Massive Amtrak Crash....but who cares about our highways and trains?

It's really important to clarify the political affiliation of the driver and engine so the MSM will know whether they are guilt or victimized.

The engineer is probably a member of a union so extremist rightwankers will blame him irrespective of the actual cause of the crash.

And loons such as yourself are already screeching for More Money.

Ironic given you are screeching about the political affiliation of the engineer.

And you cannot find a single post of mine "screeching for More Money" which makes you appear to be the one who has a problem with reality.

But since you raised the subject why not deal with reality?

Do you honestly expect to safely drive your own car if there is no money to maintain the roads?

If you have an accident because of unrepaired potholes where people are injured and/or killed won't you be the one "screeching for more money" to repair the roads?

So how is that any different to maintaining the railroads?

Infrastructure requires maintenance which costs money. Only a fool insists upon spending cuts and then whines when they have to repair their car after the wheels and suspension were damaged by potholes.

Only a fool expects government to build and maintain sophisticated infrastructure.

So the government didn't build the interstate system and successfully maintain it until extremist rightwankers began demanding that spending must be cut to the bone?

And thanks for tacitly conceding your position with that inane deflection of yours.

Why didn't that Porkulus money go to fixing the interstate, you keep whining about? Did it get misplaced on its way thru the DNC to those "shovel ready" jobs?
The engineer is probably a member of a union so extremist rightwankers will blame him irrespective of the actual cause of the crash.

And loons such as yourself are already screeching for More Money.

Ironic given you are screeching about the political affiliation of the engineer.

And you cannot find a single post of mine "screeching for More Money" which makes you appear to be the one who has a problem with reality.

But since you raised the subject why not deal with reality?

Do you honestly expect to safely drive your own car if there is no money to maintain the roads?

If you have an accident because of unrepaired potholes where people are injured and/or killed won't you be the one "screeching for more money" to repair the roads?

So how is that any different to maintaining the railroads?

Infrastructure requires maintenance which costs money. Only a fool insists upon spending cuts and then whines when they have to repair their car after the wheels and suspension were damaged by potholes.

Only a fool expects government to build and maintain sophisticated infrastructure.

So the government didn't build the interstate system and successfully maintain it until extremist rightwankers began demanding that spending must be cut to the bone?

And thanks for tacitly conceding your position with that inane deflection of yours.

Why didn't that Porkulus money go to fixing the interstate. Did it get misplaced on its way thru the DNC to those "shovel ready" jobs?

The only thing shovel ready is DD-T's butthurt.
try taking a 50 mph curve at 107 with your car and get back to me...if you aren't dead

Trigger Warning! Logic and science are signs of White Privilege!

i know NTPP is silly, but to deny science in this case is hilarious

Physics is just so Western-Civ-Imperialistic!

You really think the engineer of an Amtrak Acela is just a cowboy out on the rails, hmmm?
I see you also know absolutely nothing about the mass transit system in the northeast.
How are things down in the Land of Flunk where there are no passenger trains, dear?

What a stupid strawman.

I am pointing out that no amount of money will allow a train to go 100mph on a curve that is safe for a high speed of 50mph.

It's clear that you are Reality challenged, hun. Perhaps you can find a Physics for Dummies book on Amazon.

Sometimes it's just too hard to let go of preconceptions. ;)
The death toll is now 7 with 200 injured.
Certainly the Right doesn't care about infrastructure .. they just cut AMTRAK funding.
I heard on TV that the US spends 1.7% of the budget on infrastructure, Europe 5%, China 6%.
If you travel, the difference is obvious.
And I do. Huge difference. U.S. train system sucks. Amtrak is pinched, not getting funding and so they are cutting corners order to compensate.
The Acela Express will knock you off your feet if you are standing on a platform when it passes. This is not news, this high speed.
You argue the engineer was simply going as fast as the schedule Amtrak set.
Why aren't you screaming for Amtrak to be held criminally liable for these deaths?
When are you going to show that the automobile companies "quashed" passenger rail travel?

