Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

I'm wondering if any of you Obama hating Fox News fans might be stumbling onto how this works...

Fox has managed to do your thinking for you today.

They've made you outraged over one word, when you might have otherwise supported what Obama said about the incident in Paris.

We're not outraged. Why is Obama so afraid? He refuses to call ISIS Islamic, he refuses to call Islamic terrorists that carried out the attack in France Islamic. Even Arab leaders that are fighting ISIS consider ISIS to be Islamic. Is Obama more Muslim than Arab leaders? What's all this effort to whitewash the barbarism being committed by the followers of Islam? Obama told us he would calm the Islamic lunatics down once he became president, it's now much worse. What happened?
I'm wondering if any of you Obama hating Fox News fans might be stumbling onto how this works...

Fox has managed to do your thinking for you today.

They've made you outraged over one word, when you might have otherwise supported what Obama said about the incident in Paris.

We're not outraged. Why is Obama so afraid? He refuses to call ISIS Islamic, he refuses to call Islamic terrorists that carried out the attack in France Islamic. Even Arab leaders that are fighting ISIS consider ISIS to be Islamic. Is Obama more Muslim than Arab leaders. What's all this effort to whitewash the barbarism being committed by the followers of Islam? Obama told us he would calm the Islamic lunatics down once he became president, it's now much worse. What happened?

Obama sympathizes with their complaints....and doesn't want to encourage an over reaction by dumb Americans....he doesn't respect us....he sympathizes with them......he was twisted by his mother, grand father and frank marshal davis....
Are really stupid enough to think that if Obama calls it something else? like "terrorism" it'll actually stop it?

And you call me a moron.

They shot those people because of what they said and wrote, not because they were "emboldened" by anything Obama does.

Of course it wouldn't stop it. But by not calling it what it is you're saying you're not serious about it. Jihadists knows they're being pleased and keep pushing. When they come to our doorstep, who would care how they're called.
Okay, that takes the cake....

I would expect a Fox news viewer to believe Obama doesn't take terrorism seriously.

This s a great example of how Fox News creates false and misleading impressions, and you guys believe them.

Haven't you noticed that every news story Fox covers eventually winds back into some type of criticism of Obama?

Not every negative news story is Obama's fault.

Obama takes terrorism "seriously". He refuses to call it ISLAMIC terrorism, and it's always someone elses fault. The terrorists did what they did because they had no choice, they were made to do it, someone didn't comply or submit to their requests, etc.
Tell me then...what would be any different in the world if Obama called it "Islamic" terrorism, as opposed to violence?

You're asking the wrong question. How can we identify an enemy that is at war with us, if we refuse to call them what they are, and what they call themselves. Why does Obama refuse to refuse to use the term Islamic Terrorism? The answer is in the question.
posted this on that Lindsay Graham thread a few minutes ago, but it's an appropriate response to you.

The problem is that "Islam" is not a country.

So traditional invasions ala Iraq and Afghanistan don't work.

The US is best equipped to fight those types of conflicts with technology and intelligence.
But you never "win" a war like that, you just have to keep fighting forever.

The police forces of the world, when not completely corrupt, fight crime on a daily basis. That's why this really is a criminal act, and the fact that they were Muslims and terrorists is a difference without distinction, and what you call them does not affect the practical reality that without a country to invade, and rebuild, you can't defeat them militarily

We have local cops for where we live, and the FBI for federal crimes, and that same kind of police work within an international effort is all we can do.
One good thing that came out of this incident is Western nations have begun to examine the Islamic animals they have mistakenly let into their nations.

We are all Charlie Hebdo now.


Obama sympathizes with their complaints....and doesn't want to encourage an over reaction by dumb Americans....he doesn't respect us....he sympathizes with them......he was twisted by his mother, grand father and frank marshal davis....
Our beloved president Obama is a very wise man.

He knows what he is doing and what is best for us.

We all should be thankful for his remarkable leadership. ...... :cool:
I'm wondering if any of you Obama hating Fox News fans might be stumbling onto how this works...

Fox has managed to do your thinking for you today.

They've made you outraged over one word, when you might have otherwise supported what Obama said about the incident in Paris.

We're not outraged. Why is Obama so afraid? He refuses to call ISIS Islamic, he refuses to call Islamic terrorists that carried out the attack in France Islamic. Even Arab leaders that are fighting ISIS consider ISIS to be Islamic. Is Obama more Muslim than Arab leaders? What's all this effort to whitewash the barbarism being committed by the followers of Islam? Obama told us he would calm the Islamic lunatics down once he became president, it's now much worse. What happened?
Fox News wants you to think Obama is afraid.

