Mass Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam’s Problems Here


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The libturds keep telling us the Muslims are just like any other kind of immigrant and that they will "assimilate." The European experience of tells a different story.

Mass Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam’s Problems Here, by David French, National Review

To hear the Left tell it, the debate over mass Muslim immigration -- especially from conflict zones -- is a simple contest between compassionate tolerance and cowardly xenophobia. They claim their opponents are cowards because the percentage of refugees or immigrants who are terrorists is very small (your bathtub is more dangerous than a Muslim immigrant), and they--re xenophobes because they have no understanding or appreciation for the blessings and benefits of diversity. Conservatives are all fear and no heart.

According to the rules of this debate, there are but two kinds of Muslim immigrants -- the tiny few terrorists and the overwhelmingly deserving, suffering majority. Question this narrative, or call attention to the vast cultural gaps between the refugees and the Western nations they--re fleeing to, and you--re a racist. After all, our cultural elite understands the Muslim world better than you do. They went to Harvard with Muslims, and the Muslims they know have great accents, cool customs, and -- most importantly -- tales of imperialist oppression that turn the leftist heart to mush. What--s not to love?

The recent events in Cologne and other German and Austrian cities represent a necessary, reality-based corrective to this absurd binary thinking. On New Year--s Eve, German women faced attacks from roaming gangs of North African and Middle Eastern immigrants, including asylum-seekers. According to German officials, "sexual crimes took place on a huge scale." More than 100 women were victimized in a single evening, with up to 1,000 attackers involved.

As my colleague Ian Tuttle notes, this sexual violence is part of a "disturbing trend" in European countries with large Muslim-immigrant populations. Sweden now has the "third-highest rate of rape per capita in the world." Britain--s horrifying Rotherham rape scandal -- where 1,400 children were systematically raped and abused over a period of 16 years while authorities turned a blind eye -- still shocks the conscience.

But the challenges go well beyond terrorism and sexual violence. Immigrants and refugees are pouring into the West from regions overrun with anti-Semitism and featuring vast numbers of people who support the imposition of sharia law. For example, 99 percent of Afghans want sharia to be the "official law of the land" in their home country, along with 91 percent of Iraqis, 89 percent of Palestinians, 84 percent of Pakistanis, and 83 percent of Moroccans.

This means that substantial majorities of these populations believe, among other things, in the death penalty for leaving Islam and stoning as the punishment for adultery. Moreover, vast numbers believe that sharia should apply to both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Further, as I--ve discussed before, Western soldiers are coming home from conflict zones describing cultures that feature systematic child rape in Afghanistan, brutal treatment of women in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and a shocking level of fatalism and disregard for human life.

Simply put, there are powerful cultural reasons why many of the nations of North Africa and the Middle East are miserable places to live -- and those reasons go well beyond terrorism. And while it--s true that some immigrants are intentionally fleeing that culture and hoping to embrace more humane Western values, bitter experience in Britain, France, and elsewhere teaches us that a substantial number hope to enjoy the material blessings of the West while maintaining and defending many of the worst beliefs and practices of their home nations.
The libturds keep telling us the Muslims are just like any other kind of immigrant and that they will "assimilate." The European experience of tells a different story.

Mass Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam’s Problems Here, by David French, National Review

To hear the Left tell it, the debate over mass Muslim immigration -- especially from conflict zones -- is a simple contest between compassionate tolerance and cowardly xenophobia. They claim their opponents are cowards because the percentage of refugees or immigrants who are terrorists is very small (your bathtub is more dangerous than a Muslim immigrant), and they--re xenophobes because they have no understanding or appreciation for the blessings and benefits of diversity. Conservatives are all fear and no heart.

According to the rules of this debate, there are but two kinds of Muslim immigrants -- the tiny few terrorists and the overwhelmingly deserving, suffering majority. Question this narrative, or call attention to the vast cultural gaps between the refugees and the Western nations they--re fleeing to, and you--re a racist. After all, our cultural elite understands the Muslim world better than you do. They went to Harvard with Muslims, and the Muslims they know have great accents, cool customs, and -- most importantly -- tales of imperialist oppression that turn the leftist heart to mush. What--s not to love?

The recent events in Cologne and other German and Austrian cities represent a necessary, reality-based corrective to this absurd binary thinking. On New Year--s Eve, German women faced attacks from roaming gangs of North African and Middle Eastern immigrants, including asylum-seekers. According to German officials, "sexual crimes took place on a huge scale." More than 100 women were victimized in a single evening, with up to 1,000 attackers involved.

As my colleague Ian Tuttle notes, this sexual violence is part of a "disturbing trend" in European countries with large Muslim-immigrant populations. Sweden now has the "third-highest rate of rape per capita in the world." Britain--s horrifying Rotherham rape scandal -- where 1,400 children were systematically raped and abused over a period of 16 years while authorities turned a blind eye -- still shocks the conscience.

But the challenges go well beyond terrorism and sexual violence. Immigrants and refugees are pouring into the West from regions overrun with anti-Semitism and featuring vast numbers of people who support the imposition of sharia law. For example, 99 percent of Afghans want sharia to be the "official law of the land" in their home country, along with 91 percent of Iraqis, 89 percent of Palestinians, 84 percent of Pakistanis, and 83 percent of Moroccans.

