Mass shooter in Prague kills 11 and wounds many more.

Here is a Critical Thinker sensibly raising the possibility that this was yet another False Flag.

I haven’t seen any alternative analysis as yet, but two things (at least) seem odd.
How can they photograph the man shooting on the roof balcony and yet not have police ready to act? Don’t the Police have guns in Prague? The kids sitting on the masonry on the roof look odd. If it was me I would run and keep running, not act like a duck and line up to be shotv at .
In all the footage, no blood. No bodies even blurred and no wounded.
The Police look too relaxed.
The staff who were interviewed gave rational answers but showed no emotion.
The shooter as usual is dead and can’t be interviewed. Lots of bangs were recorded, but no evidence of the results of the shooting.
Who was he shooting at when up on the roof?
Why didn’t the cameraman/person swing the camera to take a look

All well made points as usual .
But the great unthinking public is already accepting exactly what it was directed to .And that is the impression that will be the one that lasts and is judged to be "the Truth" next month and next year .

But I doubt it .

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