MASS SHOOTING: Louisville Bank Multiple victims

Those idiots weren't protesting against gun violence. They were protesting against gun ownership. They give a shit about preventing gun violence.
Correct, while their own race murders each other day in and day out in the democrat controlled cities.

Latest report I'm seeing is the shooter may have been a former employee.
If the shooter had lived, the party that likes to fuck kids would give it 2 weekends in jail and community service.... especially if it was a mentally ill he-bitch.

We do things to cut down on deaths by car accidents, drownings; medical malpractice; suicide and more.
And we do the same with gun deaths with all of the laws already on the books. More gun laws won't stop mental illness. Maybe if libtard DAs would stop releasing violent criminals back onto the streets ... we could put a bigger dent in violent crime. But I don't hear the left complaining about their "catch and release" politicies.
Yup. Like all the people who died of food related diseases; car accidents; drownings; medical malpractice; suicide; old age; stabbings; and the list goes on.

And before someone says ... "yeah but gun deaths are completely preventable" I must remind you that so are all those causes of death listed above (except for old age). Unfortunately ... death is a part of life. We're all going to experience it some day. No gettin' around it.
We gladly accept the loss of tens of thousands of lives every year on the highways just because we like to drive fast. Seems like kind of a selfish reason. I have seen maybe one person state that he would accept no car being able to travel faster than 35 mph in order to save lives.
I cannot understand the rash of people having this type of mentality.

I have a theory that perhaps some are being conditioned to do these horrible things.
Nice. Stand on the bodies of dead children, and misrepresent gator with a straw man attack.

Could you be any worse at making arguments?

Well he did call me a MAGA due to my stance on guns, so I am really not sure what else to think about the guy
Ah, of course. So the gun isn't able to kill people all by itself. Brilliant. Thank you so much for pointing that out. Very helpful.

I think we're onto something here. We call these incidents horrible acts committed by a deranged person and then make sure to explicitly state that the gun isn't able to kill people all by itself. Then that will solve this problem. I love it.

The first step is to concentrate on the perp and his/her/it's motivations, not the weapon.....The weapon part can be worked-out in due course during the ensuing investigation.
50 years ago you could buy a gun from the Sears catalog with no checks, no safe to keep the gun in and no hoops to jump through. No one shot up banks and schools. Today you have to jump through multiple hoops designed to make obtaining a gun harder than ever before. Schools, banks, shopping malls and all sorts of gun-free zones are getting shot up. What changed?

Not the guns. Until you address what changed to cause the increase in mass killings, they will continue whether you manage to ban big, black scary looking guns or not. the country where more people are shot than any other country...the problem is NOT guns. :heehee:

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