This means that substantial majorities of these populations believe, among other things, in the death penalty for leaving Islam and stoning as the punishment for adultery. Moreover, vast numbers believe that sharia should apply to both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Further, as I--ve discussed before, Western soldiers are coming home from conflict zones describing cultures that feature systematic child rape in Afghanistan, brutal treatment of women in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and a shocking level of fatalism and disregard for human life.

Simply put, there are powerful cultural reasons why many of the nations of North Africa and the Middle East are miserable places to live -- and those reasons go well beyond terrorism. And while it--s true that some immigrants are intentionally fleeing that culture and hoping to embrace more humane Western values, bitter experience in Britain, France, and elsewhere teaches us that a substantial number hope to enjoy the material blessings of the West while maintaining and defending many of the worst beliefs and practices of their home nations.

One thing came to mind while reading.... Say if we had a draft would the Muslims be included in fighting for America?
Makes me wonder..
The libturds keep telling us the Muslims are just like any other kind of immigrant and that they will "assimilate." The European experience of tells a different story.

Mass Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam’s Problems Here, by David French, National Review

To hear the Left tell it, the debate over mass Muslim immigration -- especially from conflict zones -- is a simple contest between compassionate tolerance and cowardly xenophobia. They claim their opponents are cowards because the percentage of refugees or immigrants who are terrorists is very small (your bathtub is more dangerous than a Muslim immigrant), and they--re xenophobes because they have no understanding or appreciation for the blessings and benefits of diversity. Conservatives are all fear and no heart.

According to the rules of this debate, there are but two kinds of Muslim immigrants -- the tiny few terrorists and the overwhelmingly deserving, suffering majority. Question this narrative, or call attention to the vast cultural gaps between the refugees and the Western nations they--re fleeing to, and you--re a racist. After all, our cultural elite understands the Muslim world better than you do. They went to Harvard with Muslims, and the Muslims they know have great accents, cool customs, and -- most importantly -- tales of imperialist oppression that turn the leftist heart to mush. What--s not to love?

The recent events in Cologne and other German and Austrian cities represent a necessary, reality-based corrective to this absurd binary thinking. On New Year--s Eve, German women faced attacks from roaming gangs of North African and Middle Eastern immigrants, including asylum-seekers. According to German officials, "sexual crimes took place on a huge scale." More than 100 women were victimized in a single evening, with up to 1,000 attackers involved.

As my colleague Ian Tuttle notes, this sexual violence is part of a "disturbing trend" in European countries with large Muslim-immigrant populations. Sweden now has the "third-highest rate of rape per capita in the world." Britain--s horrifying Rotherham rape scandal -- where 1,400 children were systematically raped and abused over a period of 16 years while authorities turned a blind eye -- still shocks the conscience.

But the challenges go well beyond terrorism and sexual violence. Immigrants and refugees are pouring into the West from regions overrun with anti-Semitism and featuring vast numbers of people who support the imposition of sharia law. For example, 99 percent of Afghans want sharia to be the "official law of the land" in their home country, along with 91 percent of Iraqis, 89 percent of Palestinians, 84 percent of Pakistanis, and 83 percent of Moroccans.

This means that substantial majorities of these populations believe, among other things, in the death penalty for leaving Islam and stoning as the punishment for adultery. Moreover, vast numbers believe that sharia should apply to both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Further, as I--ve discussed before, Western soldiers are coming home from conflict zones describing cultures that feature systematic child rape in Afghanistan, brutal treatment of women in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and a shocking level of fatalism and disregard for human life.

Simply put, there are powerful cultural reasons why many of the nations of North Africa and the Middle East are miserable places to live -- and those reasons go well beyond terrorism. And while it--s true that some immigrants are intentionally fleeing that culture and hoping to embrace more humane Western values, bitter experience in Britain, France, and elsewhere teaches us that a substantial number hope to enjoy the material blessings of the West while maintaining and defending many of the worst beliefs and practices of their home nations.

One thing came to mind while reading.... Say if we had a draft would the Muslims be included in fighting for America?
Makes me wonder..

One faction of RWs keeps demanding to know why "those people" don't stay in the warzones in their own country and fight. I wonder how they'd react if some of the eligible refugees wanted to enlist in the U.S. military?

(I also wonder how many RWs know that a disproportionate number of those who fought in Iraq were Mexican immigrants?)
The libturds keep telling us the Muslims are just like any other kind of immigrant and that they will "assimilate." The European experience of tells a different story.

Mass Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam’s Problems Here, by David French, National Review

To hear the Left tell it, the debate over mass Muslim immigration -- especially from conflict zones -- is a simple contest between compassionate tolerance and cowardly xenophobia. They claim their opponents are cowards because the percentage of refugees or immigrants who are terrorists is very small (your bathtub is more dangerous than a Muslim immigrant), and they--re xenophobes because they have no understanding or appreciation for the blessings and benefits of diversity. Conservatives are all fear and no heart.

According to the rules of this debate, there are but two kinds of Muslim immigrants -- the tiny few terrorists and the overwhelmingly deserving, suffering majority. Question this narrative, or call attention to the vast cultural gaps between the refugees and the Western nations they--re fleeing to, and you--re a racist. After all, our cultural elite understands the Muslim world better than you do. They went to Harvard with Muslims, and the Muslims they know have great accents, cool customs, and -- most importantly -- tales of imperialist oppression that turn the leftist heart to mush. What--s not to love?

