Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

ISIL is not “Islamic.” No religion condones the killing of innocents.

Vigi 10505101

Three words out of many. How can you rely on Krauthammer for truth?

Here are more than three words by Obama from your dishonest Krathammer:

Still, we continue to face a terrorist threat. We can’t erase every trace of evil from the world, and small groups of killers have the capacity to do great harm. That was the case before 9/11, and that remains true today. And that’s why we must remain vigilant as threats emerge. At this moment, the greatest threats come from the Middle East and North Africa, where radical groups exploit grievances for their own gain. And one of those groups is ISIL -- which calls itself the “Islamic State.”

Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL is not “Islamic.” No religion condones the killing of innocents. And the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim. And ISIL is certainly not a state. It was formerly al Qaeda’s affiliate in Iraq, and has taken advantage of sectarian strife and Syria’s civil war to gain territory on both sides of the Iraq-Syrian border. It is recognized by no government, nor by the people it subjugates. ISIL is a terrorist organization, pure and simple. And it has no vision other than the slaughter of all who stand in its way.

Statement by the President on ISIL The White House
Not anywhere NEAR enough.

We - collectively, The West, a.k.a. Secularized Christendom - need to begin NAMING the Enemy.


The time has come to stop trying to delude ourselves otherwise.

Most Muslims are fine. Most serial killers in the US are white men. I sure don't go around stereotyping all white men as serial killers. You?
Not anywhere NEAR enough.

We - collectively, The West, a.k.a. Secularized Christendom - need to begin NAMING the Enemy.


The time has come to stop trying to delude ourselves otherwise.

Most Muslims are fine. Most serial killers in the US are white men. I sure don't go around stereotyping all white men as serial killers. You?
Purely a matter of opinion.

Most Muslims may be 'fine', however...

Their underlying religious dogma promotes medievalism and barbarity to an extent unknown to other present-day mainstream religious belief systems.

It actively and currently lends itself to the waging of warfare upon non-believers and, lacking a central authority, lends itself far too easily to promotion of war and violence and misogyny and backward thinking and suppression of freedoms and subjugation to their religious dominance.

If you cannot see the differences in both dogma and practical application, between Islam and its modern peers, then you are quite possibly beyond salvage.
So just because Muslims will threaten to kill you, Western societies and journalists should censor their speech and freedoms we have in a democracy? Appeasement will not get you anything with these animals. They look upon it as a further sign of weakness. They cannot be talked or negotiated with.

really? We've dealt with terrorists before. Just ask Ronald Reagan

Recruiting radical Muslims to fight the communists has nothing to do with the current situation.

Reagan sold weapons to our enemies.. He bargained with them. facts suck

okay, Reagan never sold weapons, he traded them. He made deals with terrorists

Yeah so? He directed the defeat of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan by arming the Taliban and other radicals. Would you rather American forces be sent there to die?

What does THAT have to do with Muslims attacking the freedoms and foundations of Western democracies? Zero. Just liberal diversion-ism.
Sorry. He was referring to the mujadeen.

Reagan 8216 Moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers 8230 8217 Islamiology

“In 1985, President Ronald Reagan received a group of bearded men. These bearded men I was writing about in those days in The New Yorker. They were very ferocious-looking bearded men with turbans looking like they came from another century. President Reagan received them in the White House. After receiving them he spoke to the press. He pointed towards them, I’m sure some of you will recall that moment, and said, “These are the moral equivalent of America’s founding fathers”. These were the Afghan Mujahiddin. They were at the time, guns in hand, battling the Evil Empire. They were the moral equivalent of our founding fathers!”

Yep Reagan's policy was a continuation of Jimmy Carters aid to the Muj...which were a diverse group at the time....the original idea, probably British was adopted by Brzezinski, Carters National Security Advisor

In 1980, Wilson read an Associated Press dispatch on the congressional wires describing the refugees fleeing Soviet-occupied Afghanistan. The communist Democratic Republic of Afghanistan had taken over power during the Saur revolution and asked the Soviet Union to help suppress resistance from the mujahideen. According to biographer George Crile III, Wilson called the staff of the House Appropriations Committee dealing with "black appropriations" and requested a two-fold appropriation increase for Afghanistan. Because Wilson had just been named to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense (which is responsible for funding CIA operations), his request went through.[21]Charlie Wilson Texas politician - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Below is an excerpt from Brzezinski's interview he did in 1997...yes Jimmy Carter signed the first order to aid the Muj in 1979...Brzezinski got the ball rolling in Afghanistan...

