Mass Stabbing In Sacramento

You act like the only way to prevent violence is to take away guns?

No- I don't think taking away guns will stop all violence.

It just reduces the extent of the casualties.

If guns are used instead of knives and sticks, more people die.

That doesn't mean I have any interest in taking guns away from law abiding citizens
Dear Syriusly
But with the same effort it would take
To prevent a person from committing violence, by addressing their problem at the root source, that would prevent either the stabbing, shooting or other crime against others.

Otherwise we could argue if it's better if someone only raped or only killed somebody, vs. If they robbed raped and then killed them which is three separate charges.

Why not stop all the criminal problem at the source instead of arguing over "reducing the severity of the symptoms"

I agree we should reduce it at all levels and from all angles. Why not target the root cause, especially since nobody disagrees with that need to address the root cause!
One article said that Trump has openly touted racism and bigotry. I've looked at several of his speeches and I don't see him doing that. Looks like free speech and the right to meet and assemble is not something the anti Trump crowd will tolerate.
Accusing the opposition of being racist is how Liberals roll. It is laughable to believeTrump is racist.
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One article said that Trump has openly touted racism and bigotry. I've looked at several of his speeches and I don't see him doing that. Looks like free speech and the right to meet and assemble is not something the anti Trump crowd will tolerate.
Accusing the opposition of being racist is how Liberals roll. It is laughable to think Trump is racist.
All the more troubling that his statements are so deliberately race baiting. If he hits those hot buttons to stay in the media, there is a cost of the consequences. All the ppl who know him personally seem to generally agree he is a humble good listener, and works well with all ppl without any discrimination because business is business. Whatever games he plays back on the whole media anti PC campaign he is waging , you get the image and audience you ask for, and the enemies and opposition you create.
There isn't any excuse for this violence. None whatsoever. These stupid assholes have every right to assemble and free speech as the rest of us. In fact, I encourage this fools to speak often and loudly. Let the world see their hate, by doing so they marginalize themselves.
All the more troubling that his statements are so deliberately race baiting. If he hits those hot buttons to stay in the media, there is a cost of the consequences. All the ppl who know him personally seem to generally agree he is a humble good listener, and works well with all ppl without any discrimination because business is business. Whatever games he plays back on the whole media anti PC campaign he is waging , you get the image and audience you ask for, and the enemies and opposition you create.
So all Trump supporters are racists even though Trump isn't. That's an interesting twist. Protecting our border isn't racism. We're the only country who is expected to open up the gates and let all the peasants in. I wonder why? Go ahead and support that shit with Hillary leading the charge. The American people are fed up and you're going to see a President Trump in your future.
Both sides were wrong in using violence.

Notice the cons here defending white supremacism.

Dear JakeStarkey
One of the premier Gay Rights activists in Houston
prides himself in being the namesake on a lawsuit
defending and WINNING the KLAN's right to march down the streets of Houston,
based on principles of Free speech by the First Amendment.

Do you think for one minute that a "Gay Atheist
liberal Saul Alinsky radical" would
support the "white supremacist" content
of that march?

That's why he's so proud. He even sent a Black lawyer
and a Jewish lawyer to file the documents in court.
He clearly did it all based on principle, to make the statement
that a violation for anyone is a threat to everyone.
I support free speech.

The far right, however, was told from the beginning that if it even so much as lifted a finger against protestors they would get hammered into the ground.

That's why I laugh at S. J. and Grizz and the rest: they are wusses.
Both sides were wrong in using violence.

Notice the cons here defending white supremacism.
I like how when your side commits violence, you condemn both sides, even when YOUR'S is the only side doing it.
My side is not involved at all. Your side is getting its ass kicked, though.
Bullshit, your side is the same as every law breaking liberal activist in this country and everyone knows it. You've defended every one of them.
There isn't any excuse for this violence. None whatsoever. These stupid assholes have every right to assemble and free speech as the rest of us. In fact, I encourage this fools to speak often and loudly. Let the world see their hate, by doing so they marginalize themselves.
Well said. I can respect that.
  • Thanks
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Says S. J. the hidden klansman. If you were not a coward, you would be throwing stones. The diff between us is that I would not. He thinks his side you should be able to hit out and then hide behind the police.
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Yes, WTP has every right to protest without violence and without being subject to violence.

Their freedom of expression does not include recruiting on public school grounds.

Lol white supremacy group give me a fucking break it's why anyone with any common sense doesn't watch mainstream media

The Workers' Traditional Party are white supremacists, just like you, bub.

The NAACP is a black supremacists group. Do they deserve to be knifed to death too?
How about if we just decided that BlackLivesMatters needs to be beaten to death with axe-handles?
One article said that Trump has openly touted racism and bigotry. I've looked at several of his speeches and I don't see him doing that. Looks like free speech and the right to meet and assemble is not something the anti Trump crowd will tolerate.
If you want to equate the WTP and the KKK with Trump, go right ahead.

Ewe are supporting white supremacisn instead of Americanism, WillowTree.

I did not know that you were really that way.

I'm not equating anybody, just saying. Hi hear Trump talk and don't detect racism. He's just a man who's proposing to control our borders just like every other country does and should. The anti Trump thugs who went to his rallies and did violence should be the ones condemned. I'm not pro kkk or nazi, but freedom of speech and all that.

Lol white supremacy group give me a fucking break it's why anyone with any common sense doesn't watch mainstream media

The Workers' Traditional Party are white supremacists, just like you, bub.

The NAACP is a black supremacists group. Do they deserve to be knifed to death too?
How about if we just decided that BlackLivesMatters needs to be beaten to death with axe-handles?
Oh, you would if you were not a coward.

I don't believe in violence as part of the political process.
One article said that Trump has openly touted racism and bigotry. I've looked at several of his speeches and I don't see him doing that. Looks like free speech and the right to meet and assemble is not something the anti Trump crowd will tolerate.
Accusing the opposition of being racist is how Liberals roll. It is laughable to think Trump is racist.
All the more troubling that his statements are so deliberately race baiting. If he hits those hot buttons to stay in the media, there is a cost of the consequences. All the ppl who know him personally seem to generally agree he is a humble good listener, and works well with all ppl without any discrimination because business is business. Whatever games he plays back on the whole media anti PC campaign he is waging , you get the image and audience you ask for, and the enemies and opposition you create.

I just hear a man speaking to the crowd. His speaking involves minorities because they are the ones breaking our laws by coming here illegally. And Obama is complicit in this. Democrats are always pushing tolerance, so where's the tolerance now?
I am proud of my former fellow Sacramento inhabitants. Teach these goons a lesson where ever they show up. Show them that there will be a price to pay.

At least 7 people injured at California rally, authorities say -


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