The recent events in Cologne and other German and Austrian cities represent a necessary, reality-based corrective to this absurd binary thinking. On New Year--s Eve, German women faced attacks from roaming gangs of North African and Middle Eastern immigrants, including asylum-seekers. According to German officials, "sexual crimes took place on a huge scale." More than 100 women were victimized in a single evening, with up to 1,000 attackers involved.

As my colleague Ian Tuttle notes, this sexual violence is part of a "disturbing trend" in European countries with large Muslim-immigrant populations. Sweden now has the "third-highest rate of rape per capita in the world." Britain--s horrifying Rotherham rape scandal -- where 1,400 children were systematically raped and abused over a period of 16 years while authorities turned a blind eye -- still shocks the conscience.

But the challenges go well beyond terrorism and sexual violence. Immigrants and refugees are pouring into the West from regions overrun with anti-Semitism and featuring vast numbers of people who support the imposition of sharia law. For example, 99 percent of Afghans want sharia to be the "official law of the land" in their home country, along with 91 percent of Iraqis, 89 percent of Palestinians, 84 percent of Pakistanis, and 83 percent of Moroccans.

This means that substantial majorities of these populations believe, among other things, in the death penalty for leaving Islam and stoning as the punishment for adultery. Moreover, vast numbers believe that sharia should apply to both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Further, as I--ve discussed before, Western soldiers are coming home from conflict zones describing cultures that feature systematic child rape in Afghanistan, brutal treatment of women in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and a shocking level of fatalism and disregard for human life.

Simply put, there are powerful cultural reasons why many of the nations of North Africa and the Middle East are miserable places to live -- and those reasons go well beyond terrorism. And while it--s true that some immigrants are intentionally fleeing that culture and hoping to embrace more humane Western values, bitter experience in Britain, France, and elsewhere teaches us that a substantial number hope to enjoy the material blessings of the West while maintaining and defending many of the worst beliefs and practices of their home nations.

One thing came to mind while reading.... Say if we had a draft would the Muslims be included in fighting for America?
Makes me wonder..
--------------------------------- one of my thoughts he been the filling of USA military full of fifth columnists from foreign lands Eaglewings . Same thoughts about filling USA police forces with fifth columnists . Draft doesn't matter and immigrant enlisting because USA military is just a decent job with benefits is my thought . Heck , stories are going around about GANGS in the USA military Eaglewings .
The libturds keep telling us the Muslims are just like any other kind of immigrant and that they will "assimilate." The European experience of tells a different story.

Mass Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam’s Problems Here, by David French, National Review

To hear the Left tell it, the debate over mass Muslim immigration -- especially from conflict zones -- is a simple contest between compassionate tolerance and cowardly xenophobia. They claim their opponents are cowards because the percentage of refugees or immigrants who are terrorists is very small (your bathtub is more dangerous than a Muslim immigrant), and they--re xenophobes because they have no understanding or appreciation for the blessings and benefits of diversity. Conservatives are all fear and no heart.

According to the rules of this debate, there are but two kinds of Muslim immigrants -- the tiny few terrorists and the overwhelmingly deserving, suffering majority. Question this narrative, or call attention to the vast cultural gaps between the refugees and the Western nations they--re fleeing to, and you--re a racist. After all, our cultural elite understands the Muslim world better than you do. They went to Harvard with Muslims, and the Muslims they know have great accents, cool customs, and -- most importantly -- tales of imperialist oppression that turn the leftist heart to mush. What--s not to love?

The recent events in Cologne and other German and Austrian cities represent a necessary, reality-based corrective to this absurd binary thinking. On New Year--s Eve, German women faced attacks from roaming gangs of North African and Middle Eastern immigrants, including asylum-seekers. According to German officials, "sexual crimes took place on a huge scale." More than 100 women were victimized in a single evening, with up to 1,000 attackers involved.

As my colleague Ian Tuttle notes, this sexual violence is part of a "disturbing trend" in European countries with large Muslim-immigrant populations. Sweden now has the "third-highest rate of rape per capita in the world." Britain--s horrifying Rotherham rape scandal -- where 1,400 children were systematically raped and abused over a period of 16 years while authorities turned a blind eye -- still shocks the conscience.

But the challenges go well beyond terrorism and sexual violence. Immigrants and refugees are pouring into the West from regions overrun with anti-Semitism and featuring vast numbers of people who support the imposition of sharia law. For example, 99 percent of Afghans want sharia to be the "official law of the land" in their home country, along with 91 percent of Iraqis, 89 percent of Palestinians, 84 percent of Pakistanis, and 83 percent of Moroccans.

This means that substantial majorities of these populations believe, among other things, in the death penalty for leaving Islam and stoning as the punishment for adultery. Moreover, vast numbers believe that sharia should apply to both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Further, as I--ve discussed before, Western soldiers are coming home from conflict zones describing cultures that feature systematic child rape in Afghanistan, brutal treatment of women in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and a shocking level of fatalism and disregard for human life.

