MASSIVE Winning! President Trump Bans Contracts to Anyone Who Associates With Anti-American Far Leftism


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
President Trump is cancelling the cancel culture.


... with our Country, the United States Military, Government Contractors, and Grantees. Americans should be taught to take PRIDE in our Great Country, and if you don’t, there’s nothing in it for you!"

Amazing, the Trumpslide just got five points bigger! Socialism and far left critical race theory has no place in America.
It says contractors’ workers who participate in training that “promotes race or sex-stereotyping or scapegoating similarly undermines efficiency in federal contracting,” adding that it promotes divisiveness and distracts from the “pursuit of excellence.”

“Therefore, it shall be the policy of the United States not to promote race or sex-stereotyping or scapegoating in the Federal workforce or in the Uniformed Services, and not to allow grant funds to be used for these purposes. In addition, Federal contractors will not be permitted to inculcate such views in their employees,” the order said.
It builds on an order issued earlier this month that instructs federal agencies to end diversity-training programs that teach about “white privilege” and critical race theory.

Office of Management and Budget Director Russell Vought outlined the directive in a memo.
“The President has directed me to ensure that Federal agencies cease and desist from using taxpayer dollars to fund these divisive, un-American propaganda training sessions,” Vought wrote. “Executive Branch agencies have spent millions of taxpayer dollars to date ‘training’ government workers to believe divisive, anti-American propaganda.”

“For example, according to press reports, employees across the Executive Branch have been required to attend trainings where they are told that ‘virtually all White people contribute to racism’ or where they are required to say that they ‘benefit from racism,’” the memo continued. “We cannot accept our employees receiving training that seeks to undercut our core values as Americans and drive division within our workforce.”

You can read the order below.

Trump once again beating the Leftnuts at their own game

I figure it will come down to who controls the House in the next congress. If it's the Democrats then within any spending bill I suspect there will be wording that counter-acts this executive order. Of course if Biden should happen to win the whole issue is mute.
Don't see how such an executive order can be legal.
As much as I think people should be left alone to have whatever beliefs they want, a centralized edict by the executive is the most dangerous of all.
Don't see how such an executive order can be legal.
As much as I think people should be left alone to have whatever beliefs they want, a centralized edict by the executive is the most dangerous of all.
the problem is they arent left alone,,,they are being indoctrinated to believe a certain view and threatened with their jobs if they dont,,,
Don't see how such an executive order can be legal.
As much as I think people should be left alone to have whatever beliefs they want, a centralized edict by the executive is the most dangerous of all.

Indeed, leave them alone to whatever beliefs they want. No need for far left indoctrination and confessions of "white privilege".

Cancel the cancel culture. People may then believe what they want.

Leftists will not leave people alone unless compelled any more than a tape worm would. President Trump serves America again.
Don't see how such an executive order can be legal.
As much as I think people should be left alone to have whatever beliefs they want, a centralized edict by the executive is the most dangerous of all.
Trump is the nationalist authoritarian they've been dreaming of for decades.

And look at them cheer. Shades of Europe, 80, 90 years ago.

Just say it Mac... The AMERICAN we have been dreaming of.

With absolutely nothing to do with the socialist shit show of Europe 80 years ago. Again, American not European.
Mac is full of shit.
A Legendary Understatement.
"In the meantime, all agencies are directed to begin to identify all contracts or other agency spending related to any training on "critical race theory/ "white privilege," or any other training or propaganda effort that teaches or suggests either (1) that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or (2) that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil. "

Could be, I believed Mac only had a problem with 1) in the order. But now I am quite sure, there are problems with 2) as well. So, what is plainly obvious to any American, to the fake American Mac looks problematic.

I wonder if he has confessed his white privilege today.
"In the meantime, all agencies are directed to begin to identify all contracts or other agency spending related to any training on "critical race theory/ "white privilege," or any other training or propaganda effort that teaches or suggests either (1) that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or (2) that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil. "

Could be, I believed Mac only had a problem with 1) in the order. But now I am quite sure, there are problems with 2) as well. So, what is plainly obvious to any American, to the fake American Mac looks problematic.
Mac is a Dimocrat, so you cant really assume he really thinks without clear evidence to support such an extraordinary claim.
"In the meantime, all agencies are directed to begin to identify all contracts or other agency spending related to any training on "critical race theory/ "white privilege," or any other training or propaganda effort that teaches or suggests either (1) that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or (2) that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil. "

Could be, I believed Mac only had a problem with 1) in the order. But now I am quite sure, there are problems with 2) as well. So, what is plainly obvious to any American, to the fake American Mac looks problematic.
Mac is a Dimocrat, so you cant really assume he really thinks without clear evidence to support such an extraordinary claim.

Imagine that, all this time democrats have been teaching people that our great country is racist and evil, and that Americans are evil because of their white skin. Using our tax payer money to do so.

It's abhorrent anyone can stand behind such great evil. President Trump needs to flush the anti-American infestation in its entirety.
Trumpybear is following stupid propaganda again.

He just banned your propaganda. No need to confess your white guilt daily anymore. Now there is a chance to become a normal productive American.

Nah, he's just trying to attract more stupid white his cult.

He has succeeded in attracting almost all Americans.

The only cult of morons here is your Critical Race theory cult. In general it is good to recall that leftists need free shit because they are not as smart and hard working as the rest.

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