Massive Crowd comes out for Sanders in Boston

You got to love the STUPID PEOPLE that come out for this guy who fails Economics 101! But, then again, MORE of them LOVE a murderous, lying, corrupt bitch.... Obola is a disease for DemocRATS only!

I think most people agree that there needs to be infrastructure but the way that it has been gone about in the past was not working.

Free College?

No. They do need to get the elementary schools back to where children actually can read, write and do basic math before going on into middle school-junior high.

Expand Social Security. With what?

End police brutality. Is he going to personally make sure each local district does this?

What is transform our energy program. Give more money to corn growers for they can give more to Monsanto and the likes?

The only man worth the shit running for president 2016!!!!

He gives a damn about stopping the corporations from gutting this country, he gives a shit making America competitive once again and educating our children.

What do the filthy republicans have? CUT NOW!!!! Kill, deregulate and give more to the bums that have fucked this country.

The only man or woman......
You got to love the STUPID PEOPLE that come out for this guy who fails Economics 101! But, then again, MORE of them LOVE a murderous, lying, corrupt bitch.... Obola is a disease for DemocRATS only!

I think most people agree that there needs to be infrastructure but the way that it has been gone about in the past was not working.

Free College?

No. They do need to get the elementary schools back to where children actually can read, write and do basic math before going on into middle school-junior high.

Expand Social Security. With what?

End police brutality. Is he going to personally make sure each local district does this?

What is transform our energy program. Give more money to corn growers for they can give more to Monsanto and the likes?

Agree that we need to reform our educational system, but I think education should be a goal throughout a persons life. We're better off making it easy to get.

We can expand science, r&d and remain the most powerful nation on this planet throughout the next 200 years if we play our cards right. Cutting stupidly won't result in anything besides a poorer America.
“If socialists understood economics they wouldn't be socialists.”
-Friedrich Hayek



Ancient Rome, Greece and China taxed their populations to build infrastructure, invested in science and educated their children. Marx was a idiot that didn't even believe in government at the end of the day and Lenin was a thug.

Oh''that's right the loserterian wants to do away with government and let everything go to shit in America.
“If socialists understood economics they wouldn't be socialists.”
-Friedrich Hayek

This has got WHAT to do with DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM. I think you need to go look at Democratic Socialist nations in Europe...not even CLOSE to Communist. Course anyone who quotes Hayek and thinks Democratic Socialism is communism is a moron not worthy of living.
Yeah Bernie is just who,we need to negotiate with Putin, China, and Iran. When Democratic spineless ness and ineptitude start a war, there won't be any money for science, social,security, or college. 73 year old lifelong socialists just don't get it.

The only man worth the shit running for president 2016!!!!

He gives a damn about stopping the corporations from gutting this country, he gives a shit making America competitive once again and educating our children.

What do the filthy republicans have? CUT NOW!!!! Kill, deregulate and give more to the bums that have fucked this country.

You're actually trying to reason with a Portfolio Conservative?
Hell, slave labor is what it's all about.
Vote Sanders in 2016!!!


My guess is you've never actually listened to what Sanders has to say.
Oh, I know, "He's an f'in commie (That's what Fox Says!), so I'm not gonna waste my time!"
But you'll waste your time posting here.
It will be interesting to see how all the people hoping for an outsider react when a year from now the choice is Jeb! vs Hillary? I am not a fan of either one, but there is a lot of time left on the clock. It is like the underdog team staying competitive in the first half only to be overtaken and beaten soundly by the end of the game. Jeb! and Hillary will coast to the nomination in the end.
It will be interesting to see how all the people hoping for an outsider react when a year from now the choice is Jeb! vs Hillary? I am not a fan of either one, but there is a lot of time left on the clock. It is like the underdog team staying competitive in the first half only to be overtaken and beaten soundly by the end of the game. Jeb! and Hillary will coast to the nomination in the end.
Jeb who is polling at 4% and at this rate won't even be on the adult stage at next debate and Hillary who is gonna drop like a rock (more than she already is) after the debate on Tuesday night.

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