Simply put, there are powerful cultural reasons why many of the nations of North Africa and the Middle East are miserable places to live -- and those reasons go well beyond terrorism. And while it--s true that some immigrants are intentionally fleeing that culture and hoping to embrace more humane Western values, bitter experience in Britain, France, and elsewhere teaches us that a substantial number hope to enjoy the material blessings of the West while maintaining and defending many of the worst beliefs and practices of their home nations.

One thing came to mind while reading.... Say if we had a draft would the Muslims be included in fighting for America?
Makes me wonder..

One faction of RWs keeps demanding to know why "those people" don't stay in the warzones in their own country and fight. I wonder how they'd react if some of the eligible refugees wanted to enlist in the U.S. military?

(I also wonder how many RWs know that a disproportionate number of those who fought in Iraq were Mexican immigrants?)

That won't be a problem if we stop importing them.

It's curious that you mention that because demographers predict that Russia will become a majority Muslim country in the next few decades and it will most like have to send military forces to fight insurrections in places like Chechnya.

Why do you want to inflict a similar dilemma on the USA?
Bribaby the Anarchist can't get enough big government when it suits him.
Until the government sells off all the property it owns and abolishes itself, we will find it necessary to control immigration. That is one of the functions that turds like you think government is responsible for, or do you?
The libturds keep telling us the Muslims are just like any other kind of immigrant and that they will "assimilate." The European experience of tells a different story.

Mass Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam’s Problems Here, by David French, National Review

To hear the Left tell it, the debate over mass Muslim immigration -- especially from conflict zones -- is a simple contest between compassionate tolerance and cowardly xenophobia. They claim their opponents are cowards because the percentage of refugees or immigrants who are terrorists is very small (your bathtub is more dangerous than a Muslim immigrant), and they--re xenophobes because they have no understanding or appreciation for the blessings and benefits of diversity. Conservatives are all fear and no heart.

According to the rules of this debate, there are but two kinds of Muslim immigrants -- the tiny few terrorists and the overwhelmingly deserving, suffering majority. Question this narrative, or call attention to the vast cultural gaps between the refugees and the Western nations they--re fleeing to, and you--re a racist. After all, our cultural elite understands the Muslim world better than you do. They went to Harvard with Muslims, and the Muslims they know have great accents, cool customs, and -- most importantly -- tales of imperialist oppression that turn the leftist heart to mush. What--s not to love?

The recent events in Cologne and other German and Austrian cities represent a necessary, reality-based corrective to this absurd binary thinking. On New Year--s Eve, German women faced attacks from roaming gangs of North African and Middle Eastern immigrants, including asylum-seekers. According to German officials, "sexual crimes took place on a huge scale." More than 100 women were victimized in a single evening, with up to 1,000 attackers involved.

As my colleague Ian Tuttle notes, this sexual violence is part of a "disturbing trend" in European countries with large Muslim-immigrant populations. Sweden now has the "third-highest rate of rape per capita in the world." Britain--s horrifying Rotherham rape scandal -- where 1,400 children were systematically raped and abused over a period of 16 years while authorities turned a blind eye -- still shocks the conscience.

But the challenges go well beyond terrorism and sexual violence. Immigrants and refugees are pouring into the West from regions overrun with anti-Semitism and featuring vast numbers of people who support the imposition of sharia law. For example, 99 percent of Afghans want sharia to be the "official law of the land" in their home country, along with 91 percent of Iraqis, 89 percent of Palestinians, 84 percent of Pakistanis, and 83 percent of Moroccans.

This means that substantial majorities of these populations believe, among other things, in the death penalty for leaving Islam and stoning as the punishment for adultery. Moreover, vast numbers believe that sharia should apply to both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Further, as I--ve discussed before, Western soldiers are coming home from conflict zones describing cultures that feature systematic child rape in Afghanistan, brutal treatment of women in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and a shocking level of fatalism and disregard for human life.

Simply put, there are powerful cultural reasons why many of the nations of North Africa and the Middle East are miserable places to live -- and those reasons go well beyond terrorism. And while it--s true that some immigrants are intentionally fleeing that culture and hoping to embrace more humane Western values, bitter experience in Britain, France, and elsewhere teaches us that a substantial number hope to enjoy the material blessings of the West while maintaining and defending many of the worst beliefs and practices of their home nations.

One thing came to mind while reading.... Say if we had a draft would the Muslims be included in fighting for America?
Makes me wonder..
--------------------------------- one of my thoughts he been the filling of USA military full of fifth columnists from foreign lands Eaglewings .

It seems they are infiltrating into our country in a very scary ways pismoe. the question is would they fight alongside the Americans? Perhaps the younger ones who grow up here, but I feel shaky about that too. Training in the Air force.. these terrorists take years to master their attacks as we saw with 9/11

It's curious that you mention that because demographers predict that Russia will become a majority Muslim country in the next few decades and it will most like have to send military forces to fight insurrections in places like Chechnya.

(A) I'm sure you can provide data from these demographers
(B) On what basis is it assumed that Chechens will be fighting their fellow Chechens?
It's curious that you mention that because demographers predict that Russia will become a majority Muslim country in the next few decades and it will most like have to send military forces to fight insurrections in places like Chechnya.

(A) I'm sure you can provide data from these demographers
(B) On what basis is it assumed that Chechens will be fighting their fellow Chechens?

