MASS SHOOTING: Louisville Bank Multiple victims

That's happening all over the world....yet, for some odd reason, they aren't having the almost daily massacres we are.......................................with guns.
Yet they still have massacres. Like I've said before, we could always impose a totalitarian police state. I hear it's pretty hard to get a gun in North Korea.

And what changed from 50 years ago when guns were easier to get but fewer people were shot?
If that student is a member of the National Guard and is a split option recruit who has already been to basic combat training? Sure. Why not?
And this same student would then be allowed and supported to carry their weapon:

1). Into a Court House
2) Into the White House on a 'tour'
3) On a plane
4) And Obviously at a Gun Show.

Why are patrons NOT allowed to bring their loaded guns into a gun show?
I love this freaking forum. Only here can one be a Biden lover and a MAGA Idiot in the same day in two different threads.

Your plans do nothing to address the problem. It would be akin to taking away the fork from a fat person.
Any intelligent person, reading this forum, can see, the problem is NOT the guns in this nation, it is the culture.

The folks ruling this land, both the corrupt politicians and corrupt corporations, just want to take the guns away, so they can be feel safe about being completely lazy & cheap in the way that they rule.

Even Trump is in favor of taking folks guns away. :rolleyes: That was BS partisan hyperbole.

So, calling folks, MAGA, that support guns, makes not a lick of sense. . . .
That's happening all over the world....yet, for some odd reason, they aren't having the almost daily massacres we are.......................................with guns.



There you go again. You complain that progressives have no plans to control gun violence. We come up with three options and you say, " It would not have stopped any of the mass shootings."

Tell that to the parents of the kids that have been torn apart by assault mindless maga idiot.

Why didn't you do anything about this when your party had control of the White House and all of Congress in 2021-2022?
Correct, while their own race murders each other day in and day out in the democrat controlled cities.

Latest report I'm seeing is the shooter may have been a former employee.
As much as teabaggers whine about "democrat controlled cities", republican governors that have NOTHING.
BUT they sure do something about the gays, the books, women's menstrual cycles, libraries, covid vaccines, bloggers, and of course, free speech.
Will do nothing to fix the problem, because the problem is not guns. You're putting a bandage on a tumor, thinking you're going to cure the patient.
The problem is the right’s refusal to do anything at all – conservatives surrendering to the inevitability of mass shootings.

‘More guns’ is not the answer – the notion is ridiculous idiocy.

‘It’s a mental health issue’ – yet Republicans do nothing to fund mental health programs and refuse to expand Medicaid.

No, an AWB is not the solution, but neither is conservatives ignoring the problem and lying about mass shootings being the ‘price of liberty.’
So, the gun killed those people, not the murderer?
You using this ^^^^ lame ass argument again. LOLLOOLLOL
Fentanyl doesn't kill either, just like guns and ammo.
If either one just sits on a table, neither will kill anyone.
"the problem is not guns"..................must be why we have more gun deaths than any other country...............because it's NOT the guns.
repubs will twist themselves into pretzels in an effort to defend guns. Just read some of their BS.
The problem is the right’s refusal to do anything at all – conservatives surrendering to the inevitability of mass shootings.

‘More guns’ is not the answer – the notion is ridiculous idiocy.

‘It’s a mental health issue’ – yet Republicans do nothing to fund mental health programs and refuse to expand Medicaid.

No, an AWB is not the solution, but neither is conservatives ignoring the problem and lying about mass shootings being the ‘price of liberty.’
Your ilk had total control of Congress and did nothing so back to your basement Mrs Jones.
You kooks let criminals back on the streets to continue their violent crimes then tout gun free zones to invite them to do their killings.
Dims are idiots.

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