Mass genocide, last 100 years, incl. Holocaust (on 6 million Jews)

1. The US supported the UK for 6 years of WWII.

2. The US GAVE the Soviet Union 600,000 trucks alone, plus thousands of airplanes, tanks, tons of food and munitions etc.
Germany was destroyed thanks to US productivity. And lives, we lost 300,000 people as well.

3. I must confess that I have no clue what your question number 3 is...perhaps you were drunk when you composed it...

4. The US still outproduces the world in most things. Even as screwed up as we are, and we really are screwed up. China is catching up though, soon it will surpass us. Of course it has 4 times as many people so it should outproduce

1. In exchange for UK dismantling its empire after the war.

2. US did NOT give anything. USSR (and other countries) PAID BACK for US help. And US help to the USSR was a FRACTION of what the Soviet Union produced for war-time needs.
Nazi Germany was destroyed thanks to the Soviet people. As for US war contribution, don't forget to mention US help to Hitler that lasted until the end of 1944. While 300 000 Americans were giving their lives fighting Hitler, US corporations were making profits on helping Hitler to continue with the war efforts.

3. Current crisis is more than "economic and financial" crisis. It is a crisis of the system, the capitalist system. And it started in 2008 in the USA.

4. What is it that US produces that matters to the world outside of US?!
1. The US supported the UK for 6 years of WWII.

2. The US GAVE the Soviet Union 600,000 trucks alone, plus thousands of airplanes, tanks, tons of food and munitions etc.
Germany was destroyed thanks to US productivity. And lives, we lost 300,000 people as well.

3. I must confess that I have no clue what your question number 3 is...perhaps you were drunk when you composed it...

4. The US still outproduces the world in most things. Even as screwed up as we are, and we really are screwed up. China is catching up though, soon it will surpass us. Of course it has 4 times as many people so it should outproduce

1. In exchange for UK dismantling its empire after the war.

2. US did NOT give anything. USSR (and other countries) PAID BACK for US help. And US help to the USSR was a FRACTION of what the Soviet Union produced for war-time needs.
Nazi Germany was destroyed thanks to the Soviet people. As for US war contribution, don't forget to mention US help to Hitler that lasted until the end of 1944. While 300 000 Americans were giving their lives fighting Hitler, US corporations were making profits on helping Hitler to continue with the war efforts.

3. Current crisis is more than "economic and financial" crisis. It is a crisis of the system, the capitalist system. And it started in 2008 in the USA.

4. What is it that US produces that matters to the world outside of US?!

The UK's empire was allready failing. English historians often say the "British Empire died on the Somme battlefield" when a generation of its finest was killed. 80,000 are still missing from that battle alone.

As of this year the only countries EVER to have paid back their war loans are Finland and the UK.

The crisis began in 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act.

What we produce affects the world.

You know, for a person who claims to be so educated, you sure are ignorant. Simple concepts and relatively well known history eludes you. I suggest you go back and finish Primary school before you make an even greater fool of yourself.
1. The UK's empire was allready failing. English historians

2. As of this year the only countries EVER to have paid back their war loans are Finland and the UK.

3. The crisis began in 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act.

4. What we produce affects the world.

Simple concepts and relatively well known history

1. Was it failing, was it not failing is irrelevant. US agreed a dismantlement of UK empire as a pre-requisite to it entering the war on UK side.

2. Then why did you say US GAVE its help?! The US SOLD its help!

3. Who cares what was going on within the US borders BEFORE $ became a world currency not supported by anything apart from "the word" of US bankers?!
The latest crisis goes beyond the usual for capitalist system economic and financial crisis. What we have now, is the crisis of the whole of capitalist system! And it started in US in 2008.

4. So what is it that US produces that affects the world?!

I have no time for US concocted "history".
1. The UK's empire was allready failing. English historians

2. As of this year the only countries EVER to have paid back their war loans are Finland and the UK.

3. The crisis began in 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act.

4. What we produce affects the world.

Simple concepts and relatively well known history

1. Was it failing, was it not failing is irrelevant. US agreed a dismantlement of UK empire as a pre-requisite to it entering the war on UK side.