Russia’s Demographic Revolution, by Daniel Pipes, National Review

Within a few years, Muslims will make up half the conscripts in the Russian army. Joseph A. D’Agostino of the Population Research Institute asks: “Will such a military operate effectively given the fury that many domestic Muslims feel toward the Russian military’s tactics in the Muslim region of Chechnya? What if other Muslim regions of Russia — some of which contain huge oil reserves — rebel against Moscow? Will Muslim soldiers fight and kill to keep them part of the Russian motherland?”
It's curious that you mention that because demographers predict that Russia will become a majority Muslim country in the next few decades and it will most like have to send military forces to fight insurrections in places like Chechnya.

(A) I'm sure you can provide data from these demographers
(B) On what basis is it assumed that Chechens will be fighting their fellow Chechens?

Russia’s Demographic Revolution, by Daniel Pipes, National Review

Within a few years, Muslims will make up half the conscripts in the Russian army. Joseph A. D’Agostino of the Population Research Institute asks: “Will such a military operate effectively given the fury that many domestic Muslims feel toward the Russian military’s tactics in the Muslim region of Chechnya? What if other Muslim regions of Russia — some of which contain huge oil reserves — rebel against Moscow? Will Muslim soldiers fight and kill to keep them part of the Russian motherland?”

Interesting. Wonder whether the converts will start having more children as well?

What Russia needs is a way to incentivize its people off the vodka and onto greater fertility.

How do you suppose Putin might accomplish that?
The libturds keep telling us the Muslims are just like any other kind of immigrant and that they will "assimilate." The European experience of tells a different story.

Mass Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam’s Problems Here, by David French, National Review

To hear the Left tell it, the debate over mass Muslim immigration -- especially from conflict zones -- is a simple contest between compassionate tolerance and cowardly xenophobia. They claim their opponents are cowards because the percentage of refugees or immigrants who are terrorists is very small (your bathtub is more dangerous than a Muslim immigrant), and they--re xenophobes because they have no understanding or appreciation for the blessings and benefits of diversity. Conservatives are all fear and no heart.

According to the rules of this debate, there are but two kinds of Muslim immigrants -- the tiny few terrorists and the overwhelmingly deserving, suffering majority. Question this narrative, or call attention to the vast cultural gaps between the refugees and the Western nations they--re fleeing to, and you--re a racist. After all, our cultural elite understands the Muslim world better than you do. They went to Harvard with Muslims, and the Muslims they know have great accents, cool customs, and -- most importantly -- tales of imperialist oppression that turn the leftist heart to mush. What--s not to love?

The recent events in Cologne and other German and Austrian cities represent a necessary, reality-based corrective to this absurd binary thinking. On New Year--s Eve, German women faced attacks from roaming gangs of North African and Middle Eastern immigrants, including asylum-seekers. According to German officials, "sexual crimes took place on a huge scale." More than 100 women were victimized in a single evening, with up to 1,000 attackers involved.

As my colleague Ian Tuttle notes, this sexual violence is part of a "disturbing trend" in European countries with large Muslim-immigrant populations. Sweden now has the "third-highest rate of rape per capita in the world." Britain--s horrifying Rotherham rape scandal -- where 1,400 children were systematically raped and abused over a period of 16 years while authorities turned a blind eye -- still shocks the conscience.

But the challenges go well beyond terrorism and sexual violence. Immigrants and refugees are pouring into the West from regions overrun with anti-Semitism and featuring vast numbers of people who support the imposition of sharia law. For example, 99 percent of Afghans want sharia to be the "official law of the land" in their home country, along with 91 percent of Iraqis, 89 percent of Palestinians, 84 percent of Pakistanis, and 83 percent of Moroccans.

This means that substantial majorities of these populations believe, among other things, in the death penalty for leaving Islam and stoning as the punishment for adultery. Moreover, vast numbers believe that sharia should apply to both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Further, as I--ve discussed before, Western soldiers are coming home from conflict zones describing cultures that feature systematic child rape in Afghanistan, brutal treatment of women in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and a shocking level of fatalism and disregard for human life.

Simply put, there are powerful cultural reasons why many of the nations of North Africa and the Middle East are miserable places to live -- and those reasons go well beyond terrorism. And while it--s true that some immigrants are intentionally fleeing that culture and hoping to embrace more humane Western values, bitter experience in Britain, France, and elsewhere teaches us that a substantial number hope to enjoy the material blessings of the West while maintaining and defending many of the worst beliefs and practices of their home nations.
Of course it will, Muslims act entirely different when they control a country as opposed being a minority.
See most of the Mideast
The libturds keep telling us the Muslims are just like any other kind of immigrant and that they will "assimilate." The European experience of tells a different story.

Mass Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam’s Problems Here, by David French, National Review

To hear the Left tell it, the debate over mass Muslim immigration -- especially from conflict zones -- is a simple contest between compassionate tolerance and cowardly xenophobia. They claim their opponents are cowards because the percentage of refugees or immigrants who are terrorists is very small (your bathtub is more dangerous than a Muslim immigrant), and they--re xenophobes because they have no understanding or appreciation for the blessings and benefits of diversity. Conservatives are all fear and no heart.

