Marxist Pelosi Fixing Law to Eliminate God from Oath in House. Vote!

Should Pelosi eliminate "so help me God" from oaths in committees?

  • No

    Votes: 40 58.8%
  • Yes

    Votes: 25 36.8%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 4.4%

  • Total voters
You forgot one. It's in the twentieth chapter of Exodus and says something like "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain." Pelosi wants to get rid of God off the face of the earth starting with Congress. And she's a vain woman who has no compunctions about giving her extended family and donors free rides at the expense of the United States Air Force who are solely funded by Joe Taxpayer. I betcha Queen Marie Antoinette wasn't worth $200 million, but she sure wore fancy clothes when she was being marched out to the Guillotine. The French know how to get entitled spendthrifts out of power. :iyfyus.jpg:

And adding “so help me God”, is taking the Lords name in vain as you are told not to do such things.

Little known fact...saying “so help me God” has never stopped anyone from lying.

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You said, quote: And adding “so help me God”, is taking the Lords name in vain as you are told not to do such things.
If you are telling the truth, saying "so help me God" meant just that. It still does to this day. If you lie when you say, "so help me God," you put yourself in trouble with your shot at eternal life, because it is near the First Commandment. That is universally known with the exception of dimwits who, if they commit an egregious crime, were placed in an environment where they could not harm themselves or someone else.

It's not our fault if some people are not serious about telling the truth. It's serious to the courts system, and no amount of lawyering should be able to change that or we need to seriously disbar some lawyers who are too stupid to live. Oh, wait. did I saw lawyers? I meant Congresscritters. And not disbarring. A "YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!!" will do. :boohoo:

Lying is a sin, whether you say “so help me God” or not.

Keeping the 10 commandments have nothing to do with eternal life. You do not earn your eternal life with your good behavior, it is a gift from God for those that believe.

Jesus himself clearly told us not to swear on the Lord, why do you choose to ignore the words of Jesus?

Have you ever read your Bible?

It is serious to the courts system whether you say “so help me God” or not.

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There's something that saying "so help me God" that makes wrongdoers shudder and truth-tellers confident. Screw with the courts by lying, and see where that gets ya. :rolleyes:

If the only thing keeping you from lying is saying those 4 words you have some issues.

If you lie to the courts you get the same thing whether you said the words “so help me God” or not.

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Quote: Have you ever read your Bible?​

Yes. And I wrote lessons from the Bible stories for children in my church for 12 years.

Quote: If the only thing keeping you from lying is saying those 4 words you have some issues.​

I fear God, not the courts, not the Congress, not the President, and not the Supreme Court. Christians who know the story of Jesus Christ and believe in his ways like 99% of the founders did are not fooled by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, President Obama and and their joint team of "the Village" (communistic) nonbelievers in the Word. We are pledged to defend our beliefs, just as the barefoot, rag-tag army General George Washington whose prayers on bended knee on a snowy day, defended the hard-working Colonials who were called on to pay taxes for King George's egregious partying in London, just like the Democrats partying in Puerto Rico (The Rich Port) while government workers who served them were threatened with no paychecks in the middle of a cold winter.

I have no choice because I believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ who is my Lord and my King.


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what the fuck does this have to do with the First Amendment?

Nobody is stopping you from believing whatever you wish to believe. This removes meaningless words from the end of an oath.

A phrase that ironically enough goes against the teachings of the bible itself.

James 5:12...But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.

Matt 5:34-35...But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King
You forgot one. It's in the twentieth chapter of Exodus and says something like "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain." Pelosi wants to get rid of God off the face of the earth starting with Congress. And she's a vain woman who has no compunctions about giving her extended family and donors free rides at the expense of the United States Air Force who are solely funded by Joe Taxpayer. I betcha Queen Marie Antoinette wasn't worth $200 million, but she sure wore fancy clothes when she was being marched out to the Guillotine. The French know how to get entitled spendthrifts out of power. :iyfyus.jpg:

And adding “so help me God”, is taking the Lords name in vain as you are told not to do such things.

Little known fact...saying “so help me God” has never stopped anyone from lying.

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I understand your point and agree with you. However, what Pelosi is doing is censorship of the word "God". The Democrats took out the mention of God in their convention in 2012. That's the point, the mention of the word "God".

Even if the rules are changed, it does not stop one from saying the words if they wish to.

The words are not officially part of the Presidential oath of office yet I think most every president has said them anyhow.

