MASK OFF: Ohio GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Says if Elected, he will REMOVE Brown v. Board of Education

As governor, I will overhaul Ohio's education system and kick wokeness OUT of our schools!

No Common Core.
No Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
No Comprehensive Sex Education.
No Critical Race Theory.

This candidate has said he wants no diversity or inclusion in the Ohio education system. What are your thoughts on going back to all-white schools in Ohio?

This package of lies does not belong in the “Politics” section

it should be in the “Rubber Room”

As governor, I will overhaul Ohio's education system and kick wokeness OUT of our schools!

No Common Core.
No Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
No Comprehensive Sex Education.
No Critical Race Theory.

This candidate has said he wants no diversity or inclusion in the Ohio education system. What are your thoughts on going back to all-white schools in Ohio?

Who says that they're going back to all white schools?

As governor, I will overhaul Ohio's education system and kick wokeness OUT of our schools!

No Common Core.
No Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
No Comprehensive Sex Education.
No Critical Race Theory.

This candidate has said he wants no diversity or inclusion in the Ohio education system. What are your thoughts on going back to all-white schools in Ohio?

Sounds like a good plan.
reading writing and arithmetic .... time to go back to teaching kids things that will benefit them not leftwing wokism that will leave them unqualified for a good job and bitter .
That's the core of Common Core, but on steroids.
says Mehta. "It will only work if there is really significant time, money, and political will put into supporting teachers' ability to help students meet the standards," he says. "In the absence of that, we'll have No Child Left Behind redux. Common Core standards are significantly more demanding, so if we raise standards and don't increase support and capacity building, the schools won't meet the standards, which over time will lead to either lowering of standards or increased resistance on the part of teachers and schools."

Buttimer shares this view. "As a former teacher, I don't necessarily have an issue with the contents of the standards themselves, at least for middle and high school," he says. However, "We're setting high standards without helping teachers and students get to those standards" through professional development and other capacity-building support. By tying teacher performance to results without supporting them to make the change, "We've skipped right to the evaluate-and-punish stage."

Indeed, Schwartz notes that California, which has made a "massive investment in professional development but also suspended state testing," is a state that "seems most on track for successful implementation of the Core."
Republicans really Do want to take back America

Back to the 1950s
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I'm surprised that it's not against the forum rules to have a subject line that is that blatantly false.

This is your own quote of the person's words:

As governor, I will overhaul Ohio's education system and kick wokeness OUT of our schools!

No Common Core.
No Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
No Comprehensive Sex Education.
No Critical Race Theory.

No mention of Brown or any other court case. Which makes sense, given that no governor can "remove" a supreme court case.
Republicans really Do want to take back America

Backto the 1950s
back when people could afford housing
back when a single income was enough to make a living
back when we had pride as a country
back when kids were not weaponized and politicized

we weren't perfect then, we are not now and we won't be tomorrow. so stop the iliteration of bullshit and pretending the world is either a 1 or a 0.
back when people could afford housing
back when a single income was enough to make a living
back when we had pride as a country
back when kids were not weaponized and politicized

we weren't perfect then, we are not now and we won't be tomorrow. so stop the iliteration of bullshit and pretending the world is either a 1 or a 0.
Back when blacks "knew their place"

When gays had no rights and could be jailed for having sex

When women had fewer rights

When abortion was illegal

Like that right?
Well, if you could read, it's right there. What does "No diversity, equity, and inclusion" mean?

It means no minorities. Anything else?
That is CRT stuff that actually promotes racial segregation inside schools.

As governor, I will overhaul Ohio's education system and kick wokeness OUT of our schools!

No Common Core.
No Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
No Comprehensive Sex Education.
No Critical Race Theory.

This candidate has said he wants no diversity or inclusion in the Ohio education system. What are your thoughts on going back to all-white schools in Ohio?

None of which has diddly dick to do with Brown v. Board of Education. Bullshit intentionally deceptive thread headline, but otherwise cool story brah.

As governor, I will overhaul Ohio's education system and kick wokeness OUT of our schools!

No Common Core.
No Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
No Comprehensive Sex Education.
No Critical Race Theory.

This candidate has said he wants no diversity or inclusion in the Ohio education system. What are your thoughts on going back to all-white schools in Ohio?

Like Donna Brazile said, Republicans are running on the fumes of 2020.

They have nothing else.
Back when blacks "knew their place"

When gays had no rights and could be jailed for having sex

When women had fewer rights

When abortion was illegal

Like that right?

you keep reinventing stupid
Spanish is the #1 foreign language taught in public schools I think.... Does this candidate (and his supporters) want out kids to be mono-lingual?

So? Push 1 for English. There are more important languages in the world than Spanish.

The candidate said no such thing, that is just stupid leftoid projection and hatred of America shining through.

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