According to the rules of this debate, there are but two kinds of Muslim immigrants -- the tiny few terrorists and the overwhelmingly deserving, suffering majority. Question this narrative, or call attention to the vast cultural gaps between the refugees and the Western nations they--re fleeing to, and you--re a racist. After all, our cultural elite understands the Muslim world better than you do. They went to Harvard with Muslims, and the Muslims they know have great accents, cool customs, and -- most importantly -- tales of imperialist oppression that turn the leftist heart to mush. What--s not to love?

The recent events in Cologne and other German and Austrian cities represent a necessary, reality-based corrective to this absurd binary thinking. On New Year--s Eve, German women faced attacks from roaming gangs of North African and Middle Eastern immigrants, including asylum-seekers. According to German officials, "sexual crimes took place on a huge scale." More than 100 women were victimized in a single evening, with up to 1,000 attackers involved.

As my colleague Ian Tuttle notes, this sexual violence is part of a "disturbing trend" in European countries with large Muslim-immigrant populations. Sweden now has the "third-highest rate of rape per capita in the world." Britain--s horrifying Rotherham rape scandal -- where 1,400 children were systematically raped and abused over a period of 16 years while authorities turned a blind eye -- still shocks the conscience.

But the challenges go well beyond terrorism and sexual violence. Immigrants and refugees are pouring into the West from regions overrun with anti-Semitism and featuring vast numbers of people who support the imposition of sharia law. For example, 99 percent of Afghans want sharia to be the "official law of the land" in their home country, along with 91 percent of Iraqis, 89 percent of Palestinians, 84 percent of Pakistanis, and 83 percent of Moroccans.

This means that substantial majorities of these populations believe, among other things, in the death penalty for leaving Islam and stoning as the punishment for adultery. Moreover, vast numbers believe that sharia should apply to both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Further, as I--ve discussed before, Western soldiers are coming home from conflict zones describing cultures that feature systematic child rape in Afghanistan, brutal treatment of women in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and a shocking level of fatalism and disregard for human life.

Simply put, there are powerful cultural reasons why many of the nations of North Africa and the Middle East are miserable places to live -- and those reasons go well beyond terrorism. And while it--s true that some immigrants are intentionally fleeing that culture and hoping to embrace more humane Western values, bitter experience in Britain, France, and elsewhere teaches us that a substantial number hope to enjoy the material blessings of the West while maintaining and defending many of the worst beliefs and practices of their home nations.

One thing came to mind while reading.... Say if we had a draft would the Muslims be included in fighting for America?
Makes me wonder..

One faction of RWs keeps demanding to know why "those people" don't stay in the warzones in their own country and fight. I wonder how they'd react if some of the eligible refugees wanted to enlist in the U.S. military?

(I also wonder how many RWs know that a disproportionate number of those who fought in Iraq were Mexican immigrants?)
Many don't seem to realize that of the current masses streaming into Europe only about 20% are from Syria or Iraq
Bribaby the Anarchist can't get enough big government when it suits him.

What are you blabbering about? Immigration is a big government program... to import more below average quality people(read: the only ones who would vote for such nonsense) to statist vote farms.
The libturds keep telling us the Muslims are just like any other kind of immigrant and that they will "assimilate." The European experience of tells a different story.

Mass Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam’s Problems Here, by David French, National Review

To hear the Left tell it, the debate over mass Muslim immigration -- especially from conflict zones -- is a simple contest between compassionate tolerance and cowardly xenophobia. They claim their opponents are cowards because the percentage of refugees or immigrants who are terrorists is very small (your bathtub is more dangerous than a Muslim immigrant), and they--re xenophobes because they have no understanding or appreciation for the blessings and benefits of diversity. Conservatives are all fear and no heart.

According to the rules of this debate, there are but two kinds of Muslim immigrants -- the tiny few terrorists and the overwhelmingly deserving, suffering majority. Question this narrative, or call attention to the vast cultural gaps between the refugees and the Western nations they--re fleeing to, and you--re a racist. After all, our cultural elite understands the Muslim world better than you do. They went to Harvard with Muslims, and the Muslims they know have great accents, cool customs, and -- most importantly -- tales of imperialist oppression that turn the leftist heart to mush. What--s not to love?

The recent events in Cologne and other German and Austrian cities represent a necessary, reality-based corrective to this absurd binary thinking. On New Year--s Eve, German women faced attacks from roaming gangs of North African and Middle Eastern immigrants, including asylum-seekers. According to German officials, "sexual crimes took place on a huge scale." More than 100 women were victimized in a single evening, with up to 1,000 attackers involved.

As my colleague Ian Tuttle notes, this sexual violence is part of a "disturbing trend" in European countries with large Muslim-immigrant populations. Sweden now has the "third-highest rate of rape per capita in the world." Britain--s horrifying Rotherham rape scandal -- where 1,400 children were systematically raped and abused over a period of 16 years while authorities turned a blind eye -- still shocks the conscience.

But the challenges go well beyond terrorism and sexual violence. Immigrants and refugees are pouring into the West from regions overrun with anti-Semitism and featuring vast numbers of people who support the imposition of sharia law. For example, 99 percent of Afghans want sharia to be the "official law of the land" in their home country, along with 91 percent of Iraqis, 89 percent of Palestinians, 84 percent of Pakistanis, and 83 percent of Moroccans.