INT: Right, describe your reaction when you heard that your suspicions had been fully justified: an invasion had happened.

: We immediately launched a twofold process when we heard that the Soviets had entered Afghanistan. The first involved direct reactions and sanctions focused on the Soviet Union, and both the State Department and the National Security Council prepared long lists of sanctions to be adopted, of steps to be taken to increase the international costs to the Soviet Union of their actions. And the second course of action led to my going to Pakistan a month or so after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, for the purpose of coordinating with the Pakistanis a joint response, the purpose of which would be to make the Soviets bleed for as much and as long as is possible; and we engaged in that effort in a collaborative sense with the Saudis, the Egyptians, the British, the Chinese, and we started providing weapons to the Mujaheddin, from various sources again - for example, some Soviet arms from the Egyptians and the Chinese.

stupid -- we started providing weapons to the Mujaheddin, from various sources again - for example, some Soviet arms from the Egyptians and the Chinese.

It was not very much. It is what motivated Charlie Wilson. Under Reagan it went way up and Reagan traded arms with terrorists in Iran -- against US law

A little't admit a liberal started what you accused Reagan of doing...

that's like saying Eisenhower started the War in Vietnam as we've come to know it. It's disingenuous at best

and to your imbecilic notion that Dante would care if Carter actually started it -- you're projecting waaaay too much
really? We've dealt with terrorists before. Just ask Ronald Reagan

Recruiting radical Muslims to fight the communists has nothing to do with the current situation.

Reagan sold weapons to our enemies.. He bargained with them. facts suck

okay, Reagan never sold weapons, he traded them. He made deals with terrorists

Yeah so? He directed the defeat of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan by arming the Taliban and other radicals. Would you rather American forces be sent there to die?

What does THAT have to do with Muslims attacking the freedoms and foundations of Western democracies? Zero. Just liberal diversion-ism.

clueless and ignorant? deadly combination

Freudian slip?
that is so nonsensical it is a wonder you are in need of mental health therapy as well as education Roudy
This was France's wake up call, for letting millions of Islamic savages into their country.

Your post should be a wake up call for USMB -- they need to ban all you bigot assholes from Stormfront.
So Islamic militants did not attack a French paper?

Roudy wrote about the French allowing Islamic savages into their country. Are you saying all Muslims are either Islamist militants Islamic savages? Be honest
Did they or did they not allow these savages in? Or do you have another word for these terrorists that murdered 12 people in cold blood?
RetiredGySgt not sure if these ones were native born, which of course would mean they were not allowed in -- they were natural born Frenchies

So some zealots decide they're going to issue the "consequences" of others expressing their opinion.

These zealots want to control, intimidate, punish, as judge and jury.


Sounds vaguely familiar.


There you go! Civil, mature discussion! You are an example for all to look up to. Way to be what you want others to be, Mac!
great avatar
How many people live there? :lol:

Dontt know exactly. But there's a huge population of them there. Dearborn is but one of many cities where Muslims have taken over. So much so that they've changed many of the laws to make the city "Muslim compliant". It always starts with the creeping shariah and then gets to a point where like in France, certain Muslim neighborhoods, even the police are afraid to enter.

Huge population in my old neighborhood in Boston. They like living near airports. :laugh2:

even heard a few thank and laugh about 9/11 when drunk. They embarrassed other Muslims People can take drunks and fools far too seriously. As for the shithead terrorists? Missiles up their asses. Burn their homes.
We won't give up on their oil. so we have to deal with them

This is not only about oil. It's also a religious war and clash of civilizations.
If these terrorists keep it up, Marine Le Pen will eventually be the French President: Le Pen May Gain as Magazine Attack Strains French Divide - Businessweek
France’s Front National leader Marine Le Pen pinned the blame for the killing of 12 people in Paris yesterday on Islamic radicals, as mainstream leaders tried to downplay the religious dimension of the attack.

