Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

Wow 92 pages and still no one was killed because they posted a picture of Mohammed. I posted one yesterday and have been waiting for my inevitable whacking yet I am still alive.
Wow 92 pages and still no one was killed because they posted a picture of Mohammed. I posted one yesterday and have been waiting for my inevitable whacking yet I am still alive.

Ok, lets add some gas to the flames


Geau 10506094
After we discuss your premise we just should move on to bigfoot, face on mars, that kind of stuff

You are apparently unable to discuss my premise. So why assume that I have interest in discussing any pointless myths. The Admin blamed extremists with heavy weapons for the attack in Benghazi. They never blamed the video. That claim is a right wing political myth that I do have an interest in debunking. Your early response being flight instead of fights is excellent evidence that the video blame story is indeed a myth.
In the context of Militant Islam... to the Devil with other people's feelings.

The little asswipes will be dealing with much worse hurt feelings, if France decides upon an Edict of Expulsion, to flush-away their Muslim dregs.

Enough, defending and excusing these dikkwads, and rationalizing their actions.


YOu know, I imagine some German saying something like that after the Reichstag burning.
The trouble with that faux analogy is, that the so-called 'enemies' of the Germans of the time (socialists, communists, Jews) were fabrications of the actual arsonists - disingenuously elevating those so-called 'enemies' to the status of real-and-present mortal danger - and those so-called 'enemies' were not actively slaughtering and making war upon their adversaries on a global basis, at the time of the burning.

Apples and oranges.

There comes a time when you have to summon-up the courage to (a) recognize the existence of an enemy, after large numbers of repeated slaughters worldwide and (b) name that enemy.

That enemy is Islam.

The worst cancer to re-awaken and manifest on the Body Politic of Man in several centuries.

The variant of cancer most likely to cause the next round of death and destruction on our planet.

We have been skirting the issue and trying to avoid this day (of enemy-naming) for several decades now.

This is not a Harry Potter episode, dealing with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

Time to man-up and recognize our enemy for who-and-what it is, and to name it.

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The trouble with that faux analogy is, that the so-called 'enemies' of the Germans of the time (socialists, communists, Jews) were fabrications of the actual arsonists - disingenuously elevating those so-called 'enemies' to the status of real-and-present mortal danger - and those so-called 'enemies' were not actively slaughtering and making war upon their adversaries on a global basis, at the time of the burning.

Um, no, guy. The Reichstag was really burned down by a Communist.

Reichstag fire - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Marinus van der Lubbe - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I should also point out that France wasn't being attacked. They did, however, engage in military actions in Libya, in Syria and in Afghanistan.

There comes a time when you have to summon-up the courage to (a) recognize the existence of an enemy, after large numbers of repeated slaughters worldwide and (b) name that enemy.

That enemy is Islam.

sorry, guy, the only reason we have a problem with "Islam" is that we keep interfering in their politics to keep the oil flowing and we support the racist fucked up Zionist regime. It's like you coming over and whining about getting stung by hornets after telling me you stuck your dick in their nest.
The trouble with that faux analogy is, that the so-called 'enemies' of the Germans of the time (socialists, communists, Jews) were fabrications of the actual arsonists - disingenuously elevating those so-called 'enemies' to the status of real-and-present mortal danger - and those so-called 'enemies' were not actively slaughtering and making war upon their adversaries on a global basis, at the time of the burning.

Um, no, guy. The Reichstag was really burned down by a Communist.

Reichstag fire - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Marinus van der Lubbe - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I should also point out that France wasn't being attacked. They did, however, engage in military actions in Libya, in Syria and in Afghanistan.

There comes a time when you have to summon-up the courage to (a) recognize the existence of an enemy, after large numbers of repeated slaughters worldwide and (b) name that enemy.

That enemy is Islam.

sorry, guy, the only reason we have a problem with "Islam" is that we keep interfering in their politics to keep the oil flowing and we support the racist fucked up Zionist regime. It's like you coming over and whining about getting stung by hornets after telling me you stuck your dick in their nest.
No, sorry, guy.

The days of people accepting excuses for the misbehaviors of Islam seems to be quickly coming to an end.

9-11 cured America-at-large of any such shyness about naming Islam as the Enemy.

The London Tube Bombings began that process for the UK, but they (and the rest of Europe) have not yet suffered enough.

But, as we can see unfolding, their time is coming.

Once the weakling afraid-of-their-own-shadows Euros figure this out for themselves, and get on the same page as the US in connection with Islam at-large, and Militant Islam in particular, it will become more Politically Correct, to name Islam as the Enemy.

A process that now seems to be well underway.

Although I - like a great many others - are skeptical of the Euros ever again finding the backbone for stand up for themselves again.

