Massive Amtrak Crash....but who cares about our highways and trains?

[QUOTE="NoTeaPartyPleez, post: 11387988, member:

The Chinese, French, Italians, Japanese, et al. are laughing at us.[/QUOTE]
And we can't blame them.

If we don't manage to infuse a strong socialist influence in our government this Nation will be sold out from under us.
This line, the Northeast Corridor, is a nightmare to ride. The rail system between D.C. and Boston hasn't been updated in over 60 years.

But bomb, bomb, bomb ....bomb, bomb Iran. Yeah baby! Defense spending trumps our own citizens' ability to get to work every day.

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck
(140 injured)

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck - WSJ

The Chinese, French, Italians, Japanese, et al. are laughing at us.
Mr. Nutter said a “black box” data recorder aboard the train had been recovered and is being analyzed at an Amtrak facility in Delaware. He said it was too soon to speculate on the cause of the accident.

In other words; You Are A Lying PIle of Shit that is using the deaths of innocent people to push your agenda.

vile fucking leftist filth

Hey, Congress voted today on legislation that should have been passed a long time ago....that would have provided equipment that would have prevented this accident, but in spite of the deaths due to this accident, Republicans don't think they need to provide the funds for the needed equipment and voted to cut funding.
How typically selfish and greedy.

Republicans don't seem to care about Americans......that's a fact, or they wouldn't be cutting funding that saves lives.

You're the vile fucking selfish rightist from what I can see.

WASHINGTON — Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives voted Wednesday to cut funding for Amtrak operations a day after a crash in Philadelphia that killed at least seven people and injured more than 50 others.

The House Appropriations Committee voted along party lines to give Amtrak $1.14 billion in the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1, $251 million less the passenger railroad's current allocation. Committee Republicans defeated two Democratic efforts to spend more money on Amtrak.

House Republicans vote to cut Amtrak funding 1 day after deadly crash
Not a problem ... if the government is willing to subsidize the costs. This is NOT a profit making business. In addition, China has little or no private transportation infrastructure. Most people don't own cars, and can't get from one city to another. Thus, the government pays for railway. You willing to do that?

To be fair we /did/ do that. A good deal, the majority I'm fairly sure, of the Alaska Railroad was funded and even bought out in places by the Feds in 1900's - comes out of military budget. I think the last spending was like $100mil or something for an expansion or rebuilding of a bridge maybe, don't recall atm.
Last time I mentioned our crumbling infrastructure I was derided for sounding like a broken record. So six people dead and 140 injured. So six people dead and 140 injured. So six people dead and....

Not to mention that all train traffic between Phila and NYC has been stopped since last night at 9:30. You shut down NYC and the country will come to a halt, too.

Can we wait 5 minutes to see what the cause was!!!!
This happened recently and the train engineer was literally asleep at the switch....

But yeah it's a shame that other countries are so far ahead of us with transportation and bridges and airports...
So we need to look at how government spends taxpayer dollars.

We need a budget...
No more deficit spending...
Cut back funding or cancel programs that don't work.
Eliminate fraud and cut wasteful spending.

Or continue down the same path we have been on forever.
Crumbling infrastructure lol! The cause was a train going 100 miles an hour around a curve.
I just posted the link in #192 above proving that it does have a bearing on the crash.

The NTSB lead investigator stated had the proper systems been installed the accident would not have occurred.

Extreme rightwing budget cuts are the reason why those 7 Americans have just died and 200 were injured.

cite proof of your claim. they have over a billion dollars from the feds and you're telling me that couldn't afford to put in the proper system?

had the train not been speeding and obeying the speed laws, there most likely would not have been an accident.


edit: do you have a link for highlighted, i can't find any

I am not being paid to teach you how budgets and capital expenditures work.

And just scroll back to post #192 above. It has the link and the quoted text from the NTSB lead investigator.

yeah, i found the link and he didn't say what you said...he said he made it out as if he was stating fact

nice try

He was stating facts. Amtrak have the system installed on the Acela trains that run that exact same route on the same tracks. They don't have the funding to install it on every train. So yes, that is the fault of the extreme rightwing demanding that spending be slashed at the cost of American lives.

again, cite proof of your claim because the train involved was just delivered to amtrak last obviously budget concerns were not an issue

and you're still ignoring the plain fact he was going too fast....had he not been going too fast he wouldn't have needed the speed controls....causation is everything....and the speed is the direct cause

You just need someone else to blame because your greed and selfishness in demanding spending cuts just cost 7 Americans their lives.
This line, the Northeast Corridor, is a nightmare to ride. The rail system between D.C. and Boston hasn't been updated in over 60 years.

But bomb, bomb, bomb ....bomb, bomb Iran. Yeah baby! Defense spending trumps our own citizens' ability to get to work every day.

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck
(140 injured)

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck - WSJ

The Chinese, French, Italians, Japanese, et al. are laughing at us.

The engineer was driving the train too fast.
No amount of money poured into the train or the track would have made him slow down.
Speed did it.


Automated systems would have cut the power and applied the brakes if they detected that the train was going too fast for the corner.
You know, it's getting real old how liberals exploit a tragedy to push their talking points. It never stops. Stop me if you've heard this before: liberals are shameless.

