Matt Damon moving family to Australia because of Trump

so you are not Australian but from New Zealand?

Aye. Although I can trace my ancestry back to the third fleet...My gt grandmother was Tasmanian....
So where are you from then? I thought you were Texan for some reason. Dunno why...
Why does Matt Damon think we give a shit where he lives? He is one of the few worthless rich people. It isn't like he creates jobs he just takes working peoples money to watch him play make believe

thank you Sir

I wouldn't thank me. There is a reason I thought you were Texan...

aww.. love Texas love all that's related to right wing Texas :2up:....OK you know what I mean?

love President Trump....

love tradition family....

love pristine Oz Love right wing OZ BLESS


aww.. love Texas love all that's related to right wing Texas :2up:....OK you know what I mean?

love President Trump....

love tradition family....

love pristine Oz Love right wing OZ BLESS


How can anybody love the Orange Buffoon. I don't mind tradition, but Bleh to trumpie

aww.. love Texas love all that's related to right wing Texas :2up:....OK you know what I mean?

love President Trump....

love tradition family....

love pristine Oz Love right wing OZ BLESS


How can anybody love the Orange Buffoon. I don't mind tradition, but Bleh to trumpie

Hi again to you Dr Grump! hello :huddle: hi??

I love

I love President Trump
if anyone needs to move to australia, its Maxine Waters and High Cheif Elizabeth Warren,,at least they will be close to their relatives,,right?
if anyone needs to move to australia, its Maxine Waters and High Cheif Elizabeth Warren,,at least they will be close to their relatives,,right?

Maxine Wates??????????????




DEAR Lord do not let these communist scum polute Australian beaches

please send them to Hawaii
I lived in Australia, he’ll be back
Me too, it lasted 3 months.
Other than Brisban, Sydney and Melbourne..
The rest of the country looks like Arizona.
What a Cambridge/Boston boy will be doing in Australia, I have no clue.
By the way, It's a federal crime to get into a fight with Kangaroos in Australia nevermind shooting them.
They are very strict with their gun laws.
Damon will come back in no time.
He is still a great actor though and so is Mel Gibson.

You can shoot Kangaroos in Australia if there are too many of 'em...

Quite a bit of the Eastern seaboard is lush, especially in Queensland...
The banned all firearms in Australia...
if anyone needs to move to australia, its Maxine Waters and High Cheif Elizabeth Warren,,at least they will be close to their relatives,,right?

Maxine Wates??????????????




DEAR Lord do not let these communist scum polute Australian beaches

please send them to Hawaii
isn't Maxine 1\32nd racist kangaroo?
"Matt Damon is moving his family to Australia — in part because the liberal star’s fed up with President Trump.

Damon, 47, reportedly has purchased a property in Byron Bay, New South Wales, according to Sydney’s Sunday Telegraph. The home’s next door to a place owned by Chris Hemsworth — with whom Damon recently appeared in “Thor: Ragnarok.”

A source exclusively tells Page Six: “Matt’s telling friends and colleagues in Hollywood that he’s moving the family to Australia” because the activist actor disagrees with Trump’s policies.
Lol I doubt this is purely about “Trump’s policies.” Damon like any other sane American knows Trump himself is the real problem. The leader of the free world is a whiny, stupid, insecure child stuck in the body of a 71 year old man.
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"Matt Damon is moving his family to Australia — in part because the liberal star’s fed up with President Trump.

Damon, 47, reportedly has purchased a property in Byron Bay, New South Wales, according to Sydney’s Sunday Telegraph. The home’s next door to a place owned by Chris Hemsworth — with whom Damon recently appeared in “Thor: Ragnarok.”

A source exclusively tells Page Six: “Matt’s telling friends and colleagues in Hollywood that he’s moving the family to Australia” because the activist actor disagrees with Trump’s policies.
Lol I doubt this is purely about “Trump’s policies.” Damon any other sane American knows Trump himself is the real problem. The leader of the free world is a whiny, stupid, insecure child stuck in the body of a 71 year old man.
Damian is a shit stain...
ozzies do not want to be poluted by totalitarians communists from America...we only want American's who love Trump's ! Bless

go polute Canada or the Dominican Republic with your leftwing garbage

leave Australia alone

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