While President Francois Hollande called for national unity in an attempt to deter the public from demonizing the country’s 5-million strong Muslim community, Le Pen said France has to confront the beliefs of the gunmen who stormed the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

“Time’s up for denial and hypocrisy,” Le Pen, who has railed against immigration, said in a video posted on her party’s website. “The absolute rejection of Islamic fundamentalism must be proclaimed loudly and clearly.”
Marine Le Pen is getting out in front of this killing at Charlie Hebdo. She pushing for the return of the death penalty for France. Quelle surprise.
Le Pen would most likely have shut down Hebdo or exiled them if she took over

Right Wingers DO NOT support free speech, except when it is their own
Dontt know exactly. But there's a huge population of them there. Dearborn is but one of many cities where Muslims have taken over. So much so that they've changed many of the laws to make the city "Muslim compliant". It always starts with the creeping shariah and then gets to a point where like in France, certain Muslim neighborhoods, even the police are afraid to enter.

Huge population in my old neighborhood in Boston. They like living near airports. :laugh2:

even heard a few thank and laugh about 9/11 when drunk. They embarrassed other Muslims People can take drunks and fools far too seriously. As for the shithead terrorists? Missiles up their asses. Burn their homes.
We won't give up on their oil. so we have to deal with them

This is not only about oil. It's also a religious war and clash of civilizations.
If these terrorists keep it up, Marine Le Pen will eventually be the French President: Le Pen May Gain as Magazine Attack Strains French Divide - Businessweek
France’s Front National leader Marine Le Pen pinned the blame for the killing of 12 people in Paris yesterday on Islamic radicals, as mainstream leaders tried to downplay the religious dimension of the attack.

While President Francois Hollande called for national unity in an attempt to deter the public from demonizing the country’s 5-million strong Muslim community, Le Pen said France has to confront the beliefs of the gunmen who stormed the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

“Time’s up for denial and hypocrisy,” Le Pen, who has railed against immigration, said in a video posted on her party’s website. “The absolute rejection of Islamic fundamentalism must be proclaimed loudly and clearly.”
Marine Le Pen is getting out in front of this killing at Charlie Hebdo. She pushing for the return of the death penalty for France. Quelle surprise.
Le Pen would most likely have shut down Hebdo or exiled them if she took over

Right Wingers DO NOT support free speech, except when it is their own
Its a shame you think that nationalists, not islamists are the enemy. Whereas we value free speech, they don't. No matter how much you espouse tolerance towards them, or offer them the olive branch of multiculturalism, Islam does not respect your right as an infidel to exist.
Huge population in my old neighborhood in Boston. They like living near airports. :laugh2:

even heard a few thank and laugh about 9/11 when drunk. They embarrassed other Muslims People can take drunks and fools far too seriously. As for the shithead terrorists? Missiles up their asses. Burn their homes.
We won't give up on their oil. so we have to deal with them

This is not only about oil. It's also a religious war and clash of civilizations.
If these terrorists keep it up, Marine Le Pen will eventually be the French President: Le Pen May Gain as Magazine Attack Strains French Divide - Businessweek
France’s Front National leader Marine Le Pen pinned the blame for the killing of 12 people in Paris yesterday on Islamic radicals, as mainstream leaders tried to downplay the religious dimension of the attack.

While President Francois Hollande called for national unity in an attempt to deter the public from demonizing the country’s 5-million strong Muslim community, Le Pen said France has to confront the beliefs of the gunmen who stormed the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

“Time’s up for denial and hypocrisy,” Le Pen, who has railed against immigration, said in a video posted on her party’s website. “The absolute rejection of Islamic fundamentalism must be proclaimed loudly and clearly.”
Marine Le Pen is getting out in front of this killing at Charlie Hebdo. She pushing for the return of the death penalty for France. Quelle surprise.
Le Pen would most likely have shut down Hebdo or exiled them if she took over

Right Wingers DO NOT support free speech, except when it is their own
Its a shame you think that nationalists, not islamists are the enemy. Whereas we value free speech, they don't. No matter how much you espouse tolerance towards them, or offer them the olive branch of multiculturalism, Islam does not respect your right as an infidel to exist.

