MASS SHOOTING: Louisville Bank Multiple victims

Universal Background Checks
Assault Weapons Ban
Stronger Red Flag Laws

Better integration of folks into their community is necessary, they need to feel like their lives, and the lives of others matter.

Better trained teachers, and more integrated mental health, making folks feel, they are part of a community.

Identifying the needs of individuals that feel isolated, and treating them, not with just "pills." Big Pharma and our Universities? Have no incentive to do this.

In all of these incidents? They nearly always have in common that the perp. is on some sort of psychotropic drug, is being bullied, or is estranged from family and society.

The parents of Sandy Hook settled with gun makers.

Sandy Hook Families Settle With Gunmaker for $73 Million Over Massacre​

The same thing needs to be done when young kids get too involved with social media, or when schools do not prevent harassment, and when counselors and BIG PHARMA are responsible, for screwing up young minds.

And second, we have a social problem. Our communities are not integrated, there is not enough job opportunity or volunteer outreach, and folks don't care enough about each other.

Guns aren't the problem, screwing up young minds, and turning folks into psychopaths is the problem. We have a bigger illicit drug problem than nearly anywhere, this is another symptom.

Once the Fentanyl problem goes away, the mass shooting problem will as well. Folks just don't care about living anymore.

An Uncomfortable Truth: A Look at the Corresponding Rise of Antidepressants, SSRIs, and Mass Shootings​


Selective Publication of Antidepressant Trials and Its Influence on Apparent Efficacy​

Dramatic Increase of Mass Shootings in America: The Role of Prescription Psychiatric Drugs?​

Three-fold Increase in Mass Shootings in Step with Increased Psychiatric Drugging​

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Trying to get gun con-trol laws passed and having them blocked.....and some dems getting kicked out of the legislature for protesting gun violence too.
Trying? They're in charge, but maybe they're looking around at their ARMED security details that follow them around and realizing that gun control won't fix the problems that are causing the violence.
The Leftist idiots don't have a single viable plan to stop gun murders. Hell, your useless ideas won't even slow them down.
Yes we do.
Teabaggers a lot of the time point to Switzerland, where everyone owns a gun to keep criminals in check and defend their country.
Let's do what Switzerland is doing.
Ted Cruz put up a bill that would have increased security at school houses nationwide. Democrats voted it down because it didn't have an "assault weapons" ban.

That does nothing to stop the shootings. All it does is move where they take place.
It is such a normal occurrence these days nobody even pays attention to them any longer.
Yup. Like all the people who died of food related diseases; car accidents; drownings; medical malpractice; suicide; old age; stabbings; and the list goes on.

And before someone says ... "yeah but gun deaths are completely preventable" I must remind you that so are all those causes of death listed above (except for old age). Unfortunately ... death is a part of life. We're all going to experience it some day. No gettin' around it.
Trying to get gun con-trol laws passed and having them blocked.....and some dems getting kicked out of the legislature for protesting gun violence too.
Those idiots weren't protesting against gun violence. They were protesting against gun ownership. They give a shit about preventing gun violence.
Trying? They're in charge, but maybe they're looking around at their ARMED security details that follow them around and realizing that gun control won't fix the problems that are causing the violence.
"and having them blocked" those taking blood money from the NRA.

Make sure to send some more blood money.
Ted Cruz put up a bill that would have increased security at school houses nationwide. Democrats voted it down because it didn't have an "assault weapons" ban.
Increased security?
You mean more than ONE police officer at each school in the country?
Even if you doubled the number to two, that would be larger than most sheriffs offices entire staff.
Cruz is a moron.
"the problem is not guns"..................must be why we have more gun deaths than any other country...............because it's NOT the guns.
50 years ago you could buy a gun from the Sears catalog with no checks, no safe to keep the gun in and no hoops to jump through. No one shot up banks and schools. Today you have to jump through multiple hoops designed to make obtaining a gun harder than ever before. Schools, banks, shopping malls and all sorts of gun-free zones are getting shot up. What changed?

Not the guns. Until you address what changed to cause the increase in mass killings, they will continue whether you manage to ban big, black scary looking guns or not.
Security at schools like all those Uvalde TX cops standing around looking at their phones?
No, physical security: bullet resistant glass, doors and metal detectors. And security officers like the Nashville cops who ran towards the danger.
"and having them blocked" those taking blood money from the NRA.

Make sure to send some more blood money.
NRA members are not committing mass murder. Try again.

Hey, you do realize, don't you, that many democrats are NRA members as well? Yet you choose to wail about Republicans only. Why is that?
Yup. Like all the people who died of food related diseases; car accidents; drownings; medical malpractice; suicide; old age; stabbings; and the list goes on.

And before someone says ... "yeah but gun deaths are completely preventable" I must remind you that so are all those causes of death listed above (except for old age). Unfortunately ... death is a part of life. We're all going to experience it some day. No gettin' around it.

We do things to cut down on deaths by car accidents, drownings; medical malpractice; suicide and more.
Tell that to the parents of the kids that have been torn apart by assault mindless maga idiot.
Nice. Stand on the bodies of dead children, and misrepresent gator with a straw man attack.

Could you be any worse at making arguments?
At least it speaks more to the heart of the issue.

Try as you leftists might you can't say that the gun grew little hands and feet, loaded itself, followed the perp into the bank, jumped-up in his hands, and started shooting.
Ah, of course. So the gun isn't able to kill people all by itself. Brilliant. Thank you so much for pointing that out. Very helpful.

I think we're onto something here. We call these incidents horrible acts committed by a deranged person and then make sure to explicitly state that the gun isn't able to kill people all by itself. Then that will solve this problem. I love it.

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