Mask wearing is the tin foil hat of the pandemic.

I am still passing on the mask. Give an extremist an inch and they want a mile.
Thankfully in MD we have a governor that doesn't fall for this BS.
So what is your basic rationalization, that fibrous masks obviously do little to impede airborne viruses which is why Covid is still going strong, that without the masks we'd be 30 million dead by now, or that we have to remain shutdown even if it bucks us back to the stone age for YEARS if need be, until every last living thing on this planet is bound up like a mummy for months on end and those who resist shot dead or in prison?

Oops. Can't put them in prison for not wearing the mask either as we have been releasing murderers to spare their lives from Covid. (Anyone checking that convicts are wearing them too?)

Mask Offenders: The new high crime of society because it offends our fears that it'll be that ONE PERSON walking by without a mask spreading a PLAGUE OF GERMS unleashing viruses upon thousands.

Let's all wear masks to get well so that we are alive and cognizant when we recover to the fact that now our employer is out of business, we can't buy food, shop, travel, party, have no savings, income, job, prospects, restaurants, banking, or future because we destroyed the economy.

Then the government can print us a few trillion more valueless US Dollars.
What do the lefties claim that mask wearing accomplishes for a medical perspective?
To limit the spread of airborne water droplets that may carry the virus. Over half a year in and you still have to ask that question?!?! SMH
You are aware that this virus can survive about 8-12 hours outside water, dont you? This virus is about 0.5-1.5 microns in size and easily goes through any mask not designed for sizes smaller than that. Your mask will only slow the spread by about 30%. Beyond that it is useless as a defense for the wearer and creates bacterial infections in those who fail to clean them or wear them properly.

Your post leaves out some very serious facts about this virus and gives people a false sense of security where there is none.
What do the lefties claim that mask wearing accomplishes for a medical perspective?
To limit the spread of airborne water droplets that may carry the virus. Over half a year in and you still have to ask that question?!?! SMH

Fauci said they don’t work.

Are they to protect the wearer of the mask or those who the mask wearer is near.

I thought only medical grade n95 actually do anything. Why are people allowed to wear bandanas.

Doesnt it seem like virtue signaling if wearing masks that don’t work are legal?

How far do the droplets go? Why do we have to wear masks AND socially distance?

We only need take the same precautions as with every other seasonal flu........stay home if you're sick, wash your hands often, cover your sneeze/cough.

The whole world went berserk over the flu, people's lives were ruined, for the sake of "safety " which didn't have to happen......herd mentality, not isolation, is what was needed, yet here we are, coming into the middle of August and, people are still running scared, because they're listening to the wrong people.
See how these lefties cannot articlulate if the masks are for those wearing them or others. Also, if masks, why social distancing?

It all makes no sense. Its liberal virtue signaling.

I've tried that argument several times (not here) and not one person can answer that question.

If your mask protects YOU, why worry about those not wearing masks.

If your mask is supposed to protect ME, doesn't that mean your mask is not effective?

If droplets can escape the mask and infect "me" can't they then, enter your mask and, infect "you?"

I just get some gobbledygook answer.
What do the lefties claim that mask wearing accomplishes for a medical perspective?
To limit the spread of airborne water droplets that may carry the virus. Over half a year in and you still have to ask that question?!?! SMH

I'm not seeing any evidence it's effective in the case of COVID. We've had a mask mandate here in Nevada for two months and now we're back in the red zone with the most cases we've ever had. Additionally, several health experts all around the world are saying masks aren't helpful in preventing COVID. This is one article on the matter.

Here's what no one is saying:
Mandating everyone to wear a mask gives the antifa rioters cover.
It used to be that you could pick them out of a crowd easily because they hid their faces in fear of being recognized committing crimes.
Now everyone is anonymous.
Coincidence, or liberals providing cover for their anti-Trump brownshirts?
States that have required masks are recovering from COVID

Those who laughed it off are seeing rising infections.

Not true. We don't wear masks everywhere, they're not mandatory, yet we haven't seen any new cases in months.

Its that herd mentality that's been mentioned, the virus came through, did its thing and.....ran its course.....because, we didn't hide from it. (Do people really think they can hide from a virus?)
What do the lefties claim that mask wearing accomplishes for a medical perspective?
To limit the spread of airborne water droplets that may carry the virus. Over half a year in and you still have to ask that question?!?! SMH

Fauci said they don’t work.

Are they to protect the wearer of the mask or those who the mask wearer is near.

I thought only medical grade n95 actually do anything. Why are people allowed to wear bandanas.

Doesnt it seem like virtue signaling if wearing masks that don’t work are legal?

How far do the droplets go? Why do we have to wear masks AND socially distance?

We only need take the same precautions as with every other seasonal flu........stay home if you're sick, wash your hands often, cover your sneeze/cough.