Radical extremists are the enemy. Nationalist fall into that category. I would offer no olive branch to radical jihadists -- except maybe if it were tinged with ebola
Bill Maher: Hundreds of Millions of Muslims Support Attack on ‘Charlie Hebdo’

Daily Beast ^
The comedian responded to the deadly attack on a French satirical magazine by renewing his recent criticisms of the Islamic faith. Bill Maher didn’t hold back Wednesday night, blasting “hundreds of millions” of the world’s Muslims for allegedly supporting the Islamic terrorist massacre of cartoonists, writers, and editors at a Parisian satirical magazine that has mocked the Prophet Muhammad. “I know most Muslim people would not have carried out an attack like this,” the host of HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher said on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live. “But here’s the important point: Hundreds of millions of them support an...
Huge population in my old neighborhood in Boston. They like living near airports. :laugh2:

even heard a few thank and laugh about 9/11 when drunk. They embarrassed other Muslims People can take drunks and fools far too seriously. As for the shithead terrorists? Missiles up their asses. Burn their homes.
We won't give up on their oil. so we have to deal with them

This is not only about oil. It's also a religious war and clash of civilizations.
If these terrorists keep it up, Marine Le Pen will eventually be the French President: Le Pen May Gain as Magazine Attack Strains French Divide - Businessweek
France’s Front National leader Marine Le Pen pinned the blame for the killing of 12 people in Paris yesterday on Islamic radicals, as mainstream leaders tried to downplay the religious dimension of the attack.

While President Francois Hollande called for national unity in an attempt to deter the public from demonizing the country’s 5-million strong Muslim community, Le Pen said France has to confront the beliefs of the gunmen who stormed the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

“Time’s up for denial and hypocrisy,” Le Pen, who has railed against immigration, said in a video posted on her party’s website. “The absolute rejection of Islamic fundamentalism must be proclaimed loudly and clearly.”
Marine Le Pen is getting out in front of this killing at Charlie Hebdo. She pushing for the return of the death penalty for France. Quelle surprise.
Le Pen would most likely have shut down Hebdo or exiled them if she took over

Right Wingers DO NOT support free speech, except when it is their own
Its a shame you think that nationalists, not islamists are the enemy. Whereas we value free speech, they don't. No matter how much you espouse tolerance towards them, or offer them the olive branch of multiculturalism, Islam does not respect your right as an infidel to exist.
Left to themselves radical Muslims would kill each other off or die of disease. But the savages got access to bombs and modern medicine, and became a threat to to civilization.

In their eyes, the Saudi royal family is 'western', as is every Muslim nation who's government is friendly with the western nations.

They hate 'western' everything, though they use the tools of civilization to heal themselves and kill others. Radical Muslims are 21st century cavemen with rifles and bombs instead of rocks.

Eventually as technology and science progresses, radical Muslims will go extinct. But we are going to have to suffer the desperate attacks of radical Muslims, for a while yet.
This is not only about oil. It's also a religious war and clash of civilizations.
If these terrorists keep it up, Marine Le Pen will eventually be the French President: Le Pen May Gain as Magazine Attack Strains French Divide - Businessweek
France’s Front National leader Marine Le Pen pinned the blame for the killing of 12 people in Paris yesterday on Islamic radicals, as mainstream leaders tried to downplay the religious dimension of the attack.

While President Francois Hollande called for national unity in an attempt to deter the public from demonizing the country’s 5-million strong Muslim community, Le Pen said France has to confront the beliefs of the gunmen who stormed the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

“Time’s up for denial and hypocrisy,” Le Pen, who has railed against immigration, said in a video posted on her party’s website. “The absolute rejection of Islamic fundamentalism must be proclaimed loudly and clearly.”
Marine Le Pen is getting out in front of this killing at Charlie Hebdo. She pushing for the return of the death penalty for France. Quelle surprise.
Le Pen would most likely have shut down Hebdo or exiled them if she took over

Right Wingers DO NOT support free speech, except when it is their own
Its a shame you think that nationalists, not islamists are the enemy. Whereas we value free speech, they don't. No matter how much you espouse tolerance towards them, or offer them the olive branch of multiculturalism, Islam does not respect your right as an infidel to exist.

