Mass shootings of children and innocents are all of our problem

You want to impose censorship on the news? What country did you grow up in?
As opposed to shitting on another right?

Rights only matter as long as you get what you want, right?

Media has the right to report all this.
We get no restriction on guns, by right.

They can report all they fucking want to but it's not gonna change anything because we have a right.
Mass shootings of children and innocents are all of our problem. Those saying not my problem are not patriots.
Everyone has to figure out something they can do to help.
We need to keep dangerous people locked up. In almost every single mass shooting the left can't point to one "common sense" gun control law that would have stopped the tragedy. Even in the case of an assault weapon mass shooting, you are being naive in thinking that if we had had a ban on assault weapons then the mass shooting would have never happened.

In almost every single mass shooting we find out after the fact that there was enough evidence already from past history that this person should not have been walking around freely.

The left want to let these people walk around freely but pass gun control laws to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have been walking around freely. Criminals don't obey laws so you can't really pass a law to keep guns out of their hands. The majority of guns they obtain are stolen.
School massacres are rare in most countries. Regular school shooting and massacres only occur in the US.
School massacres are rare here. Take a really good look at what constitutes a 'school shooting', its a low threshold. Making it sound as though shootings like this are common is a lie.
I find it strange that liberal morons think gun laws would make any difference. Do they not understand that just south of the border there are folks that will sell child sex slaves and enough fentanyl to kill a small town, they most certainly will sell guns. Punishing law abiding citizens is simply idiotic.
President Biden is right. Why do these kinds of massacres only occur in the US on a routine basis?
Back in WW 2, 96% of the males qualified for the military. Today you can't get 50%. Not promoting the military but telling you how badly educated, physical condition, mental condition and an increased percentage of troublemakers there are.
In WHAT way is our society responsible for the violent acts of an individual?

Be very, very spe

If you really want to solve it, put real discipline back in the schools and the homes. People who have been taught from day one to respect others and know there will be real consequences if they don't, don't do this kind of thing. It's real easy to trace when this kind of crap started, just look at the commie policies that were forced into schools and homes starting in the late 60s and early 70s and how things have progressed from there, society has become much less civil.

You are talking about a perfect world. We have to deal with the real world with our laws and societal standards. Every society has parents who do not do their job. How do you help these kids.
These kids are thrown out into the real world without the tools to cope. They feel helpless. They look for a way to have control and power. Too many turn to guns because of the messages in our society and the lax laws of our land. That does give them power, deadly power. We need new messages in our society about guns and we need more gun restrictions. No sane person is saying outlaw guns but no sane person should allow people with proven mental health issues or violent crime should be able to get a gun.
There are idiots on this message board who use guns as their mantra.
As opposed to shitting on another right?

Rights only matter as long as you get what you want, right?

Media has the right to report all this.
We get no restriction on guns, by right.

They can report all they fucking want to but it's not gonna change anything because we have a right.
You have the right to bear "arms" not guns. Guns are the weakest of the arms available in today's world. If you want to have the rights granted in the Constitution, you should be able to have all arms available to the militaries of the world.
Those who are fighting for just guns are a bunch of wooses. They are not fighting for the full rights of the 2nd amendment. They are ignoring and trampling on the 2nd amendment
1. arms - weapons considered collectively. implements of war
You are talking about a perfect world. We have to deal with the real world with our laws and societal standards. Every society has parents who do not do their job. How do you help these kids.
These kids are thrown out into the real world without the tools to cope. They feel helpless. They look for a way to have control and power. Too many turn to guns because of the messages in our society and the lax laws of our land. That does give them power, deadly power. We need new messages in our society about guns and we need more gun restrictions. No sane person is saying outlaw guns but no sane person should allow people with proven mental health issues or violent crime should be able to get a gun.
There are idiots on this message board who use guns as their mantra.

No, I've owned guns since age 12, had full access to guns and ammo and knew how to use them before that. Of course we were taught to respect others and that lesson was reinforced in the home and at school. If we screwed up in school, we got our ass busted and got it again when the parents found out. Then in the late 60s and early 70s discipline was taken out of schools, and kids were told to call the police if their parents busted their ass. You can thank your comrades for the condition the country is in today, You wanted to destroy the country, so don't cry when you get what you wanted.

Of course you commies wouldn't be shedding a single tear if those 19 kids had been aborted, I haven't seen any tears from you for the 63 million that were in the past 49 years. Perhaps you can just lump the kids who died in school shootings with the ones that were aborted, then you wouldn't have to feel guilty for creating the system that created the monsters that did the shooting.

You are talking about a perfect world. We have to deal with the real world with our laws and societal standards. Every society has parents who do not do their job. How do you help these kids.
These kids are thrown out into the real world without the tools to cope. They feel helpless. They look for a way to have control and power. Too many turn to guns because of the messages in our society and the lax laws of our land. That does give them power, deadly power. We need new messages in our society about guns and we need more gun restrictions. No sane person is saying outlaw guns but no sane person should allow people with proven mental health issues or violent crime should be able to get a gun.
There are idiots on this message board who use guns as their mantra.
So, you can't detail in what way society bears responsibility for the violence for an individual, and then you go on to rant about how we must do it all in an imperfect world.

We do need new messages in our country.

We need the message that standing knee-deep in dead bodies of children and screaming that taking away the rights of people. Eliminated rights that in no way will ever stop these kinds of tragedies.

We don't have a gun problem.
President Biden is right. Why do these kinds of massacres only occur in the US on a routine basis?

Because the "authorities " want them to.

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