Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

I agree, Muslim terrorists have nothing to do with Islam or its peaceful doctrines and very peaceful history, and the Crusades prove violence has everything to do with Christianity. Islam is a religion of peace, Christianity is a religion of hateful right wing teabaggers.
Knowing some radical Muslims are suicidal fanatics, and having already been fire-bombed for publishing material which is offensive to radical Muslims, and having no way to defend themselves against an armed attack, these people went right ahead asking for exactly what they got.

Nice sarcasm...
What sarcasm?

I made a direct statement in the above commentary. Nothing duplicitous or insinuative about it.

If you disagree with it, tell us why.

So they got what they deserved for initiating free speech? You're a dick.
I said they got what they asked for. I didn't say they got what they deserved. You did.

As for the free speech factor. They exercised their right to free speech and they got killed for doing it. I wonder if they would think taunting known fanatical, suicidal killers was worth the sacrifice.

What exactly did they prove?

So if a right wing French group fire bombs the mosque these pigs attended did they get what they deserved???
The Crusades started because the Muslims would not allow Christians to visit the holy places in Jerusalem. The 1st Crusade was really nothing more than an armed pilgrimage to the Holy Land in defiance of the Muslim restrictions.

Actually, the Crusades were started because Urban II wanted to re-establish his Street Cred against the anti-Pope Henry IV had set up in opposition to him. And the Crusades probably did more damage than good, as it hastened the demise of the Byzantine Empire. My personal favorite being the Fourth Crusade, which never got near a Muslim.

Obviously, you learned your history in a university that teaches about Talking Snakes in Science Class.

The conflict the US has had with the Muslim world has never been religious or ideological. It was mostly connected to the power struggle in the Middle East because of the Cold War and to secure stable oil supplies not only for the US but for the rest of industrialized world.

Yeah, and fuck those people who rightfully owned the oil. If they complained and threw out their corrupt Shah, BP and the CIA would put that asshole right back in!!!
Agreed, the attacks in Paris were the fault of the Crusades and the CIA. Those hateful Christian bigots caused it all. The vibrant muslim freedom fighters had no choice!
I agree, Muslim terrorists have nothing to do with Islam or its peaceful doctrines and very peaceful history, and the Crusades prove violence has everything to do with Christianity. Islam is a religion of peace, Christianity is a religion of hateful right wing teabaggers.
I don't subscribe to that kind of neglect for the complexities of all of those groups of people.

The majority of righties who jumped on the Tea Party band wagon are no more hateful than any given bunch of Democrats.

A majority of Muslims, equal in percentage to that, around the world, don't carry out terrorist attacks no matter how they feel about the US and Israel.
In the context of Militant Islam... to the Devil with other people's feelings.

The little asswipes will be dealing with much worse hurt feelings, if France decides upon an Edict of Expulsion, to flush-away their Muslim dregs.

Enough, defending and excusing these dikkwads, and rationalizing their actions.


Enough lumping all people into one bag, too...
Not anywhere NEAR enough.

We - collectively, The West, a.k.a. Secularized Christendom - need to begin NAMING the Enemy.


The time has come to stop trying to delude ourselves otherwise.
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But you think prosecuting gun sellers and making guns more difficult to get WILL stop someone that is keen on committing a crime?

Oh, yeah, absolutely. I think once the gun sellers are held responsible for the CARNAGE they inflict on America, they will knock that shit the fuck off.

They aren't responsible for any carnage. That is all in your twisted little mind.
Don't know how many they insulted the Jews, compared to Muslims, but they didn't hold back on anyone. Yet only the Muslims are allowed to flip their pancakes over a bunch of insulting cartoons.


If so many people there are crazy, in those communities, maybe they belong in an asylum, not among common-sensed people.

Or maybe we should just stop fucking withe. Let's make sweet, sweet love to that hornet's nest.

Fuck that!! I don't stand by while the christians force their beliefs on us, and I am not standing by while any other faith does either.
I agree, Muslim terrorists have nothing to do with Islam or its peaceful doctrines and very peaceful history, and the Crusades prove violence has everything to do with Christianity. Islam is a religion of peace, Christianity is a religion of hateful right wing teabaggers.
I don't subscribe to that kind of neglect for the complexities of all of those groups of people.

The majority of righties who jumped on the Tea Party band wagon are no more hateful than any given bunch of Democrats.

A majority of Muslims, equal in percentage to that, around the world, don't carry out terrorist attacks no matter how they feel about the US and Israel.
Agreed, most Muslims are totally normal and most of them don't have extreme views at all. It is totally normal to support prosecuting anti-islamic cartoon makers like 78% of "British" Muslims support. And only 35% of "British" Muslim youth support suicide attacks. Not extreme at all. Totally normal people perfectly assimilating into Western Society.
UK Polling Report

There is no problem with Islam. Only bigots say so. Like President Al Sisi of Egypt, when he condemns extremism growing in Islam, he is a hateful islamophobe.
From Egypt s leader an ambitious call for reform in Islam - Israel News Ynetnews

I am pretty sure these attacks are payback for the Crusades, or because of Israel, or something.
stoopid dolts..............

When somebody is shot at point blank range with an AK 7.62X39 the head......the carnage to the head is massive ( :biggrin:not like in the Paris vid:biggrin: ) is what an ACTUAL shot to the head at close range looks like >>>


The vid we saw yesterday was a movie!!! Sorry!!!:up:

Hate to rain on the sheeple parade but................
stoopid dolts..............