Radical extremists are the enemy. Nationalist fall into that category. I would offer no olive branch to radical jihadists -- except maybe if it were tinged with ebola
Liberals are the true radicals; they are moral nihilists, radical egalitarians, and at the end of the day, servants of global plutocrats who erase borders and tradition to advance purely their financial interests. Those of us who wish to conserve our nations and oppose the rot that comes from these damaging excesses are not the radical ones.

I would argue the left wingers like you, those who refuse to not only recognize the enemy at the gates, but aid and abet them by either suggesting this attack was blowback or has nothing to do with Islam, are just as bad as the islamists. At best, you are naive, at worst, you are nihilistic and don't care about the consequences of advancing a one world global system and multicultural, like increased tension between peoples and violence. The end of your progressive dream is chaos and death like we saw on the streets of Paris these past few days. That is the result.

What also exposes the shallowness of the liberals in France is they are now barring the National Front from the National Unity Rally this Sunday. This exposes that they don't care about national unity, and the fact they won't identify the root of the problem shows they don't care about national security. All they are trying to do is stick to "the narrative" and gain back control of the political conversation that they so drastically loss after this attack. Since facts fly so in the face of their multicultural and egalitarian agenda. Everything with them is a political calculation. It is fake and manufactured and real people aren't buying into this decrepit system anymore.
French far-right barred from national unity rally - The Local
Last edited:

Here is a translation:
"My fellow compatriots. France is plunged into mourning, hit by a terrible terrorist attack in the centre of Paris on the Charlie Hebdo's magazine. Our country has never experienced so much barbarism for decades. The Nation is united to condemn this hideous terrorist attack and to share the pain of the families. The Nation is united to express our attachment to freedom of information and the freedom of press against who this attack was aimed at. But the Nation is also united to say that we, the French people, regardless of our origins, will not accept this attack against our freedoms and against our lives; it is the terrorists’ objectives to put our freedom and our lives in danger. But we have enough intelligence to know that those attacks against us are not the consequences of fate. These are trained men with a deadly ideology who are murdering millions across the world. The objective is to terrorize, censure, paralyse with fear, and for others to submit. We condemn this attack."
If these terrorists keep it up, Marine Le Pen will eventually be the French President: Le Pen May Gain as Magazine Attack Strains French Divide - Businessweek
Marine Le Pen is getting out in front of this killing at Charlie Hebdo. She pushing for the return of the death penalty for France. Quelle surprise.
Le Pen would most likely have shut down Hebdo or exiled them if she took over

Right Wingers DO NOT support free speech, except when it is their own
Its a shame you think that nationalists, not islamists are the enemy. Whereas we value free speech, they don't. No matter how much you espouse tolerance towards them, or offer them the olive branch of multiculturalism, Islam does not respect your right as an infidel to exist.

Radical extremists are the enemy. Nationalist fall into that category. I would offer no olive branch to radical jihadists -- except maybe if it were tinged with ebola
Liberals are the true radicals; they are moral nihilists, radical egalitarians, and at the end of the day, servants of global plutocrats who erase borders and tradition to advance purely their financial interests. Those of us who wish to conserve our nations and oppose the rot that comes from these damaging excesses are not the radical ones.

I would argue the left wingers like you, those who refuse to not only recognize the enemy at the gates, but aid and abet them by either suggesting this attack was blowback or has nothing to do with Islam, are just as bad as the islamists. At best, you are naive, at worst, you are nihilistic and don't care about the consequences of advancing a one world global system and multicultural, like increased tension between peoples and violence. The end of your progressive dream is chaos and death like we saw on the streets of Paris these past few days. That is the result.