Who said I wasn't screaming for Amtrak to be held liable? Where do I defend them? I'm condemning them if you have the slightest ability to comprehend English.

GM started the movement to kill off mass transit. Google Edwin J. Quinby. I'm not your mother and I won't do your homework for you.

Edwin J. Quinby
In 1946, Edwin Jenyss Quinby, an activated reserve commander,[33] founder of the Electric Railroaders' Association in 1934 (which lobbied on behalf of rail users and services),[34] former employee of North Jersey Rapid Transit (which operated in New York) published a 24-page 'expose' on the ownership of National City Lines addressed to "The Mayors; The City Manager; The City Transit Engineer; The members of The Committee on Mass-Transportation and The Tax-Payers and The Riding Citizens of Your Community". It began, "This is an urgent warning to each and every one of you that there is a careful, deliberately planned campaign to swindle you out of your most important and valuable public utilities–your Electric Railway System".[35] His agitating may have led Federal authorities to prosecute GM and the other companies.[36]
If we had real high speed trains like Europe and China have there would have been no problem.
If the market had a demand for those trains, we'd have them.
The market has a high demand for health care and yet we're ranked 38th in the world. The market has a low demand for war and yet Bush found a way, didn't he? If naivete had a face it would be yours.
In other words.. you, again,. understand that you have no effective response to what I said.
This line, the Northeast Corridor, is a nightmare to ride. The rail system between D.C. and Boston hasn't been updated in over 60 years.

But bomb, bomb, bomb ....bomb, bomb Iran. Yeah baby! Defense spending trumps our own citizens' ability to get to work every day.

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck
(140 injured)

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck - WSJ

The Chinese, French, Italians, Japanese, et al. are laughing at us.
Mr. Nutter said a “black box” data recorder aboard the train had been recovered and is being analyzed at an Amtrak facility in Delaware. He said it was too soon to speculate on the cause of the accident.

In other words; You Are A Lying PIle of Shit that is using the deaths of innocent people to push your agenda.

vile fucking leftist filth

you seem angry.

I think Two Thumbs has one firmly up her @ss.

Note that absolutely no rightie will address the Chinese high-speed train image I posted. None of them. Cluck-cluck...
Your right. Because we don't support living on 2 yen a year and eating gruel from a bowl because our government has decided we're less important than showing a good image to the world.

Nice try.

All European and Asian countries have our rail system beat by 50 years. But nice try.
And they take every dime and all dignity from their citizenry. Epic fail.

I'll take our system any day. have stats on how many are killed on trains each year compared to the population as a whole?
The death toll is now 7 with 200 injured.
Certainly the Right doesn't care about infrastructure .. they just cut AMTRAK funding.
I heard on TV that the US spends 1.7% of the budget on infrastructure, Europe 5%, China 6%.
If you travel, the difference is obvious.
And I do. Huge difference. U.S. train system sucks. Amtrak is pinched, not getting funding and so they are cutting corners order to compensate.
The Acela Express will knock you off your feet if you are standing on a platform when it passes. This is not news, this high speed.
You argue the engineer was simply going as fast as the schedule Amtrak set.
Why aren't you screaming for Amtrak to be held criminally liable for these deaths?
When are you going to show that the automobile companies "quashed" passenger rail travel?
Who said I wasn't screaming for Amtrak to be held liable? Where do I defend them? I'm condemning them if you have the slightest ability to comprehend English. are trying to condemn the GOP for reducing AmTrak's budget.
Nowhere have I seen you lay the blame on anyone except the GOP.
GM started the movement to kill off mass transit. Google Edwin J. Quinby. I'm not your mother and I won't do your homework for you.
Edwin J. Quinby
In 1946, Edwin Jenyss Quinby, an activated reserve commander,[33] founder of the Electric Railroaders' Association in 1934 (which lobbied on behalf of rail users and services),[34] former employee of North Jersey Rapid Transit (which operated in New York) published a 24-page 'expose' on the ownership of National City Lines addressed to "The Mayors; The City Manager; The City Transit Engineer; The members of The Committee on Mass-Transportation and The Tax-Payers and The Riding Citizens of Your Community". It began, "This is an urgent warning to each and every one of you that there is a careful, deliberately planned campaign to swindle you out of your most important and valuable public utilities–your Electric Railway System".[35] His agitating may have led Federal authorities to prosecute GM and the other companies.[36]
This is all you have to prove that the automakers "quashed" passenger rail? An 'expose' by a pro-rail guy?
Let me know when you have some substantive.
Trigger Warning! Logic and science are signs of White Privilege!