2. Then why did you say US GAVE its help?! The US SOLD its help!

3. Who cares what was going on within the US borders BEFORE $ became a world currency not supported by anything apart from "the word" of US bankers?!
The latest crisis goes beyond the usual for capitalist system economic and financial crisis. What we have now, is the crisis of the whole of capitalist system! And it started in US in 2008.

4. So what is it that US produces that affects the world?!

I have no time for US concocted "history".

Yes, it was failing. Regardless of WWII, the British Empire was coming to an end. WWII merely sped up the process, though not by much.

The US gave 300,000 of our finest, and we gave millions of dollars in munitions to the UK alone. We accepted 50 useless destroyers (they were so obsolete and old that many were not capable of sailing) as payment for modern weapons and munitions. We built hundreds of airfields in the UK and after the war we GAVE them to the UK. We rebuilt vast areas of Europe post war for FREE.

The backers of the Federal Reserve Act were EOROPEAN BANKERS nimrod.

Because when the US fails (as it will if it keeps following the path of European Socialism) then the whole world will collapse, that's why. Even the Chinese realise that.

At least we have a history...unlike you. You are brainless and ignorant and that's no way to go through life buckwheat.
Hey, you never told me where you were from.

He's eurotrash. I deal with them all of the time when I travel to Europe. They are the poor white trash of the continent. Closely akin to the Romani.
1. Yes, it was failing. Regardless of WWII, the British Empire was coming to an end. WWII merely sped up the process, though not by much.

2. The US gave 300,000 of our finest, and we gave millions of dollars in munitions to the UK alone.
We accepted 50 useless destroyers (they were so obsolete and old that many were not capable of sailing) as payment for modern weapons and munitions. We built hundreds of airfields in the UK and after the war we GAVE them to the UK. We rebuilt vast areas of Europe post war for FREE.

3. The backers of the Federal Reserve Act were EOROPEAN BANKERS nimrod.

4. Because when the US fails (as it will if it keeps following the path of European Socialism) then

5. the whole world will collapse, that's why.

6. At least we have a history...unlike you.

1. You can speculate as much as you want, but you can't ignore a simple fact: an agreement of dismantlement of the British empire was a PREREQUISITE to US joining the war on UK side!

2. US did it in exchange for dismantlement of the British empire.
Besides, US made money on "helping BOTH sides of the WW2, making sure the war continues;
and after the war tied ALL economies that eccepted US "help" to the $;
and made it one of the conditions of the Marshal Plan that the economies of the recipients will become orientated on US economy!

3. Once more, Federal Reserve is controlled by 9 Jewish families, most of them based in US. Please, tell me, have you ever heard of Rockfellers? Are they European?

4. How brain DEAD (not even brain-washed!) one should be to even suggest that US had ever stepped on a path of socialism???!!!!! Apart from your media, where else did you see anything at least remotely socialist?!

5. :D How did the world live PRIOR to US?
Not "the world" would collapse, but the CAPITALIST SYSTEM!!! And you know why? Because for the past 40 years this system is held in place exclusively by US dollar system and US military + aggressive foreign policy.
And it WILL collapse because it has reached its NATURAL end. The same way slavery ended, feudalism ended...

6. America has everything, apart from the past and the future

Hey, you never told me where you were from.

He's eurotrash. I deal with them all of the time when I travel to Europe. They are the poor white trash of the continent. Closely akin to the Romani.

I wonder why he's so clearly afraid to say specifically where he's from though. Must be something he's ashamed of. Rightly so, I'd imagine.
1. Yes, it was failing. Regardless of WWII, the British Empire was coming to an end. WWII merely sped up the process, though not by much.

2. The US gave 300,000 of our finest, and we gave millions of dollars in munitions to the UK alone.
We accepted 50 useless destroyers (they were so obsolete and old that many were not capable of sailing) as payment for modern weapons and munitions. We built hundreds of airfields in the UK and after the war we GAVE them to the UK. We rebuilt vast areas of Europe post war for FREE.

