Massachusetts moves to ban all semi-automatic guns.....yeah, that slippery slope is real and getting worse...

So...they only want to ban the AR-15 rifle.......that is what you anti-gun extremists told us.......and we knew it was a lie as the words were leaving your lips.....first you attack the AR-15, then you use that as the gateway to ban all other semi-automatic weapons.....then you will come for shotguns and revolvers.....

The criminals will line up to turn them in I bet.
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So...they only want to ban the AR-15 rifle.......that is what you anti-gun extremists told us.......and we knew it was a lie as the words were leaving your lips.....first you attack the AR-15, then you use that as the gateway to ban all other semi-automatic weapons.....then you will come for shotguns and revolvers.....

Legislation like this gets introduced every year, even in the U.S. Congress. Anyone can introduce legislation for anything. That doesn't mean it will be passed, let alone voted on.
Sounds like you have their holding pen all ready.
And that is the issue. I am not wha tyou spouted. Men will die in the millions when this period of history is recorded. And that will also include millions of women and children. And I may be spewing low numbers at that. The world has other nations. Nations vying for number one. China has 1.4 billion people and the rulers are not nearly as concerned as we are about the costs. Currently about the same amount of Chinese are involved in the their modernization as we have as a population. They have a billion people more ready and waiting to join in. The ones working s you accuse me are of them. Tell them to stop it. Demand they stop it Go over there and stop them with physical force. Watch what they do to you for the last seconds of your life.
Criminals are celebrating what the Massholes are trying to do. I say good for them. Let's see the results of armed criminals and a disarmed public. Nothing would make me happier than to see a bunch of Democrats begging for their guns back. Come over to the dark side.
So...they only want to ban the AR-15 rifle.......that is what you anti-gun extremists told us.......and we knew it was a lie as the words were leaving your lips.....first you attack the AR-15, then you use that as the gateway to ban all other semi-automatic weapons.....then you will come for shotguns and revolvers.....

It is a shame that my dingy capsized in the Atlantic ocean when i was carrying all my semi automatic weapons with me. Now Davy Jones has a new arsenal...
Bills get put up for legislation all year long yet no guns have been banned.
If they didn't intend to implement the legislation, they wouldn't propose the bills in the first place.

We can assume that a law maker who sponsors a bill intends said bill to become law. Same for those who vote for it.

The left wants a full, complete ban and they will not stop until we execute them.

For this reason also, we ALL need to push for complete repeal until it is lawful for a violent felon to carry a belt-fed machine gun in every school, courthouse, or airport in America.
You guys keep telling us no one wants to ban is a political party in Mass. that not only wants to ban them but has submitted actual legislation to do it.....
I am but one person, I have told you to get the guns you want and ignore the govt. but, you want to play word games on USMB and whine and bitch and accuse people of shit they have never done..You are pathetic.

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