What also exposes the shallowness of the liberals in France is they are now barring the National Front from the National Unity Rally this Sunday. This exposes that they don't care about national unity, and the fact they won't identify the root of the problem shows they don't care about national security. All they are trying to do is stick to "the narrative" and gain back control of the political conversation that they so drastically loss after this attack. Since facts fly so in the face of their multicultural and egalitarian agenda. Everything with them is a political calculation. It is fake and manufactured and real people aren't buying into this decrepit system anymore.
French far-right barred from national unity rally - The Local

blowback? enemy at the gates? of what, western civilization? bring it on. but Chicken Little is going to be suing you -- he won the case on The Sky Is Falling
Muslim Leaders Condemn Attack, Warn on Anti-Islamic Sentiment in Europe
Some Say Far-right Politics Could Boost Support for Radical Islamists
Firefighters carry an injured man on a stretcher in front of the offices of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris on Wednesday after gunmen stormed the offices. NO CREDIT AVAILABLE
Updated Jan. 7, 2015 5:11 p.m. ET

Muslim leaders strongly condemned the deadly attack on offices of a French satirical magazine but at the same time, some cautioned that the rise of anti-Islamic sentiment in Europe risked strengthening support for jihadists across the continent.

In the capitals of Muslim nations, government ministers took to the airwaves to voice sympathy and solidarity with France after gunmen killed 12 people in the assault on the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, a magazine targeted in the past for cartoons that some Muslims found offensive

In Europe and the U.S., Muslim leaders called for tolerance while some mosques stepped up security in case of reprisal attacks. On social media sites Twitter and Facebook, Islamic organizations denounced the violence, with many using the top-trending #CharlieHebdo to express solidarity.

In Cairo, Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said Egypt “stands in France’s corner” in a fight against terrorism that threatens global security and stability. That message was echoed by the governments of Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and in Iraq, where authorities are waging war against extremist group Islamic State with expanding air and ground support from a U.S.-led international coalition.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said fighting terrorism was an “absolute must” but also warned that anti-Islamic sentiment in Europe was fueling terrorism.

“We need to battle both Islamophobia and terrorism. We underlined the dangers of increased racism, discrimination and Islamophobia in Europe time and time and again. These are directly linked to terrorism. They affect each other,” he said.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas denounced the attack as terrorism in a message to French President François Hollande, and said such “heinous crimes” are condemned by morality and religion.

The brazen attack comes as governments across the Islamic world are divided over how to tackle the rise of Islamic State militants and European capitals are increasingly fearful of attacks from returning citizens who traveled to fight alongside radical groups on the battlefields of Syria and Iraq.

Spectacular terrorist attacks by Sunni radical groups have hit Islamic capitals with increasing frequency in recent months. Early Wednesday, a suicide bomber driving a minibus killed at least 33 people in the heart of Yemen’s capital San’a as cadets gathered to
Marine Le Pen is getting out in front of this killing at Charlie Hebdo. She pushing for the return of the death penalty for France. Quelle surprise.
Le Pen would most likely have shut down Hebdo or exiled them if she took over

Right Wingers DO NOT support free speech, except when it is their own
Its a shame you think that nationalists, not islamists are the enemy. Whereas we value free speech, they don't. No matter how much you espouse tolerance towards them, or offer them the olive branch of multiculturalism, Islam does not respect your right as an infidel to exist.

Radical extremists are the enemy. Nationalist fall into that category. I would offer no olive branch to radical jihadists -- except maybe if it were tinged with ebola
Liberals are the true radicals; they are moral nihilists, radical egalitarians, and at the end of the day, servants of global plutocrats who erase borders and tradition to advance purely their financial interests. Those of us who wish to conserve our nations and oppose the rot that comes from these damaging excesses are not the radical ones.

I would argue the left wingers like you, those who refuse to not only recognize the enemy at the gates, but aid and abet them by either suggesting this attack was blowback or has nothing to do with Islam, are just as bad as the islamists. At best, you are naive, at worst, you are nihilistic and don't care about the consequences of advancing a one world global system and multicultural, like increased tension between peoples and violence. The end of your progressive dream is chaos and death like we saw on the streets of Paris these past few days. That is the result.

