Massive Amtrak Crash....but who cares about our highways and trains?

...The Chinese, French, Italians, Japanese, et al. are laughing at us...
Bullet trains never crash?

Bullet trains are not practical in the US --- anyone who proposes them either 1) doesn't understand them, or 2) builds them and is trying to get rich by screwing the public.
That`s a great Can`t Do attitude but your free to share your expertise with us. You understand high speed rail you say.
This line, the Northeast Corridor, is a nightmare to ride. The rail system between D.C. and Boston hasn't been updated in over 60 years.

But bomb, bomb, bomb ....bomb, bomb Iran. Yeah baby! Defense spending trumps our own citizens' ability to get to work every day.

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck
(140 injured)

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck - WSJ

The Chinese, French, Italians, Japanese, et al. are laughing at us.

I voted for the bullet train in California against my better judgment. You know what we've gotten for it?
Last time I mentioned our crumbling infrastructure I was derided for sounding like a broken record. So six people dead and 140 injured. So six people dead and 140 injured. So six people dead and....

Not to mention that all train traffic between Phila and NYC has been stopped since last night at 9:30. You shut down NYC and the country will come to a halt, too.

Conservatives do not like trains
we don't like to crow from the top of dead bodies

seems you leftist do

Both sides do it honestly. My opinion is that the left is more heartless and crass in general.
Last time I mentioned our crumbling infrastructure I was derided for sounding like a broken record. So six people dead and 140 injured. So six people dead and 140 injured. So six people dead and....

Not to mention that all train traffic between Phila and NYC has been stopped since last night at 9:30. You shut down NYC and the country will come to a halt, too.

I don't mean to sound heartless, but do you really think six dead people moves the needle in politics? But people should be alarmed at slow ride times and high prices relative to other countries.
Last time I mentioned our crumbling infrastructure I was derided for sounding like a broken record. So six people dead and 140 injured. So six people dead and 140 injured. So six people dead and....

Not to mention that all train traffic between Phila and NYC has been stopped since last night at 9:30. You shut down NYC and the country will come to a halt, too.

Conservatives do not like trains
I love trains but alas if they're traveling twice the speed they should be .. shit happens.
Last time I mentioned our crumbling infrastructure I was derided for sounding like a broken record. So six people dead and 140 injured. So six people dead and 140 injured. So six people dead and....

Not to mention that all train traffic between Phila and NYC has been stopped since last night at 9:30. You shut down NYC and the country will come to a halt, too.

Can we wait 5 minutes to see what the cause was!!!!
This happened recently and the train engineer was literally asleep at the switch....

But yeah it's a shame that other countries are so far ahead of us with transportation and bridges and airports...
So we need to look at how government spends taxpayer dollars.

We need a budget...
No more deficit spending...
Cut back funding or cancel programs that don't work.
Eliminate fraud and cut wasteful spending.

Or continue down the same path we have been on forever.
Crumbling infrastructure didn't cause this catastrophe, it was promoting morons to operate a train 50 MPH over the limit on a curve. This isn't looking good for political correctness, but we will see where the blame for this ends.
It seems that the national debt only counts to Democrats when Republicans are in charge, otherwise it's spend spend, tax and spend.

