Mass shooting: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival

I have went to that garlic festival before. It is a small little farming community. That it smells like garlic every where. I cannot see why would of shooter targeted that place. But it might be gang related. San Jose Ca is not that far from there. San Jose has a big Hispanic gang problem, but it was a lone shooter. It is a multicultural event. And the shooting was preplanned, because he has cut out an opening in the fence. Maybe the shooter was doing a hit for a drug cartel. .But he wouldn't have gunned them down in a public place. That they would of have shot their victims at their homes or somewhere else. But the shooter could be a White person that just hated Mexicans. Because that city is populated with migrant workers. Sounds like the shooter was on a suicide mission.

This is almost certainly not gang related, this was random, collective murder.

Just some unstable, emotional sick psycho who decided that shooting people would help his anger and depression. I don't know the persons back story, but to kill innocent people that had nothing to do with his suffering or hurt, is about as cowardly as it gets. What the hell did a 6 year old have to do with his problems? Regardless of his reasoning,it's not sound, this person isn't stable.

Again, the world we live in. Desensitized to violence and a complete lack of respect for life. As I get older it's clear, from music, to video games, movies and human interactions between one another on a day to day basis, the future is not bright for civilization. Those qualities of empathy are lost, and it's not just USA that's dealing with the repercussions of such a society.
It was just announced that the shooter was a White male. Of course he was mentally ill. What probably had made him to do what he has done. It is this atmosphere of hate that is going around. The left is encouraging minorities to attack Whites. He probably has been beaten by a group of Hispanics recently. And so he probably just released his anger on the people. But then it could of have been an ANTIFA's plot. It was one of their agenda to shoot up public events. They wants to start a race war. And this is the best way to do it. Gilroy has a lot of European farm owners, surrounded by a lot of migrant workers and Hispanics citizens.. which the media is pushing this story that White people hates people of color.
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I have went to that garlic festival before. It is a small little farming community. That it smells like garlic every where. I cannot see why would of shooter targeted that place. But it might be gang related. San Jose Ca is not that far from there. San Jose has a big Hispanic gang problem, but it was a lone shooter. It is a multicultural event. And the shooting was preplanned, because he has cut out an opening in the fence. Maybe the shooter was doing a hit for a drug cartel. .But he wouldn't have gunned them down in a public place. That they would of have shot their victims at their homes or somewhere else. But the shooter could be a White person that just hated Mexicans. Because that city is populated with migrant workers. Sounds like the shooter was on a suicide mission.

This is almost certainly not gang related, this was random, collective murder.

Just some unstable, emotional sick psycho who decided that shooting people would help his anger and depression. I don't know the persons back story, but to kill innocent people that had nothing to do with his suffering or hurt, is about as cowardly as it gets. What the hell did a 6 year old have to do with his problems? Regardless of his reasoning,it's not sound, this person isn't stable.

Again, the world we live in. Desensitized to violence and a complete lack of respect for life. As I get older it's clear, from music, to video games, movies and human interactions between one another on a day to day basis, the future is not bright for civilization. Those qualities of empathy are lost, and it's not just USA that's dealing with the repercussions of such a society.
It was just announced that the shooter was a White male. Of course he was mentally ill. What probably had made him to do what he has done. It is this atmosphere of hate that is going around. The left is encouraging minorities to attack Whites. He probably has been beating by a group of Hispanics recently. And so he probably just released his anger on the people. But then it could of have been an ANTIFA's plot. It was one of their agenda to shoot up public events. They wants to start a race war. And this is the best way to do it. Gilroy has a lot of European farm owners, surrounded by a lot of migrant workers and Hispanics citizens.. which the media is pushing this story that White people hates people of color.

Who knows at this point? I do know, the gunman was a piece of trash.

If you have a problem with someone, you address them, you don't randomly kill people who have nothing to do with your problems. This is a symptom of an illogical, emotionally driven, uncaring world. I can't imagine in a million years targeting innocent people who didn't do anything to me. Whatever his motivations, he achieved nothing but damning his soul to hell.
Any minute 2AGuy will be showing up telling us how we don't need any more gun laws and swimming pools are more dangerous.