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Agree. However, this is how it starts. The goal is to remove all mention of God in this country just like the Russians did in the Soviet Union. Little by little.
Not exactly little by little, unless you think murdering 25 million Russians who chose not to go along with the Bolsheviks/Communists were murdered in their own homes or gathering places to escape the Lenin-Stalin-KGB eliminators until the Wall erected in 1961 fell in 1989, during the Presidency of GHW Bush. I call on President Trump to speak against this terrible thing the Democrats are doing.

You can say all the mean things about President Trump you want, but he is a believer who attends services with his lovely First Lady Melania Trump. He has the humility to be sorry for anything wrong he ever did, and he has paid a price for it.

I hope he will mention that this act of getting rid of God is a travesty, and that he supports Americans who believe in the Lord for our protection from athiests other than those who frolicked in Europe and England as our Continental Congress was declaring Independence from all that garbage about their lavish lifestyles while poor colonials were being forced to send them money to support this lavish lifestyle of the King and his lady friends while they had to face bitter winters and hot summers outdoors, working just to make ends meet.


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And adding “so help me God”, is taking the Lords name in vain as you are told not to do such things.

Little known fact...saying “so help me God” has never stopped anyone from lying.

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You said, quote: And adding “so help me God”, is taking the Lords name in vain as you are told not to do such things.
If you are telling the truth, saying "so help me God" meant just that. It still does to this day. If you lie when you say, "so help me God," you put yourself in trouble with your shot at eternal life, because it is near the First Commandment. That is universally known with the exception of dimwits who, if they commit an egregious crime, were placed in an environment where they could not harm themselves or someone else.

It's not our fault if some people are not serious about telling the truth. It's serious to the courts system, and no amount of lawyering should be able to change that or we need to seriously disbar some lawyers who are too stupid to live. Oh, wait. did I saw lawyers? I meant Congresscritters. And not disbarring. A "YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!!" will do. :boohoo:

Lying is a sin, whether you say “so help me God” or not.

Keeping the 10 commandments have nothing to do with eternal life. You do not earn your eternal life with your good behavior, it is a gift from God for those that believe.

Jesus himself clearly told us not to swear on the Lord, why do you choose to ignore the words of Jesus?

Have you ever read your Bible?

It is serious to the courts system whether you say “so help me God” or not.

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There's something that saying "so help me God" that makes wrongdoers shudder and truth-tellers confident. Screw with the courts by lying, and see where that gets ya. :rolleyes:

If the only thing keeping you from lying is saying those 4 words you have some issues.

If you lie to the courts you get the same thing whether you said the words “so help me God” or not.

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Quote: Have you ever read your Bible?​

Yes. And I wrote lessons from the Bible stories for children in my church for 12 years.

Quote: If the only thing keeping you from lying is saying those 4 words you have some issues.​

I fear God, not the courts, not the Congress, not the President, and not the Supreme Court. Christians who know the story of Jesus Christ and believe in his ways like 99% of the founders did are not fooled by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, President Obama and and their joint team of "the Village" (communistic) nonbelievers in the Word. We are pledged to defend our beliefs, just as the barefoot, rag-tag army General George Washington whose prayers on bended knee on a snowy day, defended the hard-working Colonials who were called on to pay taxes for King George's egregious partying in London, just like the Democrats partying in Puerto Rico (The Rich Port) while government workers who served them were threatened with no paychecks in the middle of a cold winter.

I have no choice because I believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ who is my Lord and my King.

Then why do you ignore Jesus’ words to you saying not to make an oath on the Lord?

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You forgot one. It's in the twentieth chapter of Exodus and says something like "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain." Pelosi wants to get rid of God off the face of the earth starting with Congress. And she's a vain woman who has no compunctions about giving her extended family and donors free rides at the expense of the United States Air Force who are solely funded by Joe Taxpayer. I betcha Queen Marie Antoinette wasn't worth $200 million, but she sure wore fancy clothes when she was being marched out to the Guillotine. The French know how to get entitled spendthrifts out of power. :iyfyus.jpg:

And adding “so help me God”, is taking the Lords name in vain as you are told not to do such things.

Little known fact...saying “so help me God” has never stopped anyone from lying.

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I understand your point and agree with you. However, what Pelosi is doing is censorship of the word "God". The Democrats took out the mention of God in their convention in 2012. That's the point, the mention of the word "God".

Even if the rules are changed, it does not stop one from saying the words if they wish to.

The words are not officially part of the Presidential oath of office yet I think most every president has said them anyhow.

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Agree. However, this is how it starts. The goal is to remove all mention of God in this country just like the Russians did in the Soviet Union. Little by little.
Not exactly little by little, unless you think murdering 25 million Russians who chose not to go along with the Bolsheviks/Communists were murdered in their own homes or gathering places to escape the Lenin-Stalin-KGB eliminators until the Wall erected in 1961 fell in 1989, during the Presidency of GHW Bush. I call on President Trump to speak against this terrible thing the Democrats are doing.