3. The backers of the Federal Reserve Act were EOROPEAN BANKERS nimrod.

4. Because when the US fails (as it will if it keeps following the path of European Socialism) then

5. the whole world will collapse, that's why.

6. At least we have a history...unlike you.

1. You can speculate as much as you want, but you can't ignore a simple fact: an agreement of dismantlement of the British empire was a PREREQUISITE to US joining the war on UK side!

2. US did it in exchange for dismantlement of the British empire.
Besides, US made money on "helping BOTH sides of the WW2, making sure the war continues;
and after the war tied ALL economies that eccepted US "help" to the $;
and made it one of the conditions of the Marshal Plan that the economies of the recipients will become orientated on US economy!

3. Once more, Federal Reserve is controlled by 9 Jewish families, most of them based in US. Please, tell me, have you ever heard of Rockfellers? Are they European?

4. How brain DEAD (not even brain-washed!) one should be to even suggest that US had ever stepped on a path of socialism???!!!!! Apart from your media, where else did you see anything at least remotely socialist?!

5. :D How did the world live PRIOR to US?
Not "the world" would collapse, but the CAPITALIST SYSTEM!!! And you know why? Because for the past 40 years this system is held in place exclusively by US dollar system and US military + aggressive foreign policy.
And it WILL collapse because it has reached its NATURAL end. The same way slavery ended, feudalism ended...

6. America has everything, apart from the past and the future


Here's your girlfriend Natalya...


  • $russian-woman-natalya-m-belly-fat-picture33.jpg
    16.3 KB · Views: 83
Hey, you never told me where you were from.

He's eurotrash. I deal with them all of the time when I travel to Europe. They are the poor white trash of the continent. Closely akin to the Romani.

I wonder why he's so clearly afraid to say specifically where he's from though. Must be something he's ashamed of. Rightly so, I'd imagine.

Based on the way he butchers the language I would guess he's baltic states. Possibly Russian. Though Russians, in general, are brighter than him. Plenty of drunk Lithuanians and Latvians though:lol: Estonians seem to be more level headed than this nimrod.
Jews created lies about pertinent aspects of World War 2 European history and have used it as a political tool in order to manipulate with (emotional appeals) and a lot non-Jewish "Historians" have helped to disseminate those lies and have helped to further the Jewish manipulation of gullible non-Jews (Goyim). The alleged "holocaust" has been turned into a religion known to some as Holocaustianity. Denial of the Holocaust is illegal in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Israel, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Switzerland. Why has debate and investigation into the claims about the alleged "holocaust' been made illegal in these countries? The truth does not need a law to protect it. The truth stands on the merits of it's arguments and is able to withstand scrutiny. A lie...a deception, on the other hand, would require a law to protect inquiry into the lies and deceptions. Lies and deception are unable to stand up to any scrutiny.
You always know when the true believers of Holocaustianity are losing the argument when they begin with the invective name calling and ad hominem attacks and are no longer able to argue on the merits of the issue.

Author Don Heddesheimer’s book (Don Heddesheimer: The First Holocaust) is an important piece of the revisionist puzzle. Heddesheimer cogently documents the slew of previous attempts by Jews to disseminate deceitful and untrue atrocity propaganda before, during and after World War I. (That's World War One).

The First Holocaust features an amazing collection of press clippings and propaganda articles dating back to the late 19th century that make claims of the suffering and imminent extermination of European Jewry. Among such articles we find that Jews have, dozens of times before WWII, invoked the cabalisitc “6,000,000″ number as the amount of Jews on the verge of death and destruction during various periods of turmoil and conflict in Europe and Russia. Undoubtedly, this book exposes the deliberate fraudulence of these sinister Zionist campaigns and media blitzes, long before Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933, designed to elicit public sympathy and financial support for Jewish political ambitions, principally the establishment of the State of Israel.