Yeah, and, have you heard about car / traffic deaths?

We've already been informed that the shooter - white - was obviously insane. Had the shooter been black, the efforts at an explanation would have ended right there, and the verdict on blackness would have been confirmed yet again.
Apparently guy was asked by people screaming "why are you doing this" and he responded "because I'm really angry".

6 Year old boy killed so that some POS could get his anger out in the form of mass murder. This is the world we live in.
Correction: This is the country we live in.
Waiting to hear a democrat pretend they are so heart broken! After a weekend of thousands of babies getting dismembered in abortions!
And scold the GUN not the person.
Waiting to hear a democrat pretend they are so heart broken! After a weekend of thousands of babies getting dismembered in abortions!
And scold the GUN not the person.
If you know where babies are being dismembered get off your dumb ass and do something about it. This is your defense of a mass murderer?
Waiting to hear a democrat pretend they are so heart broken! After a weekend of thousands of babies getting dismembered in abortions!
And scold the GUN not the person.
If you know where babies are being dismembered get off your dumb ass and do something about it. This is your defense of a mass murderer?
I do I just voted to put in two supreme court judges that are against abortion .. hehehe.. we are winning biatch ..
awww let me hear how sad you are about this shooting but say nothing about the 90 blacks shot this weekend in towns run by democrats..

Let’s hear your outrage snowflake
Waiting to hear a democrat pretend they are so heart broken! After a weekend of thousands of babies getting dismembered in abortions!
And scold the GUN not the person.
If you know where babies are being dismembered get off your dumb ass and do something about it. This is your defense of a mass murderer?
I do I just voted to put in two supreme court judges that are against abortion .. hehehe.. we are winning biatch ..
awww let me hear how sad you are about this shooting but say nothing about the 90 blacks shot this weekend in towns run by democrats..

Let’s hear your outrage snowflake
Blacks shooting each other in bad neighborhoods are not a threat to me. The terrorists that shoot up public places are. How dumb are you anyway?
Waiting to hear a democrat pretend they are so heart broken! After a weekend of thousands of babies getting dismembered in abortions!
And scold the GUN not the person.
If you know where babies are being dismembered get off your dumb ass and do something about it. This is your defense of a mass murderer?
I do I just voted to put in two supreme court judges that are against abortion .. hehehe.. we are winning biatch ..
awww let me hear how sad you are about this shooting but say nothing about the 90 blacks shot this weekend in towns run by democrats..

Let’s hear your outrage snowflake
Blacks shooting each other in bad neighborhoods are not a threat to me. The terrorists that shoot up public places are. How dumb are you anyway?
Blacks neighborhoods aren’t public places?? Lol wtf haha
California has banned guns, right? but...this sort of tragedy still happens over there!

Perhaps a good guy should have carried a gun to defend himself and others,and the outcome would have been different.
California has not banned guns. A lot of hunters here. You got bad intel

oh ok so everybody can carry in Cali?
Sure if you get a permit. I own a handful of guns haven’t taken the time to go get a CC but don’t really need one. A bunch of my friends have them
I lived in San Diego for 8 years. You had to have somebody who had a permit vouch for you.....and if you shoot someone....even in and your friend could be hauled into court and possibly imprisoned for assault.
Apparently guy was asked by people screaming "why are you doing this" and he responded "because I'm really angry".