You can say all the mean things about him you want, but he is a believer who attends services with his lovely First Lady Melania Trump.

I hope he will mention that this act of getting rid of God is a travesty, and that he supports Americans who believe in the Lord for our protection from athiests other than those who frolicked in Europe and England as our Continental Congress was declaring Independence from all that garbage about their lavish lifestyles while poor colonials were being forced to send them money to support this lavish lifestyle of the King and his lady friends while they had to face bitter winters and hot summers outdoors, working just to make ends meet.


He must think there are only five commandments

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I am not a very outwardly religious person, but we should maintain our traditions like these. It isn't hurting anyone, shows that there may be a higher power (I think there is), and sends the message that we aren't the most important thing in the universe.
what the fuck does this have to do with the First Amendment?

Nobody is stopping you from believing whatever you wish to believe. This removes meaningless words from the end of an oath.

A phrase that ironically enough goes against the teachings of the bible itself.

James 5:12...But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.

Matt 5:34-35...But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King
You forgot one. It's in the twentieth chapter of Exodus and says something like "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain." Pelosi wants to get rid of God off the face of the earth starting with Congress. And she's a vain woman who has no compunctions about giving her extended family and donors free rides at the expense of the United States Air Force who are solely funded by Joe Taxpayer. I betcha Queen Marie Antoinette wasn't worth $200 million, but she sure wore fancy clothes when she was being marched out to the Guillotine. The French know how to get entitled spendthrifts out of power. :iyfyus.jpg:

And adding “so help me God”, is taking the Lords name in vain as you are told not to do such things.

Little known fact...saying “so help me God” has never stopped anyone from lying.

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I understand your point and agree with you. However, what Pelosi is doing is censorship of the word "God". The Democrats took out the mention of God in their convention in 2012. That's the point, the mention of the word "God".
Then they should not serve in a Christian nation that serves God. That's what the founders were getting at. They were fed up with pandering, low-life Monarchs who abused their women and called them bad words.

We are not and have never been a Christian nation and have never served God. We have individuals that are Christian but our country and government has never done the work of god.

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Quote: "We are not and have never been a Christian nation and have never served God."

You're gravely mistaken. All Colonial children who could walk, walked to their local House of God (church) to receive an education in reading, writing, arithmetic, and they used a Bible when the church people were too poor to buy little reader books, although some would copy and write them down if they had pen, ink, and paper, that is.

The children were also taught religion at home. 99% of those who signed the Declaration of Independence were Christians. One of them was a Presbyterian minister, I believe John Flynn may have been his name. The British went after all of their families and property first, if they could get at them. Someone wrote a book about that that was popular before the Democras went on this atheistic binge of their Pelosian leaders.
what the fuck does this have to do with the First Amendment?

Nobody is stopping you from believing whatever you wish to believe. This removes meaningless words from the end of an oath.

A phrase that ironically enough goes against the teachings of the bible itself.

James 5:12...But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.

Matt 5:34-35...But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King
You forgot one. It's in the twentieth chapter of Exodus and says something like "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain." Pelosi wants to get rid of God off the face of the earth starting with Congress. And she's a vain woman who has no compunctions about giving her extended family and donors free rides at the expense of the United States Air Force who are solely funded by Joe Taxpayer. I betcha Queen Marie Antoinette wasn't worth $200 million, but she sure wore fancy clothes when she was being marched out to the Guillotine. The French know how to get entitled spendthrifts out of power. :iyfyus.jpg:

And adding “so help me God”, is taking the Lords name in vain as you are told not to do such things.

Little known fact...saying “so help me God” has never stopped anyone from lying.

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I understand your point and agree with you. However, what Pelosi is doing is censorship of the word "God". The Democrats took out the mention of God in their convention in 2012. That's the point, the mention of the word "God".
Then they should not serve in a Christian nation that serves God. That's what the founders were getting at. They were fed up with pandering, low-life Monarchs who abused their women and called them bad words.

We are not and have never been a Christian nation and have never served God. We have individuals that are Christian but our country and government has never done the work of god.

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By "Christian nation", we are saying that Christianity is the predominant religious belief in the United States.
And adding “so help me God”, is taking the Lords name in vain as you are told not to do such things.

Little known fact...saying “so help me God” has never stopped anyone from lying.

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I understand your point and agree with you. However, what Pelosi is doing is censorship of the word "God". The Democrats took out the mention of God in their convention in 2012. That's the point, the mention of the word "God".

