Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

well dante seems to be doing a good job in exposing you as a self aggrandising twerp who like to bloviate from the saftey of his playroom.
The attack on Hebdo was an attack on the principles and ideals of modern liberalism. Other than that...Dante doesn't care about the mythical Islamic War on Western civilization
Free Speech and satire in France and the West predates "modern liberalism". Though the lack of defense of your fellow leftists in this attack on a left wing paper, by refusing to name the enemies, and in some cases, excusing them, is curious. Many are willing to sacrifice their own political comrades on the altar of multiculturalism and political correctness.

Beyond some of you guys making empty statements like "Je Suis Charlie", you have done nothing. That spectacle is really more empty status whoring than anything else. It really exposes the emptiness and shallowness of modern liberalism more than anything else.
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The attack on Hebdo was an attack on the principles and ideals of modern liberalism. Other than that...Dante doesn't care about the mythical Islamic War on Western civilization
Free Speech and satire in France and the West predates "modern liberalism". Though the lack of defense of your fellow leftists in this attack on a left wing paper, by refusing to name the enemies, and in some cases, excusing them, is curious. Many are willing to sacrifice their own political comrades on the altar of multiculturalism and political correctness.

Beyond some of you guys making empty statements like "Je Suis Charlie", you have done nothing. That spectacle is really more empty status whoring than anything else. It really exposes the emptiness and shallowness of modern liberalism than anything else.
Twerp, Religious fundemental loonies are the enemy, in this case the 3 perp were Muslim loonies.
The attack on Hebdo was an attack on the principles and ideals of modern liberalism. Other than that...Dante doesn't care about the mythical Islamic War on Western civilization
Free Speech and satire in France and the West predates "modern liberalism". Though the lack of defense of your fellow leftists in this attack on a left wing paper, by refusing to name the enemies, and in some cases, excusing them, is curious. Many are willing to sacrifice their own political comrades on the altar of multiculturalism and political correctness.

Beyond some of you guys making empty statements like "Je Suis Charlie", you have done nothing. That spectacle is really more empty status whoring than anything else. It really exposes the emptiness and shallowness of modern liberalism than anything else.
Twerp, Religious fundemental loonies are the enemy, in this case the 3 perp were Muslim loonies.
Bigot. They just happened to be Muslims, their religion had nothing to do with the attacks, nothing. Islam is a religion of peace.
this should be captioned some Americans like steinkampf but thats satire
The attack on Hebdo was an attack on the principles and ideals of modern liberalism. Other than that...Dante doesn't care about the mythical Islamic War on Western civilization
Free Speech and satire in France and the West predates "modern liberalism". Though the lack of defense of your fellow leftists in this attack on a left wing paper, by refusing to name the enemies, and in some cases, excusing them, is curious. Many are willing to sacrifice their own political comrades on the altar of multiculturalism and political correctness.

Beyond some of you guys making empty statements like "Je Suis Charlie", you have done nothing. That spectacle is really more empty status whoring than anything else. It really exposes the emptiness and shallowness of modern liberalism than anything else.
Twerp, Religious fundemental loonies are the enemy, in this case the 3 perp were Muslim loonies.
Bigot. They just happened to be Muslims, their religion had nothing to do with the attacks, nothing. Islam is a religion of peace.
bollocks steinkampf, the three perps interpritation of their religion is the problem , think of them as Westboro Baptist.That should make understanding easier for your turgid lobes.
theH 10502912
Those of us that don't have Fox News can just as easily see his failed policies, and weak response to terrorist attacks.

What failed policies - the US economy in the entire world is the top performing economy following the Great GOP recession of 2007, 2008. But aside from that un-observed reality could you give us your perception of why you think Obama has weakly responded to the terrorist attack in Paris and what would have constituted a STRONG response to the terrorist attack in Paris. Do we drop a full division of the 101st Airborne to encircle the city and shoot every dark skinned French man, woman and child or only those with Muslim head scarfs and wrap? What if the terrorist change their clothes and dress in typical western garb? You conservatives are big on whiny complaints of what Obama's verbal response to terrorist attacks but very shallow in what physical actions our President should be doing. Some of you like Spare_Change wanted Obama to send 52,500 ground troops into Syria early in the civil war there with no plan on how to secure the Christians and anti-government Syrians from the terrorists that streamed into Syria since the Syrian army would be taken out.

Are you in agreement with Spare_Change on a US invasion of Syria with no plan or exit strategy as being a STRONG response to acts of terror?
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Sadly there are many who will, as a consequence of their unwarranted hatred of Islam and Muslims, seek to contrive and propagate the lie that Islam is 'responsible' for this terrorist attack, and use the attack as an excuse to justify disadvantaging Muslims, where the criminals who committed the attack are in no way representative of all Muslims, or of Islam as a religion.
theH 10502912
This is an administration that blamed a YouTube video for a terrorist attack,

Not true. The YouTube video was cited by the protesters as the reason for the attack on the US Embassy in Cairo. Statements confirming that reality should cease to be confused with the video being blamed for the killing of four Americans in Benghazi . The Administration called that an act of terror just like the 9/11/01 attacks on WTC and the Pentagon. Obama had the leader of the terror organization that carried out the Pentagon and WTC attacks killed. you see Obama has been quite proficient in killing terrorists. And Obama knows there is a difference between protesters and terrorists. It's too bad that Limbaugh students are being taught that there is no difference between violent protest and acts of terror. Even Romney has been unable to make that distinction.

