Mass shooting in Saudi Arabia....wait....did they spell "United States" wrong or something...

Like all the mass shootings in Detroit and Chicago that you Leftwats won't talk about? It seems you only talk about the ones with white victims.

How racist of you.

We talk about that all the time.

The reality is, the only time you guys pay any attention is when it's white people being killed.

Cons talk about the high murder rate of blacks all the time.

I talk about what I want to do to reduce it, as often as I can get you libs to stop screaming racist.
Leftist Population Centers aren't 'In THIS country', per se.

Left-think is an advocacy of Foreign Ideas Hostile to American Principle. Therefore Leftist Population Centers are Foreign territory. Thus the stark increase in every level of debauchery, mayhem and other assorted variations of crime, from that common to THIS Country.

Guy, people in the big cities are this country, not the people down in "Jesus-land" clinging to their guns and bibles producing nothing but trailer trash.
joe the people in the big cities produce a lot of trash too......
At least here in the rural areas the weeds grow high enough to hide the trash....
Leftist Population Centers aren't 'In THIS country', per se.

Left-think is an advocacy of Foreign Ideas Hostile to American Principle. Therefore Leftist Population Centers are Foreign territory. Thus the stark increase in every level of debauchery, mayhem and other assorted variations of crime, from that common to THIS Country.

Guy, people in the big cities are this country, not the people down in "Jesus-land" clinging to their guns and bibles producing nothing but trailer trash.
joe the people in the big cities produce a lot of trash too......
At least here in the rural areas the weeds grow high enough to hide the trash....
i dont mean land fills....
Now you're just projecting AKA lying. Inner city negro mass killings never prompt Leftists to discuss gun control, lest they betray their embarrassment that they happen in the most gun controlled cities in the country.

Actually, we discuss gun control all the time. and when we get a sensible gun control law passed, you nutters run out and challenge it in court.

Name one?
There is little or no legal market for firearms in Saudi of course there is a huge, thriving black market where you can get just about anything you want. The government is nice enough to let you register your illegally obtained black market arms though...if you are well-connected, pay a fee and submit to extensive background checks.
Cons talk about the high murder rate of blacks all the time.

I talk about what I want to do to reduce it, as often as I can get you libs to stop screaming racist.

Except you guys don't really offer solutions. You say we need to jail and execute people, but that never makes it any better.

We aren't jailing gun criminals….they get three years for criminal possession and are out in 2. A gun trafficker in Chicago trying to sell 43 guns got 3 years, he will be out in 2.

And if you execute a murderer…they never commit murder again.
Cons talk about the high murder rate of blacks all the time.

I talk about what I want to do to reduce it, as often as I can get you libs to stop screaming racist.

Except you guys don't really offer solutions. You say we need to jail and execute people, but that never makes it any better.

Sure we do.

YOu just never pay attention. You are too busy screaming "Racist".
Now you're just projecting AKA lying. Inner city negro mass killings never prompt Leftists to discuss gun control, lest they betray their embarrassment that they happen in the most gun controlled cities in the country.

Actually, we discuss gun control all the time. and when we get a sensible gun control law passed, you nutters run out and challenge it in court.

Stop passing unconstitutional laws that target the law abiding, goofball.
We aren't jailing gun criminals….they get three years for criminal possession and are out in 2. A gun trafficker in Chicago trying to sell 43 guns got 3 years, he will be out in 2.

And if you execute a murderer…they never commit murder again.

Most murderers never commit murder again. even the ones who get out of prison. The problem we have is that we seem to have a bad habit of convicting people and sending them to death row for things they didn't do. About 154 since 1980.

We lock up 2 million people in this country. We have another 8 million on probation or parole.

Those gun grabbing socialist European States that you seem to think are populated by strange aliens, they only lock up about 80,000. AMAZING. They don't execute people, they don't lock people up unless they have no other choice, and they don't let every schlub with a tiny pecker own a gun.

And they only have a few hundred murders compared to our thousands. AMAZING.

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