Massive voter fraud uncovered

Might want to mention that to The President...just quietly.

Why? It's not voter fraud...can't you read, loon? If he had voted in two states then it would have been fraud
Trump Twits...
"I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and...."

You might want to mention to him that it's not illegal to be registered in two states.

It's not illegal....why should I? Again, can't you read or are you just going to repeat the same shit over and over again?
It would be SAD for him to spend all that money carrying out a fraud investigation on something that...well...isn't fraud.
Doncha think?

I think you missed what you yourself posted...illegals voting.

You're tiresome....and well just stupid
Fair enough...English is obviously your second language.
You're doing pretty well considering that and your other disadvantages.
This is impossible, I was told that we have checks in place & that there was no proof that anything like this occurred
This is impossible, I was told that we have checks in place & that there was no proof that anything like this occurred
I dunno...but it seems to me that Trump is declaring the whole election a fraud.
It won't hurt to check into the voter fraud… Who knows what they'll come up with
What is this, the third or fifth time this inane left wing ignorance was posted? It's not illegal to be registered in two states. Sometimes people are registered to vote when they get a drivers license or register a new car. It's only a crime when you vote twice in the same election and it's not alleged that these people voted twice. It's well known that politically astute college kids who are registered in their home and also in the college town (usually democrats) think it's cool to send an absentee vote home and vote again. It's no secret that desperate democrats intentionally register aliens and illegal aliens with fraudulent paperwork and then bus them to the polling place. That's why the democrat party is against a voter I.D.
What is this, the third or fifth time this inane left wing ignorance was posted? It's not illegal to be registered in two states. Sometimes people are registered to vote when they get a drivers license or register a new car. It's only a crime when you vote twice in the same election and it's not alleged that these people voted twice. It's well known that politically astute college kids who are registered in their home and also in the college town (usually democrats) think it's cool to send an absentee vote home and vote again. It's no secret that desperate democrats intentionally register aliens and illegal aliens with fraudulent paperwork and then bus them to the polling place. That's why the democrat party is against a voter I.D.
I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states,...
What is this, the third or fifth time this inane left wing ignorance was posted? It's not illegal to be registered in two states. Sometimes people are registered to vote when they get a drivers license or register a new car. It's only a crime when you vote twice in the same election and it's not alleged that these people voted twice. It's well known that politically astute college kids who are registered in their home and also in the college town (usually democrats) think it's cool to send an absentee vote home and vote again. It's no secret that desperate democrats intentionally register aliens and illegal aliens with fraudulent paperwork and then bus them to the polling place. That's why the democrat party is against a voter I.D.

All these red states and all these GOP politicians in control all over the country can never seem to prove their fake news claims of voter fraud .
What is this, the third or fifth time this inane left wing ignorance was posted? It's not illegal to be registered in two states. Sometimes people are registered to vote when they get a drivers license or register a new car. It's only a crime when you vote twice in the same election and it's not alleged that these people voted twice. It's well known that politically astute college kids who are registered in their home and also in the college town (usually democrats) think it's cool to send an absentee vote home and vote again. It's no secret that desperate democrats intentionally register aliens and illegal aliens with fraudulent paperwork and then bus them to the polling place. That's why the democrat party is against a voter I.D.

All these red states and all these GOP politicians in control all over the country can never seem to prove their fake news claims of voter fraud .

Clearly, you lack basic facts and even worse, any semblance of intelligence:

No, voter fraud isn’t a myth: 10 cases where it’s all too real

"A study by the watchdog Public Interest Legal Foundation found in just eight Virginia counties, 1,046 alien non-citizens successfully registered to vote. These aliens were only accidentally caught because when they renewed their driver’s license and self-reported, telling authorities they were a non-citizen. This study doesn’t even include the metropolises of Fairfax County and Arlington. Moreover, the FBI opened an investigation in the state after 20 dead people turned in applications to vote."
Fraud could have swung the election to Trump.......coming from Trump's lead advisor

Column: Does Stephen Bannon live in Sarasota County? Because he's registered to vote here

Anyway, this is where Bannon lives, or is supposed to live, still, according to the Sarasota County Supervisor of Elections office. It's the address listed on his voter registration form, effective Aug. 25.

There is only problem: Bannon is also registered to vote in New York City, listing a home address on West 40th Street, and according to a spokesman for the New York State Board of Elections, he voted there in November by absentee ballot.

That means he voted in New York while still registered in Sarasota County, where he did not vote. His voting status in both places remains active, records show

Imagine if it was some poor Mexican who was found to be registered in two states

but the dude didn't vote in both states. hmmmmmm doesn't seem to be any issue right?
Tell it to the judge
let me guess, the judge is another butt hurt liberal just trying to discredit the president
A judge who believes in truth, justice and the American way and won't tolerate criminals who try to vote in two states
but since he didnt try to vote in two states, the judge seems to be a butt hurt piece of shit liberal that is trying to start another non existent Trump scandal
Why are liberals such lying pieces of shit? (no offense intended)
Fraud could have swung the election to Trump.......coming from Trump's lead advisor

Column: Does Stephen Bannon live in Sarasota County? Because he's registered to vote here

Anyway, this is where Bannon lives, or is supposed to live, still, according to the Sarasota County Supervisor of Elections office. It's the address listed on his voter registration form, effective Aug. 25.

There is only problem: Bannon is also registered to vote in New York City, listing a home address on West 40th Street, and according to a spokesman for the New York State Board of Elections, he voted there in November by absentee ballot.

That means he voted in New York while still registered in Sarasota County, where he did not vote. His voting status in both places remains active, records show

Imagine if it was some poor Mexican who was found to be registered in two states


This is old news....Trump still won. Good grief get over your butt hurt already ya daffy whining loons

It is obvious that voter fraud contributed to President Trumps* victory

Can you lie a little harder ?

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