Matt Damon Says He Still Used ‘the F-Slur’ for homosexuals Up Until Some ‘Months Ago’ when his daughter convinced him to stop

I give about as much of a shit as to what Matt Damon thinks as I do marky mark wallyberger does. Who cares what some actor thinks? He takes a shit like everyone else does.

If you get bent out of shape over a name then you're too much of a pussy for the world. When I was a kid name calling infuriated me but I was immature and didn't have a tempered emotional state, now name calling gets an eye roll from me at best and then I simply ignore the person and walk away. Name calling is just words, they can't actually hurt you unless you let it. So if fag hurts your feelings well then your a soft ass weak fag.

This whole society needs to be toughened up. Jesus Christ we have so many major problems in this country and all anyone cares about is the right wording and pronoun, getting feelings hurt, renaming everything so no one can be offended and so on. Those are what's important to our country. American society is all a bunch of pussy ass bitches that need to be taken out to the wood shed.
Sticks and Stones---Grow a thicker skin---Words that have served me well for many years.
Matt Damon is a patriot, Ben Affleck is a pussy

let me rephrase that

Matt Damon is a patriot, Ben Affleck is a fag
I actually started using that term again in spite ever since the homo-fascist agenda began taking greater effect.
i don't care whatever anyone calls me

you can be honest with me. i'm a big boy
tell us more!

why would matt damon freely share that lol

Because AmmeriCants consider shit like this to be an important priority
I wonder how Brittany is coming along ?
Mr Cosby ?
The American Left is incapable of grasping the concept of MALICE. Matt Damon cannot possibly have any antipathy against fags because he works with them all the time and has mutually satisfying relationships with them. He uses the term as shorthand, because the other semantic options are cumbersome and silly.

Hence, when he refers to a HOMOSEXUAL as a "fag," it is not a slur; it is just a common description.

If he were to refer to someone who he knows is NOT a homosexual as a "fag," in derogation of that person, then we might have something to talk about.

Malice. Think about it.

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