MASSIVE explosion in Beirut levels entire city blocks

Why is the smoke red?

Solid rocket fuel....?

Abbas Ibrahim, chief of Lebanese General Security, said it might have been caused by highly explosive material that was confiscated from a ship some time ago and stored at the port. Local television channel LBC said the material was sodium nitrate.

Witnesses reported seeing a strange orange-colored cloud over the site after the explosion. Orange clouds of toxic nitrogen dioxide gas often accompany an explosion involving nitrates.


The big white building is still standing?
Watching it get engulfed in the explosion I thought for sure it had been leveled.

Here it is
View attachment 371157

We should pray for Lebanon, innocent peoples have got to have died, it would be a miracle if nobody was killed with that monster.

I expect the death toll to be in the hundreds. There were supposedly firemen fighting the first fire when the big explosion detonated.

By the number of separate videos trained on the initial smoke when the big one went off, I presume the fire had been going on for a long time before the that.

One article stated that water from the fire hoses may had contributed to the explosion.

With all the collapsed buildings and cars I've seen so far in various videos, your miracle of zero deaths is highly unlikely.

I know adding water to an Ammonium Nitrate fire is a bad idea.
An attempt at cleaning human feces off the streets? If it worked then there's be a bidding war between American city-shitholes for the product.
Reports are coming in that it was felt 100 miles away.
I heard it was even felt in Cyprus.
In this case, Cyprus is a city about 5 miles from Beirut.
They said the island. 149 miles away.
According to the BBC there may have been two explosions and could be linked to the trial of members of Hezbollah charged in the assassination of the prime minister:

"A UN tribunal is due to issue its verdict in the trial of four suspects in the murder by car bomb of Hariri."
"The possible second explosion was reported to be at the Hariri residence in the city."

Accordeing to CNN, a fire in a fireworks warehouse. But CNN never gets anything right since they stopped doing news.

Accordeing to CNN, a fire in a fireworks warehouse.

Were they making "fireworks" to send to Israel?
It's a brilliant idea to store explosives DOWNTOWN, where there are thousands of people and office buildings. Only in the Camel Countries.....

According to the BBC there may have been two explosions and could be linked to the trial of members of Hezbollah charged in the assassination of the prime minister:

"A UN tribunal is due to issue its verdict in the trial of four suspects in the murder by car bomb of Hariri."
"The possible second explosion was reported to be at the Hariri residence in the city."

Accordeing to CNN, a fire in a fireworks warehouse. But CNN never gets anything right since they stopped doing news.

Accordeing to CNN, a fire in a fireworks warehouse.

Were they making "fireworks" to send to Israel?
Seriously are they still saying that, even after the Interior minister admitted otherwise?
If one believes in Karma here it is... Hezbollah destroying itself by the same means they've used against their enemies for years..........
Reports are coming in that it was felt 100 miles away.
I heard it was even felt in Cyprus.

When the natural gas salt dome storage leaked and then exploded in Brenham Texas I felt it in Houston 75 miles away.
The walls of the shop visibly shuddered and tools on the shelves rattled.
Thank God it was out in the boonies or a shitload of people would have died.

Apparently it leaked for a long time and filled low lying areas with natural gas..... then some poor bastard drove into the cloud setting it off.

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Looks like 9-11...

What would make the explosion smoke bright red like that? Do you know or does anyone know?

Strontium though the smoke looks more orange to me.

I don’t know if this applies here or not. This was studying mining blasts. Maybe you will-
The orange/red coloration is caused by the presence of NO2 which is a direct product of the detonation process, and is also produced in the after burning reactions and by the secondary oxidation of NO to NO2 as the cloud mixes with air. Both NO and NO2 are toxic gases, as indicated by the NIOSH recommended
exposure limits (REL) for a 10-hour work day of 25 ppm and 2 ppm respectively . The cloud due to NO2
is both more noticeable and potentially more toxic.

twitter is citing someone that it was ammonium nitrate i.e. fertilizer confiscated by the government that was ignited by the first smaller fire in the same warehouse. So sounds like they were fighting Fire #1 with water and that caused Explosion #1.

That would make a lot of sense...Just ask those people who survived the Texas City blast in 47.

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