Mass Shootings Under Recent Presidents

If Biden was being a dick you'd think Fox would be pointing it out

But they aren't.
Well I think this illustrates that it's not always the current president's fault. These shooters, I would blame on Trump more so than Biden. Trump is still on conservative twitter stoking the flames. You can't say Biden is stoking flames can you? How? What has he said or what policy has he passed that is pissing off the right?

What are you talking about? The one seems to have gone after an doofus....

How is Asian on Asian violence Trump's fault?
I don't pay close attention. Is Biden being divisive? Is he pushing lefty agenda that pisses off the right like Trump did to the left?

DiSantis in Florida will continue with the divisive politics. Right now he's making speeches about the Free State of Florida and he's got a anti woke agenda. Is that even still a thing? Well it's coming back if he's the nominee. Divisive!

Seems to me Biden is low key and working with Republicans best a Democrat can/should.
seems to me you are just making excuses for the guy.....the "uniter" is pissing off those he claimed he would unite...
What are you talking about? The one seems to have gone after an doofus....

How is Asian on Asian violence Trump's fault?
Asians took a lot of shit from Trump supporters. Wuhan Flu. LOL. Now they seem to be fighting back. Fed up. It's like when a black goes on a rampage. Why did they do it? Because cops murder blacks.
We have a lot of Blacks and Browns in this country so there will always be a fair amount of gun crime.

Looks like the Asians are getting in on the act.
Asians took a lot of shit from Trump supporters. Wuhan Flu. LOL. Now they seem to be fighting back. Fed up. It's like when a black goes on a rampage. Why did they do it? Because cops murder blacks.

No.....China released a virus on the world......and then young, black, male democrats started punching old Asian men and women on the twit.
No.....China released a virus on the world......and then young, black, male democrats started punching old Asian men and women on the twit.
I drove through TN, KY and GA and I can say down south blacks don't like asians, asians don't like blacks, whites don't like black or towel heads. And in FL white trash does not like anybody.
And what has he said? you pay attention?.....the guy who said he can unite the country has done nothing but keep the divide going started by the 3 guys before him.....geezus bobo has biden said anything uniting the last 2 years?...

Then don't vote for Ron DiSantis. He keeps pushing this anti woke message. Only he's bringing it up. It's so obvious this is what he's going to run on. It's not going to work and will be so divisive. He won't win the debate.

Gov. Ron DeSantis Picks A Fight With NBC, MSNBC Over Black History Lessons In Florida​

No.....China released a virus on the world......and then young, black, male democrats started punching old Asian men and women on the twit.
Did they? Why do you believe that? If that's the government's official position, why do you believe it? Seems you believe what you want to believe.
Then don't vote for Ron DiSantis. He keeps pushing this anti woke message. Only he's bringing it up. It's so obvious this is what he's going to run on. It's not going to work and will be so divisive. He won't win the debate.

Gov. Ron DeSantis Picks A Fight With NBC, MSNBC Over Black History Lessons In Florida​

i wont but i bet you will....
Did they? Why do you believe that? If that's the government's official position, why do you believe it? Seems you believe what you want to believe.

Really? China likely screwed up and the virus they were weaponizing escaped....then, instead of locking down, they allowed their people to travel the world so that China wouldn't be the only country that suffered.....

If you are one of the idiots who think this was a natural are an idiot............
Really? China likely screwed up and the virus they were weaponizing escaped....then, instead of locking down, they allowed their people to travel the world so that China wouldn't be the only country that suffered.....

If you are one of the idiots who think this was a natural are an idiot............
Why is that the conspiracy theory you've settled on? Because you are brainwashed by your government. Just like Russia and Saudi Arabia and every other country blames us for everything, why would you believe our government when they blame CHINA? Maybe you're swallowing propaganda too.

Here's a bombshell. To me it's so obvious but the corporate media wouldn't dare even suggest it without proof. Chaney sent out the anthrax for 2 reasons.

1. Get the Patriot Act signed. The two Democrats stopping it were mailed anthrax
2. Make sure enough politicians went along with the Iraq war.
3. Stop any news organizations from reporting that WMD's was a lie. They also got mailed anthrax.

Why did the guy they say did it send it to the people he sent it to? Answer is, he didn't do it. Chaney did it. He just took the fall. Hung himself. Yea right.

Funny Republicans have no problem believing the Clinton's have murdered but not Dick Chaney. They don't see that dude is as evil as the Penguin. Doesn't surprise me they don't see how corrupt Trump is either


He reminds me of Lex Luthor


But Republicans love the guy. It's crazy.
Mass shooting have absolutely nothing to do with who is shining the seat of a chair with his ass in the Oval Office
Why is that the conspiracy theory you've settled on? Because you are brainwashed by your government. Just like Russia and Saudi Arabia and every other country blames us for everything, why would you believe our government when they blame CHINA? Maybe you're swallowing propaganda too.

Here's a bombshell. To me it's so obvious but the corporate media wouldn't dare even suggest it without proof. Chaney sent out the anthrax for 2 reasons.

1. Get the Patriot Act signed. The two Democrats stopping it were mailed anthrax
2. Make sure enough politicians went along with the Iraq war.
3. Stop any news organizations from reporting that WMD's was a lie. They also got mailed anthrax.

Why did the guy they say did it send it to the people he sent it to? Answer is, he didn't do it. Chaney did it. He just took the fall. Hung himself. Yea right.

Funny Republicans have no problem believing the Clinton's have murdered but not Dick Chaney. They don't see that dude is as evil as the Penguin. Doesn't surprise me they don't see how corrupt Trump is either

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He reminds me of Lex Luthor

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But Republicans love the guy. It's crazy.

It isn't a conspiracy theory.......they had a bio weapons lab working on that virus....only an idiot thinks it happened naturally.....

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