Nobody but Fox News viewers have a problem with how Obama characterized the incident. That includes the lefty media in the US, the French media, and just about all other world leaders that have weighed in on this thing.

Fox News, and other righty media entities, are the only people in the world criticizing Obama for not using the words they think he should have........does that even raise one eyebrow with you?
I'm wondering if any of you Obama hating Fox News fans might be stumbling onto how this works...

Fox has managed to do your thinking for you today.

They've made you outraged over one word, when you might have otherwise supported what Obama said about the incident in Paris.

We're not outraged. Why is Obama so afraid? He refuses to call ISIS Islamic, he refuses to call Islamic terrorists that carried out the attack in France Islamic. Even Arab leaders that are fighting ISIS consider ISIS to be Islamic. Is Obama more Muslim than Arab leaders. What's all this effort to whitewash the barbarism being committed by the followers of Islam? Obama told us he would calm the Islamic lunatics down once he became president, it's now much worse. What happened?

Obama sympathizes with their complaints....and doesn't want to encourage an over reaction by dumb Americans....he doesn't respect us....he sympathizes with them......he was twisted by his mother, grand father and frank marshal davis....
That's cute...when has he ever expressed sympathy for terrorists?

Show me proof he ever said anything close to that, and I'll eat my hat, and post the video here
I'm wondering if any of you Obama hating Fox News fans might be stumbling onto how this works...

Fox has managed to do your thinking for you today.

They've made you outraged over one word, when you might have otherwise supported what Obama said about the incident in Paris.

We're not outraged. Why is Obama so afraid? He refuses to call ISIS Islamic, he refuses to call Islamic terrorists that carried out the attack in France Islamic. Even Arab leaders that are fighting ISIS consider ISIS to be Islamic. Is Obama more Muslim than Arab leaders? What's all this effort to whitewash the barbarism being committed by the followers of Islam? Obama told us he would calm the Islamic lunatics down once he became president, it's now much worse. What happened?
Fox News wants you to think Obama is afraid.

Nobody but Fox News viewers have a problem with how Obama characterized the incident. That includes the lefty media in the US, the French media, and just about all other world leaders that have weighed in on this thing.

Fox News, and other righty media entities, are the only people in the world criticizing Obama for not using the words they think he should have........does that even raise one eyebrow with you?

For someone who's not afraid, Obama sure twists and contorts himself in order to avoid saying the words Islamic terrorism.
One good thing that came out of this incident is Western nations have begun to examine the Islamic animals they have mistakenly let into their nations.

We are all Charlie Hebdo now.



It looks like a new chapter to me.
I'm wondering if any of you Obama hating Fox News fans might be stumbling onto how this works...

Fox has managed to do your thinking for you today.

They've made you outraged over one word, when you might have otherwise supported what Obama said about the incident in Paris.

We're not outraged. Why is Obama so afraid? He refuses to call ISIS Islamic, he refuses to call Islamic terrorists that carried out the attack in France Islamic. Even Arab leaders that are fighting ISIS consider ISIS to be Islamic. Is Obama more Muslim than Arab leaders. What's all this effort to whitewash the barbarism being committed by the followers of Islam? Obama told us he would calm the Islamic lunatics down once he became president, it's now much worse. What happened?

Obama sympathizes with their complaints....and doesn't want to encourage an over reaction by dumb Americans....he doesn't respect us....he sympathizes with them......he was twisted by his mother, grand father and frank marshal davis....
That's cute...when has he ever expressed sympathy for terrorists?
Recently, by releasing some of them from Gitmo!
The Crusades started because the Muslims would not allow Christians to visit the holy places in Jerusalem. The 1st Crusade was really nothing more than an armed pilgrimage to the Holy Land in defiance of the Muslim restrictions.

Actually, the Crusades were started because Urban II wanted to re-establish his Street Cred against the anti-Pope Henry IV had set up in opposition to him. And the Crusades probably did more damage than good, as it hastened the demise of the Byzantine Empire. My personal favorite being the Fourth Crusade, which never got near a Muslim.

Obviously, you learned your history in a university that teaches about Talking Snakes in Science Class.

The conflict the US has had with the Muslim world has never been religious or ideological. It was mostly connected to the power struggle in the Middle East because of the Cold War and to secure stable oil supplies not only for the US but for the rest of industrialized world.

Yeah, and fuck those people who rightfully owned the oil. If they complained and threw out their corrupt Shah, BP and the CIA would put that asshole right back in!!!
Don't know how many they insulted the Jews, compared to Muslims, but they didn't hold back on anyone. Yet only the Muslims are allowed to flip their pancakes over a bunch of insulting cartoons.