The whole world went berserk over the flu, people's lives were ruined, for the sake of "safety " which didn't have to happen......herd mentality, not isolation, is what was needed, yet here we are, coming into the middle of August and, people are still running scared, because they're listening to the wrong people.
There is only one reason to social distance and wear a mask, its to slow the spread so we do not overwhelm our medical system. For most of the US this is no longer a problem. Only small areas still have this issue and these are easily addressed by mobile hospitals. We deal with a hot spot in a fire much the same way sending in the resources to slow the fire.

We need our children back in school and our people back to work... Isolate those who are vulnerable and get on with life... The current trends show the important numbers falling (hospitalizations, interventions, and deaths) the total numbers of infected are in the age range of 28-32 and have little problems with this virus if they have no underlying conditions.

The more people who have immunities the slower the spread of the virus so the more people who get this now, before winter and closing up your homes, the better..
States that have required masks are recovering from COVID

Those who laughed it off are seeing rising infections.

Not true. We don't wear masks everywhere, they're not mandatory, yet we haven't seen any new cases in months.

Its that herd mentality that's been mentioned, the virus came through, did its thing and.....ran its course.....because, we didn't hide from it. (Do people really think they can hide from a virus?)
Is Florida seeing herd mentality?

How bout Texas
Mask wearing is the tin foil hat of the pandemic
Tell that to Herman Cain.

Oh wait. You can't. Because HE'S DEAD!

So go ahead and don't wear a mask. Darwin will clean up the gene pool for us.

It'll be full of people wearing masks.

Wear a mask if you want, you have no business telling others they need to.

You made that decision for yourself, others can do the same.
States that have required masks are recovering from COVID

Those who laughed it off are seeing rising infections.

Not true. We don't wear masks everywhere, they're not mandatory, yet we haven't seen any new cases in months.

Its that herd mentality that's been mentioned, the virus came through, did its thing and.....ran its course.....because, we didn't hide from it. (Do people really think they can hide from a virus?)
Is Florida seeing herd mentality?

How bout Texas

Florida has admitted to falsifying the numbers.....inflating them.

I don't know about Texas, but, many states have admitted to doing what Florida has done.
Mask wearing is the tin foil hat of the pandemic
Tell that to Herman Cain.

Oh wait. You can't. Because HE'S DEAD!

So go ahead and don't wear a mask. Darwin will clean up the gene pool for us.
Show me where mask wearing would have saved his life. Did he not receive lots of mail? Go to the Store and buy food? Touch nothing we he went out? You have no idea nor do I what the mode of trnsmission was that caused him to get infected. Cain chose to live his life as he saw fit. Masks are less than 30% effective any way and that is only if the one infected is the wearer. A mask does NOTHING for the person who contracts a virus.
Mask wearing is the tin foil hat of the pandemic
Tell that to Herman Cain.

Oh wait. You can't. Because HE'S DEAD!

So go ahead and don't wear a mask. Darwin will clean up the gene pool for us.

It'll be full of people wearing masks.

Wear a mask if you want, you have no business telling others they need to.

You made that decision for yourself, others can do the same.
The mask is not just to protect you
It is to protect others from your germs
States that have required masks are recovering from COVID

Those who laughed it off are seeing rising infections.

Not true. We don't wear masks everywhere, they're not mandatory, yet we haven't seen any new cases in months.

Its that herd mentality that's been mentioned, the virus came through, did its thing and.....ran its course.....because, we didn't hide from it. (Do people really think they can hide from a virus?)
Is Florida seeing herd mentality?

How bout Texas

Florida has admitted to falsifying the numbers.....inflating them.

I don't know about Texas, but, many states have admitted to doing what Florida has done.

People in Florida are dying. Not fake
Mask wearing is the tin foil hat of the pandemic
Tell that to Herman Cain.

Oh wait. You can't. Because HE'S DEAD!

So go ahead and don't wear a mask. Darwin will clean up the gene pool for us.

It'll be full of people wearing masks.

Wear a mask if you want, you have no business telling others they need to.

You made that decision for yourself, others can do the same.
The mask is not just to protect you
It is to protect others from your germs

If a mask works so well, how do germs get out?
States that have required masks are recovering from COVID

Those who laughed it off are seeing rising infections.

Not true. We don't wear masks everywhere, they're not mandatory, yet we haven't seen any new cases in months.

Its that herd mentality that's been mentioned, the virus came through, did its thing and.....ran its course.....because, we didn't hide from it. (Do people really think they can hide from a virus?)
Is Florida seeing herd mentality?

How bout Texas

Florida has admitted to falsifying the numbers.....inflating them.

I don't know about Texas, but, many states have admitted to doing what Florida has done.

People in Florida are dying. Not fake

People all over the world are dying, from a variety of different things.

Also, not fake.
Mask wearing is the tin foil hat of the pandemic
Tell that to Herman Cain.

Oh wait. You can't. Because HE'S DEAD!

So go ahead and don't wear a mask. Darwin will clean up the gene pool for us.

It'll be full of people wearing masks.

Wear a mask if you want, you have no business telling others they need to.

You made that decision for yourself, others can do the same.
The mask is not just to protect you
It is to protect others from your germs

If a mask works so well, how do germs get out?
Not the germs so much as the spit

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