The Obama stimulus package gave 1.8 billion to Baltimore and we see the result. just sayin..
The death toll is now 7 with 200 injured.
Certainly the Right doesn't care about infrastructure .. they just cut AMTRAK funding.
Clearly, you're so filled wit mindless partisan bigotry that you don;t understand that spending on infrastructure had nothing to do with this human-error event.
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Public transportation is a gamble. Thanks to political correctness. I rode on a bus with a obese black driver steering the bus with his knees while he read a comic book eating a hoagie. Last Bus I took, the driver, a Nigerian, couldn't speak English and his brother sat behind him translating. He ran multiple yellow lights, well over the speed limit, missed stops with people waving...and all the while, I was expecting people with goats to board and others to cling on to the bumpers like this was Timbuktu or something. It's nuts. It shouldn't be like this. I would rather pay a few extra bucks in tolls and gas than ever submit to fear and humiliation like that ever again.
The death toll is now 7 with 200 injured.
Certainly the Right doesn't care about infrastructure .. they just cut AMTRAK funding.
I heard on TV that the US spends 1.7% of the budget on infrastructure, Europe 5%, China 6%.
If you travel, the difference is obvious.
And I do. Huge difference. U.S. train system sucks. Amtrak is pinched, not getting funding and so they are cutting corners order to compensate.
The Acela Express will knock you off your feet if you are standing on a platform when it passes. This is not news, this high speed.
You argue the engineer was simply going as fast as the schedule Amtrak set.
Why aren't you screaming for Amtrak to be held criminally liable for these deaths?
When are you going to show that the automobile companies "quashed" passenger rail travel?
Public transportation is a gamble. Thanks to political correctness. I rode on a bus with a obese black driver steering the bus with his knees while he read a comic book eating a hoagie. Last Bus I took, the driver, a Nigerian, couldn't speak English and his brother sat behind him translating. He ran multiple yellow lights, well over the speed limit, missed stops with people waving...and all the while, I was expecting people with goats to board and others to cling on to the bumpers like this was Timbuktu or something. It's nuts. It shouldn't be like this. I would rather pay a few extra bucks in tolls and gas than ever submit to fear and humiliation like that ever again.
Liberalism > political correctness > public safety
The train in wreck in Philly, the engineer was at fault, 50mph over the limit on a curve. Please. I want to know who the driver was, his /her background, and why they didn't slow down.
actually the object in this case wants to keep moving in a straight line

in this case the object did not want to be drawn away from a center of rotation
Momentum's a bitch.

You people just don't get it. This is not about physics. It's about profits. Or rather, lack thereof.

try taking a 50 mph curve at 107 with your car and get back to me...if you aren't dead

Trigger Warning! Logic and science are signs of White Privilege!

i know NTPP is silly, but to deny science in this case is hilarious

It's not about science.

Obviously you silly people don't fly either, or else I'll have to explain to you why the airlines are charging for checking bags now, too.
Or why they charge for WiFi and extra legroom.

You scions of the free market are totally clueless and yet you embrace it and pee all over yourselves thinking you know how it actually works.
Momentum's a bitch.

You people just don't get it. This is not about physics. It's about profits. Or rather, lack thereof.

try taking a 50 mph curve at 107 with your car and get back to me...if you aren't dead

Trigger Warning! Logic and science are signs of White Privilege!

i know NTPP is silly, but to deny science in this case is hilarious

Physics is just so Western-Civ-Imperialistic!

You really think the engineer of an Amtrak Acela is just a cowboy out on the rails, hmmm?
I see you also know absolutely nothing about the mass transit system in the northeast.
How are things down in the Land of Flunk where there is no mass transit? I suspect you are in an area that has automobiles and an occasional bus.
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If we had real high speed trains like Europe and China have there would have been no problem.
If the market had a demand for those trains, we'd have them.

The market has a high demand for health care and yet we're ranked 38th in the world. The market has a low demand for war and yet Bush found a way, didn't he? If naivete had a face it would be yours.
The train in wreck in Philly, the engineer was at fault, 50mph over the limit on a curve. Please. I want to know who the driver was, his /her background, and why they didn't slow down.

Because he had a schedule to keep. And they are not called drivers. They are train engineers. [rolling eyes]
You people just don't get it. This is not about physics. It's about profits. Or rather, lack thereof.

try taking a 50 mph curve at 107 with your car and get back to me...if you aren't dead

Trigger Warning! Logic and science are signs of White Privilege!

i know NTPP is silly, but to deny science in this case is hilarious

Physics is just so Western-Civ-Imperialistic!

You really think the engineer of an Amtrak Acela is just a cowboy out on the rails, hmmm?
I see you also know absolutely nothing about the mass transit system in the northeast.
How are things down in the Land of Flunk where there are no passenger trains, dear?

What a stupid strawman.

I am pointing out that no amount of money will allow a train to go 100mph on a curve that is safe for a high speed of 50mph.

It's clear that you are Reality challenged, hun. Perhaps you can find a Physics for Dummies book on Amazon.

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