If so many people there are crazy, in those communities, maybe they belong in an asylum, not among common-sensed people.

Or maybe we should just stop fucking withe. Let's make sweet, sweet love to that hornet's nest.
Knowing some radical Muslims are suicidal fanatics, and having already been fire-bombed for publishing material which is offensive to radical Muslims, and having no way to defend themselves against an armed attack, these people went right ahead asking for exactly what they got.

Nice sarcasm...
What sarcasm?

I made a direct statement in the above commentary. Nothing duplicitous or insinuative about it.

If you disagree with it, tell us why.

So they got what they deserved for initiating free speech? You're a dick.
Just part and parcel of the price we pay for multiculturalism. A lot of you won't be familiar with Tintin, but its author used to cast Muhammad in a most unfavourable light back in the '20s and '30s with no repercussions from Islamists. Then again, besides embassy staff, there were no Muslims to speak of in Europe.

Hey, in America, we used to have Stepenfetchit and LIttle Black Sambo and those Colored didn't complain about it back in the 1920's.

Now, not so much.

While using violence is never really acceptable, you sometimes have to be sensitive to other people's feelings.
In the context of Militant Islam... to the Devil with other people's feelings.

The little asswipes will be dealing with much worse hurt feelings, if France decides upon an Edict of Expulsion, to flush-away their Muslim dregs.

Enough, defending and excusing these dikkwads, and rationalizing their actions.

In the context of Militant Islam... to the Devil with other people's feelings.

The little asswipes will be dealing with much worse hurt feelings, if France decides upon an Edict of Expulsion, to flush-away their Muslim dregs.

Enough, defending and excusing these dikkwads, and rationalizing their actions.


Enough lumping all people into one bag, too...
Knowing some radical Muslims are suicidal fanatics, and having already been fire-bombed for publishing material which is offensive to radical Muslims, and having no way to defend themselves against an armed attack, these people went right ahead asking for exactly what they got.

Nice sarcasm...
What sarcasm?

I made a direct statement in the above commentary. Nothing duplicitous or insinuative about it.

If you disagree with it, tell us why.

So they got what they deserved for initiating free speech? You're a dick.
I said they got what they asked for. I didn't say they got what they deserved. You did.

As for the free speech factor. They exercised their right to free speech and they got killed for doing it. I wonder if they would think taunting known fanatical, suicidal killers was worth the sacrifice.

What exactly did they prove?
I'm wondering if any of you Obama hating Fox News fans might be stumbling onto how this works...

Fox has managed to do your thinking for you today.

They've made you outraged over one word, when you might have otherwise supported what Obama said about the incident in Paris.

We're not outraged. Why is Obama so afraid? He refuses to call ISIS Islamic, he refuses to call Islamic terrorists that carried out the attack in France Islamic. Even Arab leaders that are fighting ISIS consider ISIS to be Islamic. Is Obama more Muslim than Arab leaders? What's all this effort to whitewash the barbarism being committed by the followers of Islam? Obama told us he would calm the Islamic lunatics down once he became president, it's now much worse. What happened?
Fox News wants you to think Obama is afraid.

Nobody but Fox News viewers have a problem with how Obama characterized the incident. That includes the lefty media in the US, the French media, and just about all other world leaders that have weighed in on this thing.

Fox News, and other righty media entities, are the only people in the world criticizing Obama for not using the words they think he should have........does that even raise one eyebrow with you?

For someone who's not afraid, Obama sure twists and contorts himself in order to avoid saying the words Islamic terrorism.
America has Muslims living here, and 99% of the Muslims who live here, have not performed terrorist acts. The Muslims that are here, are a small part of Obama's constituency, and he cannot declare war on Islam in the US without putting those constituents in danger from angry mobs.

That's not my overall point either, just a thought.

Since the terrorists do not attack the US with an organized military, we cannot, as evidenced by Afghanistan and Iraq, fight them with our conventional military.

Rather, we use intelligence, and small units, that basically carry out limited enforcement. Which is no different in scope than a police force and a SWAT team. Killing terrorists with drones and SEAL teams is what we have to do when the outlaws hide in other countries.

I find it kind of telling that righties all over the US are all a' twitter today about Obama omitting the word "Muslim". SEAL teams and drones don't kill Islam, they kill the Islamic terrorists who go around killing innocent people.

When you call these terrorists "Muslim terrorists", wouldn't that embolden them even more by that recognition? But I have to fall back on my original point that they don't care what he says. It doesn't matter to them what he says. and today, the only people freaking out about what word he used, or didn't use, are Fox News righties.

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