But, in the meantime, America has been - and is certainly justified in - taking the lead, in prosecuting this slowly-solidifying war between Islam and modern secular Christendom.

Hit 'em hard, and often, before they can metastasize into something even more difficult to excise.

And let Allah sort 'em out.
There comes a time when you have to summon-up the courage to (a) recognize the existence of an enemy, after large numbers of repeated slaughters worldwide and (b) name that enemy.

If your enemy is Islam and not deviants from Islam then you must have to declare the entire world following of Islam to be the enemy. Or where do you draw the line between Islam and just plain murderers and terrorists.

Naming Islam the enemy is an exercise in futility since it would not increase the non-Islamic response needed. To wipe the religion of Islam off the face of the earth and from memory.
No, sorry, guy.

The days of people accepting excuses for the misbehaviors of Islam seems to be quickly coming to an end.

9-11 cured America-at-large of any such shyness about naming Islam as the Enemy.

The London Tube Bombings began that process for the UK, but they (and the rest of Europe) have not yet suffered enough.

But, as we can see unfolding, their time is coming.

Your boy George W. tried to launch a Crusade for Jesus. People tired of it pretty quickly.

Hey, here's a whacky idea. Why don't we get a volunteer legion of all you guys who think Islam is the Enemy, and you can all go off crusading against them. You can have Bill Kristol as your Colonel, and lead this great fight against the "enemy".
Are really stupid enough to think that if Obama calls it something else? like "terrorism" it'll actually stop it?

And you call me a moron.

They shot those people because of what they said and wrote, not because they were "emboldened" by anything Obama does.

Of course it wouldn't stop it. But by not calling it what it is you're saying you're not serious about it. Jihadists knows they're being pleased and keep pushing. When they come to our doorstep, who would care how they're called.
Okay, that takes the cake....

I would expect a Fox news viewer to believe Obama doesn't take terrorism seriously.

This s a great example of how Fox News creates false and misleading impressions, and you guys believe them.

Haven't you noticed that every news story Fox covers eventually winds back into some type of criticism of Obama?

Not every negative news story is Obama's fault.

Obama takes terrorism "seriously". He refuses to call it ISLAMIC terrorism, and it's always someone elses fault. The terrorists did what they did because they had no choice, they were made to do it, someone didn't comply or submit to their requests, etc.

There is more than one kind of terrorism in the world today.



...And all the left has to point to is Timothy Mc Veigh, who didn't do it in the name of Jesus. Fail.

So does that mean that McVeigh was not a terrorist according to Lord High Roudy?

How about Eric Rudolph? He committed terrorist acts in the name of Jesus. Or do you have an excuse for him too? And it didn't stop with him either. What are your excuses for William Pierce and Francis Gerald Grady?

Care to explain away the Hutaree militia? Are they also excused from your definition of terrorists?
I'm wondering if any of you Obama hating Fox News fans might be stumbling onto how this works...

Fox has managed to do your thinking for you today.

They've made you outraged over one word, when you might have otherwise supported what Obama said about the incident in Paris.

We're not outraged. Why is Obama so afraid? He refuses to call ISIS Islamic, he refuses to call Islamic terrorists that carried out the attack in France Islamic. Even Arab leaders that are fighting ISIS consider ISIS to be Islamic. Is Obama more Muslim than Arab leaders? What's all this effort to whitewash the barbarism being committed by the followers of Islam? Obama told us he would calm the Islamic lunatics down once he became president, it's now much worse. What happened?

Why don't you just look up the definition of terrorism?

Nothing is being "whitewashed" and your fallacious claims about Obama just make you look ridiculous.
In the context of Militant Islam... to the Devil with other people's feelings.

The little asswipes will be dealing with much worse hurt feelings, if France decides upon an Edict of Expulsion, to flush-away their Muslim dregs.

Enough, defending and excusing these dikkwads, and rationalizing their actions.


Enough lumping all people into one bag, too...
Not anywhere NEAR enough.

We - collectively, The West, a.k.a. Secularized Christendom - need to begin NAMING the Enemy.


The time has come to stop trying to delude ourselves otherwise.

That is as dumb as the "war on christmas".

1 out of 4 people in the world are muslims. Are you going to declare war on a quarter of the world's population because of the acts of a handful of extremists?

What is known now:

A family (woman and children) held by terrorist in a Kosher supermarket, at least one hurt in the event (possibly a French cop)

Another possible scene in a French school, (12 quarter).
Anyone else believe that Obama's "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam" comment helped get those people in France murdered?

In “Audacity of Hope” he writes: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” The quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of “The Audacity of Hope.

It is becoming clear what he meant.

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