The obsessive invocation of the cabalistic fable of “6,000,000 dead or dying Jews” dating back at least four decades prior to the events of WWII directly undermines and betrays the notion that 6,000,000 Jews perished in Europe between 1939-1945, as Jews have claimed. It was a lie the first time, and it is a lie today!

A question that you might ask is: “what is the significance of the ‘Six Million’ figure and where did it originate?”

The mythical “Six Million” figure has intriguing origins indeed. Jews have staunchly emphasized the 6,000,000 figure in atrocity propaganda, from the years 1890 through 1945. World War II ended in 1945, and since that time the cabalistic 6,000,000 figure has now reached sacrosanct status.

The mythical “Six Million” figure has intriguing origins indeed. Jews have staunchly emphasized the 6,000,000 figure in atrocity propaganda from the years 1890 through 1945. World War II ended in 1945, and since that time the cabalistic 6,000,000 figure has now reached sacrosanct status. This was achieved through a sleazy and deceptive campaign of repetitive HoloHoax swindlespeak in the news and entertainment media, centered in Jewish Hollywood How Jewish is Hollywood? - As the Jewish-Communist mass murderer, Vladimir Lenin, once said: “a lie told often enough becomes the truth.” This campaign of Jewish deceit has steadily intensified over the years. When Jews sense an increase in awareness of their treachery and global crimes against humanity amongst the Gentile public (a natural reaction of which is resentment and hostility), the louder they begin to wail about their invented holocaust in the octopus of media organs they control. That’s why they are always gauging the pulse of public opinion.

World leaders, Presidents, Prime Ministers, ceremonial Kings and Queens, Popes, Priests and Holy Men of all faiths, genuflect in groveling reverence of the mythical “6,000,000 Jews” who didn’t perish in “Nazi gas chambers”, as such chambers did not exist and were impossible.

Source article:The “Six Million” Myth | The Works and Research of ZionCrimeFactory

More info on the "holocaust" myth:

Friedrich Paul Berg's ""

The Gas Chambers: Truth or Lie?

Auschwitz. Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth
[ame=]Auschwitz. Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth - YouTube[/ame]

Holohoax Completely Exposed by David Cole
[ame=]Holohoax Completely Exposed by David Cole - YouTube[/ame]
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Oh look, just what we needed: another history-denying, anti-semitic douchebag. :rolleyes:
You always know when the true believers of Holocaustianity (the brainwashed) are losing the's when they begin with the invective name calling and ad hominem attacks and are no longer able to counter your facts or argue on the merits of the issue.Name calling and ad hominem... it's all you have left. Pretty pathetic!:mm:

What you call denial of World War 2 history, I and many others call World War 2 fables...stories...LIES!... FABRICATED STORIES!

...there's antisemitism because there's ethnocentric chauvinistic Semitism!:funnyface:

The Last Days of the Big Lie
[ame=]The Last Days of the Big Lie - YouTube[/ame]
Take it to stormfront, adolph, where your idiotic bullshit will be appreciated. Fucking douchebag.
Take it to stormfront, adolph, where your idiotic bullshit will be appreciated. Fucking douchebag.

Ahhhhhh Too bad...poor baby getting mad...not able to handle facts or refute with anything factual. I understand you're frustrated because you probably have the IQ of a doorknob and aren't able to muster anything intellectual in response, must be tough...Well I'll tell you what I'm going to do... I am going to keep posting here and if you don't like it...well... go fuck yourself, I won't be intimidated by low IQ asswipes such as yourself. :funnyface:
Do you and the rest of the girls dress up in your little nazi costumes and play make-believe history? Or is that just what vile, idiotic scum like you do online? GTFO.
Do you and the rest of the girls dress up in your little nazi costumes and play make-believe history? Or is that just what vile, idiotic scum like you do online? GTFO.

Again, I understand you're not able to engage in an intellectual debate or refute with facts because you're evidently mentally deficient (low intelligence)...must be tough being a low IQ monkey who slings his dung at people and then picks his nose.

Because I like you, I going to recommend this for you.


See ya stinky monkey butt...
Do you girls giggle and have pillow fights in your little pink nazi pajamas? How precious.

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