When somebody is shot at point blank range with an AK 7.62X39 the head......the carnage to the head is massive ( :biggrin:not like in the Paris vid:biggrin: ) is what an ACTUAL shot to the head at close range looks like >>>


The vid we saw yesterday was a movie!!! Sorry!!!:up:

Hate to rain on the sheeple parade but................

I'm with you skooks. That was not a head shot on the sidewalk. Smells like another false flag

stoopid dolts..............

When somebody is shot at point blank range with an AK 7.62X39 the head......the carnage to the head is massive ( :biggrin:not like in the Paris vid:biggrin: ) is what an ACTUAL shot to the head at close range looks like >>>


The vid we saw yesterday was a movie!!! Sorry!!!:up:

Hate to rain on the sheeple parade but................

I'm with you skooks. That was not a head shot on the sidewalk. Smells like another false flag


Whats that joke about being born last Monday??

We got lots of Monday births on this board.........and the Reality Manufacturing C. knows it too!!! My thing is......they've gotten to the point that they don't even try hard anymore. The ARE the news.

Psychologically though...........I get it. Its damn near impossible to face some of this shit as being totally phony. Its called self-preservation. Most all of us are constantly seeking the lines of thought we are comfortable with. I was a huge Bush supporter back in the day.........get the Islamic fucks!! Now they are being droned to death daily. Its so fucked up........all staged manufactured BS. Write it down dude......we'll be seeing another FF real soon and watch all the heads explode in here.:2up:
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The Crusades started because the Muslims would not allow Christians to visit the holy places in Jerusalem. The 1st Crusade was really nothing more than an armed pilgrimage to the Holy Land in defiance of the Muslim restrictions.

Actually, the Crusades were started because Urban II wanted to re-establish his Street Cred against the anti-Pope Henry IV had set up in opposition to him. And the Crusades probably did more damage than good, as it hastened the demise of the Byzantine Empire. My personal favorite being the Fourth Crusade, which never got near a Muslim.

Obviously, you learned your history in a university that teaches about Talking Snakes in Science Class.

The conflict the US has had with the Muslim world has never been religious or ideological. It was mostly connected to the power struggle in the Middle East because of the Cold War and to secure stable oil supplies not only for the US but for the rest of industrialized world.

Yeah, and fuck those people who rightfully owned the oil. If they complained and threw out their corrupt Shah, BP and the CIA would put that asshole right back in!!!

Wrong again d-bag, the crusades started because of Muslim invasions into Christian Europe. Muslims drew first blood. Had there been no Muslim invasions, there wouldn't have been any crusades.

True story :cool:
Bilc 10503763
Obama sympathizes with their complaints.

You are actually sympathizing with and encouraging the terrorists when you concoct those stories that the President of the US is responsible for terrorist acts because he doesn't make certain idiotic verbal noises that you right wingers need to hear. Or the nonsense that Obama sympathizes with terrorists complaints.

You see the terrorists can see that when they kill innocents they effect the political mood in the US to turn ever more against their President. It is all led by the right wing news and entertainment industry which plies it's ugly trade for earnings. The terrorists kill some French people and two of the right wing entertainment buffoons on radio that I've heard the past couple days came out spitting all over themselves uttering more contempt and loathing for Obama's weakness in combatting terrorists as the reason these killers do this.

It is inexcusable when one thinks about what terrorists and the US right are doing to use their acts of terror for political gain.
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Fox News isn't responsible for Obama's words, his policies, and the message he projects.

Those of us that don't have Fox News can just as easily see his failed policies, and weak response to terrorist attacks. This is an administration that blamed a YouTube video for a terrorist attack, and had the video maker arrested and imprisoned for it. His administration also criticized the cartoonist mag before this attack, trying to silence them in making fun of the pedophile false prophet.

Fox News is probably the only channel in the US that doesn't spout the Agenda for the left non-stop. That, is the greatest sin of all to the progressives.

Bilc 10503763
Obama sympathizes with their complaints.

You are actually sympathizing with and encouraging the terrorists when you concoct those stories that the President of the US is responsible for terrorist acts because he doesn't make certain idiotic verbal noises that you right wingers need to hear. Or the nonsense that Obama sympathizes with terrorists complaints.

You see the terrorists can see that when they kill innocents they effect the political mood in the US to turn ever more against their President. It is all led by the right wing news and entertainment industry which plies it's ugly trade for earnings. The terrorists kill some French people and two of the right wing entertainment buffoons on radio that I've heard the past couple days came out spitting all over themselves uttering more contempt and loathing for Obama's weakness in combatting terrorists as the reason these killers do this.

It is inexcusable when one thinks about what terrorists and the US right are doing to use their acts of terror for political gain.

Oh Gawd!!!:spinner::spinner:
I said they got what they asked for. I didn't say they got what they deserved. You did.

As for the free speech factor. They exercised their right to free speech and they got killed for doing it. I wonder if they would think taunting known fanatical, suicidal killers was worth the sacrifice.

What exactly did they prove?

When interviewed in 2011 after the offices were firebombed, the editor (who was shot and killed yesterday) said he would rather die than be like a rat and have his freedom of speech curtailed.

I'm trying to figure out what your point is? They should have STFU? They should kowtow to terrorist demands?

As for 'taunting' etc, Charlie also targetted politicians and a whole range of other people. The politicos etc don't go around killing people.
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