6 Year old boy killed so that some POS could get his anger out in the form of mass murder. This is the world we live in.
Correction: This is the country we live in.
I was wondering what took so long from the last one in Virginia. Fifty years ago we went from a nation which had physical foundation to one of human foundation. We also killed God. Or the faith in a deity was slowly reduced. All of our vices were expanded a hundred fold. Faith is one of the stalwarts of not doing anything lie we see today as part of our personalities. True Religious belief or faith brings guilt with it. Even having an education in it does the same. We were the Land of Milk and Honey, the Garden of Eden or Eden. Of course we still had many problems and issues. Then we became Babylon, the Whore of Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah. And the problems that were fixed expanded into many other problems a thousand times worse. Social justice rules the roost as being qualified overrules being the best.This is not a sermon. This was basically taken from a book that tells us how men live. Whether of faith or secular. You can use other metaphors and it will be the same only worded different. This is so easy to see and yet so many are blind. You used to be able to go to a sports stadium with very little security and all the food you can bring in. Today you walk through a complex metal detector probed by people with wands. Security is everywhere. This garlic festival had the same security set up as stadiums. But the person/people involved cut through a fence. This is what you wanted and this is what you got. Its a tragedy, but we ph uk with each other. I just remember people faces who have ever ph uked with me. Its from other time eras, but it is fun. And there are people on these boards and many others who feel the same way for many reasons.
It’s not that difficult, you just need to go through the process and show you understand gun safety and dont pose a threat. I don’t think it’s unreasonable
I do. It is completely unreasonable by U.S. Constitution standards. If that is the process the left desires, they need to legally and properly amend the U.S. Constitution.
It’s the process the state of california and it’s people want
Doesn’t matter. If the people of Alabama wanted to lynch African-Americans, would that be ok? If the constitution doesn’t permit it - then it doesn’t matter what the people of California want.
So what?! I’m not seeing your point. If I want to get a cc I can go get one. It’s not a big deal.
The left: “Taking $200 class, having a background check, needing a CCW permit holder to vouch for you, and having to pass tests for a permit is not a big deal”.

Also the left: “ want a voter to produce ID?!? No African-American in the world has ID nor do they know how to obtain one. This is racist and a monumental violation of constitutional rights”.
Waiting to hear a democrat pretend they are so heart broken! After a weekend of thousands of babies getting dismembered in abortions!
And scold the GUN not the person.
If you know where babies are being dismembered get off your dumb ass and do something about it. This is your defense of a mass murderer?
I do I just voted to put in two supreme court judges that are against abortion .. hehehe.. we are winning biatch ..
awww let me hear how sad you are about this shooting but say nothing about the 90 blacks shot this weekend in towns run by democrats..

Let’s hear your outrage snowflake
Blacks shooting each other in bad neighborhoods are not a threat to me. The terrorists that shoot up public places are. How dumb are you anyway?
Yep, and strict gun laws aren't helping you either. Oh and gun free zones.
It’s the process the state of california and it’s people want
Doesn’t matter. If the people of Alabama wanted to lynch African-Americans, would that be ok? If the constitution doesn’t permit it - then it doesn’t matter what the people of California want.

The California politburo has over ruled the "Will of The People" in California so many times it's hard to keep track.
Just look up the initiatives California voters have voter for, only to have the State decide otherwise.
Waiting to hear a democrat pretend they are so heart broken! After a weekend of thousands of babies getting dismembered in abortions!
And scold the GUN not the person.
If you know where babies are being dismembered get off your dumb ass and do something about it. This is your defense of a mass murderer?
I do I just voted to put in two supreme court judges that are against abortion .. hehehe.. we are winning biatch ..
awww let me hear how sad you are about this shooting but say nothing about the 90 blacks shot this weekend in towns run by democrats..

Let’s hear your outrage snowflake
Blacks shooting each other in bad neighborhoods are not a threat to me. The terrorists that shoot up public places are. How dumb are you anyway?
Blacks neighborhoods aren’t public places?? Lol wtf haha
He wouldn't dare go there. You know racist wouldn't be caught dead there.
Dammit! To get a cheap AR before they ban, or no?

I have a theory that so-called therapists are programming them to do these things.

Bah! I didn't want a gun like that b4 the 1st ban. Still don't. :)

Ofc if someone wants one they should be free to get one, it's just not my thing.

You know the gun-grabbers are gonna roll with this, and then some!
I felt the same way about the bump stock but then again I can use a rubber band with the same effect if not better lol

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