i know NTPP is silly, but to deny science in this case is hilarious

Physics is just so Western-Civ-Imperialistic!

You really think the engineer of an Amtrak Acela is just a cowboy out on the rails, hmmm?
I see you also know absolutely nothing about the mass transit system in the northeast.
How are things down in the Land of Flunk where there are no passenger trains, dear?
What a stupid strawman.

""I am pointing out that no amount of money will allow a train to go 100mph on a curve that is safe for a high speed of 50mph.""

I guess you are lucky enough not to be employed by a very large corporation that tells you what to do. In fact, you sound like somebody who has never worked a job at all.

I've lived in this area for several years and the Acela Express goes that fast daily. This time around the engineer lost control. That's why stupid people like you are hearing about it now.
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The death toll is now 7 with 200 injured.
Certainly the Right doesn't care about infrastructure .. they just cut AMTRAK funding.
I heard on TV that the US spends 1.7% of the budget on infrastructure, Europe 5%, China 6%.
If you travel, the difference is obvious.
And I do. Huge difference. U.S. train system sucks. Amtrak is pinched, not getting funding and so they are cutting corners order to compensate.
The Acela Express will knock you off your feet if you are standing on a platform when it passes. This is not news, this high speed.
You argue the engineer was simply going as fast as the schedule Amtrak set.
Why aren't you screaming for Amtrak to be held criminally liable for these deaths?
When are you going to show that the automobile companies "quashed" passenger rail travel?
Who said I wasn't screaming for Amtrak to be held liable? Where do I defend them? I'm condemning them if you have the slightest ability to comprehend English. are trying to condemn the GOP for reducing AmTrak's budget.
Nowhere have I seen you lay the blame on anyone except the GOP.
GM started the movement to kill off mass transit. Google Edwin J. Quinby. I'm not your mother and I won't do your homework for you.
Edwin J. Quinby
In 1946, Edwin Jenyss Quinby, an activated reserve commander,[33] founder of the Electric Railroaders' Association in 1934 (which lobbied on behalf of rail users and services),[34] former employee of North Jersey Rapid Transit (which operated in New York) published a 24-page 'expose' on the ownership of National City Lines addressed to "The Mayors; The City Manager; The City Transit Engineer; The members of The Committee on Mass-Transportation and The Tax-Payers and The Riding Citizens of Your Community". It began, "This is an urgent warning to each and every one of you that there is a careful, deliberately planned campaign to swindle you out of your most important and valuable public utilities–your Electric Railway System".[35] His agitating may have led Federal authorities to prosecute GM and the other companies.[36]
This is all you have to prove that the automakers "quashed" passenger rail? An 'expose' by a pro-rail guy?
Let me know when you have some substantive.

Let me know when you get off your ass with anything to disprove it.
Mr. Nutter said a “black box” data recorder aboard the train had been recovered and is being analyzed at an Amtrak facility in Delaware. He said it was too soon to speculate on the cause of the accident.

In other words; You Are A Lying PIle of Shit that is using the deaths of innocent people to push your agenda.

vile fucking leftist filth

you seem angry.

I think Two Thumbs has one firmly up her @ss.

Note that absolutely no rightie will address the Chinese high-speed train image I posted. None of them. Cluck-cluck...
Your right. Because we don't support living on 2 yen a year and eating gruel from a bowl because our government has decided we're less important than showing a good image to the world.

Nice try.

All European and Asian countries have our rail system beat by 50 years. But nice try.
And they take every dime and all dignity from their citizenry. Epic fail.