This means that substantial majorities of these populations believe, among other things, in the death penalty for leaving Islam and stoning as the punishment for adultery. Moreover, vast numbers believe that sharia should apply to both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Further, as I--ve discussed before, Western soldiers are coming home from conflict zones describing cultures that feature systematic child rape in Afghanistan, brutal treatment of women in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and a shocking level of fatalism and disregard for human life.

Simply put, there are powerful cultural reasons why many of the nations of North Africa and the Middle East are miserable places to live -- and those reasons go well beyond terrorism. And while it--s true that some immigrants are intentionally fleeing that culture and hoping to embrace more humane Western values, bitter experience in Britain, France, and elsewhere teaches us that a substantial number hope to enjoy the material blessings of the West while maintaining and defending many of the worst beliefs and practices of their home nations.
Of course it will, Muslims act entirely different when they control a country as opposed being a minority.
See most of the Mideast

Or do they?
See Germany.
There is always an exception to the rule...
The libturds keep telling us the Muslims are just like any other kind of immigrant and that they will "assimilate." The European experience of tells a different story.

Mass Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam’s Problems Here, by David French, National Review

To hear the Left tell it, the debate over mass Muslim immigration -- especially from conflict zones -- is a simple contest between compassionate tolerance and cowardly xenophobia. They claim their opponents are cowards because the percentage of refugees or immigrants who are terrorists is very small (your bathtub is more dangerous than a Muslim immigrant), and they--re xenophobes because they have no understanding or appreciation for the blessings and benefits of diversity. Conservatives are all fear and no heart.

According to the rules of this debate, there are but two kinds of Muslim immigrants -- the tiny few terrorists and the overwhelmingly deserving, suffering majority. Question this narrative, or call attention to the vast cultural gaps between the refugees and the Western nations they--re fleeing to, and you--re a racist. After all, our cultural elite understands the Muslim world better than you do. They went to Harvard with Muslims, and the Muslims they know have great accents, cool customs, and -- most importantly -- tales of imperialist oppression that turn the leftist heart to mush. What--s not to love?

The recent events in Cologne and other German and Austrian cities represent a necessary, reality-based corrective to this absurd binary thinking. On New Year--s Eve, German women faced attacks from roaming gangs of North African and Middle Eastern immigrants, including asylum-seekers. According to German officials, "sexual crimes took place on a huge scale." More than 100 women were victimized in a single evening, with up to 1,000 attackers involved.

As my colleague Ian Tuttle notes, this sexual violence is part of a "disturbing trend" in European countries with large Muslim-immigrant populations. Sweden now has the "third-highest rate of rape per capita in the world." Britain--s horrifying Rotherham rape scandal -- where 1,400 children were systematically raped and abused over a period of 16 years while authorities turned a blind eye -- still shocks the conscience.

But the challenges go well beyond terrorism and sexual violence. Immigrants and refugees are pouring into the West from regions overrun with anti-Semitism and featuring vast numbers of people who support the imposition of sharia law. For example, 99 percent of Afghans want sharia to be the "official law of the land" in their home country, along with 91 percent of Iraqis, 89 percent of Palestinians, 84 percent of Pakistanis, and 83 percent of Moroccans.

This means that substantial majorities of these populations believe, among other things, in the death penalty for leaving Islam and stoning as the punishment for adultery. Moreover, vast numbers believe that sharia should apply to both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Further, as I--ve discussed before, Western soldiers are coming home from conflict zones describing cultures that feature systematic child rape in Afghanistan, brutal treatment of women in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and a shocking level of fatalism and disregard for human life.

Simply put, there are powerful cultural reasons why many of the nations of North Africa and the Middle East are miserable places to live -- and those reasons go well beyond terrorism. And while it--s true that some immigrants are intentionally fleeing that culture and hoping to embrace more humane Western values, bitter experience in Britain, France, and elsewhere teaches us that a substantial number hope to enjoy the material blessings of the West while maintaining and defending many of the worst beliefs and practices of their home nations.
Of course it will, Muslims act entirely different when they control a country as opposed being a minority.
See most of the Mideast

Or do they?
See Germany.
There is always an exception to the rule...
i wonder if Obama will mention in the SOTU that its ok for his mid-east supporters to fondle under age girls in germany
The libturds keep telling us the Muslims are just like any other kind of immigrant and that they will "assimilate." The European experience of tells a different story.

Mass Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam’s Problems Here, by David French, National Review

To hear the Left tell it, the debate over mass Muslim immigration -- especially from conflict zones -- is a simple contest between compassionate tolerance and cowardly xenophobia. They claim their opponents are cowards because the percentage of refugees or immigrants who are terrorists is very small (your bathtub is more dangerous than a Muslim immigrant), and they--re xenophobes because they have no understanding or appreciation for the blessings and benefits of diversity. Conservatives are all fear and no heart.

According to the rules of this debate, there are but two kinds of Muslim immigrants -- the tiny few terrorists and the overwhelmingly deserving, suffering majority. Question this narrative, or call attention to the vast cultural gaps between the refugees and the Western nations they--re fleeing to, and you--re a racist. After all, our cultural elite understands the Muslim world better than you do. They went to Harvard with Muslims, and the Muslims they know have great accents, cool customs, and -- most importantly -- tales of imperialist oppression that turn the leftist heart to mush. What--s not to love?