And if you watch the video, the tracks were just fine and in good condition. They didn't cause the crash, the engineer did. Republicans didn't cause the crash, the engineer did. The infrastructure (or alleged lack thereof) didn't cause the crash, the engineer did.
You know, it's getting real old how liberals exploit a tragedy to push their talking points. It never stops. Stop me if you've heard this before: liberals are shameless.

And if you watch the video, the tracks were just fine and in good condition. They didn't cause the crash, the engineer did. Republicans didn't cause the crash, the engineer did. The infrastructure (or alleged lack thereof) didn't cause the crash, the engineer did.

You can tell track condition from a grainy video? This is from the Engineering Degree you got on the couch, right?

Why You Can t Talk About The Amtrak Derailment Without Talking About Our Infrastructure Crisis ThinkProgress

It’s not yet clear what caused Train 188 to go off the rails, but it is the most recent in a series of train derailments on the route. Metro-North, a commuter line shares tracks with Amtrak, has suffered severalserious derailments over the past two years. Besides posing serious dangers to riders, these derailments set off a ripple effect that paralyzes the entire system, causing untold setbacks for riders and businesses. Northeast Corridor trains carry “a workforce that contributes $50 billion per year to the United States gross domestic product,” accordingto the Northeast Corridor Commission.
You know, it's getting real old how liberals exploit a tragedy to push their talking points. It never stops. Stop me if you've heard this before: liberals are shameless.

And if you watch the video, the tracks were just fine and in good condition. They didn't cause the crash, the engineer did. Republicans didn't cause the crash, the engineer did. The infrastructure (or alleged lack thereof) didn't cause the crash, the engineer did.

You can tell track condition from a grainy video? This is from the Engineering Degree you got on the couch, right?

Why You Can t Talk About The Amtrak Derailment Without Talking About Our Infrastructure Crisis ThinkProgress

It’s not yet clear what caused Train 188 to go off the rails, but it is the most recent in a series of train derailments on the route. Metro-North, a commuter line shares tracks with Amtrak, has suffered severalserious derailments over the past two years. Besides posing serious dangers to riders, these derailments set off a ripple effect that paralyzes the entire system, causing untold setbacks for riders and businesses. Northeast Corridor trains carry “a workforce that contributes $50 billion per year to the United States gross domestic product,” accordingto the Northeast Corridor Commission.
If it comes from ThinkProgress (the flip-side of Faux News) it's almost certain to be a Leftist rant, so, I think I'll pass...

If only theyd had more funding !


If only they had budgeted theyre overfunded, bloated, wasteful handouts more effeciently.

Tough call
Last time I mentioned our crumbling infrastructure I was derided for sounding like a broken record. So six people dead and 140 injured. So six people dead and 140 injured. So six people dead and....

Not to mention that all train traffic between Phila and NYC has been stopped since last night at 9:30. You shut down NYC and the country will come to a halt, too.

the 2 huge stimulus' were supposed to fix the infastructure.

Last time I mentioned our crumbling infrastructure I was derided for sounding like a broken record. So six people dead and 140 injured. So six people dead and 140 injured. So six people dead and.....

And you have no evidence that this has anything to do with the accident, so until you do, shut your hole.

We still need to spend money on our infrastructure. Plus, it would create jobs and help the economy.
This line, the Northeast Corridor, is a nightmare to ride. The rail system between D.C. and Boston hasn't been updated in over 60 years.

But bomb, bomb, bomb ....bomb, bomb Iran. Yeah baby! Defense spending trumps our own citizens' ability to get to work every day.

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck
(140 injured)

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck - WSJ

The Chinese, French, Italians, Japanese, et al. are laughing at us.
I thought Obama was going to fix the infrastructure.

What have we gotten for the additional $10 trillion in debt?
This line, the Northeast Corridor, is a nightmare to ride. The rail system between D.C. and Boston hasn't been updated in over 60 years.

But bomb, bomb, bomb ....bomb, bomb Iran. Yeah baby! Defense spending trumps our own citizens' ability to get to work every day.

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck
(140 injured)

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck - WSJ

The Chinese, French, Italians, Japanese, et al. are laughing at us.

This had nothing to do with our 'crumbling infrastructure'. Leftists seize upon every incident and tragedy that occurs in order to make up their Christmas list of 'cut military spending' and 'increase pork'. This accident was due to human negligence and nothing else.
This line, the Northeast Corridor, is a nightmare to ride. The rail system between D.C. and Boston hasn't been updated in over 60 years.

But bomb, bomb, bomb ....bomb, bomb Iran. Yeah baby! Defense spending trumps our own citizens' ability to get to work every day.

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck
(140 injured)

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck - WSJ

The Chinese, French, Italians, Japanese, et al. are laughing at us.

This had nothing to do with our 'crumbling infrastructure'. Leftists seize upon every incident and tragedy that occurs in order to make up their Christmas list of 'cut military spending' and 'increase pork'. This accident was due to human negligence and nothing else.
I imagine the engineer was a texting, semi-disabled union member, and the train was going 90mph+.

Long history of substance abuse and incidents too.

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