But the arrested ringleader of the attack on Ambassador Stevens' compound apparently told others that he went to the Consulate to get revenge for the You Tube video. So Eagle1, you might want to start backing off that Limbaugh lie that the administration blamed a YouTube video for a terrorist attack. He didn't and still doesn't - but the terrorist on trial is reported to blame his participation in the Benghazi attack on his anger at the video. But the Administration has said repeatedly that the video is no excuse by the perps (extremists with heavy weapons ) to commit murder and assassination and acts if terror.
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no... you should cower and allow sociopaths to decide what the press can say
Choosing to not antagonize radical fanatics known to be armed and uninhibitedly inclined to violence is not cowering. It is exercising common sense -- which you seem to lack.

you don't give in to terrorist loons.

it just emboldens them.

je suis charlie.

now piss off

You mean those terrorist loons who shot that guy with a nurf gun??!!:coffee::boobies::boobies:

quiet, loon.

lol.....what Id expect from a bimbo.:spinner:

just what i'd expect from an ignorant rightwingnut misogynist loser.

theH 10502912
This is an administration that blamed a YouTube video for a terrorist attack,

Not true. The YouTube video was cited by the protesters as the reason for the attack on the US Embassy in Cairo. Statements confirming that reality should cease to be confused with the video being blamed for the killing of four Americans in Benghazi . The Administration called that an act of terror just like the 9/11/01 attacks on WTC and the Pentagon. Obama had the leader of the terror organization that carried out the Pentagon and WTC attacks killed. you see Obama has been quite proficient in killing terrorists. And Obama knows there is a difference between protesters and terrorists. It's too bad that Limbaugh students are being taught that there is no difference between violent protest and acts of terror. Even Romney has been unable to make that distinction.

But the arrested ringleader of the attack on Ambassador Stevens' compound apparently told others that he went to the Consulate to get revenge for the You Tube video. So Eagle1, you might want to start backing off that Limbaugh lie that the administration blamed a YouTube video for a terrorist attack. He didn't and still doesn't - but the terrorist on trial is reported to blame his participation in the Benghazi attack on his anger at the video. But the Administration has said repeatedly that the video is no excuse by the perps (extremists with heavy weapons ) to commit murder and assassination and acts if terror.

Just part and parcel of the price we pay for multiculturalism. A lot of you won't be familiar with Tintin, but its author used to cast Muhammad in a most unfavourable light back in the '20s and '30s with no repercussions from Islamists. Then again, besides embassy staff, there were no Muslims to speak of in Europe.

Hey, in America, we used to have Stepenfetchit and LIttle Black Sambo and those Colored didn't complain about it back in the 1920's.

Now, not so much.

While using violence is never really acceptable, you sometimes have to be sensitive to other people's feelings.
In the context of Militant Islam... to the Devil with other people's feelings.

The little asswipes will be dealing with much worse hurt feelings, if France decides upon an Edict of Expulsion, to flush-away their Muslim dregs.

Enough, defending and excusing these dikkwads, and rationalizing their actions.


I bet that within 20 years, islamofascists will get their hands on and launch a nuclear weapon against Israel. The day after, Mecca, Medina and Rhiad, among others, will be turned to glass and uninhabitable for the next 25,000 years. I am starting to think that this horrible scenario is probably unavoidable.
France is paying the cost of open borders and disarming of the citizens.

Obama is doubling down with our open borders

Geau 10506022

What specifically do you consider to be BS? Are you so isolated in a tribal world of hate and fear that you have lost the ability to communicate your thoughts through normal civilized language to non-members of your tribe. Your cartoon is a modern day means of expression equivalent to a Neanderthal grunt when encountering a gathering of large-brained homo sapiens for the first time.
In the context of Militant Islam... to the Devil with other people's feelings.

The little asswipes will be dealing with much worse hurt feelings, if France decides upon an Edict of Expulsion, to flush-away their Muslim dregs.

Enough, defending and excusing these dikkwads, and rationalizing their actions.


YOu know, I imagine some German saying something like that after the Reichstag burning.
Geau 10506022

What specifically do you consider to be BS? Are you so isolated in a tribal world of hate and fear that you have lost the ability to communicate your thoughts through normal civilized language to non-members of your tribe. Your cartoon is a modern day means of expression equivalent to a Neanderthal grunt when encountering a gathering of large-brained homo sapiens for the first time.

After we discuss your premise we just should move on to bigfoot, face on mars, that kind of stuff

Wrong again d-bag, the crusades started because of Muslim invasions into Christian Europe. Muslims drew first blood. Had there been no Muslim invasions, there wouldn't have been any crusades.

Um, no, they didn't. In fact, the expansion into Spain (which is like on the other side of Europe from where the Crusades happened) had been halted hundreds of years before. The Crusades happened because even though Muslims had taken over the "Holy Land" centuries before, Some Pope decided he needed to up his street cred by declaring a "Crusade" to take them back.

Of course, at the time of the Crusades, the Islamic world had science and medicine and Christian Europe was burning cats and Jews every time there was a plague. (I kind of feel bad about the cats.)

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