo there must be a female somewhere.

Tellya what, while I appreciate the cheerleading, I already have him trapped so let HIM answer about "HIM". Hm?

Unfortunately for you the Bible uses male pronouns when talking about God. No "her" is required at all.

Without a "her" there cannot be a "him". Period. In anything.

You do understand what male and female are for, do you not? Or am I presuming too much?

Once AGAIN I asked the OP who came up with the "HIM". Why won't you just let him handle it? Hm?

God created man and afterward said the man needed a helper. So He created woman from the man's rib. Need any more proof? Any more misleading semantics?

Of course She did.

Tell me, how many males have you ever seen give birth? And no, seahorses don't count.
Who said anything about a man giving birth?
The point is if you believe God is tracking what we say and do, and I do, then if you invoke his name to tell the truth and then lie, your religious denomination or lack of one is lied to HIM.


"HIM" huh?

Where exactly is "he", this "HIM"? Hm? Bring "HIM" out here, let "HIM" speak for "HIMself".

And how exactly does that subject "lie to 'HIM'" when they're not even talking to "HIM" in the first place? Hm?

And while we're at it ---- where the fuck is the "HER" that makes "HIM" a "HIM"? Hm? Can't have a male without a female.

Now God is a "female", that's some "god" you believe in. Let me guess, Shiva?

Hey, the poster invoked a "HIM". "HIM" is a relative term, relative to a female. Ergo there must be a female somewhere.

Tellya what, while I appreciate the cheerleading, I already have him trapped so let HIM answer about "HIM". Hm?

"Him" isn't "relative at all in any discussion concerning the Christian God.

"Him" is ALWAYS relative. No "him" can exist without a "her" to make him a "him".

If there's no "her" then "him" has no function and amounts to an "it".

Flail around white-knighting for an OP who can't handle the question all you like but it stands untouched.

Sorry son, the only person bound by your philosophy is you. God stands on His own and has no need of your preconceptions.
Right. Saying "so help me god" makes it super special hard for people to break their oaths or lie.

So maybe you can help me with're an admitted lesbian and it occurs to me that most, if not all lesbians, are atheists. I have to think you refuse to believe in a Hereafter because you know what you got coming for how you lived your lives.....
"it occurs to me that most, if not lesbians, are atheists".......where did you get that piece of information. Because everyone lesbian I know isn't, including myself. And there many religions and sects out there that have totally different ideas of what a "hereafter" consists of.
Wow! Look at the commie cowards flock to a righteous statement of fact....."this can't be allowed...must DESTROY before it takes root....KILL IT....KILL THE MESSENGER!" :50:
Destroy it? Taking away the MANDATORY requirement to say "so help me god" is destroying it? Wimpy god you got there. Wimpy faith too.

No, just asshole progressives trying to remove all things God from our culture.

Ummmmm.... a government oath isn't "culture". Circle gets the square.

Dear Pogo do you consider
Constitutional beliefs in limited govt and natural rights coming from God not govt
to be a cultural belief?
Hey, the poster invoked a "HIM". "HIM" is a relative term, relative to a female. Ergo there must be a female somewhere.

Tellya what, while I appreciate the cheerleading, I already have him trapped so let HIM answer about "HIM". Hm?

Unfortunately for you the Bible uses male pronouns when talking about God. No "her" is required at all.

Without a "her" there cannot be a "him". Period. In anything.

You do understand what male and female are for, do you not? Or am I presuming too much?

Once AGAIN I asked the OP who came up with the "HIM". Why won't you just let him handle it? Hm?

God created man and afterward said the man needed a helper. So He created woman from the man's rib. Need any more proof? Any more misleading semantics?

Of course She did.

Tell me, how many males have you ever seen give birth? And no, seahorses don't count.
Who said anything about a man giving birth?

Pogo did.
Now God is a "female", that's some "god" you believe in. Let me guess, Shiva?

Hey, the poster invoked a "HIM". "HIM" is a relative term, relative to a female. Ergo there must be a female somewhere.

Tellya what, while I appreciate the cheerleading, I already have him trapped so let HIM answer about "HIM". Hm?

Unfortunately for you the Bible uses male pronouns when talking about God. No "her" is required at all.

Without a "her" there cannot be a "him". Period. In anything.

You do understand what male and female are for, do you not? Or am I presuming too much?

Once AGAIN I asked the OP who came up with the "HIM". Why won't you just let him handle it? Hm?

God created man and afterward said the man needed a helper. So He created woman from the man's rib. Need any more proof? Any more misleading semantics?
Riiiiiiight. All about 6,000 years ago, right? :71:
Time doesn't matter, Ethel.
Will, believe what you like; I'm not trying to disrespect that. I am disrespecting the fact that you are giving any political aspirant the level of importance that Satan should conjure in our hearts and minds. Satan is a really big deal. AOC is just a young politician with an opinion.

All this talk of "evil" lately and now calling political opponents Satan is not right, imo. It's kinda nutty and it's just a further turn of the screw, so to speak. Who wants us to be enemies because we are a Democrat or a Republican? Same language, same country, same President. Yet now half of us are Satan?

What is wrong with this picture?

If one believes there are angels among us, one must also acknowledge there is evil amongst us. Do I believe in true evil? Yes I do....I've seen enough of it to last me two lifetimes. I've seen a lot less true kindness and pure goodness but I've seen it too. Look at her eyes in the OP....God never blinks and neither does the devil.....always seeing who's buying what she's selling. This woman is dangerous.....extremely dangerous.

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