MASK OFF: Ohio GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Says if Elected, he will REMOVE Brown v. Board of Education

Come now, candycorn, you are usually such a good and decent poster.

I'm holding you to the same standard that I hold the right wing loons to. He didn't say anything about re-segregation (which was the big result of Brown--ending segregation). So the title of this thread is false in my view. I think you're right on the spirit of the candidate...but segregation is what Brown was about or was the result of the ruling anyway.

What will be curious is if the moderators move this thread based on that when they let dozens (if not hundreds) of right wing threads stay in zone 1 with their factually incorrect titles. I'm guessing this one will be in the basement by tomorrow morning if not sooner.
I'm holding you to the same standard that I hold the right wing loons to. He didn't say anything about re-segregation (which was the big result of Brown--ending segregation). So the title of this thread is false in my view. I think you're right on the spirit of the candidate...but segregation is what Brown was about or was the result of the ruling anyway.

What will be curious is if the moderators move this thread based on that when they let dozens (if not hundreds) of right wing threads stay in zone 1 with their factually incorrect titles. I'm guessing this one will be in the basement by tomorrow morning if not sooner.

I am saddened by your obtuseness. A Democrat who does not know what a "dog whistle" is after the age of Trump is pretty sad.
oh please. not agreeing with you doesn't make me anti anything.

you pull this shit then cry like a bitch when people have had enough of your extreme bullshit.

fuck off.

Too bad you get so irate when faced with the harsh reality of what you represent.... LOL
Too bad you get so irate when faced with the harsh reality of what you represent.... LOL
too bad you present the most stupid of shit that fails to encompass any form of reality.

find a compromise. you ain't willing so people answer extreme bullshit with extreme bullshit.

instead I don't fall at your feet so you stupid off with YOU ARE AGAINST DIVERSITY!!!

Extreme bullshit.

same as me saying you don't support Trump so you hate freedom.

sounds stupid doesn't it? it is. but it's the same fucked up mindset you play in.

As governor, I will overhaul Ohio's education system and kick wokeness OUT of our schools!

No Common Core.
No Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
No Comprehensive Sex Education.
No Critical Race Theory.

This candidate has said he wants no diversity or inclusion in the Ohio education system. What are your thoughts on going back to all-white schools in Ohio?

reading writing and arithmetic .... time to go back to teaching kids things that will benefit them not leftwing wokism that will leave them unqualified for a good job and bitter .
:doubt: are you kidding ?

No. What is it that you believe about me that makes me a radical leftist. I imagine you can't come up with anything so your intellectual laziness will carry the day. It always does.
Apparently he is going to turn education back over to the very parents whose children are in school, I have no problem with that. On another note, overturning Brown versus the Board of Education, that’s just not going to happen and trust most on this board understand that fact. Someday school choice will be universally adopted, regretfully teachers unions understand accountability is a large nail in their coffin.

As governor, I will overhaul Ohio's education system and kick wokeness OUT of our schools!

No Common Core.
No Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
No Comprehensive Sex Education.
No Critical Race Theory.

This candidate has said he wants no diversity or inclusion in the Ohio education system. What are your thoughts on going back to all-white schools in Ohio?

When did the GOP candidate say those words?

do you have the audio and video?
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As governor, I will overhaul Ohio's education system and kick wokeness OUT of our schools!

No Common Core.
No Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
No Comprehensive Sex Education.
No Critical Race Theory.

This candidate has said he wants no diversity or inclusion in the Ohio education system. What are your thoughts on going back to all-white schools in Ohio?

Well then!

This should bring together the extreme right AND the extreme left!

Finally, something everyone can agree on! :113:


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