Even if the rules are changed, it does not stop one from saying the words if they wish to.

The words are not officially part of the Presidential oath of office yet I think most every president has said them anyhow.

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Agree. However, this is how it starts. The goal is to remove all mention of God in this country just like the Russians did in the Soviet Union. Little by little.
Not exactly little by little, unless you think murdering 25 million Russians who chose not to go along with the Bolsheviks/Communists were murdered in their own homes or gathering places to escape the Lenin-Stalin-KGB eliminators until the Wall erected in 1961 fell in 1989, during the Presidency of GHW Bush. I call on President Trump to speak against this terrible thing the Democrats are doing.

You can say all the mean things about him you want, but he is a believer who attends services with his lovely First Lady Melania Trump.

I hope he will mention that this act of getting rid of God is a travesty, and that he supports Americans who believe in the Lord for our protection from athiests other than those who frolicked in Europe and England as our Continental Congress was declaring Independence from all that garbage about their lavish lifestyles while poor colonials were being forced to send them money to support this lavish lifestyle of the King and his lady friends while they had to face bitter winters and hot summers outdoors, working just to make ends meet.


He must think there are only five commandments

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Quote: He must think there are only five commandments​

Seems to me, the pictures of him going to church are evidence that if he thought so before, he has now seen the light. I pray that he stays in the light of the laws of the Lord, and he and his family will continue to be blessed with the spirit of love, faithfulness, and forgiveness in Jesus.

Best wishes as you consider these things in your heart.
Agree...they should swear to the Constitution not to God
I don't agree with you. I think if people want to represent what America has stood for since 1776, they should swear to the Constitution because they're already pledged to God. Period.
I am not a very outwardly religious person, but we should maintain our traditions like these. It isn't hurting anyone, shows that there may be a higher power (I think there is), and sends the message that we aren't the most important thing in the universe.

I think it should be purely optional.

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You forgot one. It's in the twentieth chapter of Exodus and says something like "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain." Pelosi wants to get rid of God off the face of the earth starting with Congress. And she's a vain woman who has no compunctions about giving her extended family and donors free rides at the expense of the United States Air Force who are solely funded by Joe Taxpayer. I betcha Queen Marie Antoinette wasn't worth $200 million, but she sure wore fancy clothes when she was being marched out to the Guillotine. The French know how to get entitled spendthrifts out of power. :iyfyus.jpg:

And adding “so help me God”, is taking the Lords name in vain as you are told not to do such things.

Little known fact...saying “so help me God” has never stopped anyone from lying.

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I understand your point and agree with you. However, what Pelosi is doing is censorship of the word "God". The Democrats took out the mention of God in their convention in 2012. That's the point, the mention of the word "God".
Then they should not serve in a Christian nation that serves God. That's what the founders were getting at. They were fed up with pandering, low-life Monarchs who abused their women and called them bad words.

We are not and have never been a Christian nation and have never served God. We have individuals that are Christian but our country and government has never done the work of god.

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By "Christian nation", we are saying that Christianity is the predominant religious belief in the United States.

It is the majority religion that is for sure. But I do not think anyone could argue our government has ever acted in a Christian like manner.

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I understand your point and agree with you. However, what Pelosi is doing is censorship of the word "God". The Democrats took out the mention of God in their convention in 2012. That's the point, the mention of the word "God".

Even if the rules are changed, it does not stop one from saying the words if they wish to.

The words are not officially part of the Presidential oath of office yet I think most every president has said them anyhow.

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Agree. However, this is how it starts. The goal is to remove all mention of God in this country just like the Russians did in the Soviet Union. Little by little.
Not exactly little by little, unless you think murdering 25 million Russians who chose not to go along with the Bolsheviks/Communists were murdered in their own homes or gathering places to escape the Lenin-Stalin-KGB eliminators until the Wall erected in 1961 fell in 1989, during the Presidency of GHW Bush. I call on President Trump to speak against this terrible thing the Democrats are doing.

You can say all the mean things about him you want, but he is a believer who attends services with his lovely First Lady Melania Trump.

I hope he will mention that this act of getting rid of God is a travesty, and that he supports Americans who believe in the Lord for our protection from athiests other than those who frolicked in Europe and England as our Continental Congress was declaring Independence from all that garbage about their lavish lifestyles while poor colonials were being forced to send them money to support this lavish lifestyle of the King and his lady friends while they had to face bitter winters and hot summers outdoors, working just to make ends meet.