The recent events in Cologne and other German and Austrian cities represent a necessary, reality-based corrective to this absurd binary thinking. On New Year--s Eve, German women faced attacks from roaming gangs of North African and Middle Eastern immigrants, including asylum-seekers. According to German officials, "sexual crimes took place on a huge scale." More than 100 women were victimized in a single evening, with up to 1,000 attackers involved.

As my colleague Ian Tuttle notes, this sexual violence is part of a "disturbing trend" in European countries with large Muslim-immigrant populations. Sweden now has the "third-highest rate of rape per capita in the world." Britain--s horrifying Rotherham rape scandal -- where 1,400 children were systematically raped and abused over a period of 16 years while authorities turned a blind eye -- still shocks the conscience.

But the challenges go well beyond terrorism and sexual violence. Immigrants and refugees are pouring into the West from regions overrun with anti-Semitism and featuring vast numbers of people who support the imposition of sharia law. For example, 99 percent of Afghans want sharia to be the "official law of the land" in their home country, along with 91 percent of Iraqis, 89 percent of Palestinians, 84 percent of Pakistanis, and 83 percent of Moroccans.

This means that substantial majorities of these populations believe, among other things, in the death penalty for leaving Islam and stoning as the punishment for adultery. Moreover, vast numbers believe that sharia should apply to both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Further, as I--ve discussed before, Western soldiers are coming home from conflict zones describing cultures that feature systematic child rape in Afghanistan, brutal treatment of women in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and a shocking level of fatalism and disregard for human life.

Simply put, there are powerful cultural reasons why many of the nations of North Africa and the Middle East are miserable places to live -- and those reasons go well beyond terrorism. And while it--s true that some immigrants are intentionally fleeing that culture and hoping to embrace more humane Western values, bitter experience in Britain, France, and elsewhere teaches us that a substantial number hope to enjoy the material blessings of the West while maintaining and defending many of the worst beliefs and practices of their home nations.

What "mass Muslim immigration" are you talking about?
The libturds keep telling us the Muslims are just like any other kind of immigrant and that they will "assimilate." The European experience of tells a different story.

Mass Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam’s Problems Here, by David French, National Review

To hear the Left tell it, the debate over mass Muslim immigration -- especially from conflict zones -- is a simple contest between compassionate tolerance and cowardly xenophobia. They claim their opponents are cowards because the percentage of refugees or immigrants who are terrorists is very small (your bathtub is more dangerous than a Muslim immigrant), and they--re xenophobes because they have no understanding or appreciation for the blessings and benefits of diversity. Conservatives are all fear and no heart.

According to the rules of this debate, there are but two kinds of Muslim immigrants -- the tiny few terrorists and the overwhelmingly deserving, suffering majority. Question this narrative, or call attention to the vast cultural gaps between the refugees and the Western nations they--re fleeing to, and you--re a racist. After all, our cultural elite understands the Muslim world better than you do. They went to Harvard with Muslims, and the Muslims they know have great accents, cool customs, and -- most importantly -- tales of imperialist oppression that turn the leftist heart to mush. What--s not to love?

The recent events in Cologne and other German and Austrian cities represent a necessary, reality-based corrective to this absurd binary thinking. On New Year--s Eve, German women faced attacks from roaming gangs of North African and Middle Eastern immigrants, including asylum-seekers. According to German officials, "sexual crimes took place on a huge scale." More than 100 women were victimized in a single evening, with up to 1,000 attackers involved.

As my colleague Ian Tuttle notes, this sexual violence is part of a "disturbing trend" in European countries with large Muslim-immigrant populations. Sweden now has the "third-highest rate of rape per capita in the world." Britain--s horrifying Rotherham rape scandal -- where 1,400 children were systematically raped and abused over a period of 16 years while authorities turned a blind eye -- still shocks the conscience.

But the challenges go well beyond terrorism and sexual violence. Immigrants and refugees are pouring into the West from regions overrun with anti-Semitism and featuring vast numbers of people who support the imposition of sharia law. For example, 99 percent of Afghans want sharia to be the "official law of the land" in their home country, along with 91 percent of Iraqis, 89 percent of Palestinians, 84 percent of Pakistanis, and 83 percent of Moroccans.

This means that substantial majorities of these populations believe, among other things, in the death penalty for leaving Islam and stoning as the punishment for adultery. Moreover, vast numbers believe that sharia should apply to both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Further, as I--ve discussed before, Western soldiers are coming home from conflict zones describing cultures that feature systematic child rape in Afghanistan, brutal treatment of women in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and a shocking level of fatalism and disregard for human life.

Simply put, there are powerful cultural reasons why many of the nations of North Africa and the Middle East are miserable places to live -- and those reasons go well beyond terrorism. And while it--s true that some immigrants are intentionally fleeing that culture and hoping to embrace more humane Western values, bitter experience in Britain, France, and elsewhere teaches us that a substantial number hope to enjoy the material blessings of the West while maintaining and defending many of the worst beliefs and practices of their home nations.

What "mass Muslim immigration" are you talking about?

The mass Muslim immigration Obama and Hillary want to shove down our throats.

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