I'll take our system any day. have stats on how many are killed on trains each year compared to the population as a whole?

Do you have stats on how many people a day rely on this system to work and function? You're another one who has no idea about the NE Corridor.
If we had real high speed trains like Europe and China have there would have been no problem.
If the market had a demand for those trains, we'd have them.
The demand is there. The system between DC and NYC has grown more popular every year that it has existed.

And Amtrak can't make money on any of their other routes. So they double down here in the D.C. - NYC run.

They've taken the Southwest Airlines business model and decided that trains in motion make more money than those sitting in the terminals. Sort of like when the airlines started over-scheduling their flights and swamping the control tower with too many landings and take-offs.
you seem angry.

I think Two Thumbs has one firmly up her @ss.

Note that absolutely no rightie will address the Chinese high-speed train image I posted. None of them. Cluck-cluck...
Your right. Because we don't support living on 2 yen a year and eating gruel from a bowl because our government has decided we're less important than showing a good image to the world.

Nice try.

All European and Asian countries have our rail system beat by 50 years. But nice try.
And they take every dime and all dignity from their citizenry. Epic fail.

I'll take our system any day. have stats on how many are killed on trains each year compared to the population as a whole?

Do you have stats on how many people a day rely on this system to work and function? You're another one who has no idea about the NE Corridor.
I know that these kinds of accidents happen from time to time. More often than not, they are HUMAN ERROR, and not infrastructure. So, how about the stats? You have any detailing the frequency of these accidents, the number injured or killed? If its such a problem, it should be happening with such regularity that we'd have one every other month.
btw...i think the gop budget cuts were about the dumbest thing they could have done this morning....
Let me're a liberal? Am I right or am I right? The GOP is doing what the public put them in Office to do. Wait until you see what President Cruz does .
...The Chinese, French, Italians, Japanese, et al. are laughing at us...
Bullet trains never crash?

Bullet trains are not practical in the US --- anyone who proposes them either 1) doesn't understand them, or 2) builds them and is trying to get rich by screwing the public.
Just out of curiosity... why are bullet trains impractical in the US?

Bullet trains are effective in small countries - the distance between ticket selling locations is small. Thus, they are able to sell tickets for shorter runs, thus driving down the cost-per-mile to make it cost effective. Using bullet trains to go from LA to Chicago, or Cincinnatti to Dallas just isn't economically feasible.

In addition, using the bullet train presumes a robust public transportation system in the cities. We don't have that - anywhere. When you arrive at the station, you're still 15 miles from your office. I was in Southern California when they put commuter trains in for only gazillions of dollars. I tried to use it --- the best schedule I was able to arrange was 4 hours 20 minutes, 5 train changes, and the closest stop to my office was about 4 miles.'s never safe to exceed the recommended speed limit on ANY curve in ANY KIND of vehicle.


Simple..............physics and centrifugal force.

i know, but deritoro and NTPP say otherwise....why are you telling me this?

I'm agreeing with you so that they may see that there are others who have a rudimentary understanding of physics like you do and understand about centrifugal force (which deritoro and NTPP apparently don't).

actually the object in this case wants to keep moving in a straight line

in this case the object did not want to be drawn away from a center of rotation
Momentum's a bitch.

inertia which makes objects resistant to the forces that makes them move in a curve

I know!!! I know!!!!

Let's automate it!!!

Safer - but lots of jobs lost.
...The Chinese, French, Italians, Japanese, et al. are laughing at us...
Bullet trains never crash?

Bullet trains are not practical in the US --- anyone who proposes them either 1) doesn't understand them, or 2) builds them and is trying to get rich by screwing the public.
That`s a great Can`t Do attitude but your free to share your expertise with us. You understand high speed rail you say.

Yep - and I understand economics, too.
Also, 4 weeks ago, I drove I-10 and I 20 from AZ to Atlanta, and I-20 in Mississippi, particularly around Tupelo, had so many potholes that it was unsafe to drive over 40 MPH max.

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