He must think there are only five commandments

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Quote: He must think there are only five commandments​

Seems to me, the pictures of him going to church are evidence that if he thought so before, he has now seen the light. I pray that he stays in the light of the laws of the Lord, and he and his family will continue to be blessed with the spirit of love, faithfulness, and forgiveness in Jesus.

Best wishes as you consider these things in your heart. politician has ever gone to Church to gain a few votes!!!

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The mention of deity in the oath is meaningless at best, hypocritical at worst.
The U.S. government would be acting much differently if there were a real dedication to a clearly defined 'God'.
America would be a much different place if all those claiming to be Christian were.
I voted "undecided" as it is much ado about nothing.

Oh? Nancy Pelosi screwing with the First Amendment is nothing? hmmmm

what the fuck does this have to do with the First Amendment?

Nobody is stopping you from believing whatever you wish to believe. This removes meaningless words from the end of an oath.

A phrase that ironically enough goes against the teachings of the bible itself.

James 5:12...But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.

Matt 5:34-35...But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King
You forgot one. It's in the twentieth chapter of Exodus and says something like "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain." Pelosi wants to get rid of God off the face of the earth starting with Congress. And she's a vain woman who has no compunctions about giving her extended family and donors free rides at the expense of the United States Air Force who are solely funded by Joe Taxpayer. I betcha Queen Marie Antoinette wasn't worth $200 million, but she sure wore fancy clothes when she was being marched out to the Guillotine. The French know how to get entitled spendthrifts out of power. :iyfyus.jpg:

And adding “so help me God”, is taking the Lords name in vain as you are told not to do such things.

Little known fact...saying “so help me God” has never stopped anyone from lying.

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Oh look, an armchair theologian.
Pelosi to strike "so help me God" from oath taken in front of key House Committee

Liz Cheney said that the Democrat Party has become the Party of Karl Marx.

What do you think of this latest assault on American values by Nancy Pelosi?

The next step is throwing Christians to the Lions. Enough!

OK, I'm a radical believer in God. What's your take on this latest assault on tradition.. I mean, play??

Please vote. And keep the lockstep ninnyhammering to a minimum, please.

There should be no religious test for anyone.
Pelosi to strike "so help me God" from oath taken in front of key House Committee

Liz Cheney said that the Democrat Party has become the Party of Karl Marx.

What do you think of this latest assault on American values by Nancy Pelosi?

The next step is throwing Christians to the Lions. Enough!

OK, I'm a radical believer in God. What's your take on this latest assault on tradition.. I mean, play??

Please vote. And keep the lockstep ninnyhammering to a minimum, please.

Who is Pelosi pandering to?
Who wanted "so help me God" removed?

Good question since Pelosi also changed the house rules to allow religious headgear.
Pelosi to strike "so help me God" from oath taken in front of key House Committee

Liz Cheney said that the Democrat Party has become the Party of Karl Marx.

What do you think of this latest assault on American values by Nancy Pelosi?

The next step is throwing Christians to the Lions. Enough!

OK, I'm a radical believer in God. What's your take on this latest assault on tradition.. I mean, play??

Please vote. And keep the lockstep ninnyhammering to a minimum, please.

Who is Pelosi pandering to?
Who wanted "so help me God" removed?

Good question since Pelosi also changed the house rules to allow religious headgear.

It's called freedoms, personal...
And adding “so help me God”, is taking the Lords name in vain as you are told not to do such things.

Little known fact...saying “so help me God” has never stopped anyone from lying.

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I understand your point and agree with you. However, what Pelosi is doing is censorship of the word "God". The Democrats took out the mention of God in their convention in 2012. That's the point, the mention of the word "God".
Then they should not serve in a Christian nation that serves God. That's what the founders were getting at. They were fed up with pandering, low-life Monarchs who abused their women and called them bad words.

We are not and have never been a Christian nation and have never served God. We have individuals that are Christian but our country and government has never done the work of god.

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By "Christian nation", we are saying that Christianity is the predominant religious belief in the United States.

It is the majority religion that is for sure. But I do not think anyone could argue our government has ever acted in a Christian like manner.

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I understand your point and agree with you. However, what Pelosi is doing is censorship of the word "God". The Democrats took out the mention of God in their convention in 2012. That's the point, the mention of the word "God".
Then they should not serve in a Christian nation that serves God. That's what the founders were getting at. They were fed up with pandering, low-life Monarchs who abused their women and called them bad words.

We are not and have never been a Christian nation and have never served God. We have individuals that are Christian but our country and government has never done the work of god.

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By "Christian nation", we are saying that Christianity is the predominant religious belief in the United States.

It is the majority religion that is for sure. But I do not think anyone could argue our government has ever acted in a Christian like manner.

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Best post evah!

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