Mass Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam’s Problems Here

Bribaby the Anarchist can't get enough big government when it suits him.
He is supporting big govt by being against a big govt action and forcing third world savages on the citizenry? WOW ok. I guess that definition changed, too..

He wants Big Government to force-feed immigrants bacon. Who's going to pay for that????

I think we can get a collection going if the government ever decides to implement it. However, my preferred solution is simply to stop all immigration from these countries altogether. We simply don't need these people, and we gain nothing by importing them.

You, on the other hand, want a big government program to ram all these invaders down our throats.

I squirted another load in my pants, but I'm too afraid the Muslims are hiding in my bathroom!

The gag of calling people who have sensible views on immigration "cowards" only fools the gullible. Those people already vote Democrat, so you're wasting your time.
"Mass Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam’s Problems Here"

The 'problem' isn't Islam, the problem is this sort of ignorance, bigotry, and hate.


Why would you make fun of the people killed by muslim terrorist?
I'm not. I'm making fun of you parroting, pants shitting, bigots who want to taint every Muslim as a terrorist.

They are all Muslims. A majority of them support Sharia and condone suicide bombings. These aren't people we want in our country. You have to positively insane to believe they can make any kind of positive contribution.

You're simply an asshole and a bigot. You have no arguments. You only have name calling.
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"Mass Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam’s Problems Here"

The 'problem' isn't Islam, the problem is this sort of ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

Wrong. Islam is the problem. The evidence is so manifest that you have to be suffering brain damage to dispute it.


Why would you make fun of the people killed by muslim terrorist?
I'm not. I'm making fun of you parroting, pants shitting, bigots who want to taint every Muslim as a terrorist.

So how do you know the good from the bad?
Barry sure hasnt figured it out.

And whether your intent was to denigrate the victims of terrorism or not you achieved that objective.
Look at you, standing on the bodies of the dead to further your chickenshit bigotry. Dipping your flag in their blood and waving it around.

What a cowardly, sickening tactic.

You mean like Obama and the gun control crowd does whenever there's a mass shooting?
LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.


Cars provide us with extremely useful transportation. Muslims provide us with mass murder.

Where's the dilemma?
So how do you know the good from the bad?
Good point. How do we know the good negroes from the bad ones? We better ban them all! Send 'em back to Africa.

Black Americans were born here. Syrians weren't born here. They can stay where they were born.

What you turds don't seem to get is that we are talking about people who aren't Americans. They are entitled to nothing from us.

ISISBOOMBAH has you pants shitters exactly where it wants you. Cowering in the corner, shitting yourselves.



Tell you what, asshole, we'll chip in to buy you a ticket to Syria and you can show everyone how brave you are by visiting ISIS headquarters.
doesn't work like that , American gunowners have gun 'Rights' , foreign muslims have no 'rights' inside the USA and best to keep the muslims out so that they can't claim any 'Rights' Aaron !!

So you're one of those Americans who scoffs at the part that says "all men are created equal."

Now, granted, those words were ironic coming from the pen of a slave owner, and it wasn't until 1920 that the other 51% of Americans were considered equal under the law (you probably have no idea what I'm referring to), but it wasn't "all residents of the 13 colonies are created equal and fuck everybody else."

Just sayin'.

The Constitution has jurisdiction in America. It's not in effect in foriegn countries, so it doesn't matter what it says when we're discussing importing muzzie savages.

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