What also exposes the shallowness of the liberals in France is they are now barring the National Front from the National Unity Rally this Sunday. This exposes that they don't care about national unity, and the fact they won't identify the root of the problem shows they don't care about national security. All they are trying to do is stick to "the narrative" and gain back control of the political conversation that they so drastically loss after this attack. Since facts fly so in the face of their multicultural and egalitarian agenda. Everything with them is a political calculation. It is fake and manufactured and real people aren't buying into this decrepit system anymore.
French far-right barred from national unity rally - The Local

blowback? enemy at the gates? of what, western civilization? bring it on. but Chicken Little is going to be suing you -- he won the case on The Sky Is Falling
Do you not know what the concept of blowback is? It is mostly popularized in America by Ron Paul, but increasingly liberals have picked up the mantle as well. The suggestion is that radical islamic terror attacks are a product of American or Western Foreign policy. Many liberals in the wake of this attack, particularly in Europe, have suggested this attack was a product of US/UK/NATO foreign policy. However, many more are even shallower than that, just saying "Islam has nothing to do with this", and trying to push this event under the rug to recover their political narrative. This event on Sunday will be an event to try to minimize Radical Islam, condemn the patriotic right, make people forget about the attack, and make some vacuous and shallow words about how "they stand with the victims, the pen is mightier than the sword, but we can't deviate form our multicultural project", but they won't advance a plan to solve the issue.They don't want to solve this problem, they would rather sweep it under the rug. The fact you are calling us paranoid to raise security concerns, discuss the violent tendencies of islam, and reform immigration policy speaks more about you than it does the patriotic right. These events unfortunately prove us nationalists right. If we had been listened to, and Islamic immigration had been at least brought to the table to be discussed, this attack could have been avoided. Liberal open border policy. Allowing the enemy into our civilization, brought this terror upon us.

So it is safe to assume you are in the naive category, because you aren't even really aware or cognizant of what is going on. You have no malice, you are but a petty fool, a "clever silly" at best.
Marine Le Pen is getting out in front of this killing at Charlie Hebdo. She pushing for the return of the death penalty for France. Quelle surprise.
Le Pen would most likely have shut down Hebdo or exiled them if she took over

Right Wingers DO NOT support free speech, except when it is their own
Its a shame you think that nationalists, not islamists are the enemy. Whereas we value free speech, they don't. No matter how much you espouse tolerance towards them, or offer them the olive branch of multiculturalism, Islam does not respect your right as an infidel to exist.

Radical extremists are the enemy. Nationalist fall into that category. I would offer no olive branch to radical jihadists -- except maybe if it were tinged with ebola
Liberals are the true radicals; they are moral nihilists, radical egalitarians, and at the end of the day, servants of global plutocrats who erase borders and tradition to advance purely their financial interests. Those of us who wish to conserve our nations and oppose the rot that comes from these damaging excesses are not the radical ones.

I would argue the left wingers like you, those who refuse to not only recognize the enemy at the gates, but aid and abet them by either suggesting this attack was blowback or has nothing to do with Islam, are just as bad as the islamists. At best, you are naive, at worst, you are nihilistic and don't care about the consequences of advancing a one world global system and multicultural, like increased tension between peoples and violence. The end of your progressive dream is chaos and death like we saw on the streets of Paris these past few days. That is the result.

What also exposes the shallowness of the liberals in France is they are now barring the National Front from the National Unity Rally this Sunday. This exposes that they don't care about national unity, and the fact they won't identify the root of the problem shows they don't care about national security. All they are trying to do is stick to "the narrative" and gain back control of the political conversation that they so drastically loss after this attack. Since facts fly so in the face of their multicultural and egalitarian agenda. Everything with them is a political calculation. It is fake and manufactured and real people aren't buying into this decrepit system anymore.
French far-right barred from national unity rally - The Local

blowback? enemy at the gates? of what, western civilization? bring it on. but Chicken Little is going to be suing you -- he won the case on The Sky Is Falling
It always makes my proud to be British as I lived through some terrible terrorist atrocities perpetrated by the IRA in the UK. The fascist scum of the right attempted to create the same xenophobia against the catholic Irish immigrants with very little success.

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